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Wow A Greenie In The Closet.

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And he's well and truly out, he's not in the Labor Party, but very much a Liberal. NSW Government Treasure, and Environment Minister Matt Kean is the man. Last year Kean attacked the Morrison governments with its promise of a gas plant producing electricity in NSW. Kean viewed the project as "hugely expensive" and not of long-term benefit to the state. Morrison retorted by saying most of the Federal Cabinet wouldn't know who Kean was.

According to Kean; "So those people arguing for coal or nuclear or for gas, they're actually arguing more expensive, dirtier forms of energy,". On emission targets Kean is a supporter of net zero by 2050, and a much more ambitious 35% target by 2030, and has the backing of the NSW Coalition Government. Kean is no admirer of some Federal Nationals , saying; "Matt Canavan and George Christensen never worry about rocking the boat, so why should progressive, economically rational Liberals not do likewise?" Fighting words from a Liberal State Treasure.

As a Green I see hope for the environment from some moderate progressive Coalition members like Matt Kean, and others, as they come out of the closet and make their voices heard.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 24 October 2021 9:58:48 AM
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Hi Paul,

Matthew Kean is certainly someone to watch.
He's young, and his career is in front of him.
He's done quite well thus far. He's represented
Hornsby since 2011, is the current Minister for
Energy and Environment and has been appointed as
Treasurer by NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet since
early October 2021. I'd certainly say that he
appears to be a man going places.

He also appears to know what he's talking about.
He bagan his career as a manager at Price
Waterhouse Coopers before his career in politics.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 October 2021 12:29:36 PM
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Hi Foxy,

I was a little surprised at Kean on the ABC's 'Insiders' this morning. A shock to some on here, but I was impressed with most of what he had to say.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 24 October 2021 9:25:26 PM
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God he must be bad if Paul liked him.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 25 October 2021 12:30:38 AM
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Yeah Hassy,

Matt Kean is a real dill, he's got vision and understanding, he can think outside the box. Not like you old cock firmly planted there looking at the world, and wishing for a return to the good old days of the 1950's, Hills hoists, Victor lawnmowers and Dad and Dave. The good old days when a man could burn a couple of tractor tyres in the backyard and no one gave a toss, except the old sheila next door who had washing on the line, give her a backhander and put her in her place. The good days when you were Captain Bilgewater merrily polluting the GBR from your garbage scow. The good old days when you were Petrol Head Pete, burning up Mt Panorama! The boys own Biggles, flying around and dropping bombs on the truculent Fuzzy Wazzy's who stepped out of line. Oh yes the good old days, when men were men, and boys had to watch their backsides!
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 25 October 2021 6:13:02 AM
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A liberal signs up to the climate idiocy and Paul wets his pants in sheer joy.

A Lab (Joel Fitzgibbon) quits over the ALP's climate idiocy and Paul suddenly realises he has an urgent prior appointment and couldn't possibly discuss it.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 25 October 2021 8:14:16 AM
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Hi Paul,

I didn't watch "The Insiders" on Sunday morning and
I regret missing out on the program. However I'll catch
up on it during the week.

Did you by any chance see "60 Minutes" on channel 9 last

The Royal family including - Prince Charles,
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Prince Andrew
Prince Michael of Kent and Sarah "Fergie"
Ferguson, all came under fire in this
segment with accusations that the Windsors can (and are)
being bought, casting the latest shadow over the family.

Apparently a book has been published by former MP
Norman Baker, with the title - "And What Do You do?"
which has appalled many people in the UK, and reflects
adversely on the royal family.

I felt quite uneasy watching the 60 Minute program
and couldn't help wondering if it was appropriate to
air it when it's been such a sad and tumultuous time
for the royals with the loss of Prince Philip, a
rift between the two brothers, and calls for the heir
to the throne to face police questioning.

The timing is not good with increasing fears for 95 year
old Queen Elizabeth's health.

Still I guess many people
will be interested to see how all this pans out.
Sensationalism sells. But do we have to buy it?
And what's this former MP's motive? Is he simply anti-royal?
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 25 October 2021 8:36:54 AM
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Hi mhaze,

Because I'm a member of the Greens doesn't mean I'm a lover of all things Labor. I missed your Joel Fitzgibbon thread so I didn't comment. BTW where was it? Just because you are a Hanson lover doesn't mean I automatically believe you are also a Hitler lover. You must be so down hearted to see the Nats commit to net zero by 2050. Don't worry despite Barnyard Joys unerring public loyalty to the ScumO' 2050 plan, he'll be doing all he can in the background to stab the poor sod in the back!

Hi Foxy,

Not being a big fan of the Royal Family, seeing them as a over-privileged, over-indulged, tantrum throwing mob, underserving of all they get. Nothing surprises me that they wouldn't be cashing in on that exalted position of theirs. Toss em' out, that's all I can say.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 25 October 2021 9:22:05 AM
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If he & your lot get your way Paul, you had best get your son to start horse handling lessons, because there won't be any diesel buses for him to drive, & there definitely won't be enough electricity to waste on charging electric buses for the masses. The little windmills generate will be reserved for charging the cars of the elite. The only power for us will be horse power.

I guess if he is fit & strong he might be able to "drive" a rickshaw for the lower level elite, but of course that would lead to a short life, if not a happy one. Travel for us peasants, & particularly the useful idiots that have helped re-introduce an energy less world will be restricted to where you can walk to, as of old.

Do enjoy your victory won't you old chap.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 26 October 2021 4:33:25 PM
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Hassy, you are still in the horse and buggy days, you never left them! You hanker for the good old days of 1952.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 26 October 2021 6:31:33 PM
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180MILES/Hour down Conrod back in 1968. Must have been a pretty quick horse.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 30 October 2021 12:54:18 PM
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A petrol head, what a waste of a valuable resource, typical Hassy, around and around in circles and getting nowhere.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 October 2021 2:15:53 PM
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There couldn't be a more useless pursuit than some silly dick driving a car around and around in circles all day long for the entertainment of drunken hoons, morons and rev heads. Oh yes there is, a whole lot of dicks driving a whole lot of cars around and around in circles all day long for the entertainment of whole lot of hoons, morons and rev heads.

Hassy, an ex friend once took me to some stupid car racing. It was worse than watching grass grow, could have got the same thing standing on the side of a highway. I must admit it got the bogans and monkeys cheering. Intelligent people, well, wouldn't have a bar of it, but I can see why it appealed to you. Its not even a sport!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 October 2021 2:59:56 PM
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