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An employee’s guide to catabolic collapse : Comments
By Cameron Leckie, published 1/4/2011Those industries that depend upon cheap energy, high levels of disposable income and/or an expansionary credit cycle are likely to be the first to downsize.
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In similar vein, some five years ago I wrote the following for a chemistry journal. Nothing since then has changed my mind:
"Primarily we need to accept that we have been exploiting a rich bonanza of fossil fuels that simply cannot be replaced. Representing a concentrated, chemically rich store of solar energy accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, it is the basis of our present material wealth.
In the long term, geosequestration of carbon dioxide might make viable the continued use of plentiful fossil fuels, like coal and tar sands, in favourable locations. There will be an increasing contribution from nuclear power. Nuclear electricity will favour the use of electrified transport as conversion to hydrogen is much less efficient. Biofuels will be used for transport, but competing land uses will soon set a limit. Other renewable energies like solar and wind will have only a small impact; their dilute and intermittent nature is immutable and, despite recurring public calls for more investment, no amount of research can overcome those impediments.
The greenhouse response will inevitably make energy more precious. In the developed countries we will gradually adapt. Our expectations of things like car performance, house size and comfort, leisure travel abroad, year-round availability of seasonal foods, and all the other trappings of modern living that depend on energy will progressively move downwards. The production of goods and services will decline, which will be a huge political problem. In the mean time, the developing nations, aspiring quite reasonably to our living standards, will continue to increase their use of the available fossil fuels. Globally, populations, living standards and energy consumption will grow. There will be no slowdown in total greenhouse gas emissions and no magic technology fix allowing life to continue as normal. We will have to find ways to put up with the consequences.