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Bringing the 'gynocide' home to Aurukun : Comments
By Caroline Spencer, published 18/12/2007Gynocide: the idea that men create a social system where women live entirely as instruments of men’s interests.
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I cannot see the connection beween the Aurukan incident and "gynocide". The Aurukan incident was reflection of the standards (based on hopelessness) of that society within which it took place.
Posted by healthwatcher, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 9:10:38 AM
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Girls, women and girls with a cognitive impairment, and women and girls targeted for gang rape by men were thought to be outside the group of women who weren’t allowed to say no. ??
I dont think feminists have a monopoly on 'horror' of the wider community. I believe these matters are of a kind that were just commonplace in an uncivilised community. This was normal practice pre settlement and still is in remote areas getting under radar for decades. This is what Robert Manne demanded they be bought home to endure, boys and girls. Barbaric and uncivilised as it seems, I am sure many Aboriginals who have suffered and partaken in all this tribal abuse all thier lives, all their living relatives lives 'shake thier heads' and wonder what the fuss is all about. it happened to Nan, mum and now me, no-one intervenes because it is given that this is practice an uncivilised tribes right of self government. Of course Robert Manne, who initiated the debarkle, fabrication of Australian History and perversion, is known to be a "little strange" with his perverted, sick notions, like "suicide bombers are extraordinarily, indeed fanatically, brave. Nor can than they plausibly be described as terrorists" ?? Tell that to the families of suicide bombers in Bali Mr Manne, and explain how "Bringing them Home" is not paramount to accessory to the most hienus crimes committed to women and children in the Western World. I found the Report severally flawed and incompetant, I really wonder if the Bringing them Home Report was concieved before or after the terms of Reference were 'created' for the Inquiry which made the submission to the UN, committing innocent Australian's ancestors to a verdict of genocide of Aboriginal people, which niether occured (it would have if that had been the intention, like Tasmania's resolve)it was never concieved and even if written strangely in a pre PC legislation of another time and place, was "never enacated", or success would have been certain. Posted by uninformed, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 10:39:07 AM
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Healthwatcher "I cannot see the connection beween the Aurukan incident and "gynocide".”
I would agree with you. I was sure of my understand of the definition but decided to confirm what “genocide” meant with the dictionary for which I found the following, Genocide: “the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.” Now lets look at two events Arakune – genocide – well, I understood the offenders were all aboriginal and the victim was aboriginal. I would suggest a description cultural “suicide” would be more fitting than “genocide”:. Werribee was an act by males against one female, in itself not particularly “notable”, except for the distribution of the video/CD after. Nothing to compare it, to Arakune. I would note the Werribee perpetrators received penalties which the parents of the victim endorsed as “appropriate”. I would further note the hoo-haa about the Arakune sentencing (or absence there of) was vocal criticism of the FEMALE presiding judge in dismissing the case without penalty. I would note the criticism was not the single voices of “feminism” but included many males who found the dismissal to say the least “extraordinary” So the articles author view that “Gynocide: the idea that men create a social system where women live entirely as instruments of men’s interests.” Is nothing more than a cheap propagandist redefinition for the interest of sensationalism. Hardly a laudable pursuit for anyone who wants their “feminism” to be taken seriously. So we get to the “feminists” The article states “The Werribee and Aurukun cases therefore leave feminists facing a bleak reality.” I recall dearest Margaret Thatcher and her view of “feminism” “I owe nothing to Women's Lib.” And “The battle for women's rights has been largely won.” Margaret, a feminine lady with balls of steel. I note the author “is a PhD candidate at the Asia Institute, The University of Melbourne.” Well, I guess Caroline Norma should spend some time researching and understanding how a successful woman like Margaret Thatcher made a more significant contribution to the world than all the “Bleak futured” feminists put together Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 10:48:09 AM
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I caution against the use of the word "gynocide" in this article. This was coined by Mary Daly in the popular book "Gyn/Ecology" in reference to the Witch Hunt's in early modern Europe. Daly made the claim that up to nine million people, mostly women, were killed as a result of the witchhunts. As bad as they were, scholarly research claims that the figure is more like 75,000. Making an error by a factor of 120 is likely to bring ridicule even when the issue is of import.
Likewise I believe it is worth mentioning that contrary to the article's claim ("The shock for feminists was that no one described it [the Werribee assault] as rape") is incorrect as even a modicum of research will show (, ) I am also very concerned on the author's conclusion. She seems to be implying that "consent" is no longer a valuable basis for agreement to sexual acts and indeed it will be a form of "gynocide". I would suggest that to compare the consent of adults of adult reasoning to engage in sexual acts with those of the Werribee and Aurukun cases is extremely inaccurate and politically supportive of totalitarian solutions. I certainly hope this is not the case, and would welcome correction if I have interpreted the conclusion incorrectly. Posted by Lev, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 11:03:58 AM
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"Female genocide", give me a break., this has nothing to do with white middle class female politics and shame on you for involving a ten year old Aboriginal girl in your politics.
Have you forgotten that a white female judge let these mongrels get off free and that a white female premier of the state is trying to cover it up. What about the white previous chief Minister of the NT she did nothing to assist Aboriginal women in her Territory from sexual and physical abuse for years. Its not the gender in question here its the race of the child that has allowed this to happen. Any black person from the north like me can tell you that if these blokes had done this to a white child, they would have automatically been placed in jail once it became a police matter. Posted by Yindin, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 11:11:56 AM
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I half understand what the writer is getting at at note the caution in the last thread. I'm not sure the writer has demonstrated her case. I would say that many aboriginal women emphatically disagree with any form of abuse and this has been the focus of many articles in The Australian, the SMH and The Age as well as TV.
I'm strongly for the Govt intervention and the crack down on booze. Having said that, am I strongly for the Govt intervention and crack down on eccies and booze in western sydney and the northern suburbs of melbourne? Dunno. RE feminist media: check out the Sat Age, most of the female columnists at The Advertiser and certain factions in the Fairfax press gallery in Canberra. Posted by Cheryl, Tuesday, 18 December 2007 11:16:40 AM