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The Forum > General Discussion > Religious Discrimination Bill Passes.

Religious Discrimination Bill Passes.

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I have been truly blessed in my lifetime.
I can honestly say that I have found most people
to be good. And the ones who did do hurtful things
had nothing to do with religion. The onus was on
them and their behaviour. Their actions in many
cases were against their religious beliefs. We
can't blame religion for the behaviour of some
people. The people need to take responsibility
for their own actions.

Look at Cardinal Pell. Was his behaviour beyond
reproach? Can we blame his religion for it?
What about Sister Mary Virgilius who used to
cane students for the smallest things with great
gusto. She was a sister of mercy. But there was
nothing merciful about that nun - she had demons
of her own.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 8:44:24 AM
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Anyone worked out yet how Muslims will be forced to comply?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 10:03:04 AM
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Is Mise,

The bill has not yet been passed - and we don't
know what it will contain. So we don't know how it will
work and what will be expected. However I imagine that
most Muslims who are religious would comply.

The same
as any other deeply religious person would no matter
which faith they belonged to. I remember when Catholics
were not allowed to associate with people of other
religions and marriage into other faiths was out of
question. Times change.

Also I think if people were not going to comply, they wouldn't
send their kids to a faith school. It wouldn't interest them.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 11:49:28 AM
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What utter bilge water, religious Muslims will not tolerate homosexual teachers.
Where did you get that guff about Catholics, Catholics have always been allowed to associate with persons of other faiths and my family tree is testimony to mixed marriages, my maternal grandfather was Anglican and his wife Catholic and they were married in an Anglican ceremony in an Anglican church. The boys followed their fathers religion and the girls the mother’s.
On my father’s side it was Scots Presbyterian and Irish Catholic.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 1:00:26 PM
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Is Mise,

Anglicans look at things differently. However, your
relatives would have had problems trying to get
married in a Catholic church - in a mixed marriage.
Catholics have stricter rules. Of course we can
only speak from our own experiences.

Bilge water? Nah - we Catholics prefer holy water.
Each to their own, I guess.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 1:51:00 PM
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My father was catholic and my mother C of E but the priest at his
church refused to marry them before the alter.
My father then arranged the wedding in the local C of E church and I
don't ever remember him going to church.
It was attitudes like that that broke down the barriers.

The question of Moslems is different. The ones that follow the faith
religiously (pun intended) are the ones to worry about.
Any disagreement with Mohhomad is blasphemy and the Koran applies the death penalty.
That might not be followed so strictly here because the law on murder
is enforced, but just watch what happens in Pakistan.
A daughter that wants a Christian boyfriend is likely to be murdered
by her parents, and that has happened in the UK but not here as far as I know.
No Foxy there is no similarity between Islam & Christianity when it
comes to such matters.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 16 February 2022 2:54:59 PM
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