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Will We Never Learn
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Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 5:38:14 PM
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Poor old Paul 1405 devoted commo that he is but even he can see the futility of a war over Ukraine. He cannot bring himself to see the two sides of this particular argument though lol.
Biden needs a war as it makes him so much money, Vlad will soon sort him out and all you fully compromised idiots will bang on about getting the fourth or is it fifth covid jab? Good luck to you all you ask for trouble so do not complain when you get it! Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 6:53:52 PM
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Here's an interesting link that's worth a read: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 8 February 2022 8:31:46 PM
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"No, I do not want to start a war."
That's good, we can agree on that then. Because I don't want a world war either. How is Putin the aggressor? Tell me in your own words. What's he planning? Look... I want you to understand something. Even when the West is not 'officially' at war.. The wars are still happening. Look. Authoritarian countries may not be perfect, but the West acts as the aggressor. The US wages economic war with sanctions and sends its 5th columns in to start coloured revolutions and overthrow and install its own puppet rulers; it's just what it does. Look at Venezuela, if they could sell their oil, they wouldn't be eating dogs and cats. What are these countries supposed to do when the west acts this way? The West has done this stuff on most of the smaller autocratic countries, but the last on their list have nuclear weapons, RIGHT? As for your links 'Amid Russia tensions, Lithuania advocates for more robust Western response' Lithuania's a NATO country are they not? What should I expect them to be saying? Quote>>“The West took the first steps of supporting the [2014] Maidan revolution in Ukraine, we therefore have no choice but to continue supporting Kiev by providing their army with equipment”, he said in an interview to FRANCE 24.<< See that part? OR THIS “The West could never agree to Russia’s recent demands” Hmmm... Invasion. Are you people mad? Like Stalin's tanks and waves of red terror conquering western Europe? Is that what you actually think is going to happen? Rubbish. Take a look at that list of countries again. What are they supposed to do knowing THE SECOND they allow more press freedoms and democratic ideals like freedom of speech and the right to protest, what will the West do? Tell me, Does international law grant the people of Crimea and Donetsk a right to secede? Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 12:15:03 AM
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Re: Your second link. It's a long article, I haven't read it yet. But note, that it's written by Max Bergmann for Centre for American Progress. Also note in the info on that link John Podesta and George Soros / Open Society Foundation. "John Podesta is the chair of the Center for American Progress. He served as counselor to President Barack Obama and as White House chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. Max Bergmann is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. He served as a senior adviser in the State Department from 2011-2017." They serve the Clintons. Before you go reading things you should also pay attention to who's writing it, as it may have some slant on the content, based on what the objectives are. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 12:38:40 AM
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Putin, is the pin up boy of the far right, they see him as some modern day Hitler. Vlad is never off the phone to a couple of OLO want-a-be fascist filling them in with the true facts, please give us a break.
JB, if wanting peace in the world makes me a Communist in your eyes, then I'm a Communist. BTW Communists are like Bunyips, they never actually existed, unlike fascists, Hitler and Mussolini were real. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 6:00:30 AM
No, I do not want to start a war.
No normal person does.
Putin is the aggressor here. All I am suggesting
is that the West not give in to the demands of an aggressor
because innocent people will suffer. Why don't you read the
link I gave. It's quite revealing. Also there's plenty of
material on the web on the Ukraine situation and what Putin
is planning.
As for your emotive suggestion for me to take a gun and go
and fight? I've done my fair share of fighting and have
paid my dues.
Unfortunately my health problems prevent
me from doing any more.
I can barely walk. However I'm speaking out
because I don't want to see any of our
children and grand-children be forced to fight.
And this will be inevitable if we don't stand up to an aggressor.
If you think that Russia is no longer under totalitarian control
you are very wrong. Vigilance is the price of
liberty. We must remain vigilant because while it might be the
Ukraine today, it will be some other group down the road once
we allow Ukraine to be taken.
The measure of our society over history is our fidelity to our
principles. We must remind our government and our people to remain
faithful to these principles or otherwise our society, like so many
in the past, will be swept on the ash heap of history.
I suppose you also feel we should not stand up to China either?