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Aboriginal Health

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Under investigation. Under scrutiny. All because of a 4 Corners program that will be forgotten when the ABC comes up with more shock and horror about something different next week.

There is nothing new about people, black or white being turned away from hospitals all over the country. Incorrect treatment. Death. In Adelaide, it's ambulance ramping and people dying before an ambulance gets to them. Election here this Saturday, and Labor is promising to fix the problem, when any half- awake voter knows it would have already been fixed it could be: even by The Marshmallow, who certainly does not want to be a one term premier.

As for all you people dragging this stuff up for want of something better to do, you are just bored, not stupid, and you know full well that things that have been pretty much the same for a couple of hundred years are not suddenly going to be fixed in 2022. A good guide for people like us with no power or particular gifts is - if you cannot do something about a problem yourself, get over it.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 14 March 2022 2:19:40 PM
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Misdiagnosis is part of life & death. It can be through indifferent or incompetent medical staff but it also happens occasionally when patients don't provide the answers required for a correct diagnosis.
This closing the gap is something that won't be achieved as long as some don't want it to be closed.
Posted by individual, Monday, 14 March 2022 2:35:26 PM
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Perhaps we should note that this whole Panadol in ED incident happened in mid-2019 ie smack in the middle of the great covid lockdown.

I have some rather extensive experience with Emergency Depts in this period as Mrs Mhaze battled cancer and significant adverse reactions to the chemo she was receiving. Indeed it got to the point I could joke that I didn't need to steer the car to ED since it knew the way by heart.

Anyway, ED's during the lockdown were very different to ED's prior to it. There was an urgency to keep the numbers in attendance low and move patients out as quickly as possible. Admitting patients was less likely than before because they were trying to keep hospital numbers low in expectation of massive covid influxes.

I suspect we are going to see lots of stories of people who adversely suffered the consequences of the lockdowns. And those who most supported the now discredited lockdowns will be the most surprised that there were adverse consequences. Of course, the media and government will be at pains to not remind them.

From what I saw at my regional Emergency Dept, I'm not the least surprised that someone who presented with the symptoms described was treated as described during those sad times.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 14 March 2022 3:17:22 PM
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My experiences with Emergency Departments in
public hospitals has been very positive. I have
been treated in them more times than I can count
since December 2021. Of course I live in a large
urban city and have private health cover. Not sure
if that makes a difference. But I suspect that it must.

The case of the Doomadgee Hospital's track record -
does need scrutiny - and investigation. Especially
as there was more than just one isolated incident.
Things have to improve - or explained why they keep
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:25:17 AM
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I see that SR's using racism as his catch-all cause of all problems.

The reality is that the more remote a community is the less access to health care it will enjoy irrespective of race or colour.

Having lived in a small town of 2000 in NSW for a while, there was no local doctor in spite of many incentives offered, and the nearest medical practice was 50km away. Emergencies required a 2 hr drive to Canberra and the fatality rate for health-related issues was significantly higher than in the cities. Living in a remote community had many other advantages, and for most, it was a lifestyle choice.

Getting doctors or nurses to move to RACs such as Doomadgee is nearly impossible as the living conditions are unacceptable for young graduates and the expectation of first-class healthcare in such areas is impossible to deliver even with a ton of cash.

Left whingers living in Cities demanding equality in the bush are naive beyond belief.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:39:07 AM
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Despite the fact that Constable Rolfe was unanimously found not guilty in under an hour, he has been suspended again by a police comissioner in cahoots with the chief minister. It has also been revealed that the report of the experienced 35 year detective who concluded that the charge against Rolfe was absolute nonsense, was hidden from both the defence and the DPP.

There is no doubt that the action against Constable Rolfe was a racist one. It is becoming increasingly difficult to have any sympathy for these 'poor-discriminated-against-black-people, and absolutely impossible to have any respect for the white racists who invent stories about them.

The white racist identity promoters are the real enemies, of blacks, as well as whites, and of Australia itself.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:59:48 AM
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