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UN hit list can bypass Congress and fund Trump border wall : Comments
By David Singer, published 2/1/201921 Nations that received almost $14 billion in US foreign aid in 2017 could become the key to unlocking the White House confrontation between President Trump and Democrat leaders.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 2 January 2019 11:20:45 AM
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President Trump made promises only Emporer Trump can deliver. And given his alleged connections with Russian interests and their alleged involvement in the most recent Presidential elections?
Emporer Trump may find his tenure truncated by an impeachment? Along with plans for a border fence. Not really a bad idea, given the amount of steel that would require. Personally, I believe the best model would be the Berlin wall complemented by double rows of razor wire with guard towers and guards equipped with searchlights plus machine guns. Not to keep the Latinos out, but rather the KKK, white supremacists, red neck neo-nazis in. All the rotten eggs in one basket, so to speak? And welcome! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 2 January 2019 11:42:36 AM
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There's another list, I need you in particular David, to draw your attention to! And that list was Schindler's List. A list that was arguably the biggest scam in history?
And saved Hundreds of Jewish families from the Nazi gas chambers. The consequences, thousands of descendants, who just would have never ever been born, but for that magnificent and most ethical scam! Today, there is another ethical list that seeks by various means to whisk completely innocent Latinos to more healthy climes, preferably through the front door as legal migrants of exemplary character. Some former serving soldiers and border guards, seen as fine as cannon fodder and in harm's way, or as the illegal wet backs harvesting the salad crops etc for America. And as their servants, nannies and table waiters for a draft dodging red neck community? And any other job just too dirty for "native" Americans? This legal movement of Dreamers opposed by various cohorts, who just want to send them back to where they came from or use them against their wishes as fodder for the politics of a most malicious cohort of militant feminists. Not above a whole range of dirty tricks, some of which include the deprivation of liberty or privacy, as they achieve their ends via computer hacking and the imposition of false flags that make this or that perfectly legal transaction into a nightmare scenario that can take months to sort! Read my Facebook page. If the red neck community want them out? Why not make it easier for those of good character and more than welcome in various other English speaking communities, to leave? Via a new modern version of Schindler's list. Albeit, with many thousands of modern variants. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 2 January 2019 12:27:03 PM
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I was surprised to see $2166m to Russia on that list, so I followed the link to find out why. Turns out most of that is spent on Nuclear Smuggling Detection & Deterrence. That's very strongly in America's interest - far more so than the border wall.
And that raises an important issue: Much of America's aid spending is in the interests of the USA rather than the recipient countries. If the spending is stopped, it's America that could suffer most. Also included in the Russia figure is a $2.1m Contribution to Fund Certain Activities Related to Processing Individuals Requesting Refugee Status and Resettlement in the United States. And that highlights a second flaw in David's strategy: some of the spending is against the interests of the recalcitrant governments. Cutting it would be doing what they want, while disadvantaging innocent people. Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 1:12:47 PM
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Still throwing a tantrum like in your last article David?
"These 21 states were major players in humiliating Trump - when an American sponsored resolution in the United Nations General Assembly seeking to condemn Hamas and other militant groups for indiscriminately targeting Israel's predominantly Jewish civilian population since 2007 failed to secure the required two-third's majority earlier determined as necessary for its passage." So you want the US to impose collective punishment on the citizens of those 21 countries for failing to support a US-led Pro-Israel agenda? You wish to use the full force of the United States to punish any state that didn't stand with Israel? "Trump has warned on many occasions that those who receive money from America – yet do not support America diplomatically – stand to lose financially as a result." That's not supporting US interests, it's supporting Israeli interests. "Trump has already ominously warned those countries that humiliated him on the Hamas Resolution that they could be in the firing line for reductions in their annual foreign aid as a result of not voting with America." Well Sheldon Adelson funded his campaign and was with Trump at the opening of the illegal US embassy in Jerusalem, what do you expect? You don't fund a Presidential campaign and get nothing in return right? "This threat becomes increasingly more likely as the Democrats dig in their heels and refuse to give the President the $5 billion he needs to build the border wall – one of the President's cardinal promises made in the 2016 election campaign that has been frustrated by the Democrats from the day Trump became President." Trump should build the wall; But maybe he should use the money the US citizens give to Israel instead? "Trump can also look at defunding:" Before I turn the page let me guess; - Punish more contries than did not bend the knee to Israel? David's articles are becoming more and more on the nose. I'd rather spend my time with something worthwhile other than this skewed rot. Spies, Treachery and Selling Out Palestine to Zionist Israel Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 1:25:05 PM
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“If the President does not secure the border wall funding from Congress – then those countries that humiliated Trump could well see their foreign aid in 2019 slashed from their 2017 levels.&
There is absolutely no reason why the U.S should be funding any of those basket case, anti-American cesspools at all. Same applies to any Western country. “Trump is determined to protect Americans against illegal immigration – and no one will be allowed to stand in his way of making America great again”. And that's why Americans voted for Trump - not because he is a saint, but because they like what he offered. He has kept his promises (how unlike a politician) wherever he has not been blocked by childish, vengeful Democrats. The Wall is one of those blocked promises. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 2 January 2019 1:49:30 PM
As they then become the convenient scapegoat for inhumanity to another reviled latino diaspora?
And a perfect storm that serves the KKK, white supremacists and neo-nazis everywhere?
Except for those recently "winning" power in Brazil? where the police can now, shoot to kill once again, with complete impunity?
Alan B.