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Stark raven Barnaby Joyce : Comments

By Brian Matthews, published 25/2/2010

According to Joe Hockey, Barnaby Joyce is 'real' while Kevin Rudd and Lindsay Tanner are 'not real' ...

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How on earth can you make such a statement in the light of so much detailed debate? First, if you wish to be informed on this topic, go to OLO's The 'global warming' scam: a crime against humanity, by Mr Monckton, dated 11 Jan, then read the 275 postings, then, if you still think that climate change is still a natural phenomenon, go to a website where this stuff is discussed seriously, ie Do you think that all these people are idiots, conmen, conspirators, layabouts, ne'r-do-wells, pinkos and lefties?

Rather than make such fatuous comments, what about you and your like minded compatriots writing at least one peer-reviewed paper that demonstrates that climate change and all that is being discussed endlessly is just "natural". And please don't claim that Monckton has written a peer-reviewed article, unless you think that review by an hereditary peer counts.
Or maybe, you could borrow somebody's iphone and look at the Skeptical Science App that addresses most of the furphies that you guys repeat endlessly without the slightest heed of the mountains of evidence that exists.
"There is none so blind as those who will not see
Posted by Jedimaster, Friday, 26 February 2010 10:04:46 PM
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Hang on there boys, I know this is slightly off topic, but this is interesting ..

jedim/examino etc - are you folks saying that there is no climate change that is NOT caused by man?

I think there is some serious confusion here - many people say they believe the climate changes on its own with no help or encouragement from man, but you seem to be denying any change occurs without man - is that correct?

So wobbles, when you heard Barnaby say he believed in climate change, you assume he means AGW.. is that correct?

I believe in climate change, all the evidence is there, the cliamte has always changed and never ever been static. But to say that suddenly mankind is somehow driving it faster or into some dangerous state, all on supposition .. no sorry.

Allt he scientists, well many of them just accept other scientists evidence - not all the scientists who "believe" have actually done the work on causes themselves have they? How many do you reckon actually do that, couple hundred worldwide? Certainly not thousands. How many actually worked on the final IPCC report, 60 odd wasn't it?

So if Barnaby Joyce says he believes in Climate Change, it is NOT dishonest to dismiss AGW, it is perfectly logical - that's the same logic most sceptics and many Australians follow.

The question most sceptics are uncomfortable with is the "caused by man bit - the climate change bit is fine - yes the climate changes, no problem there.
Posted by rpg, Friday, 26 February 2010 10:56:13 PM
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You obviously get your information from dubious sources such as the IPCC, the arch asserter but nonprover of AGW. If you have irrefutable scientific evidence that global warming is driven by human-induced activities, then share it with us by tabling it.
Posted by Raycom, Friday, 26 February 2010 11:09:08 PM
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Read my posting- go to If you dare.

RPG- that is the classical straw man argument. Of course there is natural variability. But there has never been natural variability as large and fast as the last 150 years, correlated with CO2 and aerosols. Perhaps you could widen your reading and dare to spend an hour or two at, too.

Just try, for once.

And while you're at it, reflect on theeffect of agricultural clearing in Australia- was that done by the IPCC or farmers?
Posted by Jedimaster, Saturday, 27 February 2010 5:14:03 AM
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jm regardless of your sneering and insults, I do believe the climate changes, but am skeptical of the causes attributed to man, viz, CO2 - now we may have some effects via land clearing sure - but that's just another dodge by you and your ilk from the argument at hand.

"The need to reduce CO2" is the mega argument, the rest is just frippery for when you get prodded for reasons.

No amount of BS and skating around throwing all manner of reasons will justify the central argument that CO2 has to be reduced or DOOM WILL BEFALL US ALL. That's the big one, the reason for the IPCC's existence, the reason for all the mountains of AGW funding, isn't it?

We could pollute less, sure no problem, compost green waste, we do - but that's not the BIG issue.

I've been to realclimate, and it is so biased it is unbelievable, I see the way sceptics are treated - no thanks, I don't need yet more insults - if you want to change people's viewpoint - try to insult them less, just for a start .. go on I dare you to be polite from now on to sceptics on OLO.

No wonder so few people understand Barnaby Joyce, they don't even understand the people they insult on a daily basis!
Posted by rpg, Saturday, 27 February 2010 7:06:22 AM
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Like the man said,

What's that,... up in the sky is it bird... is it a plane?.....No it's SUPER Conservative Paranoia!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen the topic has left the building"
Posted by examinator, Saturday, 27 February 2010 12:51:47 PM
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