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Why does Israel have a veto over the peace process? : Comments
By Alan Hart, published 18/4/2011Resolution 242 effectively gave Israel’s leaders and the Zionist lobby in America a veto over any peace process.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 18 April 2011 8:50:13 AM
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Well said David. Being god's chosen people gives Israel virtual carte blanche in the eyes of believers to act in any way it wishes to act at any time. The clear fact that 'god' is a fabrication in the minds of the chosen people themselves matters naught in these matters.
Posted by GYM-FISH, Monday, 18 April 2011 9:54:37 AM
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The Jews are only one group of deluded people in our world. The Americans, most of whom don't believe in evolution, also think they are a race apart, an exceptional race, a race born to rule! Of course the Muslims have similar fantasies.
Put the three groups together with greed-driven capitalism and you have a recipe for disaster, a nuclear one. Religion and greed are destroying our world. Posted by David G, Monday, 18 April 2011 10:54:59 AM
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Having just completed his tour of South Africa, "Goldstone country" as he calls it, Alan would have come seen the disgust of the Zionists in that country in ousting Judge Goldstone and forcing him on pain of excommunication from his family and friends to "change" his version of the Gaza murders, resulting in 1400 dead Palestinian mean, women and children. Par for the course for the evil state of Israel. He comptomised his integrity in no uncertain terms as is required as a Zionist.
But the veto to which is referred in the article isn't just on the localised 'peace' charade in the middle east as it has now spread like a cancer into the US Congress, the Senate, the United Nations, anywhere where we see the compliant American administration at work. More noticeable in the media than anywhere else. The 'peace talks' are finished. I attended an occasion last month where four of the forty seven guests were Jews. The points they made on the day were clear. "We are Jews based on our religion. We do not see ourselves to be any different in our values than Christians and hate what the Zionists are doing in the world, in the Middle East. We are now also tarred with the Zionist brush and yet we are not hateful and cruel. Why can't they go back to the 1967 borders, those who want to live in that part of the world and leave us alone. Israel holds nothing of interest to us". A common feeling of total exasperation by nornal, integrated people, valuable members of Australian society, certainly not trying to pull it down, brick by brick to suit their objectives. Yes, this veto mentality is spreading to Australia as well with O'Farrell wanting to sack the Marrickville Council and Rudd stating that the Council was "nuts" by a possible boycott reflecting their disgust as the treatment of Palestinians, both clearly under the influence of the corrupt Zionists. That's how they work. A fair, humane policy on Palestine has been vetoed by Gillard. Another nail in her political coffin. Posted by rexw, Monday, 18 April 2011 3:30:22 PM
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It is easy and wrong to blame the Jews, Americans and capitalism for the ills of the world. The state of Israel is a consequence of Christian intolerance which has pervaded so many levels of Christian and Muslim society that even individuals in those societies who are not religious may share the prejudice. The ethnic nationalisms of the nineteenth century along with Christian prejudice simply left no place for Jews so Israel was founded in self-defence as Jews developed their own ethnic nationalism.
Development of modern society with democracy supported by separation of church and state started when Christian voices such as Castellio protested Christian intolerance. The USA was the first country to embody the separation of church and state. and are my essays on those two subjects. Most American accept evolution. From According to the 2009 Pew Research Center survey of scientists, 87% of scientists accept evolution through natural processes. 64% of the public accept evolution, but 22% believe it was guided by a supreme being. The countries with the greatest commitment to social and economic equality, free political expression and environmentalism are the capitalist Scandinavian democracies. The communist record of environmental destruction is appalling and far worse than that of the USA and capitalist Europe. Dust bowls in the USSR and China, drying up of the Aral and Caspian seas, the Three Gorges Dam, air pollution in China and Chernobyl are just a few of the environmental disasters as a consequence of their disregard for the environment. Get rid of the Jews, the USA and capitalism, and the world will be much worse off. Rather than blaming scapegoats for our problems it would be more sensible to have regard for the environmental; consequences of our acts as individuals, businesses and governments. We can limit ethnic and religious conflicts by recognising the mechanisms of prejudice and the history of conflicts due to our tribalism. We have to invest in education and environmental care and developing mechanisms for international cooperation. That means higher taxes to pay for it, but setting up scapegoats is easier. Posted by david f, Monday, 18 April 2011 3:48:23 PM
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David f
You will never convince Alan Hart and his fan club of what you are stating. We should be cautious of Alan Hart's deliberations. He is a firm believer and promoter of the 9/11 conspiracy theory. Any person who holds such extraordinary beliefs is ridden with prejudices which are not open to reason. Posted by Danielle, Monday, 18 April 2011 5:53:52 PM