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Firearm Safety
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Posted by individual, Friday, 29 October 2021 8:00:28 AM
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Is Mise,
According to the Los Angeles Times newspaper there had been at least one previous misfire with the prop-gun. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 29 October 2021 11:27:07 AM
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The Los Angeles Times is then reporting erroneously, not something new. A misfire is when a weapon fails to fire, when the trigger is pulled on a live round and for one reason or another it doesn’t go off. Misfire means the same thing the world over. Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 29 October 2021 3:48:24 PM
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Hi Issy,
The SSAA has never apologised, nor admitted any degree of culpability in the murders of Jack and Jennifer Edwards. It was the SSAA which trained John Edwards in the use of a handgun and also sold guns to him. Sure, legally the SSAA mob were off the hook, it was all technically the fault of the Police Commissioner, but morally the SSAA and some members were responsible, nothing they will accept, what a cold hearted mob they are. Unfortunately that being legally in the right is of little comfort to the family of the dead children, and the rest of the community who fear the actions of people like the SSAA. At no time has the SSAA or its political arm the Shooters Party offered any condolences to those hurt by the tragedy, even after the children's mother committed suicide some months later. Nothing that can be done will bring those kids back, but it is a reminder to the community that we must be vigilant and ever mindful of the actions of the powerful gun lobby, and its political supporters who seek to undermine our robust gun laws, to the level of a Banana Republic or worse, the United States of America! Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 29 October 2021 3:59:01 PM
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The SSAA has never had any degree of culpability in the Edwards murders, suggest that you read this Coroner’s verdict. Care to give a reference. to back up your other wild allegations? Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 30 October 2021 8:23:38 AM
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Is Mise,
Read the following link: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 30 October 2021 8:51:17 AM
precisely my point ! There's a strong possibility of pre-meditation.