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Please Stand Aside Now John and Allow Peter be Our Next Prime Minister

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Dear John
You have been a magnificent servant for our great party and the Australian people. But NOW is the time to resign before it is too late. You now cannot win but Peter can and will win. Peter has the charisma and financial no how to continue with great panache to win the hearts and minds of all Australians. He ties Kevin Rudd up in knots and makes him look ridiculous which you cannot do. So John Winston please step aside now and aloow Peter call the next election. We have achieved much with the GST. We supported America in Iraq, We sold Telstra, We have been successful in putting Trade Unions in a bad light with the electorate, We have protected small business. We are succeeding in moving in on indigenous territory to protect their offspring. We have put in to place plans for Nuclear Power Stations to combat Global Warming and climate change. We were successful in bringing in gun control. We ave tightened our borders and security. We have tightened up Welfare and forced bludgers out of the dole queues. We have given hope to disabled people by ensuring that they can work alongside non disabled people. and much much more.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 11:18:25 PM
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Are you serious?. This is sarcasm, right?.

"...magnificent servant for our great party..."

*snicker* *snort*

You're not concerned Howard promised GST wouldn't happen, then he pushed it through?....jeees that's just the TIP of the iceberg.
Posted by StG, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 12:12:57 PM
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This can't be serious.
What does this union-bashing founder member of the HR Nicholls Society, who models his parliamentary performance on Paul Keating (but without the charm) and is affectionately known as "Captain Smirk (even by his own associates), actually stand for?

Besides selling out the country to overseas and his big-end-of-town supporters' interests, what does he actually done for most of us?
Taking economic credit for China's resources needs and telling us we've never had it so good doesn't mean much to the growing number of the homeless and bankrupt.

The percentage of GDP that now flows directly out of the economy as dividend payments to overseas owners is greater than the interest payments on the debt he "inherited" and many national assets are now gone forever into the bargain.

Other than his constant self-congratulatory back-slapping and a token gesture of support for the happy-clappers during the last election, we don't know where he stands on anything else. Iraq? Global warming? Foreign Trade? Immigration? Any opnion on anything would help.

His reluctance to even challenge for the job he believes he is entitled to shows that he is either too gutless, or he prefers others to beg him to do it. Is this a lack of personal ambition or a self-recognition of his own inability I wonder?

His Party's legacy will be one of lost opportunities, infrastructure decay and social division and he will be the ultimate scapegoat for any post-election fallout that may occur.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 1:56:11 PM
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This has to be a joke.

Anyone with this much knowledge of what Howard has apparently done "for" us would also have to know that Costello is as popular as flatulence in a crowded elevator. He doesn't stand a chance.

I can't stand the entity that currently calls itself the Liberal Party and hope they suffer a massive loss at the election.

So I join the call. Yeh, come on Howard, step aside and let Captain Smirk have a go. You know you want to.
Posted by chainsmoker, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 3:25:15 PM
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Although i greatly dislike our white dwarf Johnny Howard, i am finding myself hoping that he will win this elction so that when we experence a recession (a we inevitably will in the near future)the Liberal Party - in particular John Howard - will be forced to take the blame and bare the concequences of what their actions have done; instead of another party gaining power just in time to be blamed for everything that goes wrong, and then preparing ground for the Liberal Party to be re-elected to 'save the day'; as has happened several times through out our history. of course it is a little worrying as to how Howard would deal with a recession.....
Posted by Anna14, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 7:13:59 PM
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Now we have two great Statesmen arm in arm with the world at their feet influencing other top world leader this is a really great day for Sydney and Australia. To determine our future to better mankind to have the benefit of American technology within our shores. To have many American soldiers protecting us against an Iranian Nuclear threat. For China and Russia to purchase as much uranium as they can buy so that they can educate Iran to help Iran to build many peaceful Nuclear Power Stations before Iran runs out of oil. This APEC meeting will go down in history as something special which will be an improvement on Kyoto where it will not damage the worlds Industry. China will be able to take short cuts and help themselves to West Australian Gas fields. We may even get to grips with Japan to stop them butchering whales. Also place embargoes on Burma to restore human rights to that country with the help of China and Russia. We all hope that Peter Costello will be at the summit so that he will continue when he takes over from John Howard
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 7:30:13 PM
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John Howard has a great team with a lot of ability and he can now stand aside and hand over the office to Peter Costello who has the ability to continue. A ballot would be healthier we will have Tony Abbott, Alexander Downer and Malcolm Turnball quite a formidable team to continue from a great leader the best since Sir Robert Menzies. The Queen must now make an exception and Knight him as he has deserved it more than Cliff Richard, Michael Caine, Paul McCartney, Bob Geldorf, Elton John etc. Iraq may not go down as the great success story but at least all of that oil is now privatised and not financing Sadam Hussein regime. We will all hope and pray that Labor will not gain the fruits of all the hard work done by Peter Costello making sure that the savings that has been made by stopping wasteful spending on Government Education and Health Child Care and Aged Care. All of these would be better served privately and not be a drain on the tax payers purse. John you have served us all exceedingly well and now is the time to step down vacate the position as did your good friend Tony Blair. We all hope that we do not become a Republic but if we ever do it would be a great gesture if Peter Costello would appoint John Howard President of the Federation of Australia. That would be a token effort to repay John for standing aside with the agreement from Peter for not making a bid for the PM position
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 7:52:18 PM
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All good Liberals must now be proactive to ask John Howard to stand down before it is too late. Our Branch has passed a motion giving our concerns that our party will be exterminated at the next election if we do not change our leadership. Personally I cannot understand why we have become unpopular admittedly we bit the bullet on Industrial Relations because it had to be done. Carers on $16 dollars an hour were asking as much as 4% pay rises if this happened Doctors and Nurses would be demanding the same. We have helped small business to hire and fire at will. We have seen the dangers of collective bargaining when the AFL players association boycotted channel 7 for obtaining private medical records with the help of freedom of information. John Howard and Kevin Andrews have done a stirling job carrying on where Peter Reith left off. It would be great if Peter Reith returned to the ranks of our Government.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 8:07:52 PM
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I reckon Peter Costello would make a wonderful PM ...for New Zealand.
Posted by Rainier, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:01:29 PM
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Bugger off! You're just a spammer.

Has anyone else noticed that Julie has submitted 13 posts so far, all within 24 hours!

Click her website link. I doesn't even lead anywhere. The URL for it is just "http://Julie Vickers". Not even a valid link.

Also, if you use Firefox as a web browser or you Internet explorer has updated to version 7, then open up multiple tabs all with OLO pages and you'll notice that you're CPU starts to run at near 100%. A strong indication that she's hacked OLO, giving her the ability to post as often as she likes.

I started a dicussion about this but she will probably have been dealt with by the time it's posted.

You right-wingers are pathetic! Julie rambles on like someone who has been completely brainwashed.

Get a life loser!
Posted by John Simpson, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:25:59 PM
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Apologies for the spelling and grammatical errors in that last post. I was trying to get it up quickly so that she can be dealt with promptly. We read enough of this garbage here already without a hacker repeating it in spam.
Posted by John Simpson, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:41:41 PM
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Lighten up John, there are already too many people in Australia suffering cardiovascular and neurological problems to have others like you stressed by Julie about our illustrious leader.
Posted by Q&A, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 9:43:59 PM
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Dear Julie
are you for real ? Many Conservatives do express the same as you do but not quite so blatant. I am not too sure whether to take you serious as you haven't had any support up to now. Do you realise my dear soul Julie Messrs Bush and Howard are both together hatching up contracts that cannot be broken. Allow me to name a few.
1 Uranium waste in the Northern Territory.
2 More United States bases on Australian soil with new technology to monitor rogue states in this region.
3 Exchanging ideas on how to gradually diminish what is remaining of our Government owned utilities including Education and Health Privatisation of Medicare etc so that it will fall in line with American owned Companies.
4 Nuclear bases on Australian soil
Yes I agree it would be nice to know who will be the Conservative leader in 2008 but Malcom Frazer is the only Liberal who is showing any sense. If Malcolm Frazer put his hat in the ring then maybe Kevin Rudd would have a hard tussle.
No Julie I have never met you and you may be a very nice family person but with your views and so called policy issues you are no threat you may be better off and more comfortable in the Pauline United Party.
Posted by Bronco Lane, Wednesday, 5 September 2007 11:11:06 PM
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Well spotted John Simpson. Three posts in one day on one thread. None of us honest people can do that.

Great ads for Labor though.
Posted by chainsmoker, Thursday, 6 September 2007 9:33:11 AM
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Quite so, chainsmoker. The more 'Julie Vickers' types who post such nauseating crap, the more of a shoo-in is Kevin Rudd.

We should encourage more spam from 'Julie Vickers', I reckon.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 6 September 2007 10:00:28 AM
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Aaaah lighten up guys.
This is just someones idea of humour so let the mandatory ha ha out and get on with it.
Posted by Goddess, Thursday, 6 September 2007 12:22:48 PM
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Personally I think Julie that Mr Abbot would be a great Prime Minister. Hopefully Mr Howard will be able to hand over to him in about 2 years time. NO doubt Mr Howard will receive knighthood.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 6 September 2007 12:51:59 PM
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I think it's too late Julie.They should have slowly introduced IR refrom explaining every step before changes were made.John Howard's blue collar supporters feel betrayed and cheated.I don't think a change at this point will make any difference.

John Howard is the only one who has the ability to pull a rabbit out of the hat.If he pulls this one off,he'll be known as Hudini John with a quadruple by pass.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 6 September 2007 2:17:01 PM
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John Simpson,

Interesting that you consider OLO to have been hacked by Julie Vickers. You mentioned that you have started a discussion about this, but I have not been able to find one using your user profile on OLO. Is this a discussion as yet awaiting approval? If it is, you will probably have an email message from the forum administrator by now.

It seems to me to be possible to make 13 posts to OLO in 24 hours if one is posting to both the General Discussion area of the site and the Articles area. If I understand the posting limits correctly, one could make a total of 15 posts legitimately in 24 hours. Julie Vickers, when I checked, had a total of 13 posts since first posting on OLO. I have not checked myself whether they are split between the two areas, but the OLO posting summary says they have been 8 general comments and 5 article comments, and that seems OK. I must admit it does not seem immediately clear from reading the Forum Rules how the posting limits apply, but if you run over limit the site normally gives you a lockout message until the clock expires on your oldest post.

I did note earlier today that the red posting recency flag on this thread had come down right on the two hour mark for the 15th post to the thread, in contrast to the flags on my postings on the Technical Support thread, which were being taken down up to half an hour early. You may find some of my notes there about differential post recency flagging interesting. See: . I certainly think the OLO site has been hacked and rendered susceptible to tweaking, as I can't see why they would do this to themselves, as it only tends to diminish the credibility of the site.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Thursday, 6 September 2007 4:45:54 PM
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George W Bush and John W Howard with gritty determination will stay in Iraq to the bitter. It has taken a lot of courage from these two strong leaders in not flinching and giving in they have not cut and run they have kept on fighting at great risk to themselves. They are heroes and will go down in history as such such bravery. On the other hand Britains new Prime Minister has not shown that steely resolve after one month in office he is now retreating to the airport. A lot has been achieved in Iraq since the American Invasion Iraq now have a Democratic Government impartial Security Forces and a Secular Police Force. Many Iraqis have crossed the border to Syria but when the Country returns to normal they will all get the benefit of the oil and they will all be thankful for what the coalition of the willing have done for them. They now know that they do not have weapons of mass destruction and Iran do as allies. Their brothers have control of the Presidential Palace so now we can all sit back satisfied that it was a good job well done. Since the invasion of Iraq the world is now a safer place. We can all feel satisfied that we have elected John Howard for eleven years and God willing we will all elect him again.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Friday, 7 September 2007 12:55:20 AM
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Julie is a plant and a tool no supporter of conservative Australia and not as smart as he /she wants to be.
But I am concerned even worried why would a poster think Costello is as popular as flatulence in a crowded lift?
Why the need to flatter him?
he is far worse than that!
Posted by Belly, Friday, 7 September 2007 7:03:11 PM
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At last John many respectable Liberals are now asking you to stand aside.
You have done a wonderful job at APEC with many contracts signed that Kevin Rudd will now have to honour. John we are pleading with you if you continue to want to lead we will all be decimated and we will be losing our seats. We will stil hold the Senate BUT if you fail to stand aside after APEC and callan election you will undo all the good that you have done over the last eleven years. Please listen to Wilson Tuckey and Mal Washer a lot of moderate members who do not want Nuclear Power and were privately against Work Choice want you to stand aside for Peter. If you continue the way you are going and not listening to Public Opinion you will be considered arrogant and blinkered. It would be fantastic for you to depart undefeated and allow Peter to call the election
Posted by Julie Vickers, Saturday, 8 September 2007 10:57:47 PM
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"Mal Washer" !!

Well done Julie! You're an 'Ime'! (I, me). I had great fun as an Ime on another forum.

Mind you, it brought out some fairly scary supportive opinions, which is what I set out to expose.

(You couldn't resist the above could you? It's given the game away I'm afraid!)
Posted by Ginx, Saturday, 8 September 2007 11:36:47 PM
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Methinks it's irony!

Join me at "Labor View from Broome" for some more fun, seriously. Or take the straight path to
Posted by top ender, Tuesday, 11 September 2007 5:53:47 PM
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Unfortunately the longer our Prime Minister grips on to office the lower our ratings decline. How worse can it get ? If we held a democratic ballot by everyone of our members with all the front runners placing their hats in the ring this would go down well with the Electorate. John Howard should call a ballot which would include himself with Alex, Malcolm, Peter and Tony that would be healthy and worth supporting. The polls are getting worse and worse how bad can they get this is getting really serious. It is now clearly obvious that 60% of the Country do not want John Howard and his policies today are not popular. Bob Carr, Geoff Gallop, Steve Bracks and Peter Beattie made sure that they blooded a prodigy before they stepped aside. Unfortunately we did not groom a suitable person that the Australian people would like. John Howard may have been a wily politician but he also made sure that he never had a successor. Not clever John.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 11:58:52 PM
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Hi all,

I think many people including our commentators in the News Media appear not to have read between the lines of JH's undertaking about his future as PM post the election.

As usual the 'rat cunning' JH left himself an open window in that interview - with the words 'I could come to the opinion'....

Besides, if you carefully read/listen to what he said I believe that he was making a last ditch plea to the electorate to re-elect his government on the grounds of sympathy and his supposed economic credibility.

My Politics lecturer used to emphasise an old adage which I keep in mind when reading/listening to pollies and the like 'Listen to what a man does not say for therein lies the truth' seems appropriate.

As for the annointed successsor to JH - imagine a Abbot/Costello combination on the floor of Parliament. The thought alone would be sad for this country and its people if it was not so hillarious.

Enjoy the weekend
Posted by Ninja, Saturday, 15 September 2007 4:21:55 PM
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Dear Julie,

John Howard here. My good friend Rainier has kindly allowed me to use his OLO account to respond to your letter to me.

First let me say this.

I don't think I want your vote anyway and Peter Costelly tells me he thinks people like you will be thrown on the scrap heap if 'we' win because the last thing we want is small 'L' liberals harping on about everything they think they have copyright on.

Its bad enough have the whinging Petrol Georgio in the back benches forensically combing through all our wonderful legislation looking for boogy men.

This very anti politically correct world we have created in Australia and we are proud of it. In other words every should agree with us or be accused of being politically correct. (ie, see ABC board for example)

You obviously don’t so bugger will ya and join the Labor party or Greens. (or even Family first, we are still happy to receive your ballot preferences)

We prefer rich people or gentry and blokes from Texas. (not necessarily in this order)

Yours sincerely

John Winston Howard.(PM 1996 -2008)
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 15 September 2007 5:22:13 PM
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We are now all confused with who now is leading our Country. John Winstone Howard wants to remain holding office but only as long as his party want him. Enough is enough he is now insulting our intelligence. He was going along fine telling a fib here a porky there and now a Howard everywhere UNTIL he chose to take on the vulnerable in the workplace and then that was it. He now must be the most infamously hated person in Australia. JWH is now putting on an ACT so that you may feel sorry for him poor old sod. HE HAS TO GO his disciples are still toadying up to him and oblivious to what all Australians are telling them. The man has to go we cannot tolerate him for another month and that is being generous. We see these TV adverts Government paid telling us that if we ever get stitched up by our employer we will be protected. That is just not true there are tens of thousands of employees who are still waiting for justice where unscrouplous employers have taken advantage of work choice and have given employees unreasonable working conditions. Once an elected Government attacks workers pay and conditions that spells the END of that Government. John Howard must now go to Ballot to find out now if he is popular with his own Liberal Party as the opinion polls now show he is in the mire it is now time to go John Howard. I cannot believe these people who now admit that they always voted Liberal but now admit they will never vote Liberal again. Why did they vote Liberal in the first place ? People have to suffer before they finally realise but unfortunately they always vote selfishly and not for the benefit of all with investments into the infrastructure Education and Health.
Posted by Bronco Lane, Monday, 17 September 2007 7:00:33 PM
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As for the annointed successsor to JH - imagine a Abbot/Costello combination on the floor of Parliament. The thought alone would be sad for this country and its people if it was not so hillarious.
I listen and watch debate in Parliament and the Senate. They all seem to be childish and unprofessional such low standards compared to the Houses of Parliament st Westminster. Senator Ellison, Bob Brown, Andrew Bartlett, Carmen Laurence Anthony Albanese, Lindsay Tanner, John Faulkner, Peter Garret are always respectful why don't the rest grow up. Costello Abbot Howard Downer are extremely bad orators. We do deserve better
Posted by Bronco Lane, Monday, 17 September 2007 7:10:55 PM
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Dear John
I have suggested once and I will forcefully say it again.
Please please stand aside this week.
We must go to ballot which would look healthy and appreciated by all.
Let the best worthy politician win then call an election and we will then pull it of.
If we don't do that then Labor will win with a landslide. We can purchase General Public Hospitals for one dollar and then we can sell them to the highest bidder. We may not be able to Privatise the Health Service but the door is open for us to purchase Government Hospitals with popular consent. We must win the next term to establish Individual workplace agreements and privatise Medicare Private. Subsidise Optus, Opel to become the prime Telco provider.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Monday, 24 September 2007 11:09:49 PM
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I cant believe that OLO or anybody would allow you to post using the Prime Ministers name.
It is outragous and should not have been allowed.
I will personally contact the Prime Mininsters staff and bring this to their attention
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 1:21:58 AM
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It's called satire, PALE. You need to lighten up considerably.

At least Rainier is open about it, unlike the sock puppets who sucked you in.

Another blow struck for the cause of animal welfare, eh? Do pass on my regards to the Rodent when you call his office.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 6:24:32 AM
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Aaaaawwwmigawd!! You mean that WASN'T John Howard?
Posted by Ginx, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 12:23:34 PM
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You are right again People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming.
Why is it that I always agree with your ecucated and intellingent views.
You People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming are an academic and an intellectual who is so articulate with words.
Dear People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming when you phone us in the morning I will certainly be in the office and will take your call and will pass your complaint on to the Director of Public Prosecutions. I have said it once and I will say it again WE CANNOT IMPROVE ON WHAT WE HAVE DONE SO FAR UNTIL ALL MINISTERS WHO HAVE ASPIRATIONS TO BECOME PRIME MINISTER ALL NOW PLACE THEIR HAT IN THE MIDDLE FOR US ALL TO HAVE A BALLOT BEFORE THE PRIME MINISTER ANNOUNCES THE DATE OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. Some ungrateful Australians have not appreciated the trouble we have taken to save on Education and Health to place this country into the black. It is only right that all students have to pay their way into their chosen professions after all Education should not be free to every Tom Dick and Harry.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Tuesday, 25 September 2007 10:32:08 PM
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Julie, Julie, Julie!

You little scamp,you!!
Posted by Ginx, Wednesday, 26 September 2007 3:29:06 PM
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I am sure you just having fun and of course we are not calling anybody. What I find hard to swallow I guess is the change in our people and the utter lack of respect. You walk down the street and you see walls and bus stops full of writing paint and scribble all over them and little old ladies being bashed for a few dollars in their purse and that type of thing.
Julie tell us again if you will why you say live exports which sends our raw materials off in their most valauble form is so good for Australia?
You didnt make yourself clear last time.
While you are there could you tell us why you think Animals have the right to be treated with humane practises?
60 Minutes did five seperate reports of this barbaric trade.
Did you not see them? not to worry you can click on still and see sick animals having large hooks put through them and being dragged off the ships and hung up. Still alive of coure Julie and screaming in pain. There are plenty of ones here where they have their eyes stabbed and pulled out by hands.
Thats so they cant see. You dont need to turn it up to hear the screams of FEAR and PAIN dear.
However you tell us again Julie why you approve of this? Perhaps You could ask the AT while you can.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 27 September 2007 3:50:12 AM
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Our elected Government must continue in the interests of our export trade and the benefit to our graziers. We recommend that you have to turn a blind eye to any suffering. Do you mean to tell us that you are willing to stop this trade on this issue we cannot agree. This has nothing to do with the election Rudd says that he will terminate live trade exports but can you believe him ?
This is why the only way to keep the coalition in office is fro a fresh leadership ballot consisting of Tony Abbott, Aleaxander Downer, Peter Costello, Malcolm Turnball. We all had a wonderful Lamb Roast at our recent election fund raiser so that we can continue to export Sheep to the middle east if we didn't export it then some other country will.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Friday, 28 September 2007 1:27:07 AM
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These do gooders in the United States have the audacity to tell us that the criminals on death row are actually suffering for hours after being administered three injections. They have the cheek to say that they are screaming in pain shouting that lethal dose is not working. Shame on them defending convicted murderers you are right People against Live animal exports we must bring in the death penalty here. This will then stop the bashing of old people as a deterrent. This is why we need a stronger leader than JWH to fetch back corporal punishment in schools birching offenders and capital punishment for murderers. We also need a civil guard that carry repeat rifles. National Service should also be introduced. There has been an increase of crime nationally over the past eleven years.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Friday, 28 September 2007 1:42:37 AM
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Julie Vickers
Clearly again you have no clue what you are talking about. Rudd didnt say he would stop live exports. Where on earth did you get that from.
Farmers can sekll their meat. It leaves in a box after value adding for our own country. Why do you think other countries take them alive.
To buy our eployment of course. Please dont give me your misinformed dribble again about no fidges or ritual religious requirements.
That started years ago as a joke from a few of live trade dealers to the Ministers.
nobody even thought including them it was going to be beleived.
As I told you JuliE? we actually wotk with Muslim Leaders and farmers so please dont preach something you have no idea about.
It just so happens WE are supporting the same crew as you despite their SHAMFUL treatment of our Animals. We will continue to work with Government and against them as well to improve animal welfare
So quit while your ahead.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 11 October 2007 6:36:14 PM
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People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming You seem to be more anti than for People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming.
Please do not write anaother word your input appears to be doing more damage to the cause for People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming. Do not get so amiable with me People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming. One would think that you have the hots People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming.
We must all voice one last plea to John Howard call a ballot of the leadership of the Federal Liberal Party this week before it is too late otherwise we will all be decimated. If the Country see us hold a ballot with Mal Brough, Tony Abbot, Peter Costello, Alexander Downer and John then they will appreciate democracy deciding on a new fresh leader to lead us against the Ruddites. John Howard is carrying on like a Socialist right now throwing money around like confetti and it is now becoming counter productive the electorate are now seeing it all for what it is.
Posted by Julie Vickers, Friday, 12 October 2007 1:26:23 AM
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