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The Forum > Article Comments > Seven key facts about the Vatican, the Pope and child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy > Comments

Seven key facts about the Vatican, the Pope and child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy : Comments

By Ben Mathews, published 22/4/2010

Recent comments from Vatican officials in the wake of child sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, and the reporting of them, call for some clarification of key concepts to inform public debate and policy responses.

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Squeers.....I'm a practising Catholic and I wholeheartedly agree that the way the hierarchy has handled this evil is indefensible. The fact that John Paul II rewarded the disgraceful Cardinal Law of Boston (USA) with a safe life in Rome living in a palace and, allegedly, on a handsome monthly income. I agree, much is anachronistic.....the pomp and ceremony; the imperialistic posturing of the popes; the effeminate dressingup by the male hierarchy; the treatment of women; the fear of sex ( the celibate state is lauded as being holier than the married state except many priests do not believe it) etc etc.

However, that is not the Church. The Church is the local community gathered for Eucharist and where, through St Vincent de Paul etc, much good is done.

The Roman hierarchy, I fear, has been so institutionalised that their humanity has been adversely affected. Without the warmth and energy of the female presence and embrace they seek it in the "Virgin" Mary and in wearing effeminate gear (lace, dresses etc).
Posted by Francis, Thursday, 22 April 2010 7:39:17 PM
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All the latest figures require taking into account FULLY and all the mongrels to be caught charged and thrown into gaol for the rest of their days. Very sadly, these are only the cases known about. As I have stated in another thread Brothers were also paedophiles within boarding schools. I dread to think what the figures and cover-ups in each boarding school are.

Francis, you are correct in your viewpoint; something I was trying to convey in some of my earlier threads ie 'not the catholic church as a whole, rather the hierarchy and administrative side of the church, in addition to the criminals/paedophiles'.

A shocking situation and a @#$$##@ disgrace in our country. Those beautiful boys [and girls] innocent with love and fun that was to be all ahead of them.
Posted by we are unique, Thursday, 22 April 2010 8:44:14 PM
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I respect your position, and while I do think the Catholic hierarchy is anachronistic, I can understand the popular appeal of a universal church; especially since, dysfunctional at it (the church) is, there's nothing palatable or sophisticated enough to replace it. The same goes with monarchy; much as it irritates me, I prefer the current system, by far, to the prospect of a popularly elected mega-star (president). What does irk me about the (very idea of the) church is its selfish provincialism--I'm talking here about your "local community gathered for Eucharist". Maybe you should all open the windows and take note of the real world--the way Christ did. But we all tend to take shelter within one faction or another---except Diogenes and the Buddha.

We are unique; let's not indulge in witch hunts, or forget that these crimes against children are not only perpetrated by priests. I bet even some atheists do it.
Posted by Squeers, Thursday, 22 April 2010 9:56:45 PM
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Squeers...I don't regard the hierarchy, ie bishops and priests, as being anachronistic. Rather, the way many carry on, dress Clericalism is part of the problem. Fortunately, a number of the Australian ones are decent, humane human beings. Leadership is vital in any community and bishops and priests are called to provide that leadership and oversight (which is what bishop means). Nor is the concept/reality of Church anachronistic as long as we understand what the word means. The hierarchical model that we have needs a good kick up the bum for sure and it needs to be heavily pruned of a lot of the historical accretions that sprung up over time. Considering the Catholic Church is the world's largest non-government humanitarian organization I'm not sure how it could be replaced. What is required of the Roman Catholic Church is a profound reformation. Re monarchy......I'm a republican!

What is "selfish" about the local Church gatherered for Eucharist? Is it any more selfish than the local Rotary gatehred for a meal, fellowship etc (or Lions, or RSL etc etc)? Without the local parish you wouldn't have the local SVDP!
Posted by Francis, Thursday, 22 April 2010 10:19:07 PM
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It is obvious that the author is out of his depth in mathematical logic. On the John Jay statistics, almost three quarters of victims were 14 or younger, which, given a large sample of 4392 perpertrators, clearly suggests that most cases of clergy abuse could be regarded as paedophilia.
He asserts that "It is simply wrong to claim that homosexuals are paedophiles, or that there is a causal relationship between homosexuality and paedophilia. It is also wrong to claim that homosexuality is the fundamental or sole problem causing child sexual abuse by clergy." On the John Jay statistics, 81 per cent of victims were male, which indicates that homosexuality is by far the major problem. Complemented by the suggestion above that most abusing clergy are paedophiles, it follows that a causal relationship between homosexuality and paedophilia cannot be ruled out.
Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 22 April 2010 11:57:36 PM
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Best read my comments about paedophilia on the other pope thread and other related threads Squeers. No witch hunt for Christians and Catholics, Athiests, Muslims, any religious or non-religious denominations, given am friends with many of the above over my 47 years as an Australian.

However, was raised as a practicing catholic, mixed and do mix with catholics [my family and friends]and on this forum, Brothers were hardly given a mention. I know of one victim, how many other beautiful kids lives stuffed up as a result of some Brothers?

At the outset, I stated that statistically most paedophilia is committed within family units. This is true, therefore the religious factor is only part of paedophilia in Australia.

I also advised Australians to look at their own families and extended families as paedophilia [based on statistics] is known to be common within families.

Therefore, Squeers, there is no witch-hunt regarding Brothers. Yet, given the high percentage of paedophilia within the catholic 'system' Brothers need to be also taken into account for investigation.

OLO posters are correct in the majority. The old catholic system I was raised in, is in urgent need of being investigated, paedophiles acknowledged, cover ups acknowledged, and the people if found guilty charged.

This is the only way Australian children and adult Victims can move forward and cease these shocking despicable criminal acts that ruin Victims and families lives forever.

I pray that paedophiles lurking within families or alone seek help from professionals on a regular basis and know that in time paedophiles are caught out and dealt with severely.
Posted by we are unique, Friday, 23 April 2010 2:01:45 AM
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