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A grim future for the ALP : Comments

By Syd Hickman, published 29/9/2015

There are at least ten reasons the ALP will be crushed at the next election, to be held when it suits the government.

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Don't worry as new leader of the calibre of Jeremy Corbyn, will emerge and take the labour party back to where it started as a party for the people and not for big business.
As the economy droops down and unemployment increases the 1% will take refuge in their gated bolt holes leaving the rest to survive if they can.
China is the pointer. If it continues on down, it will take us with it.
Posted by Robert LePage, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 8:38:10 AM
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Big call with unconvincing support to the point of wishful thinking.

"The easiest ALP stories are now the negative ones" isn't this how the Libs got in..people voting the Labour Government out not the Libs in.

If you listen to Tony's supporters then it's only a matter of time for Malcolm to show his turn colors.

I hope not i hope the mob of them get on with what their there for and run the country for the better of us all.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 9:16:18 AM
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To early to say to much about Turnbull. Lets remember elections are lost and not won. Take Abbott for example, no one in their right mind would intentionally chose abbott over anyone else. But they did.

Turnbull on paper looks good, until we get some real legislation going to test the mans direction we are only guessing. His longer term viability will then be assessed.

At the moment his support is coming from a fair share of labor supporters. To maintain that share can be a juggling act and his party may not like that.

Criticism against Labor is only wishful thinking, Public opinion is not dramatically against Labor.

We need to see in future polls as to where Turnbull is headed. A mere two weeks in power is nothing to judge any opinion on. We need to see unemployment coming down and investor money’s being deployed.

It is useless saying we created 5000 jobs if unemployment is rising. That sort of information does not win any sort of support, in fact it does more damage than saying nothing at all.

Howard was a good PM until he made one crucial mistake.
Turnbull has the makings of being a good PM, even without the support of the conservative Abbott supporters or the liberal Right of centre supporters.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 9:43:41 AM
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Methinks author speak with forked tongue:

1. 10 months to the next election (August 2016) is a long time in politics (only a usually unpopular Double Dissolution Before August)

2. Shorten could be replaced before August by someone (Tanya Plibersek?) more popular

3. Turnbull is still in his Honeymoon phase so assessments are distortingly optimistic about him.

4. Turnbull often has a please everyone do-nothing style when in power.

5. a drop in revenue means the Turnbull Govt needs to make unpopular financial decisions that will turn-off many voters

6. much legislation will be frustratingly stopped in the Senate due to ongoing Greens-ALP-Independent dominance

7. leadership polls that start to trend downward have their own momentum to oust leaders (even Turnbull)

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 1:57:45 PM
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Turnbull is highly electable, but that does not mean the liberal party is. I suspect that the next election will be very close with quite a high risk of a hung Parliament.

The Labor party has a stack of ammunition it can throw at the Libs come the next election, it only has to remind the typical voter how much the Libs have ripped from the so called hip pocket. It is very hard to see that the Libs have achieved anything in the past two years other than stopping a few rickety boats getting here and even that it could be argued was mainly the result of Rudd's last hurrah. I can't see Turnbull being able to achieve much if anything in the time left, already we see the Libs still managing to get offside with sections of the community such as the AMA.
Posted by warmair, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 1:59:29 PM
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Just listened to Tony's 2GB interview, he is not going quietly. Going to be the Libs version of Rudd/Gilard/Rudd.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 29 September 2015 2:50:00 PM
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