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Aboriginal Health

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What happened at that hospital is just not right.
When so many deaths occur in the space of one year,
and people visit the hospital 12 times in under
2 months - and are sent home instead of being referred
elsewhere for treatment. Questions do need to be asked.

Remote towns do have access to other resources. Especially
people who are suffering from preventable illnesses.

Standards of care and management practices should be
under scrutiny. Doctors at the hospital have expressed
their concern about the treatment of patients there.
And Indigenous leaders have called for investigations.
Protests have taken place. There have been outcries.

The State Premier has confirmed that the hospital is
under investigation. Hopefully something positive will
result out of all this.

This should not be a racial problem - but a bad management
problem that needs correction.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:12:43 AM
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"This should not be a racial problem - but a bad management
problem that needs correction."

So, why do we hear about such things only, or mainly, when aboriginals are involved. What should or should not be does not change the fact that it is racial, and that these events are always brought up by people obsessed with race.

Is Mise,

Who would be a copper these days. I reckon only people not armed with scissors, knives and anything able to be used as a weapon should be allowed to live in these communities.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:39:57 AM
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This should not be a racial problem - but a bad management
problem that needs correction.
I've been there, seen that & let me tell you it's not a racial problem from the medical side !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:51:16 AM
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You ask why are these things brought up concerning
our Indigenous people? It's considered "news."

It sells newspapers. The media tends
to concentrate on what sells - be it racial, religious,
sexual, gender, or any other controversial issues.
It's what's considered as "news." And the more controversial,
the better.

Why do people watch "reality" programs on TV? They also
sell. Such is life.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 2:18:13 PM
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"This should not be a racial problem - but a bad management problem that needs correction."

This was a government run facility. Therefore it was, by definition, poorly run. There will be an inquiry, the main purpose of which will be to cover backsides and/or find a scape-goat, and then nothing will change. 'twas always thus.

But to be fair, this all occurred during lockdown, (nb not AFTER the lockdowns) when there was mass hysteria in the community and all businesses and services were operating under severe strain and reduced staffing. There are probably good and valid reasons why the service at this government run facility was even worse than normal.

As the data comes in about the effects and benefits of the lockdown, it is becoming increasingly clear what a disaster it was. Increased deaths due to a decline in medical services has been demonstrated overseas and probably will be also shown here once the data catches up. People missing vital appointments, failing to get necessary tests and diagnosis and the consequent missed cancers and the like. As the data comes in these will become clear. There is every likelihood this woman was a victim of that failed policy.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 4:32:09 PM
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If you are addressing me, Foxy, I'm not interested in the activist media but in people here, such as yourself, bringing up hard luck stories based on identity and race, none of which are "news"; nor, do I believe, are they of much interest to the majority of Australians. In fact, the more people hear about people who do little for themselves, and opinions that governments and taxpayers should be bailing them out, the more they harden their hearts. In short, people described as bleeding hearts and do gooders - often never raising a finger to do anything themselves for the people they claim to be concerned about - are doing a lot of harm by making people sick and tired of hearing about particular identity groups. Hammering 'victimhood' is a sure fire way of turning people right off the people the do gooders think should be treated differently because of race or a particular identity.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 16 March 2022 4:43:09 PM
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