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Steve Irwin - even larger in death than in life : Comments

By Jeffrey Wall, published 5/9/2006

The outpouring of sorrow at his passing is growing by the hour.

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"Crikey, that was close"

A wonderful man educating the world with true Australian values, a deep love of natures family and his own.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 10:34:02 AM
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We live in a world where you can become a celebrity by being a rich mans premiscuous daughter, sleeping with a footballer or humiliating yourself on a reality TV show.

Amongst the cringeworthy legion of celebrities Steve Irwin was a breath of fresh air.

He was someone very much worthy of his superstar status.

He gave everything he had to his cause and struck me as being very genuine. Th world would be a better place if there were more role models like Steve.

You were the real deal Steve. R.I.P
Posted by Carl, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 11:09:36 AM
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Steve was one of those people who simply loved life to the max. If you met him you never forgot him. He was always full of energy and excitement. Adrenalin was his drug of choice. I still can't quite absorb the fact that this Australian Icon has gone. He wasn't perfect. Nobody is. But if I had the option of swapping lives with anyone in this World then I'd choose to be Steve without any hesitation. He may have died young but he lived each day to it's fullest and crikey he had a lot of adventures. Someone with as many friends as he had won't be quickly forgotten. I think a Statue should be built to commemorate this lengendary figure.
Posted by WayneSmith, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 11:18:34 AM
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I have had no contact with him, direct or indirect (i.e. I haven't watched any of his shows or seen any of his interviews) so I have no reason to doubt the widely-held view that the gentleman concerned was a sound and upright citizen, with many likeable and attractive qualities.

But I do worry a little about what the following excerpts from the article here say about us as a race of human beings, and the priorities we appear to hold.

>>The Monday evening news on Sky UK led with the terrorist attack in Jordan (in which a UK citizen was killed) but was quickly followed by a 20-minute tribute to Steve Irwin.<<

>>Richard Arnold, a veteran Australian USA correspondent, reported on Radio 4BC this morning that his death is the biggest story out of Australia in his 25 years in the US.<<

>>The Los Angeles Times, for example, reported the story extensively … and the story has been the most viewed on its website. Every major USA newspaper has given his death prominence.<<

>>Not many Australians in our history have had a greater international impact - and a wholly beneficial one.<<

It appears that we have either i) lost all sense of proportion as to what constitutes "important" in this world or ii) reached the point where we prefer to immerse ourselves in entertainment than face up to anything that might be difficult to comprehend or to cope with.

My thoughts are with his family, but at the "personal tragedy" level, not the "earth-shattering disaster" level.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 12:05:14 PM
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It is a truly sad event that this likeable Australian character has died, particularly in such freakish circumstances. Perhaps the most disturbing thing about it, however, is the grossly over-the-top electronic reaction to his death. On morning shows it seems that anyone with the most remote connection with Steve Irwin is interviewed for their take on what his "contribution to conservation" is or what a "good bloke: he was. Steve Irwin's passing is tragic, but the frenetic media activity is turning a tragedy in to a farce. Surely Steve's contributions speak for themselves.
Posted by Lionel Mandrake, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 12:26:33 PM
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People find many ways to mourn and/or celebrate the passing of people who have such a profound effect on their lives for whatever reason.

Steve Irwin was and will remain an outstanding high achiever in the world's consciousness. What a man! He was an inspiration on environmental issues in over 130 countries across the globe.

Maybe we are only realising now what a national treasure we had and that we may have taken for granted.

His legacy will be the ongoing work of his wife Terry and fabulous kids. "Crikey" those kids have the Steve Irwin gene... what a bewdy.

My sincerest condolences to his wife, kids, family, friends, workmates and to all other grieving Australians and citizens of the world. In a mere 13 years this guy affected our lives in the most dynamic ways.

Maybe we can make that part of his legacy, love - as Steve Irwin loved, follow your dreams like Steve Irwin followed his, and love and respect one another as Steve Irwin did to us and all he met, our country, our families and to the flora and fauna of the planet.

I for one will never forget him. To me he is Australia's dynamic Princess Di. We are the poorer for losing him.
Posted by Opinionated2, Tuesday, 5 September 2006 12:56:12 PM
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