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The Forum > Article Comments > Why a sustainable Australia needs multiculturalism > Comments

Why a sustainable Australia needs multiculturalism : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 20/8/2010

Neither of the major parties has a policy that addresses cultural diversity as a dimension of policy planning.

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Dereck, I haven't called Jay any names except Jay of Melbourne. However, I have described the hateful nonsense he writes, with which you don't seem to have any problem, as "racist filth".

You need to look up the term 'miscegenation'. If current trends continue, within a few centuries everybody will be coffee-cloured - which is of course what racists are terrified of. If everybody was much the same colour, then there'd be no basis for racist ideology so they'd have to hang their bigotry on some other point of essential difference.

Instead of disingenuously feigning offence in order to distract from the truly offensive racist drivel that Jay has posted here, why don't you tell us your position with respect to the blatant racism he expresses? Indeed, if you put your mind to it you could also address Andrew Jakubowicz's article rather than trying to divert attention from it.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 23 August 2010 6:27:57 AM
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Here's an election wrap-up from one of Jay's heroes*:


Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 23 August 2010 8:30:15 AM
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@ Baygon

Hi.. actually.. I'm not sure what to make of your last post mentioning me.. because your previous post responded to mine and I thought we were doing ok.. I've not yet posted since then.. so I suspect your 'fear' thing is more directed at others ?

I take your point about the "workaround" re the cow, but while it is well intentioned, there are 2 points worthy of note.

1/ If we look for a "workaround" for every instance of cultural/religious clash, we will spend out days and our dollars doing nothing but 'working around' trouble spots. Just imagine the Jehovah's witnesses and blood transfusions?

2/ We also need to avoid instantly consigning negative attitudes over multiculturalism to 'fear' and lack of understanding.
It seems to me that to do that is just as shallow as the very thing it criticizes.

Different cultures can get along reasonably ..until there is a crisis or a shortage or.. and this is the most damaging one, where one group develops the perception that, because OF their culture or race, they are being 'neglected' or.. 'targeted' by non them. I've seen this in living color... where it seemed to me that there was an agitator and a planned act of undermining going on at a "Human Rights" event in Kensington flats about a year back.

Remember when the last major terrorist raid took place? (not the one over the past few days) Most of them were Somali's with a couple of Lebs along for the ride. At the 'placation' event, white Aussies in the form of Helen Szoke and Graham Innes waxed eloquent about 'their rights', but said zilch about their 'responsibilities'.

During the 'open time' the agitators went to work.. claiming that the whole terrorism raid was an exercise in "Get the immigrants..all of them"

Do you see the problem?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 23 August 2010 8:35:34 AM
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a) While I think that Andrew Jakubowicz is drawing a rather long bow in linking sustainability with multicuralism,

b) his point that the current population debate is likely to alienate many immigrants is quite valid.

COMMENT.... a) Yes indeedy, it is not only a long seems to me to be deliberate misuse and abuse of scholarly position and credentials for a questionable agenda. It is entirely irrational to link 'sustainability' to multiculturalism.

b) err..'why' ?

If so.. if 'immigrants' are aliented by a talk on 'population'... they have serious issues which need remedial therapy. could mean they each have their own agenda which is to bring as many of 'them' to the country as possible. makes no sense for them to feel alienated. They are here... perhaps they have plans to bring the extended family or the whole tribe down the track?

Can you explore for us your reasons on why 'immigrants' who are already here, might feel alienated by a discussion on either multiculturalism or population?

Any serious discussion on MC will simply state and affirm government policy which is that they can celebrate and practice their culture to the extent where it does not violate Australian law.

Who (apart from the nerfarious agenda mob) could have the slightest problem with that?
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 23 August 2010 8:42:26 AM
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Whoever lifted the rock under which JoM and Derek crawl about please put it back.

What a load of deliberate distortion of my posts. Yes, as CJ said, I want to see more interracial breeding so that we do all end up much the same colour as each other. That would put an end to this nonsense.

Please feel free to use the phrase "put an end" as implying genocide - morons.

Col Rouge welcome back. Still hanging with Boazy? Hows that working out for you?

JoM & Derek you will be relieved to know the above dudes are both white skinned, no fraternisation with shock, horror people of colour, but you might want to ask Boazy AKA ALGOREISRICH the colour of his wife's skin - he does love to talk about his clearly heroic wife. See, with Boazy it is not the color of skin that gets him in a lather but religion.

Whatever it takes to get a bigot thru the night; skin colour, religion, gender.
Posted by Johnny Rotten, Monday, 23 August 2010 9:14:44 AM
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One of the more fascinating features of OLO is the way that it exposes the thought processes that underlie our views.

If we came across such rubbish when chatting in the pub, we'd probably walk away and forget about it. But these posts are destined to stay around for a very long time - an absolute goldmine for future historians.

Boaz, as ever, leads the pack. The past master of the misinterpreted fact, the half-baked sound-bite and the perennial shoulder-chip.

>>[in the UK] Hindu's were adamant that a 'holy cow' they had embraced religiously could not under any circumstances be culled as a precaution over foot and mouth disease. This immediately polarized the community.<<

Poppycock. Tosh. Balderdash.

"We believe government needs to look at whether or not the slaughtering of anything that is ill is actually a wise policy... However, where instances occur of a heard being infected by foot and mouth then the community would obviously listen to the advice and follow the guidelines as laid down by Defra and the appointed vets as a matter of priority."

How did this, perfectly reasonable plea come to "polarize the community", Boaz?

Yet another blatant case of manufactured outrage.

Fortunately, on this occasion your efforts have been drowned out by the strident white-supremacy rants that have surfaced.

>>But...can I have part of the country exclusively for my people?
Can I have all White enclaves, schools and hospitals?<<

The very idea of a "whites-only" enclave, filled with people who think along the same lines as Jay Of Melbourne, is a very sobering concept.

Imagine one of them moving in next door...

There goes the neighbourhood.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 23 August 2010 9:45:00 AM
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