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France is a world winner in Football and you know that there are seven players are Muslims bit look the way Muslim community has been treated in France. They are the underdogs of the French society. But why do you expect from the so called civilised French? They must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different.

Muslim immigrants have been arriving here because their skills are needed by the society and economy. With out constant flow of immigrants British society and economy would bleed to death. It is the duty of the host community to open their doors to invite immigrants for a cup of tea and listen to their issues and problems. Immigrants, legal or illegal are the creators of Britain new wealth, otherwise, inner cities deprived areas could not get new lease of life. The native Brits regard such areas as ghettoes. Integration is not religious and cultural, it is economic and Muslims are well integrated into British society and at the same time they are proud of their Islamic, linguistic and cultural identities, inspite of discrimination they have been facing in all walks of life. According to UN, 80% of British Muslims feel discriminated. They are less burden on social services. Immigrants made up 8.7% of the population, but accounted for 10.2% of all collected income tax.

There will never be an end to immigration because of low birth rate and ageing population. Actually the risks of curtailing immigration are much greater than continuing to allow immigrants to enter. Without immigrants we will be faced with a similar problem to Japan, an ageing population a shrinking workforce and a dependency ratio so large that there would not be enough people in work to support our ageing population.
Posted by Iftikhar, Tuesday, 17 July 2018 9:07:36 PM
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The solutions for taking care of the elderly can come in different ways. One solution that has some historic roots is that family members would take care of their parents. Either by having the parents move in with them when they get older, or pay for privite care if there is that need.

Though this might not meet all the needs, it is an option that could hypothetically take place if government help was no longer able to fund for the elderly.

Open migration is a sign of a welcoming country. Not a demand on a healthy economy. With that in mind, if Muslims wanted to integrate into the societies they move to, then they they would probabley be more welcomed. As of now, your posts show that you don't want Muslim interagration, but you want Muslims to remain pure and seperate from the host society they reside in. That is a strain on any country as it would be on any household to remain welcoming. Be more involved in becoming part of the country instead of demanding the country be more like you if you want a welcoming country.

Or if becoming part of the country is too much of a task, then ask for no demands and strive to be kind to your neighbors and countrymen. That way you will not be a strain on the host country you reside in and it will give you a spot in it's culture because of your own welcoming and kind attitude.

That second part should be easier to accomplish then a growing list of demands to place on the conscience of the host nation a migrant would move to. Instead of hostility, terrorism, and crime, do as Jesus taught. To be hospitable, kind and loving to your neighbor, and take the burdens your given (even persecution). To conquor evil by doing good. When Islamic culture shows these elements instead of intolerance and demands that they themselves won't meet, then they will be more welcomed.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 1:11:58 AM
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Death to the infidels doesn't hold much space for tolerance & integration.
So, why are we even discussing Muslim integration ? Isn't it time non-muslims startet to wake up & take the circus serious ?
I know many Muslims who are just normal people who happened to be born into a society that is based on a different superstition to western society yet they go about their daily life in many cases more sensibly than many okkers. They get no mention.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 7:16:40 AM
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The problem with immigration should be handed to the communities which suffer the brunt of it. Those are the powerless in the equation. People's courts are a solution.

The power to expel foreign undesirables, would be handed to "people's courts " as a timely solution to situations such as Sudanese street gangs in Melbourne.

The example before our eyes where Turnbull has decided to "come-out" on foreign gangs three years too late, would not eventuate.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 7:22:24 AM
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Reality is capitalism needs growth and growth needs migration,without it we wither and die a slow death, dreamers who think any country can forever remain a mono culture, even if ANY country could return to such a state, is bound for disappointment look at the world as it is today, then look back 30 years see it as it was, we are bound for change, and the change can be made much easier if SOME on all sides stop demanding a world that will change to fit their wanted one.
This is not a pro Muslim post it is in fact a wish that everyone see truth is some from both sides must see reality
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 8:32:53 AM
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“Muslim immigrants have been arriving here because their skills are needed by the society and economy.”

What garbage! Ninety percent of the have no skills, cannot speak English, go straight onto the dole, and stay on it.

And, nothing this idiot says is relevant to Australia. Be doesn’t live here, and he is too stupid to notice the ‘au’ on OLO’s address. He yabbers about Britain and British situation. Nothing to do with us, but shows how dumb Muslims are.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 8:58:19 AM
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//But why do you expect from the so called civilised French?//

I think we can do without your racist comments, mate.

//They must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different.//

So, do as you say and not as you do, then? Have you ever considered leading by example.

//Muslim immigrants have been arriving here because their skills are needed by the society and economy.//

Yes, but it's not like there are any skills that are uniquely possessed by Muslims.

//Integration is not religious and cultural//

If it's not cultural, it's not really integration. Have a look at the Travellers and the Romani some time and see how well culturally alienating themselves from the societies they live in has worked out for them.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 9:50:52 AM
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Our threads author is part of the problem not the answer he/she calls for change from everyone but not his/.her side migrants can and do come from faiths other than his/hers again evolution has something to say here
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 12:07:16 PM
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Maybe we again should consider the nationality and faith of any migrants that want to come here? if the EU collapsed under its debts? say a million Italians or Greeks wanted to come here? face it some calling for an end to migration would not do so if that was the case
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 3:50:35 PM
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Turnbull has decided to "come-out" on foreign gangs three years too late,
diver dan,
You really have no clue do you. The foresight deficient policy of mass immigration was hatched by Fraser & neither LNP nor ALP since have managed to control it. So, don't blame Turnbull for what his predecessors stuffed up. In all, leftists were the most vocal in any attempt to halt wild card immigration.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 6:36:31 PM
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At times you behave like a little brat...
If I were your mother, I'd spank your tail ..

Of course it's Turnbulls fault. But there is a solution which I have proposed with long lasting results for the betterment and peace of the community.
Not the Chinese variety controlled by corrupt politicians, (like our judicial system of appointed judges), but a court system of judges drawn from the victims of crime, with powers to render the score even against perpetrators of violence, which is deliberately aimed at the community in which those antisocial nasties live.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 8:14:55 PM
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In the last week or so, the media has started talking about immigration. There are questions being asked: are immigration levels too high; are our cultural, social and economic interests being served. There was a call in the senate for an inquiry into population a population policy.

The Australian Conservatives are the only party with a policy:

1. Immigration to Australia must be in our economic, social and cultural interest.
2. Migrants should contribute to Australia and repay welfare through the tax system.
3. The AC will withdraw from the UN Refugee Convention, and never resettle those who arrive here illegally.
4. The AC will reform all classes of visas and the processes used to obtain them.
5. AC will terminate permanent residency and make changes to requirements for citizenship.

So, the Australian Conservatives will never form a government; neither will the independents, but they will have a bargaining power, and the major parties will ignore the issue of immigration at their peril.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:32:23 PM
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I'm responding to other forum commenters; this author is not worthy of my time.

All I want to say is this:

It's an immigrants responsibility to assimilate into the country they wish to come into.
It's not the native citizens responsibility to assimilate into the country the immigrant came from.

The UN Refugee convention prevents us discriminating on the basis of race and religion, but it's a Trojan horse, we know what happens, we've seen what's happened in other countries when they come.

I was taught prevention is better than the cure;
But to my knowledge no-ones even come up with a cure for beheading yet...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:11:55 AM
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All consequences are because of policies of the past, not of present policies. At times, like in the Whitlam legacies, the impact is felt years if not decades after policies have been implemented. There is more than adequate evidence of what works 7 what fails yet our "Experts" keep modelling new policies on failed ones hence no improvement over the years.
nothing will ever change for the better if those in charge don't start growing brains & sense.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 19 July 2018 7:12:21 AM
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Our author is nothing more or less than a minority from within the Islamic faith, yes we ,me too, find it hard to trust like, or want anything to do with the radical side of Islam, however! it is a minority, living with us now are fine good Muslims we would never know are from that faith,now I see no evidence our author is a radical, or any threat to any one, he however is pushing his own barrow and just as blind to others views as the bigots who tell us every Muslim is a threat
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 July 2018 7:14:32 AM
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Islamic communities in Britain have no go- go zones, and restrict movement of British Citizens. They are elitist and dangerous to our way of freedom. They will destroy the economy of Britain not improve it and it will become like the Middle East, without oil.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 19 July 2018 8:43:02 AM
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“It's an immigrants responsibility to assimilate into the country they wish to come into.
It's not the native citizens responsibility to assimilate into the country the immigrant came from.”

Exactly, AC.

“The UN Refugee convention prevents us discriminating on the basis of race and religion”.

Not really. We can ignore it, or better still, opt out of the refugee convention, which is a 70 year old agreement not fit for purpose now. We should be discriminating in the interests of our country and our values. Prevention is certainly better than cure. But we need to cure our
failed political system and demand politicians who have our interests and those of our country at heart. We must get rid of the corrupt, self-serving lot we are enduring now. If we all turned up to vote, but did not actually vote for ANY of the drones presented to us, the political class would have to start thinking - for once!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 19 July 2018 9:50:36 AM
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A naïve Melbourne bishop has urged Liberals to “drop the gangs campaign” against African immigrant gangs because it “negatively stereotypes innocent youth”. The Liberal slogans do not mention black, African or Sudanese, just gangs; but, we know which people make up the only gangs in the game.

Bishop Philip Huggins, who “works extensively” with Sudanese 'communities', clearly hasn't had much return from his extensive work, but he objects to the only body that has any chance of success.

So unworldly and unaware is His Grace that he denies that there is a massive problem with African gangs. His ignorant use of “only 1%” of Sudanese being connected to crime overlooks the matter of the relatively small representation of Sudanese in the wider community. The fact is, they are represented out of all proportion to their overall presence.

This is just another example of a churchman getting political because he and his core business have lost relevance. Separation of church and state works both ways. And there is every chance that this man is actually enabling the gangs by going in to bat for them
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:01:09 PM
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You are spot on with you comment ARMCHAIR CRITIC, when you said; ''s the immigrants responsibility to assimilate into the country they wish to come into...' and ''s not the native citizens responsibility to assimilate into the country the immigrant came from...'. Trouble is many from the Left believe we have to bend over backwards to ensure these immigrants have a warm and profitable welcome to our humble country?

Be warned Australia, and it's citizens; the more you give away, the less you'll have, until there's really nothing left to give?
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:25:42 PM
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I just can not walk away without saying this, I every day of my life, meet people who are concerned about migrants/refugees, these people are migrants or refugees! we need not fear them, they also fear the same group that drive every anti migrant /refugee rant, SOME WE have every right to fear, do we however fear a race or a faith?it is in fact a section of a faith we fear and we and the west will overcome that section, hand in hand with the Muslims we need not fear we will over come fear
And, hate me for it, growing numbers who do not believe some time in the future will be heard and have rights
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 July 2018 12:51:24 PM
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Belly understand the Muslim agenda. What happened in Africa that caused Islam to take control? They first sent in the Muslim gang thugs to intimidate and terrorise the community until they surrender. They are still doing it. Why are the British natives escaping to the country? They feel threatened by the Muslim Thugs. Islam is an elitist ideology that supresses peoples right to freedom and creative thought. Defect from Islam and your life is in danger. That is the reason Islamic countries are at war with its citizens.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 19 July 2018 4:39:20 PM
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Yes, the great difficulty is that the sane Muslims can not get out of Islam because the insane muslims will haunt them to the end.
This is what so many ignorant westerners don't understand when they say why don't Muslims just ignore their religion or leave it altogether. At this stage this can not be done. What can be be done is to only let sane muslims migrate so they can get the upper hand here & escape & also prevent insanity from spreading here.
The decent, sane Muslims outnumber decent Christians 10:1 just like sane Christians outnumber the idiotic Christians by 10;1.
We must give the sane in all societies the support they need to escape the insanity of their oppressors. It is our duty !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 19 July 2018 6:58:31 PM
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note the last two posts and in part agree, Islam is a faith not a country and that faith exists in countries with varying rates of education,Africa is maybe the worst,do you both understand this could have been said about Christians? yes you talk of primitive near witch doctor,acts, but gee surely it is time to consider why any faith any belief is needed in this world that teaches its students about our true evolution? leave the witchcraft in the caves we left long ago
Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 July 2018 8:18:26 AM
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Belly, Islam only accepts young Earth made by Allah as the Koran explains. So while they adhere to the faith which they cannot leave they believe 6 day creation which they translated from the Septuagint. You might think evolution denies the existence of the divine but it is merely a side issue; however it is the age theory that denies the 6 day theory posed in the Koran. Remember Muslims are brain washed by Imams in the Koran and their hatred of the democratic West.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 20 July 2018 9:14:08 AM
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“Muslims present a disproportionately large source of problems, as becomes clear when they are compared with Hindu immigrants, who are roughly the same in number but generally fit quietly into the West. Violence is the headline topic relating to Muslims, whether it’s large-scale plots (Paris) or sudden jihad syndrome lone wolves (San Bernardino), but violence is hardly the whole problem. Muslim hostility towards non-Muslims takes many other forms such as teaching Islamic supremacism in mosques, spewing anti-Semitism in the streets and threatening anyone who dares to publicly criticise Islam. Issues concerning women include female genital mutilation, honour killings, polygamy and forced marriages, Islamic mores leading to strong antipathies against seeing-eye dogs, mixed swimming pool, and homosexuals.” (Daniel Pipes)
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 July 2018 10:27:28 AM
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Well we are good at it, letting our personal biases turn threads, even I highlighted my concerns with some Muslims, but like it or not in the end some of us from any faith stand behind our God and throw verbale rocks at followers of another, our author no less than any,yes death would come to us if we spoke on behalf of our God in many if not all Islamic countries, is it not easy to see God divides us? too that we have many many Gods?invent yet another, have his her teachings say we will be reborn time and again, stole that bit, but the next life will be as a follower of the God/people you harmed in this world,teach humanity is one and to not think that is a sin, should fix a lot up, or then again we could admit there never was a God
Posted by Belly, Friday, 20 July 2018 12:57:39 PM
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Belly note there is only one all encompassing political system we are condemning as primitive and endangering the lives of persons of other cultures, and defectors from, and that is Islam. You speak of Muslims who take their faith as a private matter. It is the imams and religious Dictators who wish to control the public mind and behaviour. Islam is not multicultural: they are monocultural. That is why they are intellectually held by one World view, and they must not move from that view.

Iftikhar, Religion / politics has no connection to one's ability to do well at sport, or physical activity. Beliefs alone do not make one physically superior.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 21 July 2018 9:00:48 AM
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Just a chance exists we while highlighting very real concerns about SOME Muslims, and SOME parts of its faith, are we not overlooking pedophilia in our Christian Churches? include please police and officials, even courts, who overlooked or never looked, in to these acts,did our Holy book say suffer the little children to come unto me? or was it who come unto me? find me one faith one single faith, that has not had foul filth in its service.*I refuse* to say only Muslims are evil or that near all of them are
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 July 2018 12:32:11 PM
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This and other threads remind me we are both concerned about this faith[overly in my view] andignoreing unlike some EU countries we have only small numbers here,our author will in all probability not be schooled in our frank way of talking,but should know it is a common view here that the wheelbarrow he is pushing is up side down,the best of us want you to have your right to believe what you wish, we do not want, in my case for sure,others views shoved down our throat last night Melbourne saw a 19 year old girl die, in suspicious circumstances, she was one of a crowd of youths of African decent,reasons? who knows
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 21 July 2018 5:51:43 PM
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Belly ask the Question: why is the majority of Refugees male? Learn the facts of how to overtake a country.

1. Purchase large parts of its property - China.

2. Government supress the people by re-education - PC.

3. Overtake it by war - Russia.

4. Populate it by children - Islam.

5. Convert it to a new ideology - Socialism.

The idea is to capture by stealth the police force, the administration of Welfare, the law courts, the Army etc. Islam imposes their own halal tax system to raise money for Islamic education and meeting halls.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 22 July 2018 7:22:18 AM
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Josephus every word you posted is something I have heard so very many times,conspiracy theory is its base, think with me, could there be a conspiracy to break humanity's links so a future one world government not Islamic could be imposed? if you truly think from a base of even ten percent, Muslims could take over our country's, [no doubt SOME Muslim s do] you are out of touch with reality
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 22 July 2018 8:42:00 AM
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Belly, Islamic countries believe in "ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT", and they will not surrender except by suppression by war. Most dictators believe in One World Government and it must be on their terms, e.g. Hitler. There are those that talk of the Global village and they want to supress freedom of thought and independent thinking, which they are currently doing to right wing ideology and Christian thinking.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 22 July 2018 4:19:34 PM
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OK no way we will agree but I know why you think like that, even have at times felt like that but reality has to be let see the light of day, first Muslims can not ever agree with one another they kill more of each other than they kill us, IF we left their countries this would not stop, here at least and maybe in other western countries Muslims in increasing numbers, are not practicing their faith, even leaving it,this will increase, the answer is not in hating all from a faith! that will always be wrong, but knowing no faith is based on truth can start humanity on the path to being one
Posted by Belly, Monday, 23 July 2018 8:28:31 AM
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As the thread wobbles to an end I think a point must be made IF EVERY migrant/refugee was Christian I doubt some of the near hate would be seen here if humanity was indeed one, and had no God we would have much less hate
Posted by Belly, Monday, 23 July 2018 4:24:45 PM
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