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The Queen is dead

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I feel as though all the adults have now finally left the room. Elizabeth is the most competent public figure I have seen over the entirety of my life, and the only Queen of England over that period as well.

Almost the same age as my mother and there were similarities between the attitudes of the two women, even though backgrounds were quite different. So in some ways she felt like a mother to me: stern, but not without care, with my best interests at heart, and with all the privileges of being able to offer quiet advice, but not the perquisites of being able to enforce it.

Over my lifetime I have also seen a steady deterioration of the standards and competencies in public life. Morrison and Albanese are both pale imitations of their predecessors, and now Albanese is in power there are no powerful Mandarins to set him straight about the impossibility of his programs.

The US is just as bad, and the omens for the UK, Canada, and Europe not good.

While the Queen could only reign so long as she did not rule, I think we, and the British people, will miss the steadiness and sense of continuity, symbolised by her reign. While I'm not a monarchist I feel a strong sense of loss today.
Posted by Graham_Young, Friday, 9 September 2022 9:08:12 AM
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Yes, Graham. A great loss. The world will not be the same. I can't see anyone, monarchist or not, feeling the same way about her successor or his successors. The Monarchy will be on the skids, the same as everything else.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 September 2022 9:31:56 AM
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The queen was a great argument for monarchy, and Champagne Charlie is a great argument for a republic.
Posted by david f, Friday, 9 September 2022 9:34:16 AM
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I woke up this morning to the news that after 70 years
on the throne Queen Elizabeth II, aged 96, died at
Balmoral. Her son, King Charles III announced her
death (8th September 2022) at 6.30 pm London time.
We're told that there will be a state funeral in about
10 days. She came to the throne in 1952 and witnessed
enormous social change in her lifetime.

Her death will be deeply felt throughout the United
Kingdom and by countless people around the world.
I must admit that I felt sadness engulf me as well.
My mother was a great admirer of Queen Elizabeth
and mum was hoping to live to be one hundred so she
could get a letter from Her Majesty. Mum did not make
it. She died also aged 96 a few years back.

My Deepest Condolences go out to her son and families.
And to the people of the UK. They've lost a much loved
mother, grand-mother, and very strong, dedicated,
and capable monarch.

May she Rest In Peace.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 September 2022 9:53:12 AM
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Thank you David, par for the course, the first disparigment.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 9 September 2022 9:59:15 AM
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Yes it is a day for reflection. I'm certainly old enough to have sung God Save the Queen at school and she has been a constant through my life as she will have with most Australians.

Grahams' comment about falling standards really has to be extended to the Royal family itself. The gap between Queen Elizabeth and Prince Andrew couldn't be wider.

I do think it is a little churlish to be tossing Albanese in with Morrison given Albo is not long in the role and the slimy, deceitful, bullying, narcissistic taody we had as our last PM was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 9 September 2022 10:40:01 AM
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Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, lived a long and privileged life, she was what monarchists expected a monarch to be. Her heir and successor Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor, may be a different kettle of fish, and likely to be so, Charles will give impetus to move Australia towards a republic, and in that way I believe he will be an excellent monarch.

You're right Steele,

"now Albanese is in power there are no powerful Mandarins to set him straight about the impossibility of his programs" That translates to; "there are no powerful regressive bureaucrats (Sir Humphrey Appleby types) to thwart moves towards progressive change. Its all to do with the conservatives belief in their "divine right to rule", which comes from God through the monarch.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 September 2022 12:13:56 PM
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It's surely possible to admire the monarch without admiring the monarchy. She wasn't born to the purple but, like her equally highly admirable father, she accepted the responsibility of the office with grace and energy. She absorbed the history and duties of the monarchy and carried them out without fear or favour.

It's doubtful that her children will be equally loved and admired but there is great hope for her grandkids.

Being the longest ever serving British monarch is testament to her energy and stamina but also a credit to modern medicine.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 9 September 2022 12:17:25 PM
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Yes God Save the Queen. A real loss.

I joined the navy as an impressionable youth to serve Queen & Country. I would not ever want to serve the new king or the current country.

SR Albanese has been in the roll long enough to prove with his policies he is a total idiot.

I am no fan of Morrison but to consider him worse than Turnbull, Fraser, KRudd & Gillard shows you again thinking from that lefty hymn book you hold so dear.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 9 September 2022 12:18:29 PM
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I just hope the republican movement doesn't highjack the discussion.

Allow us to mourn a great person

No need to move to a republic at all
Posted by kirby483, Friday, 9 September 2022 12:28:51 PM
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We need a Republic because when Australia becomes a republic there will be no need for Republican esposing politicians to lie and perjure themselves to be MsP, nor will their supporters have to overcome their own moral principles to support such liars and perjurers.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 9 September 2022 2:01:29 PM
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And like my ol' mate HASBEEN, I joined the ARA as a 17 years old kid, and thus swore allegiance to her, together with her heirs and successors. It's a sorry fact that some members of her family never emulated her fine example. God save Queen Elizabeth ll. Regrettably, I'll not see her like again in my lifetime..
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 9 September 2022 2:04:34 PM
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I would have hoped the same, but Adam Bandt has exploited the situation this morning, callings for a republic and, would you believe, a 'treaty' with the descendants of aboriginese.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 September 2022 2:07:36 PM
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The fawning adulation for Elizabeth Windsor from some quarters is to be expected, as she represented the "establishment" which they so admire. But she is one of many today to have passed;

Grazia Addamo also passed away aged 99, a beloved mother, a loving wife and grandmother. Grazia was a strong, determined woman, and lived a full life. She will never be forgotten as the matriarch of her family. Grazia's devotion and love for her family was also enduring.

"Without death there cannot be life" - Buddha.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 September 2022 2:51:32 PM
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So many people are feeling the death of Her Majesty
so deeply. Especially people who grew up with her
being so much - a part of their lives.

I guess as you
grow old, people you've loved and imagined would always
be there, start with wretched regularity, to leave your
life. So the sorrow so many feel today about the passing
of Her Majesty is perfectly understandable. We all knew
that she would not live forever, but I guess we somehow
did not expect it to happen so soon.

Its not surprising to me that even staunch Republicans
like former Prime Minister - Malcolm Turnbull got so
emotional in his speech this morning. Her Majesty was
loved in her own right and her dedication to duty and
service was unmatched and greatly appreciated by us all.

As for pre-judging King Charles III? I imagine he shall be
a different kind of monarch. His interest in environmental
issues may play a part. Anyway, there are sure to be interesting
times ahead. In the meantime I'm going to go and sign the
condolence book for the Royal Family that's available online.
I hope everyone else on the forum will do likewise.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 September 2022 3:31:34 PM
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Here is the link to sign the Condolence Book to
the Royal Family:
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 9 September 2022 3:37:25 PM
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As a long-term Constitutional Monarchist I'm grieving for widely loved Queen Elizabeth II’s passing.

With sorrow comes uncertainty whether the institution of the Royal family will falter under new King Charles III.

King Charles III brings the baggage of neglecting his first wife, Diana, mainly due to his adulterous love of the new Queen Consort Camilla. Camilla's popularity as ex-royal mistress has always been tarnished.

King Charles III, during his long Prince of Wales stint, also brings the stigma of failing to be politically neutral – see the “Black spider memos” .

For Australians King Charles III popularity, or lack of it, will be crucial regarding the long running issue of Australia becoming a Republic. An Australian Republic would replace the British Monarch, as Head of State, with a President.

It is significant that following the Australian Labor Party’s victory in the May 2022 Federal Election, new Prime Minister Albanese created the position of Assistant Minister for the Republic. This signalled a commitment to prepare Australia for a transition to a Republic during the future second term of a Labor government, in 2025 to 2028.

I think Charles will have trouble filling the shoes of the widely loved Queen Elizabeth II.
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 9 September 2022 5:13:00 PM
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"Without death there cannot be life" - Buddha.
And, "without idiots there cannot be stupidity" !
I was quite appalled from listening to ABC Radio all day. There was one of those academic type females who said "the Queen wasn't really beautiful'. That sheilah should say that on TV so we can see if she is as fine looking as the Queen was.
Several ABC commentators snuck in remarks and/or commentators to denigrate anything they could about the Queen.
It's rather disappointing to hear the parasitic Left attempting to get mileage on such occasions !
If they're the kind of people who'd run a Republic then I really don't want a Republic !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 9 September 2022 7:35:19 PM
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Dear Indyvidual

What are you complaining about!

You can't even spell "individual".
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 9 September 2022 8:20:40 PM
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Fond memories of a passing Queen !


What a beautiful day it was as I stood on the hill on the outskirts of Oakey with my classmates overlooking the Toowoomba road as it wound down towards the Warrego Highway as far as the eye could see. There was not a single cloud in the bright blue sky and still a little freshness in the early morning air, but we all knew it was going to be a hot sunny day as usual.

We had been instructed to wear a hat as we were going to have to stand in the hot sun on the side of the road for several hours. We did as we were told but the sun didn’t bother us. We were used to it. We were all bush kids.

There we stood, stretched out on the right-hand side of the road looking down towards Toowoomba. She was due to come from that direction. There was no sign of life anywhere, no movement, no sound.

We were all from the same class at primary school and had been brought 54 km by bus to welcome the Queen on her first visit to Australia. It was 1954 and this was the first visit a British monarch had ever made to Australia since it had become part of the British Empire.

I had no idea where Queen Elizabeth II was headed when she finally drove past us as we formed a guard of honour on the outskirts of Oakey. I caught a brief glimpse of her as the royal vehicle flashed by. It continued on its journey without slowing down and I am not sure if she actually noticed us waving our flags. It didn’t worry us. We were subjugated by the charm of our day in the country and the sense of freedom it brought, just standing on the hillside enjoying the magnificent view, instead of having to go to school.


(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 10 September 2022 2:06:25 AM
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(Continued …)


Some years later, I was invited together with Fr. Keith Rayner to lunch at Jimbour House by the Russell family following celebration of the Holy Communion service in the little chapel on the property. I was an altar boy in those days and had adopted Fr. Keith as my spiritual father in compensation for the lack of an earthly one. How surprised I was to notice the photograph of Queen Elizabeth II standing beside the Russells, placed discreetly on the mantlepiece in the main lounge where an inquisitive observer could not fail to see it.

My mind immediately flashed back to the guard of honour my schoolmates and I had formed for her Gracious Majesty on the outskirts of Oakey a few years earlier. At last, I discovered where she had been heading on that beautiful sunny day in such apparent haste.

That was the first time our paths crossed. The second time must have been more than 30 years later.

I was in a London cab near Trafalgar Square, headed for a meeting in the City when I suddenly saw the Queen’s Bentley state limousine pass by. This time she was clearly visible through the high glass window, sitting at the rear of the vehicle behind the chauffeur in deep conversation with one of her old cronies who was sitting beside her.

She was too immersed in her conversation to turn her head and glance out the window. Once again, more than 30 years later, she still didn’t see me. Maybe, if I had been waving a flag … can’t remember where I put it.

Once again, I had no idea where she was going.

Just passing by, I guess.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Saturday, 10 September 2022 2:11:55 AM
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Another Gross Green to make make trashy remarks was Mehreen Faruqi, who described Her Majesty as, "... the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonial peoples".
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 10 September 2022 8:47:55 AM
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Dear ttbn,

What is wrong with Mehreen Faruqi's comments? It sounds like an accurate description of the British Empire.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 10 September 2022 9:49:52 AM
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Dear Banjo

Where you utter "I had no idea where Queen Elizabeth II was headed when she finally drove past us"

You're lucky the Queen didn't Moon youse!
Posted by Maverick, Saturday, 10 September 2022 9:55:12 AM
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Nothing wrong with the Muslim lady’s comments, a very accurate description of Islam.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 10:39:25 AM
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david f,
Europeans & British have left some horrendous legacies & that's what the likes of you keep focussing on.
Isn't it time after more than a Century of doing very good deeds & spending more resources from their efforts & good will that the descendants of some invaders & well intentioned colonists are also remembered ?
Why do we never hear of non-Caucasian invaders despite the fact that there are a great number ? It does make the perpetual argument a racial one !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 10 September 2022 10:58:55 AM
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Radical and boringly stupid.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 11:04:52 AM
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My dear friend is not one for rash comments, she speaks the truth. People like ttbn, Issy and others want the colonial past suppressed and unspoken, like the Queen they prefer to see smiling little black faces with pearly white teeth waving flags of adulation. The Queen was very good at giving the royal salute from a speeding Limousine, or opening a flower show at Chelsea, but not so good at criticising her government's actions at suppressing and murdering her subjects.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 10 September 2022 11:10:10 AM
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I thoroughly support FOXY's well balanced statement on p.3 of the Forum. And I must admit DAVID F. does disappointment me especially as he's a very learned man? Ah well, nothing should surprise me too much these days. There is one other contributor herein who I'd dearly like to meet, one on one, and explain to this ill-informed gentleman a few values he takes for granted in our country and the society in which we all live. As I said, nothing should surprise me too much these days.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 10 September 2022 12:29:15 PM
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I think that we may be in for a surprise with the
kind of King Charles III will be. In recent years
he took responsibility to regret the "abhorrent"
slavery and continued to "listen and learn" from
marginalised communities. This approach is very
important as he succeeded his mother as Head of
the Commonwealth.

It's not going to be an easy task that's for sure.
The position of monarch has traditionally been
non-political. The Queen did her job so well.
Charles has been preparing for his role for decades.
We can be certain that he understands that his new
role now is vastly different.

As he's said himself in 2018 - " If you become the
sovereign then you play the role in the way that it
is expected."

"I won't be able to do the same things I've done as heir."

His first speech on becoming King to his people - I found
very moving, especially his inclusion of Harry and Meghan
in his speech. The following link gives more:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 1:11:30 PM
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Dear o sung wu,

I live in a wonderful place called Australia. I can voice my opinions. I have enough financial resources so I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from or where I will sleep. I have access to the wisdom of other people, books and the net. My wonderful wife shares my life.

However, there is a dark and ugly past in this wonderful country, and many people who live here and elsewhere are still suffering. Their suffering is partly due to that dark and ugly past. Some of the suffering is due to events in the present such as many of the deaths in custody. I could say, "I'm all right, Jack!" and ignore the suffering that is going on. I cannot feel at ease while others are suffering. Next month I will be 97. The average life expectancy for Indigenous Australians is estimated to be 71.6 years for males (80.2 years non-Indigenous) and 75.6 years for females (83.4 years non-Indigenous). I have no reason to think that the shorter life span for indigenous Australians is due to anything other than the conditions they live in which is different from the conditions that most other Australians live in. I appreciate my long life, and I hope others will live longer in good health.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 10 September 2022 1:20:58 PM
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With respect DAVID F. I think I have a pretty good handle on the existing problems and well-being of our indigenous folk. I was a relieving Sergeant in the bush for some time and encountered many instances of indigenous victimisation, exploitation, as well as excessive largesse all provided by the generous Oz tax-payers

Many of the prevailing problems that I witnessed were down to the aboriginals themselves. Eg. Excessive consumption of alcohol, substance abuse (some would blow every cent they had to obtain any substance you can imagine), including, petrol, methylated spirits, paint thinners (both fatal) and in one instance, a de-commissioned but still fully charged, CTC Fire extinguisher - Apparently in an attempt to siphon-off any remnants of CTC (Carbon Tetra Chloride), a highly poisonous substance for any human being to inhale, commencing with uncontrollable lacrimation and the inability to catch your breath. Personally, I'd rather have a good dose of CS or CR incapacitant gas, rather than even a mere whiff of CTC!

And as a copper, we would invariably be the 'bunny on the spot' to pick-up the shattered pieces, the deaths, and try to make sense of it all. And at least attempt to reduce the impact of substance abuse and the burgeoning crime of domestic violence occasioned to the perpetrator's friends & family. So please DAVID F, don't lecture me on the privations, juxtaposed to the generous welfare benefits available to our indigenous Australians.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 10 September 2022 2:27:33 PM
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Dear o sung wu,

I appreciate your experience and knowledge, and I wasn't lecturing you. I was just telling you how I felt and what I know. I think nobody's problems are entirely due to themselves but stem from their background, where they find themselves in society. William Faulkner, an American writer from Mississippi said, "The past isn't even past". He is from Mississippi, a state that was deeply involved in the Civil War. Many people in that state are still fighting that war in their minds. From what I read of history there was a war between the early settlers of Australia and the Aborigines. The result of that war was that many more Aborigines were killed than settlers. One American Indian said, "When the white man came we had the land, and they had the Bible. Now, they have the land, and we have the Bible." I think a similar thing happened in Australia. You have a good view of what things are like now. My view of the past is questionable since historians grind their own axes. However, I sympathize with the Aborigines and with you. Both of you are dealing with the results of that past.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:02:03 PM
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Just one small point, King Charles did not succeed his mother as head of the Commonwealth, he followed her; there is no succession as the head of the Commonwealth is chosen by the various nations that comprise that body.
Charles had already been chosen before his mother died.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:18:21 PM
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It's fortunate that the police are slowly correcting their approach towards Aboriginal people, the "blame the darkie" syndrome is slowly being expelled from professorial policing. The ancient history lessons on "copper" behaviour from 50 years ago, from our resident old constable are interesting, but hardly relevant to today. Although from time to time the old school copper attitude towards Aboriginal people raises its ugly head, and it usually results in the shooting death of an innocent unarmed Aboriginal, or their unexplained death in a police cell.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:40:55 PM
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Is Mise,

Charles did succeed his mother as Head of the Commonwealth.
I did not say that he inherited the position. There's a
difference. In 2018 following the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting Commonwealth leaders declared that Charles
would be the next Head of the Commonwealth.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:44:29 PM
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Angola, Argetnina, Belarus, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Iran, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Liberia, Malawi, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Palau, Panma, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Congo (Democratic Republic of the), Congo (Republic of the), East Timor, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Russia, São Tomé Alabnia, Armenia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Dominica, Estonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guyana, Iraq, Kiribati, Kosovo, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Nauru, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Somalia, South Africa.

Yes all republics.

Would someone please tell me why anyone would willing want to mimic their form of government. While they are at it, please tell me what you admire of this form of government, compared to a constitutional monarchy.

It is hard to understand the stupidity of many, particularly those who came here from some stink hole for a better life, then want us to emulate said stink hole.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:51:35 PM
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You are right in one sense of the word but in the context of royalty the word has, usually only one connotation; that of succeeding by right of birth.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:54:54 PM
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Is Mise,

For your information:

To succeed: "To come after and take the place of..."

"To come next in time or order."

You're welcome.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 3:56:23 PM
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Hi Hasbeen,

You really should differentiate between Presidential
Republics, Semi-Presidential Republics, and Parliamentary
Republics. Not all of them are the "stink-holes,"
that you say they are.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:09:54 PM
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Just that I expected better usage from one with a Master’s Degree.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:23:06 PM
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Is Mise,

I can't be held responsible for your limitations.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:28:16 PM
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The following link may help:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:29:31 PM
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Foxy, please tell me which of of the republics mentioned you would like to live in, whether Presidential Republics, Semi-Presidential Republics, and Parliamentary Republics. Most if not all of them are the "stink-holes,"
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:45:46 PM
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The only monarchy I wouldn't live in is Hassyland of Bongocongo where King Hassy I is the absolute ruler!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 10 September 2022 4:50:29 PM
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The Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia,
are republics, and beautiful countries. But due
to Putin eyeing them - and with what's happening in
the Ukraine - it would be risky going there to live.

Ireland on the other hand - may be a good place.
But what's wrong with staying in Australia?
Why go to any other country?

I don't understand your thinking.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 September 2022 5:10:13 PM
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Of course not, but you are responsible for your own, and slipshod usage from one who boasted of an English Degree and used that as a putdown on another poster is not really acceptable.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 6:23:28 PM
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Just that I expected better usage from one with a Master’s Degree.
is Mise,
Wow, I didn't even expect that much, I'm rather surprised !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 10 September 2022 7:35:41 PM
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Issy and others want the colonial past suppressed and unspoken,
Nonsense ! They've acknowledged the bad & the good. Whereas you couldn't actually exist without having something rotten to revel in just like a maggot !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 10 September 2022 7:45:16 PM
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The arch pacifist, Mahatma Gandhi was educated in South Africa and praised the White Rule.
Interesting that is!

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 10 September 2022 9:16:02 PM
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Thank you David for you most comprehensive response. I therefore should apologise to you for being so thin skinned.

Interestingly, I think both our aboriginals and the police want the same outcomes, and that's justice for all indigenous people not the pretenders who like to have a foot in both camps. Those of whom who choose to ride whichever train it suits them at the time. Besides the coppers prefer to chase real crooks, not hound down the unfortunate victims of our Social Security System.

In fact there's one particular gentleman, who I will not name for fear of being sued, who claims to be aboriginal and speaks on their behalf - He's nothing but an imposter, but regrettable he has the ear of the aboriginal elders, and they accept him as indigenous - He's managed to thoroughly hoodwink them with tales of entrenched police hatred that he peddles continually towards them and their brothers.

My mates occasionally ask me whether I think we'll ever have complete assimilation between black and white Australians? My answer is no, I don't think so, certainly not in the next fifty odd years at least. City folk look at certain areas in our major cities, and they simply shake their head in despair, as do I.
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 10 September 2022 9:47:44 PM
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Diver Dan,
I suggest that you study Gandhi, he made use of violence, provoked violence, and recruited actively for the British Army.
He bears responsibility, in part, for the deaths of thousands of his fellow countrymen in WWI
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 September 2022 10:19:37 PM
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Ghandi was a wife beater who was cruel to his children and had a penchant for very young girls.
He was also a supporter of apartheid and despised black Africans.

Nelson Mandela was a convicted terrorist who in later life still refused to disavow the use of violence as a legitimate form of political expression.

All great heroes had "feet of clay" but are rightly remembered for their positive contributions to social change.
Posted by rache, Sunday, 11 September 2022 1:42:37 AM
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Dear Maverick,


You wrote :

« You're lucky the Queen didn't Moon youse ! »

Mooning being a rather vulgar form of protest, often employed towards people of authority, I can’t imagine the late Elizabeth II mooning anybody. She had prestige and authority and God alone above her (if not, nobody and nothing).

A case in point was the mooning of our present king, Charles II, and his then-wife, Diana, and their son William, by the Maori during their Royal Tour of New Zealand in 1983.

Also, it is strangely significant that the British Monarchy continues to exhibit, indefatigably, the so-called “divine right of kings”, at least, shall we say, symbolically. The Royal motto, “Dieu et mon droit” (God and my right), inscribed on the scroll beneath the shield on the coat of arms of the United Kingdom attests to this. The inscription has never been deleted.

Unlike the royal heirs of most other nations, the heirs to British royalty continue to be anointed with holy oils by the Archbishop of Canterbury, thereby ordaining them not only to monarchy but also to the paramount religious post of “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England”.

This is in complete concordance with Saint Paul’s epistle to the Romans 13:1 :

« Everyone must obey the State Authorities, for no authority exists without God’s permission and the existing authorities have been put there by God. Whoever opposes the existing authorities opposes what God has ordered and anyone who does so will bring judgment upon himself »

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 11 September 2022 4:20:16 AM
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Thanks for that AC, you are certainly keeping yourself well informed about the war in Ukraine. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the insulting Village Nazi on here, who shoots from the hip, and likes to insult others at every opportunity.

Yes, I was surprised by the condolences from Putin, re the death of QEII. I was even more surprised by the heart felt condolences from the Chinese people and their leadership. If at these times those intent on war can say "sorry" about the death of someone they all respected, why can't they come together and settle their differences peacefully. It can't be that hard!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:13:33 AM
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Well what about a word from King Solomon viz…

*… Ecclesiastes 4:16
There is no limit to all the people who were before them. Yet the successor will not be celebrated by those who come even later. This too is futile and a pursuit of the wind…*

I think that will be a poignant reminder of the evil works of the Australian Republic campaigners to come.

Especially after the successful scorch of the society they pretend to serve, with the lies and BS of their gay marriage campaign, supported by a compliant lying MSM, which pushes even and especially, to the point of boredom, any lie irrespective of the damage to society they fain to champion!

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:26:07 AM
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s Mise

Agree. There is no meaningful change to any society without violence and bloodshed.
That of necessity, will be the “lot” of Australian society as well. It’s an applicable event which forces adjustments suitable to the potential of change of the ruling classes.

And it’s becoming glaringly evident by the day, the time is ripe for major political change in the West as a matter of urgency.

On the subject of pacifists and Gandhi look alikes, it’s an incongruous story, the depiction of violent outburst when Christ himself upended the money changers tables on the steps of the a temple in a fit of righteous rage.

There is proof in that spectacle which translates into a Christian teaching and a support for the use of violence for the right reasons I’m sure!

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:51:11 AM
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Most if not all of them are the "stink-holes,"
And, those that aren't yet are well on the way to be that thanks to socialist mentality politics !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 11 September 2022 7:34:27 AM
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the police are slowly correcting their approach towards Aboriginal people
You'll find that the real indigenous are slowly correcting their approach by less & less listening to their diluted concrete jungle cousins !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 11 September 2022 7:43:29 AM
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Those who visited the Temple from foreign countries in the days of Jesus may have needed local currency to get a meal or a room for the night. It made no more sense for Jesus to drive the money changers from the Temple than for them to be driven from the Brisbane airport.

Sometimes Jesus’ other acts were questionable. He cursed a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. He is another revered figure with feet of clay. Of course he may be just a composite figure of myth.

I read “A History of Christianity” by Diarmaid MacCulloch, Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford. It’s a fascinating book. Two quotes from the book are interesting.

“For most of its existence, Christianity has been the most intolerant of world faiths, doing its best to eliminate all competitors, with Judaism a qualified exception, for which (thanks to some thoughts of Augustine of Hippo) it found space to serve its own theological and social purposes.” P. 4

“I still appreciate the seriousness which a religious mentality brings to the mystery and misery of human existence, and I appreciate the solemnity of religious liturgy as a way of confronting those problems. I live with the puzzle of wondering how something so apparently crazy can be so captivating to millions of members of my species. It is in part to answer the question for myself that I seek out the history of this world faith, alongside those of humankind’s countless other expressions of religious belief and practice. Maybe some familiar with theological jargon will with charity regard this as an apophatic form of the Christian faith.” P. 11
Posted by david f, Sunday, 11 September 2022 8:13:28 AM
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More of your ultra racists name calling; "concrete jungle cousins". When I told you I had some Aboriginal heritage, you then referred to me as a, "concrete jungle bunny", do you remember. I sincerely hope when you stepped off the boat, with suitcase case in hand, and no grasps of the English language, all them years ago, there were no derogatory howls of; "the wog has arrived, dago, spick, etc etc and of course etc" directed towards you as you made your way to 'Centrelink' and into your taxpayer funded new house, with taxpayer cash in pocket, all good with me. Although your national dish of fried grasshoppers and toads, leaves a lot to be desired. I enjoy a good feed of Witchetty grubs myself, baked not fried, one must thing of ones cholesterol.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 September 2022 8:33:21 AM
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Is Mise,

It astonishes me how much enjoyment you get out
of a language that you understand imperfectly.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 10:40:14 AM
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It astonishes me that a person who claims to have a Master’s in English would use that claim to belittle another forum member; but then what can one expect from one who supports perjury by MsP?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 September 2022 12:46:09 PM
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Is Mise,

I'll keep that in mind.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 2:01:10 PM
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Y,ou do that, along with your disparagement of Aboriginal culture which you think it is alright to make fun of.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 September 2022 2:53:59 PM
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Is Mise,

"Here in Australia we're fortunate enough to have one
of the richest and oldest continuing cultures of the
world. This is something we should all be proud of
and celebrate." Everyone knows I do. See my discussion -
"If not now, When?" (316 pages).

Now back to the topic of the death of Her Majesty.


I watched "Insiders" this morning. David Speers interviewed our
Prime Minister from Canberra - Anthony Albanese, our former
PM John Howard, Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton. Mike Bowers,
talked about the life of Her Majesty in pictures with ABC
Chairman Ita Buttrose. Then 7.30s Laura Tingle and The Australian's
Paul Kelly responded to Her Majesty's death. It was a special
edition of "Insiders," and if anyone missed it - it's on again
on the news channel 24 this evening at 8.00 pm. Well worth
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 4:02:12 PM
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The Queen's funeral is to be held on 19th September 2022
at 11am London time (8pm Monday night AEST) in Westminster
Abbey. The Queen's funeral will be the first time a
British monarch's funeral has been held at Westminster
Abbey since 1760.

About 2,000 special guests will be invited to the funeral.
Her Majesty's coffin will leave Balmoral on Sunday (7pm AEST),
to travel to Edinburgh where members will be able to view it
at St. Giles's Cathedral from 5pm on Monday for 24 hours.

I was glad to see that William and Harry came together to
take a walkabout with their wives to look at the flowers
left by members of the public. Hopefully their father may
have influenced the decision for the brothers to put aside
their misunderstandings at this time of family grieving.
Nice to see. As was King Charles's acknowledgement of his love
for Harry and Meghan in his first speech as King.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 4:21:14 PM
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See your discussion on it being OK to make fun of religion, Aboriginal Australians’s religion is part of their culture, a very important part, but you think that it’s alright to have a go at it.

Is January your favourite month?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 September 2022 4:48:34 PM
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Here is Her Majesty's funeral timeline:

It's worth a read for anyone interested in what happens when
and wants to follow along.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:08:41 PM
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Tonight at 8.30pm on Chanel 9 - 60 Minutes:
King Charles III.

The Queen is dead, long live the King. This
will be a special edition of 60 Minutes remembering
the most admired woman in the world and welcoming
her successor.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:24:01 PM
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And for a ‘truly’ Indigenous Australians views on the death of Her Majesty, just Google Caitlin Moran.
Her remark is considered to bethe most despicable ever heard in this country about our deceases Head of State.
Can’t post it on this forum, rules donn’t allow such under gutter language.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 September 2022 6:39:59 PM
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Queen Elizabeth II
Was such a well-known face
Although she lived so far away
She's someone we embraced

She lived to a ripe old age
Ninety six to be exact
She saw so many changes
Not all she could adapt

However she did her very best
And in her job she thrived
For which her people were so keen
To have her stay alive

Finally the time did come
When sadly her husband died
She suddenly had to cope alone
Without him by her side

It wasn't easy but she tried
To soldier on against the tide
Until her health just flickered out
And she was covered with a shroud

The Queen is dead and we all mourn
Our monarch's left us all forlorn
And in her place her son will reign
King Charles III is now his name

It's a time of mourning across the realms
A different ruler is at the helm
May he be as dedicated to the cause
As dedicated as his mother was

Then with one voice
We'll gladly sing
Out loud and glorious
"God Save Our Precious King!"
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 September 2022 7:29:07 PM
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Foxy, It won’t go away, you rubbished Indigenous culture.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 September 2022 9:20:28 PM
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The views of Caitlin Moran (NRLW football player) are her own, and she is entitled to them. In a free and democratic society one should be able to express a contrary view to the majority. I am more concerned about what the monarchy represents, rather than the individuals, I was neither upset or please on hearing the news of the death of the 96 year old Mrs Windsor. Some might demand we all flagellate ourselves in grief to demonstrate our loyalty to the Establishment as represented by the Monarchy, but I am not about to do that, others may but that's them.

p/s I don't wish Charles III the same grizzly end as his ancient ancestor Charles I.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 12 September 2022 5:59:21 AM
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Hi Paul,

Did you happen to watch 60 Minutes las night and
then the program that followed it on Chanel 9?
It was very moving. Especially seeing old family
movies of the royals. It wasn't easy trying to keep
in mind that this was not an ordinary family. I
was moved by it all. It did affect me.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 September 2022 9:30:27 AM
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Caitlin Ni Morain, is indeed entitled to her own opinions but as a prominent sports woman is not entitled to express derogatory remarks about someone who has just died without expecting adverse consequences.
Note that out of respect for her dominant culture I have used her name in Irish and in the correct gender.
With her mane of red hair and her features she is truly representative of the Celts of Ireland.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 12 September 2022 9:38:55 AM
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I love the hypocrisy of the media, especially the ABC, as it runs old, no cost footage and pretends it really liked the Queen and what she stood for.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 September 2022 9:49:59 AM
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Someone I do not like, is King Charles 111. And, unlike the media, I don’t believe he will change his stripes. Still, anything is better than another low-life politician that the republicans want as Australia's head of state.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 September 2022 10:00:02 AM
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Congratulations Foxy

You are a poet
And we all know it.

Posted by Maverick, Monday, 12 September 2022 10:28:05 AM
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I see Charlie naming himself "King Charles III" as a huge missed opportunity.

I recall that years ago Charlie half jokingly entertained another name for a short time.

That was "KING ARTHUR" on account of Charlie's real name "Charles Philip Arthur George" *

The mythological** King Arthur, notionally lived somewhere in modern day Wales, with his Court of Camelot, complete with his Knights of the Round Table. This would:

- have transmogrified the very shape of Monarchy as we know it.

- made excellent journo copy for decades.

- have placed King Arthur in the fine tradition of JFK's "Court of Camelot".

And would have entertained little kiddies.



Oh well, Charlie it is :(
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 12 September 2022 10:38:24 AM
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Hi Maverick,

Thank you for your kind words.

"It's always marvellous to have somebody who you know,
you feel understands and wants to encourage."
(the previous Prince Charles).
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 September 2022 10:47:35 AM
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It is well established historically that there was a real King Arthur, just as there is a very real King Charles III, the most powerful man in Great Britain.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 12 September 2022 1:50:05 PM
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Hi Maverick,

Here's more on King Arthur:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 September 2022 2:13:43 PM
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Hi Foxy,

I've had my fill of the death of Mrs Windsor for now, missed the program purposely. Although I did enjoy the victory by the Bunnies over the Roosters, on Ch9, and they live to fight another day.

Hi Issy,

You speak of "consequences" for the footy gal, will there be a rush of beheading's anytime soon?

I see Jamaica is the first country post QE2 to blaspheme and speak REPUBLIC! Others may follow one by one.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 12 September 2022 3:39:02 PM
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you then referred to me as a, "concrete jungle bunny", do you remember.
Yes I remember that well and, I also remember you telling us you were of African Indian heritage ! When did you acquire the Aborigine heritage part ?
I also recall rather well that you were that racist well before you told us of your Aborigine heritage !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 12 September 2022 5:37:03 PM
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No, No Is Mise:

On top of my infallible Wikipedia reference

Foxy's scholarlary Britannica explanation goes thusly:


Tap the drop down arrow for "Who is King Arthur?"

and yee see "King Arthur is a legendary British king who appears in a series of stories and medieval romances "

Further down - and like the Loch Ness Monster and the Abominable Snowman - is "Historians cannot confirm King Arthur’s existence..."

However, all we MonarKisses great and true, offer this compelling National Anthem to encourage Bonny King Charlie to swap to King Arthur during the monarchical grace period before they plant Queensy.

In place of our God Awful Girt song we Aussies could sing:

I rest my case.

Posted by Maverick, Monday, 12 September 2022 5:42:01 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

You have earlier given your opinion that:

"Israel also said that Catholics are idolators; as a Catholic, I couldn't care less'
He has every right to express his opinion."

Yet now you are saying:

"Caitlin Ni Morain, is indeed entitled to her own opinions but as a prominent sports woman is not entitled to express derogatory remarks about someone who has just died without expecting adverse consequences."


"Her remark is considered to be the most despicable ever heard in this country about our deceases Head of State."

What gives? Why aren't you caring less now?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 12 September 2022 5:48:14 PM
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The two opinions are miles apart., Caitlin Ni Morain’s is not only derogatory.but foul mouthed and utterly low, but if you think such language and sentiments are OK the be happy.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 12 September 2022 6:21:01 PM
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Not Brexit or Megxit - I hereby dub the death of Queen Elizabeth II as:

Wait for it....its amazingly original....



And don't miss Media Watch reporting on all the repeditive Exit reporting
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 12 September 2022 10:27:23 PM
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I acknowledge the passing of the Queen but with little personal sadness and think most of the sorrow people feel is for themselves, seeing the end of an era and loss of a sense of stability in their own lives.

Otherwise the media has been obsessed with "Mourn Porn" and I've really had enough of it.
Posted by rache, Monday, 12 September 2022 11:55:40 PM
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Succinctly put !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 6:49:59 AM
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Dear Is Mise,

You are right they ate miles apart. One disparaged hundreds of millions of people because of their faith, the other disparaged one individual who also happened to be one of the wealthiest woman in the world.

Aren't you being a snowflake?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 7:39:24 AM
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Their respective remarks are so far apart that I dare you to post both, in there entirety, on OLO.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 8:47:53 AM
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Dear Is Mise,

Moran called the Queen a "dumb dog".

Folau said gay people were deserving of hell and their now legalised marriages were the cause of our horrendous bushfire seasons.

That kind of speech is inflammatory and to the minds of the less enlightened and potentially less stable people in our country may well give licence for them to take action against our gay brothers and sisters.

Moran was punching up. Folau was in many ways punching down on those who for many already suffer bullying and ostracization.

In my opinion you are being a snowflake and a hypocrite.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 10:40:07 AM
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Is there anything more disgusting than a white aboriginal?

Well there is of course SR.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 12:06:29 PM
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Don't all human beings bleed red?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 12:33:13 PM
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The question has been asked of the ghastly Green Mereen Faruqi ( "I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire...") by a immigrant writer why she left the republic of Pakistan to live here, a constitutional monarchy.

She should heed Pauline Hanson, who suggested that she "piss off back to Pakistan".
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 12:36:41 PM
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Mehreen Faruqi's insensitive comments on the passing of
Her Majesty were inappropriate for an Australian federal
senator to make. In a time when the world and Australians
unite in their grief at the loss of a much loved monarch
her comments lacked common courtesy, good manners, and
civility. As a federal senator of a colonized society
she should have known better. It just may cost her
her seat in parliament.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 1:01:50 PM
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Talking about skin colour?

A few thought come to mind.

So many colours in the human race
So many cultures and different forms of face
Why so much hatred and so much dread
We should celebrate our humanity as we all bleed red
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 1:09:51 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

How's it going old cock? Good?

So it seems you have sat there with the cogs whirring thinking of a retort to what I had put, but nothing surfaced out of that poor old atrophied skull so your resorted to that comment?

Well what ever gets you through your day I suppose.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 1:30:26 PM
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<<On Friday (Mehreen) Faruqi, the deputy leader of the Greens, expressed condolences “to those who knew the Queen” but said she “cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples”.>>

Like my good friend, I held no personal animosity towards Elizabeth Windsor. Do I grieve her passing, not in a personal sense, no more than I grieve the deaths of countless anonymous people who die in the world each day. In her position of monarch she represented the as yet unrepentant behaviour of the now passed British Empire.

"racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples" stating an obvious fact.

I think it was Maverick who said; we are now being subjected to "mourn porn" I must agree. For those who want to weep tears of sorrow and flagellate themselves in the name of grief, go right ahead, but the demand we all do it, is beyond the pale. What is being demanded is all should pay adulation to the "Establishment", which Mrs Windsor as the titular head represented....corgis, flower shows and school fetes included.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 1:41:24 PM
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I'm also considering ELxit or Queenxit for our Queensy Babe's Exit.


Also paying homage via her Coronation Anthem that can be reinterpreted as a Goodbye Anthem:

Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 3:19:56 PM
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Nope Paul

Twas rache who dreamed up ""mourn porn" right here

The sheer TV repetition of Queen docos, dramas and "new" news already aired in the 12 months before her Exit isn't helping we mourn-fatigued OLOers.

The more difficult challenge is analysing and predicting how Charlie will change the Monarchy and the likely impact on Australia. A hint, look at Charlie's record on down and .

Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 3:47:03 PM
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Although Charles has the right old school tie, several in fact, and the correct plum in his mouth, and is of impeccable breeding no less, and is seen only in the best of circles. I SAY....! IS HE A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, A LOOSE CANNON! GOD FORBID.... A BOLSHI NO LESS!

What do others think, will Charlie turn out to be a red terror, or a member of the yellow peril. Will I wake one morning and find the crown has gone and Commissar Charleski is on the throne, or under my bed (Reds tend to hind under the beds).

Sorry Mavers, I didn't look it up, I just tagged it on you. I stand corrected, but I like it... "Mourn Porn". I must text my friend with a word of support.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 5:09:38 PM
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"In June 2022, The Times reported that Charles had privately described the UK Government's Rwanda asylum plan as "appalling" and feared that it would overshadow the June Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Rwanda, where Charles represented the Queen.

It was later reported that Cabinet Ministers had warned Charles to avoid making political comments, as they feared a constitutional crisis could arise if he continued to make such statements once he became king."
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 6:30:57 PM
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The remarks in their entirety if you please and if you’ve got the guts.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 7:05:28 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

For all your affront and pearl clutching about what this lass said your insistence that the words be reproduced here utterly reinforces your deep hypocrisy on this.

Well done.

Well for the purpose of open discussion her reported Intagram post which she subsequently removed within hours was:

“Today is a good f*ing day, uncle Luke announces his tour, and this dumb dog dies. Happy f*ing Friday.”

The reference link is:
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 September 2022 8:20:34 PM
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As a citizen of the World Charles Windsor is entitled to speak out and express his opinion on any subject. Doing so, he will suffer the consequences and criticism from many quarters, but he might feel its more important to speak than remain silent.

Issy, as for what this footy gal said, she like you is entitled to express an opinion. The death of Elizabeth Windsor is an opportunity for some to level criticism, not so much at her personally, but is seen as an open attack on the Establishment, which for you old conservatives is "treason".

BTW; I see the list of Australians going to the funeral, it includes Ben Robert-Smith, a totally unsuitable person to represent Australia at anything.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 5:01:44 AM
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That’s not their entirety, you left some letters out.
Well done.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 7:19:33 AM
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Dear Is Mise,

I couldn't post the full words because the Online Opinion algorithm rejects swear words of that type. So what on earth is your point?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 8:20:40 AM
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Eve the death of the Queen is used by some posters as an excuse for irrelevant, petty arguments and personal insults.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 8:26:18 AM
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I forgot about that, Steele; mea culpa.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 11:57:49 AM
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I have to admit that I am well over wall to wall television programs about the Queen. I know how I feel, and I leave others to their feelings; and I believe that the Leftist ABC is hypocritical with its efforts. But, pensioned-off lefty ABC activist, Barrie Cassidy, has accused his ex-employer of misreading its audience, and giving into "rank populism". He reckons the ABC should leave the death of the Queen to others, because the tax-payer funded broadcaster is so much better "when it offers an alternative to populism".

What a miserable git, festering away in retirement.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 4:59:17 PM
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Barrie Cassidy is currently a host of the long
term interview program - One Plus One
for the ABC. He's been in that job since 2020
and doing an excellent job, as always.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 September 2022 8:12:49 PM
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No he's not (Barry Cassidy). One thing this death has highlighted is the demand from the Establishment that ALL genuflect and pay homage to the dead monarch, as a sign of adherence to the authority of the Establishment, and woe betide anyone who steps out of line and even questions this demand for adulation. The fact is the woman was 96 years old, and as far as I know she died peacefully. Am I saddens by her death, no, am I overjoyed, no, what am I, I'm what I was before Mrs Windsors died, no great feelings on the subject at all. Her greatest claim to fame is she reigned for 70 years, she was not a mover and a shaker, she was, lets say, dependable. Mrs Windsor was what the controlling elite wanted in a monarch, like a child, seen but hot heard.

p/s These Breakfast Couch TV hosts, (ABC included) are falling over themselves in sham signs of grief. "Poor Karl is collapsed to the floor, for the third time this week in tearful sorrow for the death of our much loved monarch." So say Karl's co-host. "We now cross to London for an interview with the third cousin of the Queens Corgi". wof, wof.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 September 2022 5:50:03 AM
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Hi Paul,

Well, I stayed up last night and watched the live
broadcast of the transfer of Her Majesty's coffin
from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall where
she will lie in state until her funeral on Monday.
The British public will be able to pay their respects
to her in Westminster Hall.

It was the most spectacular and moving event that I have
ever witnessed on television. The pomp and ceremony -
unlike anything I've ever seen. Truly awesome.
The walk of Her Majesty's children behind the coffin
was long - I doubt if I could have done it. Yet they marched
behind the coffin in sinc - paying their respects. I would
not have lasted - but they did and did it spectacularly.

If you haven't seen this event and if they'll show it again
on TV it's well worth watching. Everything went beautifully.
And even the service in Westminster Hall was moving.

In this day and age - where often good manners, and decency
are not the norm it's heartwarming to witness old traditions
and values still being exercised. And that's something that
should be acknowledged.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:13:47 AM
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Hi Foxy,

No one does pomp and ceremony like the Poms, much to the angst of the Yanks, they just can't cut it. The Poms have those fellas with the big furry hats, marching in sync to a bloke blowing wind into a bag, and a gold coach that was made from a pumpkin, by Cinderellas Fairy Godmother.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:29:09 AM
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Hi Paul,

Well the pomp and ceremony that I witnessed last night
certainly surpassed anything I've ever seen.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:41:02 AM
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Hi Foxy.

I reckon we have to take our hats off to the girls particularly, who did it in high heals.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 15 September 2022 12:24:07 PM
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What is it about the British Army
Underwriting Royal Power
At the point of a Gun?

Last night's Interminable Move Granny's Body Parade
Was a strange display of Aliens in Scarlett

Their Bearskin Hats are made from real Dead Bears
Killed for purpose

And Royals in Fancy Dress
All irrelevant to thinking Aussies.
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 15 September 2022 1:13:05 PM
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Hi Mave,

Can't agree; "All irrelevant to thinking Aussies." Thinking Australians spend a great deal of time deep in thought about head wear, that is an established fact (no need for debate). We don't have any bears in Aussie as such, but we do have koala's, sometimes erroneously refereed to as koala bears, by Japanese tourists and kiddies in kindy. I suggest at this time of national mortification, we have gone beyond grieving, and 25.5 million Australians are totally overcome by the sudden and unexpected death of Her Majesty at the age of 96. In a sign of reverence, let us slaughter all remaining koala (bears) and let politicians and other members of our Bunyip aristocracy take to wearing them on their heads for here on in, as sign of national something or other. Agree?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 September 2022 1:47:29 PM
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Agreed Paul

Methinks you've got something there.

Let our Parliamentarians march
In Koala skins stiff and starch
To pay homage to Hurley GG
Mounting a fetching Geegee
Or the sacred Nissan Cedric
The first Act of Republic

OLO's favourite Moxy
Will come around
To the trumpet's martial sound
Like an Aussie Lady Godiva
Or a crack crazed rally driver

Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 15 September 2022 4:25:07 PM
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Joe Hildebrand has paraphrased Gough Whitlam with, 'God save the King' because nothing will save the rudderless and uninspired Australian Republican Movement'.

He says that, compared to the Monarchy, the republicans' chuntering is a "tepid alternative", effectively non-existent, and both "absurdly complex and vacuous at the same time"
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 15 September 2022 5:01:10 PM
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Alert to non-Bonny King Charles' change of style, compared to his "Mummy".

Check this out.

ANGRY Charles:

Queensy Babe never acted like that - in public anyway.
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 15 September 2022 5:23:37 PM
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Hi Mavers,

Foxy loves to go for rides
She loves the freedom they provide
But being naked on a horse
Isn't something she'd endorse.


King Charles is great at limo rides
With his Queen sitting by his side
He's not so good with leaking pens
Especially seen through a public lens.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 September 2022 6:58:15 PM
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Thanks Foxy

A fitting counter-verse.

Yee may be OLO's premier poet.
But I'm sneakin up - and yee know it :)

I have this theory Bonnie King Charlie hasn't had much sleep of late, so I for one, forgive im.

Cheers Mavers
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 15 September 2022 7:07:02 PM
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To all fellow Queensy Babe watchers out there. reveals

the QUEEN'S FUNERAL, in young Westminster Abbey*

Will be screened Australian Eastern Standard Time on ABC (definitely ABC 24)

FROM 7.20pm next Monday (19 September) right through to 2am.

That's 6 hours 40 minutes of glorious goodbyeing.

and you might see local boy Albo.



* Well "young" by Egyptian standards. The Abbey was renovated in 1042's_Abbey
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 15 September 2022 7:35:17 PM
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You're welcome Mavers.

You don't have to sneak
My new found friend
This may become a great new trend.


As for King Charles's behaviour?
Of course he must be exhausted and emotionally

But he's always been very self-indulgent and very aware
of his position.

I remember the interview years ago he had with Molly Meldrum.
Where Molly being very, very nervous, made the mistake
of referring to the
Queen as "Your mum," to Prince Charles.
To which Prince Charles wryly replied - "You mean Her
Majesty, The Queen?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 September 2022 7:41:23 PM
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""Here in Australia, through a unique blessing of history, we are privileged to enjoy all the benefits of a constitutional monarchy with very few of the financial costs. We would be insane to give it away". (Spectator).

Hear, Hear!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 15 September 2022 10:54:02 PM
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Charles has received a one match suspension for PEN abuse! Charlie is out of this weeks prelim final for the big Knights v's Dragons clash.

Being serious, that little incident with the pen shows Charles is a different personality to his mother. I can't see how the Establishment can keep his mouth shut when he wants to say something important. Like the Pope, I believe Charles does have a right to speak out on social issues, and certainly issues affecting Commonwealth countries.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 September 2022 5:23:08 AM
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Having viciously badmouthed the dead Queen, Foul Faruqi now wants a Senate censure motion against Pauline Hanson for telling her to piss off back to Pakistan. The Greens sure know how to pick the most ignorant, self-unaware rabble for their nasty litte gang.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 16 September 2022 8:58:28 AM
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King Charles went to Northern Ireland
To show the people their new king
While signing documents he lost his temper
A leaky pen was not his thing

It wasn't fitting for a monarch
To lose it quite so easily
Her Majesty would not have lost it
She'd have continued signing peaceably

We shouldn't blame Charles for having lost it
He's got a great deal on his plate
There's so much now he has to carry
Being a monarch is no easy fate

If he's wise he'll take it slowly
We can invite him to our shores
Where he can leave behind all the regalia
And bask in a country that he knows.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 16 September 2022 11:00:19 AM
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"Having viciously badmouthed the dead Queen" What a load of rubbish, there was no vicious badmouthing what so ever. Mehreen Faruqi quote;

"Condolences to those who knew the Queen."

"I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples."

"We are reminded of the urgency of Treaty with First Nations, justice & reparations for British colonies & becoming a republic."

I totally agree with what was said, others do not.

What Pauline Hanson said;

"Your attitude appalls and disgusts me. When you immigrated to Australia you took every advantage of this country. You took citizenship, bought multiple homes, and a job in a parliament. It’s clear you're not happy, so pack your bags and piss off back to Pakistan."

Talk about badmouthing, prime example from Hanson.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 September 2022 2:55:52 PM
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Predictably the Greens are whining because Parliamentarians of Victoria must swear allegiance to King Charles before Parliament can resume.

Maybe they don’t want to perjure themselves anew.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 September 2022 3:00:01 PM
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Hi Foxy

Your latest poem meets the Royal Standard in flag* and spirit.



However might I suggest one improvement which befits our sovereign King and Queen.

Instead of:

"Where he can leave behind all the regalia
And bask in a country that he knows."

how about:

Where Charlie can fling off his regalia
With hot to trot Camilla rooting for Australia.
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 16 September 2022 3:35:45 PM
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The younger members of my family, found the death of Elizabeth Windsor somewhat not surprising. The grandson said; "Wasn't she like over 100 years old."...."Nearly, be not quite there, she was 96" I told him. the reply; "Wow! she was old, what did she die of?", he asked, "Old age as far as I know."

Issy, can't help your latent insecurity as an Australian. Like many of your vintage, you are still suffering from the Aussie cultural cringe of the 1950's. you need a Pommy monarch to flagellate yourself before, understandable.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 September 2022 3:43:58 PM
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Hi Mavers,

Your poety is great
And while I do appreciate
Your very distinct take
I'd prefer to keep my sense of style
And my own words not forsake.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 16 September 2022 4:26:28 PM
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All the Green MsP are liars and perjurers, just the same as any republican MP.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 September 2022 6:32:03 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

You from behind a wall of anonymity accuse Greens MP's of being "liars and perjurers", I invite you to put names to those you claim are such "liars and perjurers", should be easy, as you claim "all" to be so. I will happily forward a link with you claim to so accused MP's, and if they wish to discuss the matter further with you they can do so by contacting the "Forum Moderator". Lets see how fair-dinkum you are with your claim.

Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 September 2022 10:32:42 PM
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MsP swear/affirm allegiance to King Charles III as they also push for a republican form of government then they are swearing a false oath/affirmation and are thusly lying and guilty of perjury.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 9:19:17 AM
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You are right Is Mise; Thorpe, Faruqi and Bandt - just to name a few of the Greens - regularly display their disloyalty and deceit publicly and in the parliament.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 17 September 2022 9:48:36 AM
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Is King Charles also guilty of lying and perjury?

Didn't he swear that he would be faithful to his
marriage and wife Princess Diana?

Pot, kettle, black.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 10:05:19 AM
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Here is part of the transcript of their wedding vows:

Archbishop to Prince Charles:

Charles Phillip Arthur George, will thou have this
woman to thy wedding wife, live together after
God's ordinance in the holy state of matrimony?
Will thou love, comfort her, honor and keep her
in sickness and in health, and FORSAKING ALL OTHERS,
keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?

Charles answers:

Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 10:23:32 AM
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And what, pray tell, has Charle’s peccadillos got to do with Australian MsP swearing false oaths and lying?
Do you condone MsP committing perjury?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 10:31:44 AM
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Is Mise,

Are you working on that list? I have no problem forwarding your list to said MP's, under the subject "liars and perjurers".
Its reasonable to say the list will be forth coming in 48 hours from your original post;

"All the Green MsP are liars and perjurers, just the same as any republican MP."
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 16 September 2022 6:32:03 PM

I'll check in later and see how you're going with the list.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 September 2022 12:11:22 PM
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Is Mise,

Do you condone the King doing the same, and to whom
MPs are now forced to give their oath - to a liar and
a perjurer?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 12:39:28 PM
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Is Mise,

It's somewhat hypocritical to judge one lot and
not the other!
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 12:40:34 PM
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All Green MsP are republicans yet they swear allegiance to the King, therefore they are perjurers and as a perjurer is a liar then they are also liars.
There is no need for a list as the various Green parliamentarians are in Hansard etc.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 12:45:26 PM
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Is Mise,

You calling people liars and perjurers from a position of anonymity, why don't you give them the chance to respond to your accusation. You demand things from Foxy, just a couple of days back you were demanding SR post something or other. Now I demand YOU post your list of Greens you claim are liars and perjurers. You seem to be hesitant for some reason. This is how you do it.


Mr Joe Blog
etc etc.

Very easy, have a go.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 September 2022 1:03:29 PM
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Is Mise,

It appears that you're not williing (or able) to
have a proper conversation about Britain, the royal
family, about the symbols of colonialism and its
complicated history. And that's your business.

We understand that those discussions have been
white-washed, erased, and sabotaged. So of course
you're one-eyed and lack understanding why some MPs
might not favour giving an oath to a system that
has been so cruel to their people.

There has been much opposition to the colonial
subjugation of the Commonwealths lands and people -
not only in Australia. Many people have expressed
resentment toward the royals who symbolize the system of
oppression and forced extradition of labour.

Still to many the Queen Elizabeth II was a beloved
monarch - evidenced by people all over the world.

We need a bit of balance here. We can't just finger-point
at one side - it's not rational. I suspect though that
I'm talking to a piece of wood here. And the broken record
will continue to be played.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 1:21:13 PM
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The point is that Greens and republican MsP swore allegiance to the King and they swore a false oarh and thus committed the crime of perjury.
For which offence and for lying to Parliament they should be removed from Parliament.

It’s not so long back that certain MsP were removed because they were dual citizens and some of them were not aware of their status.

Why should people who deliberately lie to the Parliament and the Australian people not also be kicked out?

What evidence have you that Charles was unfaithful to Diana before she had her own initial fling?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 2:21:36 PM
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Like an Archbishop in a brothel. It was inevitable - PRINCE Charles' funniest moments
Posted by Maverick, Saturday, 17 September 2022 3:25:16 PM
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Is Mise,

What evidence do I have about Charles and Camilla
prior to his marriage to Diana?

The evidence presented in TV documentaries, books,
royal biographers, magazines, insiders to the royals,
press secretaries, the TV series - "The Crown, and
in Diana's own words.

There's the famous incident:

"Of all the heart-wrenching and fraught moments, 19 year
old Diana Spencer had to contend with, surely finding
engraved jewelery designed for her fiance's mistress
just days before her wedding, must have been the mast

This incident is recorded in several books by royal
biographers and in series 4 of "The Crown"" .
As Diana said, "There were 3 of us in this marriage so
it was a bit crowded."

"He took the bracelet, lunchtime on Monday, We got married on Wednesday."

Charles has stated earlier, "You don't expect me to be
the only Prince of Wales not to have a mistress?"

Camilla wears the bracelet to this day.

In 2017 - video footage of the late Diana talking about
her life was broadcast in a documentary. "Diana In Her Own
Words." Much was revealed - including her confrontation
with Camilla.

The evidence is there - you can Google all of it for yourself.
Or buy a book.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 4:26:45 PM
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Well done Foxy, and now you might tell us all what relevance that has to de with the Australian republican traitors who lied and committed perjury to get into Parliament.

Bye the way, hearsay isn’t evidence.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 4:46:05 PM
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Is Mise,

What hearsay?

And who exactly lied to get into parliament?

As Paul asked- give us names and evidence. Your opinion does
not count. Neither as you admitted does hearsay.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 4:53:39 PM
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You omitted to Google the articles that said that Diana was the first to go astray.
No names are nesessary the fact that avowed republicans swore allegiance is proof of perjury.

But Lidia Thorpe admitted lying when she swore allegiance, at least she had the courage to be up front.

Perhaps you could tell me why republicans are not lying when they swear allegiance to the King?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 7:40:28 PM
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Is Mise,

Diana was not the first to go astray. There was
a suspicion that she had an affair with her bodyguard
but it was not true and nothing physical happened.
Charles and Camilla had a long history and it did not
stop with his marriage to Diana. Charles was already
involved with Camilla prior to his wedding to Diana.

Also according to an audiotape Diana made for her
biographer Andrew Morton revealed that even after she
was married she confronted Camilla about her affair with
Charles at a party.

Diana stated, " I know what's going on between you and
Charles and I just want you to know that."

To which Camilla replied:
"You've go everything you ever wanted.
You've got all the men in the world fall in love with you
and you've got two beautiful children what more do you want."

Diana said - "I want my husband."

Diana added, "I'm sorry I;m in the way and it must be hell
for both of you. But I do know what's going on. Don't treat me
like an idiot."

In any case why do you apply one set of standards for the
monarch and another for our MPs? How do we know what is
really in the hearts of our MPs - and what the oath means to
them? And how many actually believe in the oath that they
are required to take. Or is it a means to an end for many of
them - and what they are hoping to achieve?

It does not
make them liars or perjurers. But in the case of King Charles -
and his wedding vows and oath before God - and as a leader
of his Church - that's a different story again.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 17 September 2022 9:09:00 PM
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More cojecture and not a shred of evidence and it has nowt to do with MsP who perjure themselves to get into Parliament.

I do hope that you’re never on a jury considering evidence.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 17 September 2022 10:53:29 PM
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MPs having republican views is not evidence of perjury. They can remain allied to the King despite not wanting him to remain head of state, for the King has not commanded otherwise!

And I'm pretty sure the breaking of marriage vows doesn't count as perjury either, as they do not have the legal status of oaths. The sad fact is lots of people get divorced; I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's not the basis of any perjury charges.
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 18 September 2022 1:30:28 AM
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The awesome immensity of the worldwide public reaction to this historical event gives the impression that it’s not just Queen Elizabeth II who is about to be buried in the royal vault at Windsor Castle, but the British Monarchy itself that she so well personified that is being interred.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Sunday, 18 September 2022 1:51:43 AM
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Is Mise,

How's that list going? Just the Feds will do. Are my two friends on your list. Mehreen and Dave from NSW?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 September 2022 6:27:57 AM
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Espousing republican views and then swearing allegiance to the King by politicians is indeed perjury as Lidia Thorpe demonstrated when she admitted to lying when she made the Affirmation

Herr Goebells,
The list is in Hansard, don’t be tiresome .,
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 9:54:27 AM
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Is Mise,

I agree with Aidan who's rightly drawn our attention
to the archaic constitutional requirements which need
amending and in which indigenous people had no say.

As an indigenous person Lydia Thorpe is
entitled to voice her views against a colonial system
that was forced upon her people and one in which she's
trying to help them. That does not make her a liar or
a perjurer.

You think she is. Most people don't agree with you.
And in time this system may well change if we become a
republic. So your arguments are really irrelevant.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 10:21:10 AM
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Lidia Thorpe said that she lied and swore a false affirmation, thus by her own admission she committed perjury.

Funny that you are always posting pro Aboriginal posts, not that there is anything wrong with that, but what strikes me as odd is that you mock the Aborigines deepest held religious beliefs.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 11:05:42 AM
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Is Mise,

Ah, a new tactic.

One you've tried previously.

You really are a pigeon trying to place chess.

Not impressed at all.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 12:29:17 PM
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Come now you did say that it was alright to mock Aboriginal religion.

To mock their religion would be deeply offensive to Aboriginal people, indeed offensive to most people.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 1:29:07 PM
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Is Mise,

When did I say that?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 1:55:27 PM
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When you posted that it was OK to mock religion.
Unless, of course, you exempted the Aboriginal religions, but you didn’t make that exclusion.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 2:48:04 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Can you please stop distracting Issy, he's busy preparing his LIST of Green MP's who are according to him, "liars and perjurers". Moving on, but I'll come back to the LIST later. Can you please say something good about those nice folk down at the Ku Klux Klan, Issy feels his people are being left out. I don't know, maybe something like the Grand Wizard of the KKK is a jolly old chap, that will do for starters.

Now back to the LIST, Issy you are misleading me, there is no LIST in the Parliamentary Hansard, titled, "Green MP's Who Are Liars And Perjurers', I checked, you made that up! Issy did you know, even though a person uses cowardly anonymity to defame a known person by name, with untruths it called LIBEL, that includes publishing a false statement on a nondescript forum like this one, that is damaging to a person's reputation, even a politicians. But you would know that.

This reminds me of the mangy dog story, when corned, he tries to scuttle off with his tail between his legs.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 September 2022 2:54:27 PM
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Hi Paul,

I get the feeling that Is Mise doesn't want
a discussion. He just wants to provoke,
fight, and argue. The forum is probably
the only place where he can vent his spleen.
I suppose we should be more understanding and
let him carry on. As Steele once noticed - it
is entertaining.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 3:04:08 PM
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Nothing to say about you demeaning Aboriginal religion?

You said it, now have the fortitude to apologise to the Aboriginals or scuttle off into a hole somewhere.

Herr Goebells,
All Green MsP can be found in Hansard, every lying perjuring one of them, as also all of the republicans liars as well.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 3:59:22 PM
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Is Mise,

I would never demean anyone's religion.
I asked you to back up your assertion with
evidence. Obviously you can't.

Put up or shut up.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 4:23:23 PM
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Hi Foxy,

You have never demean anyone's religion on this Forum, unlike Is Mise who claimed Greens MP's are liars and perjurers, yet refuses to post names.

I ask Is Mise, are the two Green Senators from NSW Mehreen Faruqi and David Shoebridge liars and perjurers? I'm sure you can answer that simple question. Just name them as liars and perjurers if you have the guts to do so
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 18 September 2022 5:04:16 PM
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No I can’t back up my assertion because your history is giving the Error and I can’t access apart from your latest posts.

However can you not remember posting that it is alright to mock religion, don’t you remember?
Not surprised if you don’t, after all, you said a few posts ago that I was trying a new tactic, one that I’d used before. Bit of a contradiction in terms, perhaps the onset of old age.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 September 2022 5:10:32 PM
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Is Mise,

Your apology is accepted.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 September 2022 5:13:00 PM
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As at Monday, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST):

Short Version:

5pmAEST Parade marching around Westminster Hall.

7:44pm: Queen's coffin leaves Westminster Hall with 142 sailors pulling (not themselves) but Queen's Gun Carriage. Followed by King and Royals.

Procession expected to arrive at Westminster Abbey 8mins later.

8pm Funeral service begins. 2,000 there eg. Biden and Albo.

UK PM Lizzie's Trussed reads scriptures.

Archbishop of Canterbury gives sermon before the Westminster Dean Davo gives blessing.

8:55pmAEST Service draws to a close. Last Post played.

2mins silence.

9pm Reveille, revised UK National Anthem and lament played by Queen's Piper.

9:15pm AEST: Coffin back to Gun Carriage. Procession, including King begins journey to Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner, about 3.5km away from Westminster Abbey.

Queen's coffin travels down Mall for final time, and past Buckingham Palace with

Foxy in Lady Godiver "suit"

Minute guns firing from Hyde Park, Big Ben tolling.

10pmAEST Procession arrives at Wellington Arch.

There, Queen's coffin placed in hearse. Queen leaves London to Windsor Castle. Royals follow in cars.

12 Midnight AEST Hearse arrives at Windsor

12:10am hearse joins procession to St George's Chapel Windsor.

King and senior Royals expected to join procession 30mins later, when it reaches Quadrangle at Windsor Castle.

Minute guns firing Windsor, Tower bells tolling.

Procession stops at St George's Chapel, before the Queensy Babe moved inside.

1am AEST: A "smaller" Committal service of about 800 guests will be held. Probably see Albo.

Dean of Windsor conducts service, Choir sings.

Before final hymn, Imperial State Crown, orb and sceptre, used in
Queen's Coronation, will be removed from coffin and placed on

King and Lord Chamberlain perform.

Queensy Babe's Coffin then lowered into Royal Vault as Dean Davo reads psalms.

Sovereign's Piper plays again.

The Archbishop of Canterbury gives blessing. God Save the King sung. You'll be surprised that the Kingdoms' of France and Prussia have used that very same tune here

4:30am AEST a private burial service is held. Royals only.

Queensy Babe (sob, sob :( will be buried alongside Prince Philip.

Posted by Maverick, Sunday, 18 September 2022 10:52:35 PM
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A bloke in London was stopped by the coppers for carrying a blank placard. The coppers demanded to know what he was going to write on it, he said; "NOT MY KING". The coppers said if he did that he would be arrested! Nazi Germany 1930's!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 September 2022 5:18:12 AM
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Just to jog your memory.

“People have every right to practice their religious . . .and the rest of us have every right to reject, mock, and criticize, these beliefs . . .”.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 18 June 2021 12:30:38 PM
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 September 2022 12:54:53 PM
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The KING's Coronation Anthem below is also a touching tribute to the QUEEN, best played Loud:


Even the Hitler Parody is sad about the Queen's passing. Adolf says nothing but is moved by the stirring scenes and music of the Queen, including "Land of Hope and Glory" and of course "God Save the Queen" at the Queen's End (Exit)

Mavers :-(
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 19 September 2022 2:46:53 PM
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Is Mise,

Where was my reference to our Indigenous people?
Once again -
I cannot be held responsible for your interpretations
of what I post.

Again, apology accepted.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 September 2022 3:28:41 PM
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If Hitler had won the war, the NAZI loving Edward VIII would have been restored to the throne of England. Churchill would have been hung from piano wire, and 'Pig Iron' Bob Menzies would have been made the Vidkun Quisling style PM of Australia.

You're asking what happened to George VI. Well Eddies brother George would have met with a untimely end, and fell down a mine shaft or something, it would be a case of poor George, such a tragic accident!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 September 2022 4:03:57 PM
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But the Greens would be flourishing, instead of being closet Commos they'd be full blown Nazis.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 September 2022 5:29:33 PM
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Is Mise,

Any progress with that LIST?

No danger of your party, the extreme far right Shooters and Hooters ever turning Commo, they are committed NAZI's. Issy, are you still a member of SSAA and their political arm the Shooters and Hooters Party? You know, the mob who trained the killer John Edwards in how to use a firearm, others had refused Edwards, but not the SSAA St Mary's chapter. Edwards was sold a powerful firearm by the same organisation, only to use that firearm to murder his two children. Just as Is Mise refuses to apologise for his lies, his "mates" never apologised for their part in the deaths of Jack and Jennifer Edwards.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 September 2022 6:57:56 PM
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There’s no one so pitiful as a liar who was refused a Firearms License because he “…was not a fit and proper person…” and then rubbishes his former leisure time activities.
What was your favourite firearm, Goebbels?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 19 September 2022 7:30:03 PM
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There was no reference to Indigenous people, but as they have a religion then their religion can be mocked according to you.
You also said “I would never mock anyones religion . . .”.
Was that a memory slip as well?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 10:31:51 AM
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Hi Issy,

I have no favourite firearm, they are all disgusting, nor have I ever tried to obtain a 'killers licence' like you have. I didn't go to Korea (too young) or Vietnam (too smart) and join the mercenary baby killers, you may have, I didn't.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 12:27:44 PM
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My information is that you had a 12gauge, Harrington and Richardson, single barrel shotgun, a single shot Lithgow .22, a Lithgow model 12 .22 repeating rifle and an Anchutz .22 target rifle; all of which you disposed of through Smith’s Sports Store when your licence was cancelled.
Protest all you like, some people know the truth.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 1:02:35 PM
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I actually like you old cock, although you give me the "brown stuff" at every opportunity, but I give you a cart load back in return, tit for tat. A bit of a stoush between us is not unhealthy. AGREE! BTW hows that LIST, got ya on that one, Hansard that was a shocker for you, I score that a TKO for me. Time for a truce, you stay south of the 38th parallel and I'll stay north. Don't think that's such a good deal for me.

BBTW; My name is not Goebbels, its Gobbles!

BBBTW; A distant relative of the 'cheese and kisses" was in the NZ tribe at Queenies dispatching yesterday. One up on you.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 3:53:52 PM
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Have you already noticed how old and beaten Charlie looks?

And Camilla's Great-Granny looks (she's 75) have defeated the plastic surgeon's valiant efforts.

Pretty hard for Charlie to launch into a busy new career when he's 73. His reputation of being Pooh Bear's Eeyore sad sack precedes him. Here's proof

The sooner Charlie abdicates in favour of dashing Prince William, lovely Kate and the kids, the better.

I speak for all Aussies in claiming - any monarchy with Queen Consort Kate would defeat a Republic Referendum. She's great in red .
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 4:35:46 PM
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Have you been able to achieve as much as King Charles in your life?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 10:13:31 PM
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A big YES Issy Baby :)
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:45:31 PM
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So you’ve been a ship’s navigator, Captain of a RN ship, flown piston engined aircraft, helicopters and jet planes, completed the Paratroop Regement’s exacting course, likewise the Commando’s and been a successful farmer.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 12:39:52 AM
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Graham Young said "I feel as though all the adults have now finally left the room. Elizabeth is the most competent public figure I have seen over the entirety of my life, and the only Queen of England over that period as well. "

Answer- Thanks for the good point Graham Young.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 12:45:04 AM
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ttbn- I think that King Charles is a very different man than in his youth and have confidence that he will be a wise king.

Communists and pretenders have long tried to destroy the monarchy of Britain- as Dostoevsky said communists want to create a nihilistic world- while proclaiming the opposite- "thank you Stalin for our wonderful childhood"- reading the news by negation in a corrupt world-

There are many not of British Ancestry that try to tear down British culture even within nations of ancestral British people- rather than building their own nations- and becoming a source of stability in the world and for their people. They leave evil in power in their homeland and destroy their adopted home. Some thrive on chaos. What is the difference between ideological verses community orientated activism- an interest in the community.

Often people don't have the vision to realize where their strength and contentedness comes from. One of the most quoted attributes of the Queen and the monarchy is a source of stability and strength in an unstable and superficial world.

For example- many Indian's came to understand through British rule that "processes are critical to prosperity"- and honour the British in spite of their rejection.

The Queen said that there are principles of tradition that are timeless- even when there are those that try to destroy them in the name of "progressive change".

May we all see through the eyes of Queen Elizabeth II- follow her example- as King Charles III will- in order to maintain the stability of the world.

The Queen Is Dead. Long Live The King!
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 1:45:38 AM
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Hi there CANEM MALUM... I couldn't agree with you more my friend you've enunciated my own position perfectly. Thank you.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 8:28:06 AM
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Hi Maverick,

It's true that King Charles is highly decorated
for being at a particular time or place as well as
being a member of a high-ranking order and receiving
medals from other countries.

Also as KIng of England he now serves as the Head of
State of the British Armed Forces.

However, King Charles was never deployed to a combat zone
and his impressive medals are not for active service in
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 11:33:21 AM
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Hi Maverick,

On the other hand we have Prince Harry, who was in
active service in Afghanistan receiving the
Afghanistan Operational Service Medal. Prince Harry's
military uniform was decorated with Golden, Diamond,
and Platinum Jubilee medals and the Army Pilot Wings
along with his Afghan medal.

The ER (Elizabeth Regina) initials were removed from his
shoulders. Which left the Prince heartbroken.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 11:44:20 AM
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Hi Foxy

Yes Charles served in the UK military and this is an Is Mise fixation.

My main point is about now. Is Charles able and willing to do the many exhausting APOLITICAL tasks of being King of the UK?

Will Charles penchant for promoting or criticising politically sensitive UK issues continue? I stress UK issues more than his now accepted Global climate change advocacy.


"A critic of modernist architecture, Charles worked on the creation of Poundbury, an experimental new town based on his architectural tastes.

He is also a prominent critic of the adoption of genetically modified food.[4][5]

Charles's support for homeopathy and other alternative medicine has been the subject of criticism.[6][7][8][9]

Following allegations concerning the offering of honours and British citizenship to donors, the conduct of one of his charities, the Prince's Foundation, attracted criticism; currently, the charity is the subject of an ongoing Metropolitan Police investigation into cash-for-honours allegations."
Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 5:56:17 PM
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It only appears to be a fixation because it stands out when compared to all the other naysayer contributions.

However have you the competence to navigate a warship, fly a jet plane,(Phantom fighter)do numerous parachute jumps (when.I was offered the chance to get my parachute wings, in the Australian Army, I graciously declined; no way was I going to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft)..
Could you survive the full course to become a British Commando?

If you can’t/couldn’t then don’t be so critical of a game bloke.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 7:38:52 PM
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You didn't mention your heroics in Korea! Why not? Charlie sounds better than Biggles, did he fly those jets and sail those warships all at the same time. If not, why not! People who fight in mercenary armies are nothing special, we all know that.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 8:56:40 PM
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O sung wu,

You were right in your assessment of this low twerp.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 September 2022 9:21:11 PM
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Elizabeth II : The Good, The Bad And The Ugly


She had little or no executive power (apart from appointing the prime minister), but our dear Elizabeth II forged for herself a well-earned reputation as the world’s leading influencer. With a wave of her magic wand, she made William Shakespeare’s vision of reality come true : “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players” (As You Like It).

She exercised her talent as scenarist and actress and deployed them in the form of soft power. She played the role of the fairy-tale Queen and won the hearts and minds of her subjects.

The 70-year performance was a huge success and won worldwide acclamation but now the final curtain has fallen, and the stage lights no longer shine. The show is over and it’s back to reality.

Queen Elizabeth II navigated reality with courage and determination. She did what she said she would do and never faulted. She will always be remembered and admired for that. But it has not always been easy. Her reign has been tarnished by two major events that she would have preferred to remain secret.

1. The affair that has become known as the “Palace letters” – about 1200 pages of secret correspondence between the Australian governor-general Sir John Kerr and Sir Martin Charteris, Queen Elizabeth's private secretary, in the mid-1970s which cast new light on Kerr's dismissal of the Whitlam government in 1975.

The “Palace letters” show quite clearly that matters of the highest political order were being discussed, secret from the Australian government and the Australian citizens, between the governor-general and the Palace in a way that's totally antithetical both to democratic governance and to the supposed political neutrality and non-involvement of the crown, Queen Elizabeth II.


(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 22 September 2022 2:53:58 AM
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(Continued …)


2. The Chagos Islands affair – islands in the Indian Ocean that were colonised by the UK in 1965 and whose indigenous population was forcefully displaced from their traditional homelands so that the islands could be leased to the US as a military base.

The British Parliament was not informed of this operation. It was effected by secret application of the Royal Prerogative of Queen Elizabeth II.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Thursday, 22 September 2022 2:56:39 AM
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Hi BP,

If push comes to shove, we all know which side of the fence the "impartial" royal family and the toadies such as the Governor General are on. Albo would do well to remember that.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 22 September 2022 6:29:04 AM
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Keep on smiling folks:

Harry and Meghan are they still royal?
'Cause from their royal duties they did recoil
California was the place they chose
Away from traditions they thought on the nose
The Queen is dead, Long Live The King
To King Charles III, we're all asked to sing
Will Harry and Meghan be welcomed back?
Will King Charles III cut them some slack?
You can't be royal and not adhere
To all the traditions in the royal sphere
So stay in California you've made your choice
At least there you will have a voice
The Brits and their colonies have a new king
A commando no less, whose praises some sing
A British royal, trained by the best
Who will rule with aplomb and with great zest
Australians now have to decide
If this is a ruler they can abide
A man trained beyond compare
which a leaky pen was able to ensnare.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 September 2022 10:39:01 AM
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Well done Foxy

But I fear too reverent.

To the Beverly Hillbillies tune

I present

There were two Royals named Harry and Meg
They effed so much Harry's balls went Red
In three short years they spawned a Brood
Royals Archie and Lilibet joined the Feud

There you have it Royal Lovers. In Shakespearean metre worthy of Keats, Byron and Sir James Paul McCartney CH MBE.
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 22 September 2022 1:57:35 PM
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The cost of the unscheduled public holiday for the so called day of mourning to the Australian economy $2 billion. not a peep from those who opposed a $1 pay rise for the lowest paid workers!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 22 September 2022 2:04:29 PM
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I’m starting to think that you despise the King because he is the Head of the Anglican Church, so he can be mocked according to the Foxy gospel.
How’s your memory coming along?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 September 2022 5:56:41 PM
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Hi Maverick,

Well said.

Is Mise,

There's many things that I don't like.
Child abuse. Child neglect. Lack of justice.
Extremism. Ignorance. Bullying. Racism.
Entitlement. To name just a few.
As for King Charles?
I don't despise him. On the contrary.
I wish him a long reign - in the United Kingdom.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 September 2022 6:50:54 PM
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But you do think it’s OK to mock his religion.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 September 2022 7:17:46 PM
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Is Mise,

You'll have to be more specific.

Because as monarch King Charles intends to protect
the diversity of religion in Britain and to
"respect those who follow other spiritual paths, as
well as those who seek to live their lives in
accordance with secular lives."

He doesn't see his role as defending Anglicanism
to the exclusion of other religions. Instead he sees
the Church having a duty to protect the free practice of
all faiths in the UK.

That is something that can't and should not be criticized.
I'm sure you will agree.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 22 September 2022 7:38:52 PM
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Surely you agree thar it’s alright to mock religion?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 22 September 2022 8:34:03 PM
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Thanks O Sung Wu- hope you're well.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 23 September 2022 7:12:58 AM
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Is Mise,

As I explained earlier,
- people are entitled to their
religions and beliefs. People are also entitled
to mock (and criticize)
the religions of others.
You criticized - Hinduism.

People often mock religions. That's a fact.
However, I've never been one of those
people. And I would not do it. You were the one
who brought the
beliefs of our Indigenous people into the conversation
as well as bringing King Charles and his Church into the
conversation. Why? Again, as I've stated to you -
Please don't put words into my mouth. I can't be
held responsible for your interpretations of what I said -
only for what I did say.


This is for you:

Is Mise is one of a kind
On this forum he tends to hide
He sits in front of a computer screen
It's his favourite place to vent his spleen

He's an Irish bloke who must be right
He's always ready for a fight
The best advice that someone gave
Don't give this bloke that which he craves

On this forum there's lots like him
Who were used to pubs and losing skin
Now a computer for them provides
The skirmishes they've been deprived.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 10:52:10 AM
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On National Day of Mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Australian Associated Press via Canberra Times, Launceston Examiner, Northwest Star and many other papers report September 22 2022

"Protesters demand monarchy be abolished"

The Australian flag has been covered in blood and burned at a series of anti-monarchy rallies across the country.

Protesters at Melbourne's Birrarung Marr cut up the flag and covered it in fake blood, while chanting "abolish the monarchy" in confronting scenes.

Greens senator Lidia Thorpe ["a proud DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman"] led hundreds of protesters of all ages and backgrounds taking a stand against colonisation on the Queen's National Day of Mourning.

"The Crown's boot is on our neck and we're sick of it," Senator Thorpe told the rally.

"Do you know we have over 20,000 Aboriginal children who have been stolen in 2022? And you want to mourn the coloniser who brought the pain and the genocide and the murders here to our people. Shame!"

The crowd then sat at the intersection of Flinders and Swanston streets while clutching Aboriginal flags and anti-monarchy signs, before marching to state parliament.

Senator Thorpe decried countless atrocities and human rights violations against First Nations people, and the high incarceration rates among Indigenous youths.

"While everyone mourns the Queen, we have 10-year-old babies trying to take their lives in Don Dale prison. We have to shut the child prisons down," she said.

In 2007, Indigenous youths accounted for 59 per cent of the total juvenile detention population, according to government records.

Last year, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners made up 30 per cent of all prisoners.

The protests come amid calls for the Victorian government to raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to at least 14.

The Melbourne rally was one of multiple protests in Australia on Thursday.

...Activist groups Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance (WAR) and Fighting In Solidarity Towards Treaties are among those organising the demonstrations.."

Posted by Maverick, Friday, 23 September 2022 1:53:14 PM
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Dear Maveri9ck,

I saw these demonstrations of television and I also
saw Lidia Thorpe with her hand raised. It was a
total turn-off for me. And I thought what a shame
this event took place the way it did. It would
have lost them many supporters. Violence and aggression
only achieves division. And their actions were vile.
They need better leadership. These people are too extreme.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 2:00:52 PM
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Dear Maverick,

I've just finished reading Stan Grant's reaction:

It showed me how little I understand about the feelings of
our indigenous people. So I'll just shut up.
The article is worth a read.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 2:26:04 PM
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What the fools agitating for a treaty don't understand is that treaties were and are an artefact of sovereigns, you know, as in kings and all that? They arose out of agreements between established kings, such as England and France, and have been adopted by modern governments descended from them.

But Australian Aboriginal society does not have, and never had, any such thing. Their only hope is one constituted for them by the federal government whose legitimacy they deny.

Laughable ignorance.
Posted by Cumberland, Friday, 23 September 2022 3:06:35 PM
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Lidia Thorpe is a fine representative for Republicanism, leave her alone, she’s doing a good job.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 23 September 2022 3:37:14 PM
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Just a bit more information for those who aren't aware
that the Uluru Statement From The Heart is an eloquent
document which calls for Voice, Treaty, and Truth.
Three foundation principles that the Statement's authors
say require constitutional and structural reform to
create a new, more profound and respectful relationship
between Indigenous people and the broader Australian

Progress has been unhurried and deliberately so. Getting
it right, bringing the Australian community along and
winning overwhelming support is critical to the goal
of ensuring Indigenous influence is enshrined within
the constitution.

To that end extensive consultation by Prof. Marcia Langton
and Tom Calma has taken place about its potential structure,
function, and practical capabilities. The pair heard from more
than 9,400 organisations and individuals over 18 months.
Their final report has been with the federal government since
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 4:27:24 PM
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There's nothing laughable nor ignorant about it.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 4:28:20 PM
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You do know that our nation was stolen not sold.
It was never ceded. It began it's life as a
white man's land when British Crims landed on
it sand. The native people had no say. They were
expected to die and just go away. And yet they're
still with us - smaller in number, but still here.
And after all these years all they're asking is to
be heard. And you're calling them ignorant?

Dude, you're next-level screwed up.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 23 September 2022 6:20:46 PM
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A few facts: (not directly relevant)
250 years ago, Australia was occupied by relatively few people.
Those people were spread out over this vast land.
Australia being so isolated, those occupants had never had to defend their occupancy?
Enter the british. It could have been the dutch, or others, but those groups were a bit slow off the mark.
The original occupants were unable to defend their occupancy, so the british moved in to take up a largely vacant land.
That was the way of the world back then. Nobody bothered to say please or thank you.
For example, the vikings didn't, and the romans didn't, when they arrived in what is now the UK.
Similar invasion was still happening in the 20th century too. Read some history?
So the original occupants lost the limited control they had.
After that, all they could pass on to future generations was knowledge, and nothing else.
The only logical thing to do was to accept the newcomers, and adapt to their way of life.
Which many have done with great success.
Another truth is that none of the present day 'agitators' was alive 250 years ago.
We were not alive then either.
None of us have responsibility for anything that happened long ago.
None of us alive today owe any debt or apology to anyone because of anything that took place at that time.
All of us born today start with a clean slate.
We can avail ourselves of opportunities to improve our living standards, or stand in the corner and whine about perceived wrongs.
The fact is there are no wrongs.
But there are agitators trying to continue with a feud.
The absurdity of it all is almost beyong belief.
Also absurd is the fact that some are giving these false claims serious consideration.
What happened to truth and logic?
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 23 September 2022 9:25:35 PM
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Hi Foxy

Yep - Angry Lidia is doing genuinely First Nation people a disservice through her inner-city Melbourne extremist approach.

More mainly-Whites like Lidia

(checkout her Caucasian photo )

will lose the Voice Referendum for the legit First Nation people who are suffering.

Posted by Maverick, Friday, 23 September 2022 9:59:13 PM
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Hi again Foxy

On Stan's article, see my comment

on the main Voice thread.

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 23 September 2022 10:03:10 PM
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In Hong Kong, Thousands of people, mostly young, joined queues hundreds of metres long for hours in sweltering temperatures to record their condolences at the death of Queen Elizabeth at the British Consulate.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 23 September 2022 11:20:27 PM
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They're not "asking to be heard", they're asking for a treaty.

So the treating sovereigns, the parties to the treaty, would be who, for the Aboriginal party?

You have already admitted in advance that any part that the Crown had in constituting or treating with that party would be illegitimate, along with your occupation of your home.

As for their voice being heard, don't be ridiculous. They've got the ABC and SBS trumpeting their cause on all channels and stations for at least the last 50 years, plus two major political parties ditto, plus a whole slew of minor parties, plus scores of bureaucracies, devoted to nothing but, plus the schools, universities... - what are you talking about?

And if you're right, then why haven't you left the land that, according to you, you are criminally occupying?

It's no use *emoting* at me for merely pointing out that the idea is a confused jumble of self-contradictions that don't make sense.
Posted by Cumberland, Saturday, 24 September 2022 12:07:38 AM
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Well, maybe Aunty Lidia ain't that bad .

Greens vote fer-a and not ALL Greens are Bad, OK?!
Posted by Maverick, Saturday, 24 September 2022 1:00:58 AM
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Hi Mavers,

Thanks for the links and comments. As always they are

Hi Cumberland,

It seems that we see things differently. Which makes
any further discussion rather pointless. Enjoy your day.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 10:24:29 AM
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Of course I criticised Hinduism and Protestantism ans Catholicism but I never said it was OK to mock religion as you did.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 24 September 2022 1:30:25 PM
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Is Mise,

Go back and re-read what I actually did say.
I can't help you any further.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 1:58:00 PM
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The Australian's Greg Sheridan has advised that replacing Queen Elizabeth with King Charles is like replacing Don Bradman with Kerry O'Keefe.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 24 September 2022 5:09:36 PM
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It's not the difference in opinion that makes further discussion pointless; it's your going around in circles, ignoring the issues, and contradicting yourself.
Posted by Cumberland, Saturday, 24 September 2022 5:31:28 PM
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But he doesn't know yet, does he?

Admittedly Charles's remark about wanting to be his mistress's tampon was pretty unprepossessing, not really kingly material, but then how can one prove oneself from a waiting position? It's a tough gig being a Prince of Wales, what the the polo, the champagne quaffing, the pooncing around one's estates, talking to plants, fretting about global warming, and inventing a device to squeeze the last skerrick out of the toothpaste tube. Cut him some slack. Plus he never got the quota of milkmaids that former Princes of Wales did in days of yore, one of the earliest royal prerogatives.

But all you have to do is imagine Greg Sheridan as king to put his remarks in perspective.
Posted by Cumberland, Saturday, 24 September 2022 5:40:00 PM
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Hi Cumberland,

We're on different wave lengths. But we're no alone.
I've tried to explain things to you
but you've got your own mind-set and just don't
get it. And as a result for me at least -
it's pointless to continue.

And that's OK. After all it's only opinions that we're
sharing. Have a nice day.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 25 September 2022 11:05:27 AM
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Fairly obvious that you’ve never played polo.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 25 September 2022 2:51:38 PM
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I reread what you said,
“.People have every right to practice their religion . . . and the rest of us have every right to reject, mock, and criticize, these beliefs.. . .”

What don’t you understand about the concept of ‘us’?

Perhaps you really mean that although you, personally, would never mock Australian Aboriginal religion, you think that it’s perfectly alright for others to mock their deeply held beliefs and to make fun of this aspect of their culture.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 25 September 2022 3:09:59 PM
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Hi Foxy

Best to ignore Issy.

He's made "Stringing You (and others) Along" a high art.

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Sunday, 25 September 2022 6:31:59 PM
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Can we get our $2 billion back now?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 September 2022 9:43:39 PM
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How's that LIST going?

You know the one where you LIBEL Greens MP's by calling them liars and perjurers.

What don’t you understand about the concept of ‘LIST’?

The old sheila had a quid, she's left $2 billion in her will. Must have been taking in washing on Tuesdays or something for extra dosh! Poor Fergie the Duchess of Pork, only got $1 mill. How's she going to afford Jenny Craig Now!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 25 September 2022 9:58:57 PM
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The problem is that I, but that you don't understanding what you're talking about.

It's that I point out that what you're saying is self-contradictory, racist, jingoist, and hypocritical, and you have no answer but to repeat yourself.

You don't want to live under others' authority when it makes no difference in practice to anything in your life. Why should others have to live under your authority when it involves an exclusive race-based grievance-entitled priviligentsia, entrenched in the Constitution, in which you set up a conflict that does not now exist between the head of state and head of government?

Plus it would *not* have the effect of "cutting the strings", because it would sit TOTALLY WITHIN a UK, not an Australian statute, nor of preserving a Westminster system, because that involves the authority.

It is a garbled confusion on your part, that is all.
Posted by Cumberland, Sunday, 25 September 2022 10:05:07 PM
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Sorry, correction:

The problem is not that I don't understand what you're talking about. I understand it alright. The problem is that you don't understand what you're talking about.

2.The Westminster system involves the authority of the Crown as the Head of State, not a popularly elected President, because what you are suggesting, without understanding, would set up a conflict of power between the Head of State and the Head of Government *that it was the purpose of the Westminster system to resolve by neutering the Crown. You reform would undo this. It would multiply Whitlam 1975 situations.

NOW do you understand?

I know you don't understand because I know that you're against what you're suggesting.
Posted by Cumberland, Sunday, 25 September 2022 10:14:27 PM
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Were I to start a list Lidia Thorpe might top it.
She at least admits to lying to get into Parliament.

Perhaps you believe that to swear loyalty to the King and then try to remove him from the kingdom is not being disloyal and not breaking the oath, self delusion will keep you happy no doubt.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 26 September 2022 12:47:04 AM
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Hi Issy,

What if Charles Windsor goes voluntarily? Are MP's then considered disloyal if there is no monarch. Malcolm Turnbull was a well known republican who swore allegiance to the Queen, he made it right to the top of the heap, was that a problem for you?.

I would much prefer our parliamentarians to swear allegiance to the Commonwealth of Australia, and its people. Isn't that a novel idea.

BTW; My name is not Goebbels, that's your uncle Joe, its Gobbles; like Charles I have lots of names, my full name is; Paul Horatio Hornblower Chicken Fried Gobbles.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 September 2022 5:02:50 AM
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Dear Is Mise,


Foxy wrote :

« .People have every right to practice their religion . . . and the rest of us have every right to reject, mock, and criticize, these beliefs … »

I don’t think I have ever mocked anyone or anything in my life and I can’t imagine that I ever would. It’s just not in my nature. I don’t know about Foxy, but I do believe she has the right to mock religious beliefs if she wants to.

That right is accorded to her under Article 15 Freedom of Expression of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 of the state of Victoria where I understand she lives.

I say that for two reasons :

1. Foxy stipulated specifically “religious beliefs”, not some particular person or persons

2. Because the law protects not only the expression of opinions that are uncontroversial but also those that “offend, shock or disturb”, as is the case with mockery. Limits on freedom of expression can only be justified where it is strictly necessary to do so, for example in the case of hate speech.

Although there is no universally accepted definition, hate speech is generally understood to describe forms of expression which incite violence, hatred, or discrimination against other persons.

As a matter of fact, I don’t think the legal situation would be any different in any other state of Australia under common law, even though Australia is the only democratic country in the world that does not have a Bill of Rights.

The ACT was, of course, the first to legislate on Human Rights with Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT).

So, I suspect that if you are so inclined, Is Mise, you too could mock religious belief, provided, of course, you take the precaution not to target anyone in particular nor menace anyone.

If you do it with a smile you should be ok.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 26 September 2022 7:23:34 AM
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I despise Turnbull.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 26 September 2022 9:10:35 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Thank You. I thought that on this forum my position was
quite clear. That people on this forum were entitled to
their religious beliefs and that others were entitled to
criticize those beliefs with the provisions that they
didn't break our laws or harm anybody. There are laws
concerning libel, and hatred and so on.

I stand by my posting record - which I had assumed was quite
obvious. Again Thank You - for explaining it better than I

Hi Cumberland,

The Queen made it quite clear many times that she felt it
was up to the Australian people to decide whether they wanted
to be a republic or not. She did not object to it. I assume
that King Charles would follow in his mother's footsteps in
this regard. Therefore as I stated earlier if Australia became
a republic it would remove the King's power and dissolve the
office of Governor General. The nation would then be led by an
elected representative and this person would hold Australia's
executive authority.

If Australia became a republic it would have to choose a system of
government that allowed for the exercise of authority to be
on Australian soil, instead of the power being wielded by the
British monarch. We do have the option to retain the Westminster
System of Parliament with a PM elected by a public majority.

When the time comes for Australians to make that decision I
am sure that things will be explained to everyone (including
you and me) so we can understand and make a well-informed
decision on the matter. So don't worry about my so called
"lack of understanding." Things will work out eventually - I'm sure.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 26 September 2022 9:50:04 AM
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Hi Issy,

"I despise Turnbull." That's a very strong word to use "despise", and an equally strong indictment. Did you know the Turbull's, Malcolm and his wife Lucy, are major donors to Sydney Children's Hospital at Randwick, and have been for many years
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 September 2022 10:06:40 AM
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Dear Paul

Re: your "full name is; Paul Horatio Hornblower Chicken Fried Gobbles."

I was under the impression your real name was

Captain Fellatio Hornblower...:)

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 26 September 2022 1:55:58 PM
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Read above “I despise Turnbull”.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 26 September 2022 3:47:25 PM
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Why do you despise Turnbull? Is it his hair style? Maybe its those ties he wears. When you complete your LIST of Green MP's who you want to LIBEL by calling them liars and perjurers, maybe you can make up a list of MP's you despise. I'll kick the list of for you.


There you go its over to you now.

Mavs, Fellatio Hornblower Gobbles is my twin brother twice removed, and oddly he's only one year older than me. Isn't that strange we're almost the same age.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 September 2022 4:09:39 PM
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The unassailable fact is that Foxy wrote that it is alright to mock religion, and religion includes that peculiar to Australian Aboriginals, Christians Jews and Muslims etc.
Is it OK to mock Islam, to mock the Prophet Muhammad?
Certainly it’d be unwise.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 26 September 2022 6:56:38 PM
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Hi Paul

Your twin brother twice removed, only one year older than you, called Fellatio Hornblower Gobbles, sounds totally plausible to me :)

Just like my cousin Iva Payne and maiden Aunt, Sister Gretchen Gruntfuttock.

Not to mention my dear niece, Ophelia Balls.

Cheers Mavs
Posted by Maverick, Monday, 26 September 2022 10:23:31 PM
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Dear Is Mise,


You wrote :

1. « … Foxy wrote that it is alright to mock religion … »

No, Is Mise, she did not write that. She wrote : “the rest of us have every right to … mock … these [religious] beliefs … “.

Alright means “satisfactory, acceptable” (OED), whereas right, in this context, means “a just claim or title, whether legal, prescriptive, or moral (OED).

Although Foxy has a just, legal, and moral claim (right) to mock religious belief if she wants to, most religious believers would probably find this to be totally unacceptable (not alright).

She was not affirming that “it is alright to mock religion”. She was simply pointing out that “mocking religious belief” is a fundamental human right of “Freedom of Expression”.

2. « … religion includes that peculiar to Australian Aboriginals, Christians Jews and Muslims etc.»

Yes, the early British settlers generally considered there was no such thing as Indigenous religion, only superstition. But anthropologists later found that the Aboriginal peoples had a close spiritual connection with the land and a highly developed cosmogenic Dreamtime mythology. A Special Rapporteur of the UN qualified that in 1997 as a religious belief that should be officially recognized and included in all future surveys of religious membership in Australia.

It is interesting to note that historical research has revealed that although large-scale wars were not uncommon among the Aboriginal peoples prior to colonisation there is nothing to indicate that they had anything to do with religious conflict.

As for the monotheistic religions you mention, they ideologically reject all other belief systems as false religions – which partly explains their exceptionally aggressive and intolerant stance in the history of the world. This conception has served to justify the destructive and fanatical action of legions of devotees who consider their religion to be the only true one.


(Continued …)

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 9:59:55 AM
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(Continued …)


3. « Is it OK to mock Islam, to mock the Prophet Muhammad? Certainly it’d be unwise.»

Yes, I’m afraid there are too many religious fanatics and mentally disturbed people in the world today for anyone to willingly risk his life by exercising his fundamental human right of Freedom of Expression in mocking Islam or the Prophet Muhammad.

We all have in mind the terrorist attack in Paris against the satiric magazine Charlie Hebdo that precisely mocked the Prophet Muhammad, as well as the relatively recent knife attack by an apparently deranged individual on Salman Rushdie whose book, The Satanic Verses, was branded as blasphemous by Ayatollah Khomeini who issued a fatwa calling for Rushdie’s death.

Khomeini’s son, Ahmed, later told a New Yorker reporter that Khomeini never read Salman Rushdie’s book :

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 10:04:15 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Thank You so much for once again explaining it so well.
I never said it was all right to mock religion.
We've had - all sorts of people challenging the spiritual
convictions of others, often through humour, satire,
literary ridicule, et cetera. Of course they do this at their
own peril as you pointed out - as we've seen with Salman Rushdie.

Then we have:

" Michael Palin and John Cleese
Did a great job of this with ease
We don't need to see Orion
To enjoy Monty Python's Life of Brian."

William Wordsworth wrote "Idiot Boy" (The)-

"For this Pony there's a rumour
That should he lose his eyes and ears
And should he live a thousand years
He never will be out of humour."
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 10:38:57 AM
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Some fine distinctions, but mocking religion comes near to and often is, hate speech.
I read Rushdie’s book in India in the house of a friend near Juhu beach in Mumbi,
His street ran off the one where, in the book, Rushdie’s characters entered the sea.
However the location didn’t make the book less boring.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 10:48:46 AM
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P.S. Paul

Lola Lilycrap

Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 6:46:06 PM
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Dear Foxy,


I appreciate your reassurance that I have not misinterpreted your thoughts on this highly contentious operation of unraveling the Gordian knot at the intersection of Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression.

Dear Is Mise,


I too tried to read Rushdie’s Satanic Verses when the Ayatollah’s fatwa hit the headlines, but I’m afraid I gave up before the end of the first chapter because I couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

Now that the subject has come up again, I thought I’d have another crack at it but can’t find the book anywhere among the thousands my wife and I have collected over the years.

I see that it is available as a free PDF on the internet, but don’t fancy reading the 574 pages (if I manage to get past the first chapter) on my computer screen :

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 9:26:04 PM
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Please accept my apologies, l see now that Banjo was all right.

I read the “Satanic Verses” the first time because my host asked me to, as he wanted my reaction, it coincided with his.
I actually read it a second time as I was in hospital and reading material was short, I must say that Salman can write, but, in this case not coherently.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 30 September 2022 2:12:27 PM
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Dear Banjo,

I tried my best to untie the Gordion knot.
I failed. You didn't. Thank you.

Hi Is Mise,

Thank you for your apology.

It was nice of you to offer it.
I appreciate it.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 30 September 2022 3:06:28 PM
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I see that Queen Elizabeth is said to have died of 'old age'.
That statement on her certificate of death concerns me a trifle.
As I remember it, no one dies of old age.
They die because one or more critical parts of their body cease to function as they should.
So we die because something fails.
I wonder why it has been listed as it has.
But however curious we are, but I don't think we have any right to know anything more of the true circumstances.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 30 September 2022 9:07:20 PM
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Today is Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday.
2nd October 1869.

A man who employed non-violent means to gain independence
from British rule in India. Something to think about here
in Oz.

Australians all we should rejoice
We can be one and free
But we need to give our First People a Voice
In this land that's girthed by sea

We no longer sing "God Save The King"
But "Advance Australia Fair"
'Cause our people come from many lands
With pride we do declare

Do we need a British Crown
And all of its regalia?
King Charles can always visit us
And Camilla can root for Australia
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 October 2022 12:35:37 PM
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Gandhi was a man who used violence; he deliberately provoked the British in India knowing that if pressed far enough they would react with violence, he did it time and again.
Whilst he refrained from overt personal violence he was not averse to causing it for political gain.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 2 October 2022 2:23:39 PM
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Hi Is Mise,

Gandhi was against injustice. Many people still have the
idea that non-violent action is passive. There is nothing
passive about Gandhi's non-violent action. His action was
not a evasive strategy, not a defensive one.

Gandhi was always on the offensive. He believed in
confronting his opponents aggressively in such a way that they
could not avoid dealing with him.

There's an excellent book on the subject by Mark Shepard
on the myths and misconceptions about Gandhi. It's an
interesting read.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 October 2022 5:35:36 PM
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