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The Forum > Article Comments > An Iraqi Sunni state is a prerequisite to defeating ISIS > Comments

An Iraqi Sunni state is a prerequisite to defeating ISIS : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 23/2/2016

Iraq's partition into three entities became de facto immediately following the Iraq war in 2003.

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Now thanks to the Internet, many more people everywhere can now check news and views other than that peddled by the strongly US neocon and Zionist influenced mainstream media. The US and UK in Iraq especially have been repeatedly caught out supplying resources to ISIS and other terrorist groups. They want to keep hostilities going with the longer term aim of creating small fragmented and weak states run by puppets and stooges who will allow their banksters, corporations and military industrial complex a free hand. The Iraqis are now a wakeup to this and trying to get the Yanks out. If / when successful, there are unlikely to be major ongoing conflicts.
Posted by mox, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 8:01:44 AM
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Hi Mox,

I suppose if you repeat lies often enough, someone once said, people will start to believe them.

Evidence of the US supplying 'resources' to ISIS ?

That the media is Zionist-influenced any more than Baptist-influenced or orthodox -influenced, or atheist-influenced for that matter ?

Evidence that the US etc. "... want to keep hostilities going" ?

That's one of the joys of hyperbole, isn't it, Mox - you don't need evidence, only righteous passion ? And whatever lie might work, try it, ay ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 8:27:05 AM
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Exactly and hear, hear loudmouth.

I don't see how this is the US's problem. And something that has been going on for centuries. And given the deep almost genetic enmity and entrenched hostility, not doable by any outside entity. And a mox on both your houses.

At some point folks caught up in this endless tit for tat bloodletting, are going to have to bite the bullet and decide their own fate.

They need a Gandhi and or a Nelson Mandela with a truth and reconciliation vehicle.

With that achieved if ever?

They need a wealth sharing federation that will give them the greatest possible autonomy, without actually destroying their homeland?

I would just leave them to duke it out until all the fighters have had a bellyful bloodshed.

Getting involved just allows the blame shifters to shift the blame, inflame an already inflamed situation and delay any possible peace deal!?

Suppressing the price of oil via continued overproduction and the subsequent shrinkage of war chest funding for war might help?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 10:00:57 AM
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Sunni - Shia - Protestant - Catholic - all fighting and killing each other in the name of their respective non-existent deities.
Posted by Ponder, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 10:21:56 AM
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An Iraqi Sunni state is not the answer. But a non-sectarian multi-cultural government of national unity is. A stable and multicultural Iraq with a non-sectarian government of national unity would definitely add to stability in the region.
Posted by Tristan Ewins, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 10:27:30 AM
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Hi Tristan,

In the best of all possible worlds, you might be right. But looking at the fragmentation of eastern Europe once the boot was off their necks in 1989, given half a chance groups fragment, and it will be the same in Iraq.

After all, long before the all-powerful, all-knowing and all-evil West dropped in on those puppets back around 1920 - and still, today - Sunni Arabs were and still are made up of a multitude of warring tribes. That's what 'tribes' mean - constant bickering, feuding, fighting, stealing each others' wives and daughters, slaughtering each others goats. In fact, getting enough of them to agree to just a single Sunni state might be futile, although it's worth a shot.

It's a pity that the West wasn't strong or determined enough to stay in the Middle East - Syria was under the French for barely twenty five years, after all, and look how that's turning out. It's a pity they weren't interested enough in imperialism.

Says an ex-Marxist.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 11:25:54 AM
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