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What causes success at school? : Comments
By Kevin Donnelly, published 13/2/2015The reality is that having parents who spend time and energy educating their children by reading books, turning off the computer and plasma TV screens and having high expectations gives students a head start when it comes to doing well at school.
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Thus proving only that the Australian Education Union think school funding is about class war, social engineering, and wealth redistribution, not about education. Perhaps they should change their name?
All conceivable arguments for state schooling are refuted in "Archipelagos of Educational Chaos" by Benjamin Marks:
Compulsory reading for the dull-boys of the union. Any presumption in favour of government "causing success" at school is laughable self-interestedness.
Imagine if our food was supplied from government-dictated recipe books, state funding on political considerations, government-monopoly cook qualifications, and compulsory attendance to consume the product, . How do you think the result might compare with what a free society can offer in terms of food? This discussion should have been redundant many decades ago.
Government-dictated curriculum, attendance, funding and teacher qualifications are a recipe for bad outcomes, not just in terms of education, but in terms of rampant state-worship, rampant state symbiosis with the intellectual class, rampant state take-over of all aspects of society.
Or imagine if a particular religion were given the power to compel the population to send their children for compulsory education/indoctrination/progaganda - the content being entirely in the discretion of the church. And the power to compel everyone to pay for it, whether or not they agreed, or even strongly disagreed on principle.
What do you think the union might say to that arrangement?
Education would be better in quality, diversity, fitness for purpose, and value for money if state involvement were abolished; and the established religion of the state sect monopolists had to compete for the public's patronage like everyone else.