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The Forum > Article Comments > Slavery of climate change > Comments

Slavery of climate change : Comments

By Saleemul Huq, published 13/7/2007

Everyone must face up to the facts that some impacts of climate change are already inevitable.

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I hope it's not too late for the planet.
Posted by Elena R., Saturday, 14 July 2007 2:12:24 AM
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The rottenness in man's heart is the thing that needs changing in order to save lives. Climate change is just a smoke screen to cover up man's greed, selfishness and immorality. Have your hearts cleansed by the only clean One and you might not be so concerned about myths.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 14 July 2007 8:49:56 AM
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Posted by runner, Saturday, 14 July 2007 8:49:56 AM

Ha ha ha, very funny. Global warming, smoke screen. I get it. Very funny.

George Bush will be gone soon enough. Lets just hope he doesn't do any more damage before he goes and the voters in the US will be a bit more discerning than the last two elections.
Posted by T.Sett, Saturday, 14 July 2007 9:21:45 AM
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Saleemul Huq, this was a thoughtful and accurate piece which doesn't seem to have had the attention it deserves.

Addressing climate change is the most urgent thing that needs to be done to address poverty over the next century or two. The world's water resources will become unpredictable and probably also scarcer as the atmosphere warms up. Only those with access to liquid funds and global markets will be able to feed themselves; people and entire regions whose income depends on agriculture will be playing Russian Roulette every growing season.

Suicides and family-murder-suicides of peasant farmers are increasingly common in recent years, due to precisely this uncertainty. Starvation deaths are still the exception rather than the norm, but who knows how deeply agricultural yields will fall in the coming decades?

When China and India cannot feed themselves and the country lanes are piled high with distended corpses, people flee across borders instead of to the nearest city, labourers cannot pay the spiralling costs of their food staples, and factories close, then at last (perhaps) the wealthy countries will begin to feel the heat as the prices of cheap imports soar, commodity export markets evaporate, and their own agriculture finally begins to collapse.
Posted by xoddam, Saturday, 14 July 2007 3:37:14 PM
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This bloke works for the UN, so by definition he's an incompetent twit. Remember that Aussie twit Baker, Barker, what ever it was, they had as chief weapons inspector in Iraq. He couldn't even make it as governer of Tasmania. I did not think it possible for anyone to fail at that. To get a job with the UN, you have to be cerified a Bl@@dy Idiot.

Must say he has a cheek. To claim the very thing they hope to use to enslave us, is the thing thats doing it, is pretty daring.

I suppose they depend on sone people wanting to be enslaved & a lot too dum to know which way is up. They must be right, or do all the dum ones congregate here?
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 14 July 2007 11:00:54 PM
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I too think this is a very good article - unfortunate timing with the posting since others seem more focussed on the “Swindle”.

It seems ironic that “Hasbeen” makes those comments (BTW, it is spelt dumb) - maybe the name fits after all.
Posted by davsab, Sunday, 15 July 2007 7:53:25 AM
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