The Forum > General Discussion > Janus is doing Electric Trucking with battery-swap in 4 minutes, 33c / km when diesel is about 90c!
Janus is doing Electric Trucking with battery-swap in 4 minutes, 33c / km when diesel is about 90c!
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Very little of this battery magic will come to fruition; but there is no point in arguing with youthful zealots who think they know it all. Like the people responsible for the Covid debacle, they will soon be denying their stupidity, or begging us to forgive their stupidity because 'it seemed right at the time', or they were just 'following the "expert" advice'.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 19 November 2022 7:34:09 AM
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We shouldn't believe anything we hear from "experts" or mad posters who believe anything that suits their ideology. The latest crap from social engineers comes from the most recent NAPLAN test which, it is claimed, shows that Australian parents taught their children just as well as professional teachers during the Covid lockdowns!
Something else for the battery-bashers to fall for. Either Australian parents are geniuses, working from home, running the household and teaching a full curriculum, or our teachers are of a much, much poorer quality than we already suspect. Or, the "experts" are lying to us as usual. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 19 November 2022 7:51:41 AM
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Hi Armchair Critic,
you think 40 years is enough time? It sounds like you don't understand that over this period the world will be facing successive crisis in the various categories of fossil fuel peaking. That is, due to profound economic laws we always go for the easiest to pick fruit before we get a ladder and climb the tree. We use the high-pressure light sweet crude that shoots out of the ground, the high pressure gas, and the surface coal. Now we're fracking oil and gas with high pressure drilling and chemical injection, and drilling out deep into the oceans. We're digging down kilometres to get the coal. When you hit roughly the 'half way' point of a resource, you move inexorably from concentrated easy oil and gas and coal to ever harder to reach, less accessible stuff. Extraction rates peak and decline. Prices skyrocket. The resource will never again reach demand. But here's the other irony? I have faith that human beings can solve these problems - and already have! Wind and solar and off-river pumped hydro will meet all our needs within the next 15 years. You're the one with ideological objections to our best answer. The cost curve is still going down to the point where utilities will shrug their shoulders and race to zero carbon because it is so cheap! EV's don't burn expensive diesel matched to the world gas and oil prices, and run on domestic solar. Cheap. There's no internal combustion engine with thousands of moving parts to service. Cheap. There's no servicing other than topping up the windscreen water. Cheap. Across the business lifecycle some argue they are *already* cheaper. But in years to come businesses would be insane to buy diesel because A/ Many countries already have an end date on selling ICE vehicles and B/ the purchase price itself will be cheaper for an EV. "The US Department of Energy today released a study showing that by 2035, electric medium- and heavy-duty trucks will cost the same as or less than diesel trucks." Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 19 November 2022 8:17:33 AM
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Hi Mhaze,
yes - especially with oil - many have cried 'wolf' before. I hear you. But that doesn't mean it is infinite hey? (wink) Peak oil hype from the 1970's? Dude - it was the 1950's when Hubbert stood up and predicted America would peak IN 1970 and guess what? *Conventional oil* did peak in the USA that year! The sad irony? Big Oil turned around and said "Remember Hubbert - we've never pumped so much oil!" And because it was the year they peaked, they never did again! "The crisis began to unfold as petroleum production in the United States and some other parts of the world peaked in the late 1960s and early 1970s.[3] World oil production per capita began a long-term decline after 1979.[4] The oil crises prompted the first shift towards energy-saving (particular, fossil fuel-saving) technologies.[5]" Conventional oil peaked in 1970 in America. That's an undeniable fact of history. Now they're getting into non-conventional fracking and tar sands, which is more expensive, more environmentally destructive, and soon unable to compete with people buying super-cheap solar for their rooftops and plugging their EV's in. It's like owning an oil refinery on your roof! Where I agree with you is the Stone Age metaphor. Even Bloomberg can see the demand for oil peaking and us leaving much of it in the ground. "It’s often difficult to recognize civilization-sized shifts in behavior until after they’ve occurred. Until the pandemic none of the major oil forecasters had seen an imminent demand peak. The debate won’t end now, especially with signs that the pandemic will ease in 2021. But if we look back from here and see the oil peak clearly in the past, what follows will be the evidence of how the energy future snuck up on us." Get your super out of fossil fuels or you'll be learning to say "Stranded Assets" with a whole new bitter twist. Posted by Max Green, Saturday, 19 November 2022 8:27:08 AM
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Hey ttbn,
- Aint that the truth. The morons are so drunk on their religion that they can't even comprehend how bat-shite crazy the stuff they come out with makes them look. Check this out from an article yesterday... Wet pet food is far worse for climate than dry food, study finds "The research, published in the journal Scientific Reports, found that a 10kg dog eating about 500 calories a day of dry food would result in 828kg of CO2 emissions a year, but 6,541kg of CO2 a year when fed a wet diet." They want us to believe a 10kg ankle biter causes 6 and a half tonnes of CO2 emissions every year. There's no way any 10kg dog can pump out 6.5 tonnes of turd a year; So how can they possibly cause 6.5 tonnes of emissions from that turd? - Not to mention the meat they get isn't the prime cuts, its all the crap leftovers that we wouldn't eat anyway so counting those as emissions wouldn't even matter anyway. - If it wasn't used as petfood it would be landfill. These people like to think they are smart but even regular non-climate-religious can see through their bs, result being that anyone who doesn't buy into the religion can easily see they are actually all as dumb as a box of rocks. It's a shame universities don't teach common sense. These people are mad, lost the plot, completely batty, and it's no wonder that only gullible idiots or people who can financially benefit from it buy into it. And they're convinced the rest of us are nutty... It would be laughable if it wasn't such a serious issue what they're doing. - A slow noose around everyone's neck is what those lunatics are selling - I'll keep saying it: Menglers. This is what happens when the frightened indoctrinated university people take their chosen discipline too damn far. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 19 November 2022 8:30:32 AM
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Hey Max Green,
"But here's the other irony? I have faith that human beings can solve these problems - and already have! Wind and solar and off-river pumped hydro will meet all our needs within the next 15 years." The real irony is that if you believe your own sermons, then we don't have anything to worry about do we? 15 years is far less than the 60 years you're claiming we have left with fossil fuels. Don't you think we may get this stuff sorted tech-wise if we have a spare 45 years up our sleeve? You fail to understand how things REALLY work. Once it gets too expensive to extract these diminishing resources, the price of them will increase, meaning people will CHOOSE alternatives simply from an economic standpoint without people like yourself needing to coerce others to do so. All you have to do is this: NOTHING The market will sort things out on its own. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 19 November 2022 8:41:41 AM