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Comment History for JKUU

The Forum > User Index > JKUU > Comment History

» 25/10/2015 11:07:18 PM Ls Mise: (pedantry continued) "there's no such thing as the Cross of St Patrick.".....
» 24/10/2015 11:03:54 PM Even more pedantic: "Just to be my usual pedantic self, no country, other than the U.....
» 23/10/2015 1:08:54 AM To paraphrase speculative fiction writer Jack McDevitt: Faith is conviction without eviden.....
» 8/10/2015 12:39:45 AM Bravo david_f, bravo! Read your comments with interest and learned a lot. Thanks......
» 18/08/2015 11:59:09 PM "Why are parliamentarians not questioned closely on personal faith -- particularly at.....
» 3/06/2015 4:09:11 AM Lego, your post on revocation of citizenship in Australia is misleading because revocation.....
» 2/06/2015 10:13:09 AM More than 200 years ago James Madison wrote: "In framing a government ..., the greate.....
» 1/06/2015 10:52:42 PM OK, but ... Section 51(xxi) of the Australian constitution gives the Commonwealth power t.....
» 28/05/2015 10:15:53 AM " JKUU "In general a "right" may be exercised so long as public order .....
» 28/05/2015 12:40:31 AM Both the US and Australian constitutions say that the people have a "right" to f.....
» 2/02/2015 11:58:56 PM As pointed out above, referendums in Australia are used to amend the Constitution. What Ha.....
» 17/09/2014 11:36:44 PM Whether or not Australia needs a "Marriage Act" is a matter of opinion. The *pos.....
» 29/04/2014 11:45:09 PM Arjay says: "Walter Edwards is right about a Constitution. We don't have one." .....
» 3/04/2014 10:55:48 PM Candide: Take a look at Wheth.....
» 1/04/2014 10:50:27 PM Dear Banjo, david f. and George, 1+1+ (etc.) = 1 is a mathematical representation of the .....
» 1/04/2014 12:06:20 AM Jerry, your piece is a nasty polemic against republicanism in Australia - a view to which .....
» 28/03/2014 9:49:25 AM Let's not be too hasty, plantagenet. William's video and written commentary are discordant.....
» 27/03/2014 12:21:41 AM Agree Binoy. See also George Williams opinion piece in the Fairfax press: http://www.smh.c.....
» 14/03/2014 2:55:10 AM Faith, Suze, is conviction without evidence -- sometimes in the face of contrary evidence......
» 23/02/2014 2:16:51 AM From my comments on this subject at The Guardian Australia: "Morrison and the comman.....
» 19/02/2014 4:15:16 AM I must second Mr. O'Neill's comment: "Thank you David for one of the most thoughtful .....
» 12/02/2014 12:52:52 AM Good point about “jury nullification,” god/1. From Crikey about a year ago: “In Defence o.....
» 5/02/2014 11:08:55 PM " ... stutter into life like a World War II bi-plane." Do you mean "World .....
» 5/02/2014 11:05:16 PM "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," Edm.....
» 29/01/2014 1:26:24 AM Every year around this time, I ponder the appropriateness and meaning of "Australia D.....
» 25/01/2014 1:13:21 AM The main, and perhaps only, "take-home" message for secularists from the bible i.....
» 22/01/2014 2:42:41 AM I agree with Shockadelic for the reasons given. The post is tripe, and what's more it's da.....
» 12/07/2013 4:33:31 AM Facts and religious dogma make uneasy bedfellows -- best they sleep in separate rooms......
» 13/03/2013 10:54:08 AM "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Ed.....
» 5/02/2013 1:17:35 AM Section 116 of the Constitution says "no religious test shall be required as a qualif.....
» 27/01/2013 11:18:25 AM Interesting story to recap over Australia Day. One quibble: you say that the British were .....
» 22/01/2013 8:57:02 AM Good article describing why Barack Obama will need to change his mode of operation in his .....
» 13/01/2013 7:53:32 AM I also want to quickly comment on EmperorJulian's second suggestion in his first post that.....
» 13/01/2013 7:51:50 AM Candidates for election in Australia are selected by political parties --- the pre-selecti.....
» 25/12/2012 12:14:55 AM The Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act sets the fox to guard the hen house ... good.....
» 10/06/2012 12:05:53 AM The author states "The U.S. Constitution portends such absolutism. Freedom is a self-.....

36 comments in total: 36 article comments, 0 general comments.

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