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The Forum > Article Comments > Seven key facts about the Vatican, the Pope and child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy > Comments

Seven key facts about the Vatican, the Pope and child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy : Comments

By Ben Mathews, published 22/4/2010

Recent comments from Vatican officials in the wake of child sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, and the reporting of them, call for some clarification of key concepts to inform public debate and policy responses.

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Kenny, I have two things to add.

First, I should have made it clear that I am not attempting to defend any paedophile, or any other person who has sexually abused a child. My reason for writing this piece is to clarify some ideas so the real reasons for clergy sexual abuse of children (and women) can be identified (and not explained away as ‘paedophilia’), and so the Catholic Church cannot claim it can end the clergy sexual abuse crisis by eradicating ‘paedophilia’.

Second, you’ve drawn my attention to the need to give more detail about my conclusion that most cases of clergy sexual abuse of children are not technically ‘paedophilia’ (due to word limits, I could not write everything):
1. Dr Lothstein, who has treated hundreds of Catholic priests, states ‘I’ve only seen a handful of men who’ve actually been genuine paedophiles, when you use that term correctly’;
2. Recall that paedophilia involves activity with only prepubertal children, and the average age of onset of puberty in boys is about 11.5, and in girls it is about 10.9 (see eg Parent et al, “The Timing of Normal Puberty’ (2003) 24(5) Endocrine Reviews 668-693, p 670-672);
3. In light of this, and if you read the John Jay report, Tables 3.5.5 and 3.5.6, you’ll see the figures provided for the age groups indicate strongly that: (a) those aged 15-17 are almost certainly not ‘genuine paedophilia’; (b) most of those in the 11-14 age group are probably not ‘genuine paedophilia’; (c) these two groups are 78.2% of all the cases where this question was answered; (d) some and possibly most cases in the 8-10 age group may be ‘genuine paedophilia’, but even some of these may not be (eg if the child was not pre-pubertal); and (e) those in the age 1-7 group (the smallest group by far) are far more likely the victims of ‘genuine paedophilia’.
4. These tables show a strong decline over time in victims in the 1-7 and 8-10 age groups, and an overall increase in victims in the 15-17 year age group.
Posted by Ben M, Monday, 26 April 2010 11:41:00 AM
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I suspect the church heirarchy has polical cliques evident in strenghth, like all large organisations. Moreover, being a "brotherhood", they are willing to protect each other as do the military and police. Sometimes fall guys are offered to placate the crowd, yet, the top teams all too often escape accountability: Somewhat analogous to blaming ships' captains for the mistakes of the War Office: e.g., the sinking of the Lusitana in WWI.

I appreciate that often the Bishops may not be front-line offenders, yet, they should be hauled into Court is there is evidence of covering-up a crime.


A person I know tells of a boarding school Catholic Brother, relating from experiences in his youth. The brother would test the warmth of the water in all the boys' showers, while they where showering. The thing was, the water came from a common source and had a common heat
Posted by Oliver, Monday, 26 April 2010 11:48:05 AM
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Ben M.,

How many times have educators used the word pedagogy (children) when there mean androgogy (adults)? I think the same applies for common usage of terms here?

All these age-differential conditions fall under the arching term gerontophilia, wherein, we can have the reverse situation, say, a 20 year old only attacted to octogenarians
Posted by Oliver, Monday, 26 April 2010 2:37:27 PM
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The seedy scandal that has rocked the Vatican will live another day. An obscene travesty perpetuated for centuries, and condoned by Pope's and Bishops alike is unlikely to go away, or swept under the carpet. As George Bush said: " the buck stops with me ". Anyone with an inkling of empathy and compassion for victims of this sordid crime, should front up and shoulder some of the blame. Spruiking profuse apologies is so much worthless mouthing. It flows off a ducks back. Measure dollar for dollar. " put your money where your mouth is " - saying goes.

Ben Mathews's article is enlightening, and I am sure many are shocked, saddened and put off by the betrayal of the Catholic Church to the vast congregations of practicing Catholics, throughout Australia. Catholic schools, seminaries, nunneries etc are repulsed by the attitude of some clergy, but more salient is the inexorable shame by hierarchy, for showing their true colors, shirking their responsibilities from which they are amply rewarded, and showing no rectitude whatsoever ! The deluded Bishops are blaming the victims - as if 200 deaf mutes had any choice in the matter ?

The centuries old Vatican bureaucracy, comprising the elite " curia " or old boy's club, is the citadel of power within the Church. It maintains a culture of secrecy and duplicity. Herein lies the heartland of the CC.

The New York Times recently publicized the story of " Bad shepherd - God's Rottweiler Joseph Ratzinger ". Referring to his utmost contempt for his fellow priest, but importantly his impotence for not doing more to heal the rift that threatens the very foundations of the CC. In Boston alone over 10,000 suffered daily abuse by 4400 priest who swear oaths of allegiance to Almighty, administer the Holy sacraments, and continue to rape children ? 15,000 Irish children suffered untold bestiality at the hands of 5400 clergymen.

Newsweek highlighted the plight of the Church in Washington, and the good work carried out by moral crusader Attorney Jeff Anderson, who for two decades pursued errant clergymen, exacting tens of
Posted by jacinta, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 3:39:14 PM
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millions for misconduct and obnoxious filth.

Personally, these sexual deviants should be incarcerated, castrated and thrown among proscribed psychotics, to endure some of the disgusting malfeasance meted out on their innocent sufferers. Seldom, if at all, are these hypocrites subjected to the full extent of the Law. Plea bargaining, and character references from prominent Politicians, Judiciary etc predictably absolves them from jail time. Pity, they dont show the same remorse to their childhood victims. Until, something is implemented to curb this insidious malignancy, priest will continue to offend.

The Holy See, it is widely claimed is protected by Foreign Sovereignty and is above prosecution in a Civil Court. Rubbish. Several high-flying Attorneys and High Court Judges in Britain, have unequivocally stated the Pope can be brought to justice in Courts across the Land, and The International Court of Justice in the Hague, on crimes against Humanity. The spurious claim that the Vatican is a Sovereign State is disputable. That it was acknowledge by Italy first, and followed by successive Govts, paying lip service to the Vatican's Ambassadorial exchanges. It requires fortitude, loads of cash, and a determined team of like-minded individuals or NGO's to mount a challenge. The gambit formerly brought Chilean General Pinochet, and Serbian leader Milosevic to justice for similar crimes. Hitherto, they claimed Sovereign Rights exemption. Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge leader in Cambodia should have been tried " in absentia ", along with Idi Amin. Mugabbe etc.

The Vatican is in overdrive in damage control. Ratzinger's spokesperson Cardinal Lombardi was at pains to defend Benedict XVI, committing gaffe after gaffe, comparing the Jewish Holocaust with JR"s predicament. Tellingly, Lombardi created a distinguished (cv) persona of His Holiness, exuding his piousness and humility, his intellectual acumen in Doctrines of the Faith. He painted his Pope as a saintly Apostle of St Peter, and heir to the Throne of His Kingdom ? Among his other vices, include his penchant for royal sable, soft mole skin (red) shoes. DVD's in which he is accompanied by Rome's Philharmonic Orchestra, and his devotion to his favourite charity. He was an avid skier.
Posted by jacinta, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 4:46:31 PM
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The Vatican in WWII, under Pious XII was condemned for not preventing the Holocaust, openly resisting Nazism, and condoning some of the atrocities committed by the Waffen-SS ( Schutztaffel ) On his watch, the CC in Germany, and occupied territory practiced business as usual. Many Priest were denounced and sent to the gas chambers. Others practiced Nazism and wholeheartedly supported the regime.

Lombardi characterised Ratzinger's early childhood as one of a book-worm. Devoted to his Parents, with a brother alienated from Hitler ( Jugend ) Youth Brigades, which in 1942 boasted 2,300,000 members. Born in Bavaria, and son of a Police Officer, it is unlikely, either would not have embraced the highly visable protege of the SS. At an impressible age of 14, and Germany at it's peak, it was compulsary to take an active role in military activities. They beleived in the Fuehrer. The Master race, and all conquering Forces to rule the World. To the sound of martial music, flags fluttering, jack boots and Heil Hitler, the exuberance would have been daunting to resist. Yet, Lombardi insists, JR was a reluctant soldier. Considering his pater was a staunch Police Officer, with an undeniable history of anti-Semitism, racial superiority, and pro-nazi, the precept doesn't ring true. Lombardi insists RJ was in the Luffwaffe, and in an antiaircraft battery ?

In the dying days of WWII, the Jugend was sent to bolster the Panzers, and rear guard the depleted infantry, in house-to-house combat. They committed some appalling atrocities against fellow Germans civilians, accusing them of treachery, and setting fire to their homes. They dragged women and children out in the streetys and hanged them from lamp posts, as a reminder the War was not completely lost. Children themselves, they fiendishly tortured, maimed and murdered thousands of their fellowe men and women. None were brought to justice. The Allies maintained their child-like innocence was too much to expect otherwise. The comparison with their own off spring was like chalk and cheese !

The Vatican may try by all it's abundant resources, to whetheyr the storm with denials and procrastinations, nevertheless
Posted by jacinta, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 5:19:38 PM
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