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The Forum > General Discussion > 16.10 2008 News Live Export Agents = memory lane Awards and Dinner.

16.10 2008 News Live Export Agents = memory lane Awards and Dinner.

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Hi ma edda

You enquired: "Beef to Russia, do you know if it is meat, or live export?" I was not aware that you were seeking additional information.

However, my views are well known on the issue of factory farming, the abominable treatment of these commercial animals and on the successive greedy governments who remain captured by the cabal who send animals offshore for slaughter.

I was raised in a mining area, however, there were no pigs to hunt there, besides my brother and I were raised by a deaf and profoundly blind single Mother who with great enterprise, managed to buy us a humpy of our own for the grand sum of 50 pounds.

We were lucky to see any meat actually - the odd tin of Frelish and perhaps some pastie or the odd chop was our treat. Bread, Weetbix, grapes, potato and cabbage were our staple diet, with a chook or duck at Christmas. However, my Brother and I went to work at 13 to provide for our Mum and matters did improve somewhat.

The last time I saw my real Father was on my second birthday.

My brother and I were very proud of our Mother. I'm sure your sons are proud of you too.

Posted by dickie, Sunday, 19 October 2008 9:20:46 AM
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Hey ma edda,
Just call me PALE.

I think Dickey was having a shot at our Australian Government and rightly so.

Also you seem to have managed to bring the real Dickie.
Sounds to me shes got good reason to be proud.
Not as proud as her mother would be of her however.

You seem to have managed just fine too.

There you go from good parents must come good people. So that must mean I`m ok too. My Grandfather blew his arm off fishing when Dad was just eleven. So he had to leave home to work to support the family.

Well I came in here to post stories about our Awards Dinner of the live animal exporters but our stories are both interesting.

Dickie is opposed to our work to reopen abattoirs in Australia ma edda,+ the fact we speak out sometimes by the unfriendly leadership of Animal Welfare issues in Australia.

Dont get me wrong there are some wonderful people involved in Animal Welfare but we have a great deal of trouble to understand Glenyse of Animals Australia
They say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger- So whatever.

This thread is a clear example of the fact most people prefer not to highlight the dreadful deaths onboards ships IF Its posted by PALE.

I cant blame Dickey or Nicky either because there`s been NO education to members of the public accept DONT EAT MEAT.

This is really counter productive. We say lets make the Australian Government inform overseas buyers they are required to put in half of the infustructure to faze out live exports- putting jobs back in regional areas.
We are 'suspicious good people such as Nicky and Dickey are mislead.
We believe Animal welfare is very political and 'iF' others really wanted to see live exports banned they wouldnt oppose our efforts to reopen abattoirs here in Australia

In fact they would applaude it.

What do you think ma edda,?

BTW I would love to talk with you and your brother re a project about to kick off.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 19 October 2008 9:15:55 PM
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Ma edda

Memory Lane Awards Dinner was for evil companies to 'rejoice' the suffering they have caused to millions of our Australian Animals- while at the same time stealing our jobs and our kids future- especially in the bush.

Landmark and Elders are just two of the companies involved along with the AWB.

Kevin Rudd 'refused' to inform the Australian public of the AWB involment when Australia lodged its largest royal commission ever held in this country.

The AWB commissioner staff told us they would not be going near live exports- This was DESPITE the fact we were 'supposed' to be looking at any funds that were sent to Saddam Hussiane for terrorism.

Not a peak from little bow peak, and of course thats the last thing Howard Downer and Mark Vaile wanted to come out.

(Especially two weeks after 60 Minutes reoprted on the vile trade of blood money and they KNEW the Australian public were outraged)

```Ah The Memories````=
The first shipment of live cattle to Australia was of 'course' by a offshore company- Elders.

In true form they also brought foot and mouth to Australia with them.
Some cattle got away and the area in the middle of the city was named - The cow pasture. It kept that name for years.

Of course they introduced a law back then as many of the cattle were diseased. Anybody killing a animal would hang.

A normally pretty conservative RSPCA have launched a protest to the Rudd Government against the cruelty.

RSPCA and public along with all Animal Welfare agencys are calling on the Rudd Government to end the live export of animals for slaughter.


We will take a walk down memory lane ourselves to see WHY Howard Downer Mark Vaile and the opposition leader at the time ALL sat on their Christian Hands

- despite Rudd being 'desperate' to get something on Alexanda Downer at the time as Shadow Minister or foreign affairs and trade.

Ar, ``` the memories ```
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 20 October 2008 5:39:26 AM
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More ```memories```

Not long ago pale had threats of legal action because of Emanuel Exports and two of its directors, after pale posted details of those involved in the cruel live animal trade on OLO.

Now if these guys are so proud of their achievements that they hand out ‘awards to each other at in-house ‘dinners- wouldn’t you think they would welcome the publicity pale handed them through OLO.

The well published court case in WA where by their cowboy courts completely run in the back corridors with unpredicted interference by the WA Government yet again interfered with natural justice.

Similar interference was seen by shocked media giants in WA when the State Government stages a stunt and ordered their office to be raided in an effort to obtain informants details.

Will Kevin Rudd now revisit to these alarming circumstances?

Then perhaps others may- It’s a pretty sad ‘State’ of affairs, when a small group of Animal Welfare activists using a volunteer lawyer get as far as they did.

They should be congratulated. Mostly the tireless efforts of Lyn White x police officer whom the Australian Government ought to be handing over Animal Welfare too in Australia.

Our memories and the Australian public memories of these people giving themselves Award Dinners are some what different.

Let’s take a look at some of these brave Australian X Police Officers memories shall we.

Our memories at pale go back to a meeting with the Federal Ministers advisor on the Gold Coast.

The advisor informed us in the presence of two lawyers, that DR Hugh Wirth (acting as President of WSPA) and (RSPCA Head of UK )two days 'prior to our meeting pledged their ongoing support to the then Minister for Trade - at the same time as launching a national appeal to the Australian public for donations to Ban Live Exports. ?

Perhaps this is why Dr Hugh Wirth and RSPCA National ignored invitations for five years from lawyers and others to meet with Muslim leaders of Australia working under a MOU for Animal Welfare to faze out live exports?
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 20 October 2008 8:02:13 AM
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Hello everybody,

I have read this site with interest.

My family has been involved in the meat industry for a long time and I am extremely concerned about the matter of live exports.

Firstly, jobs are being taken from workers in rural towns with numerous Abattoirs being forced to close.

A large quantity of Australian meat is being exported to the Middle East live and most Australians are of the belief that it is a requirement of the purchasers that the bodies be live. I t is my understanding that this is not the case and that most Mid East buyers are prepared to accept carcass Hal'al killed in Australia.

Our animals suffer immense cruelty being transported live and they are killed in atrocious ways in foreign lands. There is no need for this suffering and many more jobs could be reinstated in the meat industry if more attention and publicity were given to the

More people must speak out.
Posted by rhonda, Tuesday, 21 October 2008 2:42:20 PM
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Welcome and its good to see meat industry people speaking out.
You may be interested in this-

Sadly it takes more than just our organisation to be involved.

We are tired of trying to explain to Animals Australia if we want changes for the better we must come up with alternatives 'ourselves'.

You can bet the live animal agents are not going to.

This link is today`s Farmonline which shows we are not winning the battle.
Despite the fact we warned others if they didnt do something to support our programe working with Muslim leaders it was going to get worse.

Indonesia now our third largest beef market was taking very little by when we first approached Animals Australia, WSPA Voiceless RSPCA National..

Maylasia are going to be very big players using JAKIM to accredit and export to ME and the rest of the Muslim world.

So we send our cows off to China for milk to be sent back in different forms of poisons.

Instead of having cojoint farmers co ops in Australia with farmers and chinese investors to export powered milk.

We send our beef off and lamb etc just to buy our small goods from overseas. Could only make sense to a Poly Ah Rhonda:)

Keeping animal welfare out of it I dont think Australia is going to be the free green country anymore.

We are sending off pure Gold in healthy raw ,materials- only to import all sorts of diseases from third world countries with little regards for health and safety and no Animal Welfare Laws.

No wonder decent farmers are getting out. Then of course Australia has Jenny Wrong doing everything wong: for the bush and regional areas which is the life support and food bowl of this country.)

Which brings me to .
Ma Edda I thought you might like this
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 22 October 2008 6:40:46 AM
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