The Forum > Article Comments > Why gay marriage is good for straight women > Comments
Why gay marriage is good for straight women : Comments
By Samantha Stevenson, published 19/7/2010Marriage has long been enshrined in patriarchal and religious values that have done nothing to improve the lot of women.
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Posted by jason84, Sunday, 25 July 2010 10:14:49 PM
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@ runner
One of the most striking discoveries is that gay people have differently-shaped brains. Straight women have symmetrical brains, with two halves roughly the same size, while straight men have a slightly larger right hemisphere. So where do we fit in? Last year, researchers in Sweden found that men’s brains match the neat symmetry of straight women, while lesbians’ brains have the same swollen right hemisphere as straight men. We know for sure that being gay runs in families: around 12 percent of brothers of gay men are themselves gay. But how could there be an evolutionary advantage to a sexuality that makes you far less likely to have kids? Wouldn’t it just die out? Italian scientists cracked this question last year when they stumbled across proof the female relatives of gay men are more fertile than other women. So it seems although these genes are evolutionarily useless if passed on to a man, they are a real evolutionary advantage if passed on to a woman – hence their survival generation after generation. Posted by jason84, Sunday, 25 July 2010 10:35:04 PM
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@ runner
Anyway at the end of the day your going to have people claiming that being gay is a choice and people like myself saying being gay is not a choice. Even if a gay gene was found people would still come up with reasons and excuses as to why people are not born gay, despite the evidence. People who believe that being gay is a choice ultimately end up trying to figure out how to stop it-- like it's a disease or something--instead of trying to help people ACCEPT themselves for who they are and help nurture them into healthy relationships. Posted by jason84, Sunday, 25 July 2010 10:44:38 PM
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the evolution 'theory' comes from very dubious crappy 'science'. It is no surprise that the homosexual lobby use this 'theory' to justify their behaviour. Have they found a gene for paedeophille yet or adultery? I doubt it. You may well accept who you are an adulterer or fornicator or liar or spagetti monster. I prefer to look at myself as a child of my Creator who was born with an adamic nature. Observing reality (true science) backs this up. Through forgiveness and restoration I can be the person God created me to be rather than 'accepting who I am'. Some people accept that they are losers or abusers or heroes or whatever. God says we a all created in His image and that we are all lost because of our sin. Christ came to restore us to God. Posted by runner, Monday, 26 July 2010 12:10:12 AM
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This is interesting reading: Jesus also spoke about eunuchs - some being born; some made ; some choosing to be celibate. Matthew 19:12 For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it. By eunuch - wouldn't the understanding of the day be anyone who doesn't father children with a woman? I suggest that people attracted to the same sex would meet that classification. Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 26 July 2010 2:31:26 AM
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Dear Pynchme,
Once upon at when I was a boy a theory became fact when it was proven. Oh how times have changed, today a theory becomes fact when enough people believe in it. My how the benchmarks have been shifted. Posted by Richie 10, Monday, 26 July 2010 5:19:18 AM
And finally, A number of people believe that sexualisation in society
is going to turn their child gay, My view is that why would a child who is heterosexual turn gay when so most gays and lesbians live in a society with discrimination and random gay bashings, I mean common sense suggests that a kid who is not gay wont want to be gay unless he or she is in fact gay. Being gay is not a sexual urge, people who are gay are generally emotionally and psychically attracted to the same sex. being gay is not a behavior, its a sexual orientation.
There's lots of confusion and general miss-understanding regarding homosexuality, for instance some people think that the childrens tv programme Teletubbies or Spongebob Square Pants is going to turn
their child gay which is rubbish. They also believe that soy milk is going to turn a kid gay, these are just a few examples of the flawed logic and miss-understanding people have.