The Forum > Article Comments > Facebook’s new slut page: a monument to girl hatred > Comments
Facebook’s new slut page: a monument to girl hatred : Comments
By Melinda Tankard Reist, published 11/3/2010Since when did it become OK to hate women and girls so publicly and to judge them so mercilessly?
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You know shadow minister, just because people posting on that site may be female doesn't mean its not a feminist issue. The fact is the site denigrates women and girls based on the way they look or their sexual activity. It incites hatred. Dehumanising people to 'that' makes it so much easier to be violent towards them. This type of denigration is damaging and powerful - that makes it a feminist issue. If posts are about targeted bullying then KH you are naive if you think it would just be a single posted picture - the picture/site entry would be promoted for all that person's world to see - it would be part of the bullying strategy - thats how bullying works.
Posted by nelle, Thursday, 11 March 2010 11:45:18 AM
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Facebook and other internet sites have unleashed a great deal of hate that was always there. Imagine what use of the internet could be made before and during the holocaust. There is too much of people throwing their hands in the air and saying "that is the internet - free speech and all" one day we will have a government brave enough to ban such material wherever it comes from.
Posted by DigDoug, Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:26:22 PM
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Bonnie J,
What, like this site... I thought it was empowering and liberating when women were outing the bastards. SM, 'The reality is that probably most of the posters are girls taking a stab at an acquaintance,' Self evident. MTR found the misogynists though! She didn't mention any comments from girls, cant think why ATM. Meditate on that, I will. pelican, You're such a slapper. It's just the same as the random judgemental putting down of other's that you'll see every day on the SMH letters section. Bogans, slappers, McMansions, 4WDers, Plazma TV buyers, bad drivers, evil politicians, 'brain-dead' sportsman, media whore models. It's 2010. Random denigration of people you'll never know or meet, or generic stereotypes of said people, the more outrageous the better, is commonplace. Judgement is a reality TV sport from The Biggest Loser to Super-Nanny. Monkey see monkey do. Next time you lambaste that McMansion living 4WD driving bogan who spent their baby bonus on a plazma TV, that enviro-vandal shallow capitalist, watch the kids; They'll pipe in with, yeah, and she's probably a massive slut too! Look at those ass antlers! I love the internet. It allows everyone an *equal* chance to scream to the world how much they hate 'those people'. MTR hates men, I hate OLO posters. Hate is in. Embrace it! It's the new black. Precisely because of this phenomena, nobody really takes any notice. It's just noise. Venting. Luxuriating in anti-PC hyperbole. Nobody takes much stake in what is posted anonymously on the internet, no matter how much you lot on OLO think you're saving the world. One of my favourites used to be that chav scum website, or it's poor imitation I look forward for the next example of MTR searching and finding the outrage she desires and at the same time confirming for herself the world is full of scary nasty misogynists. It entertains me greatly. The more I read of Melinda (misogynists under the bed) Tankard Reist, the more I wonder at the emotional problems of such a frightened woman. Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 11 March 2010 1:10:41 PM
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Hooray for the Huzza who nailed it. Yep, what you're reading on the Internet once used to be the private domain where pubescent boys and girls met and smoked cigarettes and generally said silly and disgusting things.
The problem is now we've given these children access to the Internet and people like Tankard are reporting it. Is it bad? No. Will they grow out of it? Probably. Can we do anything about it? Nope. Posted by Cheryl, Thursday, 11 March 2010 1:29:28 PM
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Hazza this is no more whining or whingeing than people whining about censorship of the Net - even only minor tweakings as this article highlights.
Houlley ...slapper (snigger). I thought it was taken as a given that the message in this article relates to all sites like it including those that invade the privacy of men. Orange Donkey Personally I don't care if a woman or a man enjoys sex with numerous partners - their choice. This is not just about the double standards in regards to 'sluts', but about posting private information on the web. What people do in their lives is their business. Bottom line is do we agree or disagree that one's private activities should be placed on the web without a person's permission? It's that easy IMO. Posted by pelican, Thursday, 11 March 2010 1:38:34 PM
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Cheryl, you assume that it is children signing up to this facebook group?
You're incorrect. Sure, some were from teenagers, but Many of the photos came from men, others came from women saying "she slept with my boyfriend and has std's." Many people who posted appeared to be in their 30's and even older than that. If they haven't grown out of it now, they never will. Regardless, we do not need a facebook page that facilitates this crap. You've got a problem with someone? Tell your best friend over a coffee. Don't do the equivalent of taking out an advertisement in a national newspaper. Posted by Elka, Thursday, 11 March 2010 1:41:54 PM