The Forum > Article Comments > Why gay marriage is good for straight women > Comments
Why gay marriage is good for straight women : Comments
By Samantha Stevenson, published 19/7/2010Marriage has long been enshrined in patriarchal and religious values that have done nothing to improve the lot of women.
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Posted by Richie 10, Monday, 26 July 2010 6:57:30 AM
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Richie 10: <"Once upon at when I was a boy a theory became fact when it was proven. Oh how times have changed, today a theory becomes fact when enough people believe in it. My how the benchmarks have been shifted.">
Dear Richie, The benchmarks haven't shifted Richie, but I get your point. I'm so sad to hear about what your son went through (and you); child abusers do so much damage. However, I can't say whether or not that would cause homosexuality. I know a lot of boys, girls, men and women who have been raped and not become homosexual; and a lot of homosexuals who haven't had that horrible experience. I just can't say and although there is some research about there is, to my knowledge, nothing conclusive about 'causes'. Even if there was a definitive 'cause', I would be unlikely to recognize it. I just accept people as they are. They might choose to impart personal information about their sexuality and any childhood or other trauma. I have often wondered how I would react if I found out that one of my children was attracted to the same sex. After much reflection, I believe that I would embrace them AND their partner and do what I could to support fidelity in that relationship, just as with any other type of pairing. I like the way that writer (the link I posted) put it; something like: God's word may be unchangeable and infallible, but OUR interpretations of his word are not. I have to let Jesus' words and life example guide me; as in prayer. I just don't feel any revulsion. It's not for me personally; but then I don't spend a lot of time imagining what anybody else does in expressing affection between themselves. I hope you are able to keep supporting your son. Bless you. Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 26 July 2010 8:08:52 AM
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Loved the points you made. I notice that all Runner and Richie do is quote bits of ancient text, and regale you with what they think is god's plan - all very judgemental, as usual. Then there are other Christians like Pynchme and Foxy who speak out more like the Jesus I studied when a child; of acceptance and love and understanding that we are all different and unique and not created on a production line of identikit humans. Pynchme I checked your link and was heartened to read it, especially where the father was able to put aside his prejudices in order to help others. I always thought that was the Christian message. Jason84 You are trying to reason with a person who believes in a literal interpretation of the bible. In other words, no amount of solid evidence of the realities of evolution, plate tectonics, fossil records, geology or biological understanding such as DNA, will change his self-serving interpretation of his religion. Fact is Runner is happy to use the discoveries of science such as proselytising on his computer, but rejects the scientific foundation that has made our modern world possible. Posted by Severin, Monday, 26 July 2010 8:36:33 AM
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Dear Pynchme,
Thank you for your post. God is love, and he loves his children, us, and he has no favorites. Some people think that fathers play favorites with their children and I happen to believe that is not so as we are the sum total of learned behavior and our personality. We can change learned behavior but only God can change the nature of the beast. The bible teaches 1 race the human race. Where there is unity there is blessing. Division brings captivity. If we unite as one in Christ all the walls crumble. The world preaches races plural which fosters fear and division not unity. God is love, light and all things positive and if we are against sinners we are not following our fathers example. Just some more thoughts to ponder upon. Ps All thoughts are mine from personal experience not from what someone elses testamony. Regards Richie 10 Posted by Richie 10, Monday, 26 July 2010 8:59:40 AM
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Severin writes
'Fact is Runner is happy to use the discoveries of science such as proselytising on his computer' I would say Severin that you are happy enough to breathe the air our Maker gives, to eat the food He has supplied but don't mind ignoring the obvious and embracing a completely flawed theory to back up your dogma. Posted by runner, Monday, 26 July 2010 11:29:18 AM
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@ runner
People who are gay, are physically and emotionally attracted to the same sex. It's not a behavior. The same romantic feelings you have with the opposite sex is pretty much the same romantic feelings a gay person has with a person of the same sex. The American Psychological Association releasted a statement stressing that “gay conversion” is not benign and that it often has deleterious effects. According to the statement, “The potential risks of ‘gay conversion’ are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behavior, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient. Many patients... were inaccurately told that homosexuals are lonely, unhappy individuals who never achieve acceptance or satisfaction. The possibility that the person might achieve happiness and satisfying interpersonal relationships as a gay man or lesbian is not presented, nor are alternative approaches to dealing with the effects of societal stigmatization discussed... the APA opposes any treatment, such as ‘reparative’ or ‘conversion’ therapy which is based on the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based on a prior assumption that the patient should change his/her sexual orientation.” Posted by jason84, Monday, 26 July 2010 12:28:06 PM
Sorry I missed your post.
In the old testament we have the Abrahamic covenant and the Law given to Moses. A covenant requires the shedding of blood and was sealed with the sign of circumsion. Forgiveness of sin also requires the shedding of blood. Under the Law the blood of an animal was shed to cover sin. The law states in Ex 20-12 Honor your father and mother, (the promise) so that you may live long in the land, the Lord your God is giving you. The Law deals with the consequence of our actions. In the new testament The covenant changes. The blood of one, Jesus takes away the sin of all. A much better covenant based on love, which is a decision based upon our thoughts which lead to our actions. My eldest is a homosexual because he was raped as a child by an adult male. My son now also believes in Jesus. Jesus came to save the lost and he died a horrendous death on the cross to take away the sin of mankind. It is Finished the Price is paid in FULL. You only get your ticket when you stop running from God and go to him (repent) Jesus does not reject the sinner so why should I. A side issue, God hates divorce, children get hurt. Read Mat 19 and it explains Gods view on marriage.
Isaiah 55 is another interesting read.Most people are experts on all manner of subjects but fail to put in the hard yards.
Judge not lest you be judged. If you chose the law you are subject to the penalty of the law. If you chose Jesus you receive grace. (undeserved favor) and that is why I chose to love my son and hate the sin.James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says". Ps I am no expert just a slow learner who tries to put God first and love others as God loves me.