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The Forum > General Discussion > 16.10 2008 News Live Export Agents = memory lane Awards and Dinner.

16.10 2008 News Live Export Agents = memory lane Awards and Dinner.

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I was posting as Taryn Winter. Not pale.

Well before I heard of pale I formed views in animal welfare.
I was delighted when I heard their was a group actually working on a solution rather than just highlighting the problems.

You have not seen the letters.

You came into OLO to rubbish pale and promote Animals Australia as far as I am concerned Nicky. I have given you back the truth but you don’t like it. You attacking me personally as soon as you knew I had joined pale. Thats really pathetic.

You have a good heart for animals. I can see that. I feel you’re stuck in a cult like state of mind that nobody else should dare post their comments .

Animal Welfare has been riddled with inta fighting WELL before little old me Taryn Winter came along or poor old pale or anybody else.

here are some facts.
Fact 1. Glenyse didn’t do live exports in the earlier days that’s why pale was started. - Ask her.

2 She refused all offers to sit at the table with pales lawyers and Muslim Leaders of Australia to help phase out live exports.

ask her why?

Come on Nicky that was a HUGE shot in the arm for Animals but she wouldnt acknowledge this programe or help work on it.

Kind of curious wouldnt you say.

3 Then different approaches were made to meet with these same people 'without' going through pale.

That’s 'despite the fact it was known that the Muslim leaders had put in a sub to the senate Animal Welfare enquiry asking 'everybody to help faze out live exports but 'especially requesting they go through head office at 'pale.

If you listened you might learn something to really help animals.

Wake up and SEE the truth.

I am doing my own thing Nicky. I am telling people what I think is the problem.

That is WRONG leadership.
I didn’t have to attend uni to work out that’s the ONLY solution.

I just worked in abattoirs and mixed with farmers.

Nothing beats practical experience
Posted by TarynW, Saturday, 1 November 2008 4:05:44 PM
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TarynW, I have absolutely no interest in debating this with you. You have contributed nothing other than to repeat all these unfounded allegations, ad nauseum, (and in a very similar format to another contributor signing itself as PALE) so many times that everyone is bored to death with them, and, as I said, you do your cause no favours.

Do try to inform yourself a little about public opinion, and animal welfare generally. You have evinced no rational or informed comment about animal welfare at all. Your entire focus is about discrediting everyone who DOES make a valuable contribution, and that diminishes your cause. You have not advanced anything about what YOU contribute, other than to cite the PALE mantra, over and over again. This has all been done to death.

Posted by Nicky, Saturday, 1 November 2008 6:22:13 PM
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Hello everyone.

Howdy, Taryn back from the bush. Thanks for minding the thread= (as well as others).

Good for you standing up for yourself and pale. As well on the other hand I tend to agree with Nicky.Time to move on.

Pale says to you Nicky- Just as long as you do not try to discredit our efforts to phase out live exports by accusing us of wanting to kill animals to make a profit.

You attack our intentions and we defend ourselves with the truth. That’s always been the rules and it won’t change.

It’s not Taryn who will 'confirm' ALL she posted Nicky 'it’s me' if you keep your endless attacks on Pale and that’s a promise.

On the other hand, we would be delighted to work united for animals.

So perhaps it can start right here right now on OLO.

That’s up to you.

You set the rules and we will follow.

Our work is just as important and we are hard working in our attempts to change the cruel practise of live animal exports.

I can’t promise not to ever mention the frustration of others refusing get involved in our project to stop the vile trade.
I will say whatever I feel I must to help animals.

They are my rules and I am not scared or answerable to anybody other than maybe God.

Of course from time to time we are bound to see things a little differently.....

On a personal note I say= We I have learned by your posts as I hope you have ours.

I post about the MLA and AWB for a very good reason.
I notice any time I do you leave the thread. Perhaps that’s because you can’t see the connection and I bore you.

Pls try to be patient. I do it for a reason

Now we are working towards setting up co opp milk supplies to export to China instead of sending our cows alive.

That’s where we have been.

I hope you support that as we support 'your' tireless efforts' to help animals.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 1 November 2008 8:24:48 PM
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PALE, that's fine with me. It is certainly long past time to move on.

Farming journals continue to advertise for dairy cattle for China. They may argue that since these animals are not being exported for slaughter, they may be treated marginally better in the process, but one can only fear for them when their "productive" time ends.

Regarding the ships that were prohibited from loading in Adelaide and Portland by AMSA, that matter held up the export of large numbers of sheep and cattle from those ports. They would have been some of the four used by Emanuels, the Al Kuwait, the Al Messilah, the Al Shuwaikh and/or the Merino (aka Cormo) Express. None is under about 25 years old. It would be interesting to track down which ships were involved. It should show in AMSA's Port State Control stats in the next couple of weeks.

While Australians may suffer from a degree of lethargy about the hapless sheep and cattle, they might be more concerned about these ships leaching sewage into their harbours, and these ships are regular visitors. They have had since 2004 to comply with AMSA's pollution regulations.

Another issue worth visiting is mortality reports by exporter, and in particular, Halleen, since a large number of its voyages seem to be "reportable". The issue then follows what sanctions are being imposed by AQIS, and to date those have been pretty meaningless.

Emanuels is the leader in the longest multi-destination port journeys, and I understand that last week Graham Daws was in court in WA trying to prevent the release of a particular mortality report which AA sought under Freedom of Information. It must contain some fairly significant evidence. I don't know what the decision on that was yet.

Posted by Nicky, Saturday, 1 November 2008 10:29:59 PM
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Marginally better to some, ``worse`` to us.
Prefer them dead rather kept than in Chinese intensive farming bails.

We temporarily stopped emails for trade.
Swamped with enquires requesting meat,
lots for live cows.

People 'are' interested in milk co ops in Australia.
Many interested in Aussie Milk Co-ops WHY doesn’t Rudd support that! AUSTRALIA

Many ask -, pls can you arrange to send some cows in the mean time.
(No standard reply.)

Amusing to see Yabby’s comment on Graham’s thread claiming we are ‘responsible to feed our own’ :)

Great to see you there Taryn.

How can the Australian Government support( direct) MLA in this vile, evil trade in animals suffering.

For God sake Kevin Rudd are a few donations to your political agenda really worth it Australian Animals suffering + risking our nationals health by importing our 'own' milk back containing poisons and diseases from poor health standards+ intensive farming.

Why don’t you value add instead of exporting those jobs. You will need it to keep up your promise on migrants.

Do you deny Mr Rudd that Austrade, Farmers Federation, MLA block (if they can) any independent approaches to other countries to invest in infrastructure in Australia via co joint farms abattoirs and small goods factories. It’s THEIR Job to promote it!

You “are” fully aware other countries look for Federal Backing on such projects.

Meat ‘Australia’ Livestock (MLA) doesn’t promote overseas investing in OUR AG infrastructures. Nor does AUSTRADE= “Australia Trade”

*Why aren’t you making them do their job.*

What are you saying about the recent exposure of Live Animal exports to the Middle East on A Current Affair?

Is this your only reply Prime Minister Rudd=

You should tell the young lady that there 'IS' a programme to keep the meat industry going. That you’re investing in infrastructure AND encouraging other countries to invest in it HERE co-jointlty.

Wasn’t it the Rudd’s pre election *pitch claiming above all issues from the Australian public - Live Animal Exports has received more letters to your ALP offices than any other t from the Australian public.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 2 November 2008 9:55:45 AM
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Mr Rudd despite what you said for your Pre Election *pitch you didn’t tell the Australian public about AWB Landmarks involvement in live animal exports at the AWB enquiry into funds for use of terrorism.

Considering you have freely acknowledged Australian public`s interest in live exports that was more than just an oversight on your part was it not.?

Remember all these companies have had the strong support of MLA.

You were desperate at the time to get something on Downer, Vaile Howard Government. In fact you were flounding to do so.

Considering the AWB Enquiry was the largest of its kind in the history of Australia there was your big chance.

Still 'despite knowing,' AWB Landmark Elders were involved in the cruel live animal trade animal trade plus despite the fact you claimed you knew the public showed more interest in this than anything else you remained SILENT..............

Explain that pls Kevin Rudd.

You since said you will move forward plans to spend 40 billion dollars on infrastructure.

(These few words following are down the bottom on this second link)

*It is my great pleasure to announce tonight that the Australian Government has appointed a new Board for the Foundation, including a new Chairman.

*David Palmer is a former Managing Director of the Australian Meat and Livestock Association.

Well Mr Rudd NOW as USA goes under is YOUR chance to show some leadership for Australia. BAN LIVE EXPORTS and faze out with export of chilled products and Put OUR money into abattoirs HERE not overseas. Encourage Asian countries to add to it as partners.

Hi all

I hope I got back in time to catch up with Banjo and Ma Edda also.

Nicky, thanks for the heads up on Emanuels the leaders in the longest multi-destination of Animal cruelty it seems in others opinions with long port journeys.

Now correct me if I am wrong but wasn`t it Graham Daws who`s past involvements in exporting our jobs at unspeakable costs of animal cruelty that has been charged before.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 2 November 2008 11:41:39 AM
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