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Afghanistan: why a withdrawal of troops : Comments
By Marlene Obeid, published 6/6/2008The anti-war movement must step up its campaign for the immediate withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan.
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Yet tellingly she could provide no evidence for this position. I am highly dubious of these claims, but am unable to find any polling at all pertaining to Australian troops in Afghanistan.
What I did find was reference to a poll which suggest that the majority of Afghans want the Coalition forces to stay and defeat the Taliban. See and more particularly
Australia’s Reconstruction Task Force, which is based in Urzugan province, are mostly made up of personnel from the Combat Engineer Regiments which provide combat engineers and tradesmen (carpenters, plumbers, electricians and plant operators) that have undertaken the majority of the RTF’s construction activities. This includes skills training/trade training schools for the local population. See here for a list of projects being undertaken by the team.
The author says>>”The NATO led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) rely heavily on airpower because of “shortages of ground-troops”. Bombings are causing heavy civilian casualties as well as resentment in the Afghan population”
This is a reason to increase troop numbers, not pull troops out.
The author says >>”… resistance to the occupation has not abated. … the US puppet regime of Hamid Karzai exerts control over no more than 30 per cent of the country”
Whilst the resistance has not disappeared there has been strong progress in many provinces. The gov’t may not control all of its territory, but when it comes to the population, the afghan gov’t has control of all but 36 out of 376 districts. The violence is localised mostly in the south and west where 70 per cent of total security incidents occurred in 10 per cent (40) of Afghanistan’s districts, home to 6 per cent of the country’s population.
In Afghanistan we are fighting the real war on terror against AlQaeda and the Taliban, These people are directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and many others. If we intend to fight terrorism at all, Afghanistan is where it is at.