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Dilemmas in education for parents and society : Comments

By Valerie Yule, published 6/6/2013

Parents need to be aware of the consequences of segregated schooling for the adult lives of their children.

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Compelling argument Valerie, and have to agree with most of it!
One could do a lot worse than emulate the Finnish example, where there are very few private schools.
Those that are there are fully funded by the Govt, and are therefore private in name only?
I mean, he who pays the piper calls the tune!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 6 June 2013 10:02:38 AM
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I'm afraid this article shows that the author has little knowledge or understanding of contemporary non-government schools. There is s lot of effort put in by principals and teachers to ensure that their students have a genuine appreciation of people from other backgrounds. The students of Jewish, Islamic and Christian schools are brought together to share their beliefs and stories, and this often leads to the formation of enduring friendships.

The whole notion of faith-based schools being cultural or religious enclaves is a nonsense. In my work I visit a lot of them and I find they are run by good people who want their students to grow up to be well rounded individuals who can make a positive contribution to our society.

I hope that sometime soon someone does some research on the contribution of Australia's schooling diversity to the development of Australia as one of the world's most successful multi-cultural societies. My sense is that is has been a very significant factor, despite what some people with limited knowledge of what goes on within the schools might think. If you would like to find out, ring a principal and ask if you can come and have a talk to them. You would probably find that they would be only too willing to have a chat and show you around.
Posted by Ian D, Thursday, 6 June 2013 10:50:32 AM
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I attended a multifaith gathering sponsored by the Queensland government a few years ago. One of the sessions emphasised the contribution of private schools to the multifaith dialog. I asked the head of the private schools association how much actual contact was arranged between students in a faith school with students in a school of a different faith. He fumadiddled around the question, but the answer was apparently NONE.

One reason for the faith schools is apparently to promote segregation. Like the all-white schools in the US before the 1952 Supreme Court decision outlawing racial segregation the faith schools in part offer security to the parents that their little darlings will be less likely to interact with children of another background, socialise with them, possibly have sex with them and even - gasp, shock, horror - to marry them. Actually I think that is a parents' right. However, I see no reason that the exercise of that right should be funded by the taxpayers of Australia.

There should be NO government funding for schools other than public schools. Hooray for Valerie Yule!
Posted by david f, Thursday, 6 June 2013 11:05:13 AM
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Indeed David F - Hooray for Valerie. Also well said Rhosty. Ian D, you have been conned... The purpose of organised religion is control over their adherents, and the purpose of religious schools is to ensure no child escapes the net of indoctrination. Integration, tolerance and acceptance of the "truths" of other religions is definitely not part of their aims, indeed, the very idea is anathema to all committed religionists.
We are heading inexorably towards a future of sectarian violence similar to that which has destroyed Ireland, and is consuming the Middle East.
Valerie Yule's solutions would be an ideal way to extricate us from this future, but of course, as religions gain ever more influence in Australia, it is clear that will never happen.
Posted by ybgirp, Thursday, 6 June 2013 11:40:14 AM
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...I think comment on this subject highlights the fantasy world in which Education and the educated exist.

...It can’t be argued that we now…(thanks to Paul Keating and Bob Hawk)…live in a Country with no borders and no real substantial industry other than a Service industry.

...To service the needs of the Service Industry requires very limited education. The ability to “grunt” is the “base-line” requirement for the hamburger production line in Maccas; (and some basic education on hygiene).

...Our Children now compete with the global masses of uneducated and the life “savvy”: What over-schooling does is reduce independence of the child to ensure an abysmal lack of multi-skilled ability to drift around the Service industry productively.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 6 June 2013 12:05:14 PM
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As Valerie Yule, I wrote the article from over 60 years of experience with all sorts of schools.
I was a community psychologist called in by all types of school, inner suburb, middle class and country and saw how they operated.
I lived in an inner suburb and saw the changing effects of segregation. I initiated inter-school day exchanges of students and teachers, mixing the types of school, and saw how valuable they were but without me, school mixing like this has been non-existent, and the surface meetings pretty rare and they learn nothing valid about each others' real operation and beliefs.
Today we are cooking up a terrible mess with all the different schools being supported by taxpayers. I have visited new schools which have filled me with alarm, despite the posters on their walls about harmony. I know the goodness of the prestigious schools towards their pupils, - but none so far that I have known have taken up my twinning suggestion with disadvantaged schools.
Posted by ozideas, Thursday, 6 June 2013 5:33:52 PM
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