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Male champions of change : Comments
By Sarah Russell, published 24/4/2015The aim of 'Male Champions of Change' is for men in positions of power to advance gender equality. Let's hope they have more luck than women have had in that task.
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This Op Ed was written after receiving numerous comments and personal emails after publication of "Good blokes or smug thugs". I sincerely wish the 'Male Champions of Change' all the best in helping women to achieve gender equality.
Posted by Sarah Russell, Friday, 24 April 2015 7:46:48 AM
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Esther Villar wrote an interesting book titled the "Manipulated Man"
<The book argues that, contrary to common feminist and women's rights rhetoric, <women in industrialized cultures are not oppressed, but rather exploit a well-established < system of manipulating men. <Vilar writes, "Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way < Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their <labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina." The book contends that <young boys are encouraged to associate their masculinity with their ability to be <sexually intimate with a woman, and that a woman can control a man by socially <empowering <herself to be the gate-keeper to his sense of masculinity. Personally I do not think so called "equality" will ever be achievable, for the simple reason that the definition keeps getting redefined. Once one goal is reached another is created. Lets look at superannuation, if a woman works full time and does not stop work to have children, she will have the same amount of superannuation as any male who works in the same job, be it police person, teacher, nurse, ambulance driver. The discrepancy arises because some women of child bearing age, choose to have children and so there is a break in their 'direct' earning capacity. So is it fair that for example that other taxpayers contribute to her superannuation when she is not working. A possible solution is that if she is in a relationship, that her partners earning capacity could be used to contribute to her superannuation. Feminist often make the claim about male power and privilege, ignoring the often special treatment and incentives that those of the female gender often enjoy. Yet we are not allowed to even discuss this topic. "If men have all the power? How come women make the rules?" Posted by Wolly B, Friday, 24 April 2015 9:05:22 AM
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When a woman speaks about domestic violence, those who are well off under the existing order of things respond that "men are victims too", torturing statistics to support their claim.
How dare you say that, who exactly are who saying is better off. Don't you understand that is sort of statement that turns most men off.When did you stop hitting your husband? Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 24 April 2015 9:58:20 AM
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Sarah you will get nothing but vitriolic rants about this subject on this male dominated forum.
I too hope this group of men can make a difference in the fight for equality and improved safety for women in the home. Nothing else has worked so far. Wolly B, men make decisions to have babies too, so shouldn't they also support the mother of their children during this time, including superannuation? The current murder statistics for women by their 'intimate' partners is a national disgrace, so until we have cut that down to nil I don't think there is anything else more important in the domestic violence issue. Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 24 April 2015 10:20:14 AM
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Correct if I'm wrong.
Women advocating gender equality will not be satisfied until such time 50% of CEO's; 50% of politicians (including cabinet members and party leaders); 50% of professional athletes; 50% of professional / popular musicians; 50% of the military, including high ranking officers; 50%+ school principals and university lecturers; and probably 50% of train drivers, truck drivers, lawyers, doctors, scientists, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, and chippies, white collar and blue collar workers are women, earning exactly the same wage as their male counterparts? Once the above is achieved the (Western)world will be a better place, women will be happy and they will forgive all men for the wrongs that were done to women throughout history. Yeah, right! Posted by ConservativeHippie, Friday, 24 April 2015 10:42:58 AM
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Come on Suse, I don't know a single bloke who made a decision to have a baby. Mostly they were told there had been an accident with the birth control, & that was it. We can only wonder, in view of the desperation so many women exhibit to breed, if that was an accidental accident, or a planned one. Of course many have gone along with breeding when the lady they loved exhibited an extreme need to breed.
About the only change really needed where the ladies are concerned is the need to get them the hell out of news rooms. So many of them are infesting the news rooms of our TV stations the news is becoming more like those dreadful morning talk shows, designed for the ladies, than anything to do with real news. I am so sick oh human interest bulldust, which is actually just another form of voyeurism that I rarely watch the junk. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 24 April 2015 11:10:26 AM