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The Forum > General Discussion > Barbados Ditches The Queen.

Barbados Ditches The Queen.

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Come off the raw prawn you pommy haters. Most of the Caribbean population would still be living a much more miserable lives in self governed African hell holes, if the various European colonists had not imported them to the islands. Yes I know that was no philanthropic operation, but those so imported are the lucky ones today.

Just have a look at the Solomons. Peaceful & developing at a steady pace under the benevolent rule of the poms.

Now after less than half a century of self government & independence they have to call for peace keepers from Oz to stop them killing each other.

India descended into chaos, & had to be spilt into 2 countries to stop the religious killings, & their law enforcement is still not capable of making it safe for a girl to walk the streets alone, as it was in the days of the British Raj.

From personal experience of contacts I know that New Guinea has become a much less pleasant place for the locals to live, since independence.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 2 December 2021 10:12:07 PM
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Issy you ask; If Britain is responsible for the crime rate in former colonies why is the rate low in Australia, India, Canada and New Zealand?

Very simple answer, by the end of the 19th century the British had managed to murder most of the indiginous ihabidents of Aust, NZ and Canada. Don't know what happened with India, too many of the blighters I suspect for the Poms to murder them all, but they did try their best.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 December 2021 10:18:21 PM
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Did your Mum wash you in 'OMO' when you were a kid? Cause; "OMO Made Whites, Whiter Than White!" Me thinks she did, look how white you turned out.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 December 2021 10:29:10 PM
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IWhat on earth are you talking about?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 3 December 2021 6:29:11 AM
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Will Barbados now take in refugees from Africa ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 December 2021 6:58:46 AM
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Can you please explain how it is that when black people run away from their own oppressors they're called refugees but when white people are forced to do the same they're called invaders ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 December 2021 7:04:41 AM
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