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The Forum > General Discussion > Who Is Really Responsible For The Mishandling Of Covid

Who Is Really Responsible For The Mishandling Of Covid

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Dear Ttbn,

«It's called a Federation. That's what Australia is: a Federation.»

Yes, but what a big mistake!

It is ridiculous being ruled from 1000's of kilometers away, by people whom you never met or chosen and are most unlikely to ever meet you face to face.

The smaller the independent state, the more control its people have over the laws, constitution, regulations and policies the govern their life. The more states there are, that creates a positive competition between them over personal freedoms, for if one feels too oppressed in one, then they can move to another.

Defense of the continent can still be conducted by international agreements like NATO, a common currency can still be available like the EURO and free movement of people and trade can still apply like in the EU.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 October 2021 10:46:24 PM
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I really don't think it's anybody's fault.

In March last year the world was hit with the first Covid 19 Cases. Most World Leaders thought that it's just another Swine/Chook/Dog Flu, as I did.

Then came the realization, all over the World that this one was a particularly bad one. Basic Measures were taken by all Leaders all over the World. Then the realization that it was the equivalent of the Spanish Flu, but potentially worse. By now 3 months are up.

Some Leaders panicked; some still did nothing. Our PM tried to do something but came up against all sorts of opposition. And still does. The ALP took advantage of this & poured Shite on the LNP as hard & as fast as they could, & still do. (Elections coming up)

The States. What a mess that is.
A Labor Government in Victoria that virtually refused to do anything & the LNP poured Shite on them for their inaction.
The LNP Government in NSW trying to do something, but wandering around in the dark. All the time being Shat-on by the ALP.
The Labor Government in Queensland Did something & were slagged off relentlessly by the LNP.
Each State's opposition haranguing the Sitting Government for doing what they are doing whatever it is.

Is there a pattern here? You can bet your life there is. The Incumbent Government of whatever persuasion is to try to control the Covid 19 situation with whatever knowledge they have at hand at the moment. Which wasn't & still isn’t much. The Scientist around the World were just as perplexed as the rest of us.

Then, of course there are the usual agitators, the very same ones that turn up to whatever they can to demonstrate against whateve
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 11 October 2021 9:55:22 PM
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So here we are 19 Months down the track. The Chemical Companies have been showered with money to come up with a Vaccine & they have. It took nearly 9 months for them to start some sort of experimentation. Dozens of trials to come up with about 3, maybe 4 that work. Unprecedented for these Companies to have a Vaccine out that quickly.

Which makes me think, if they can do it with Covid 19 what about all the other illness they’ve been working on for the last Century & still haven’t got anything, only maybe something in another 5 years every 5 years.

But I digress. Sorry.

Now that there are working Vaccines the same agitators are out in force against it. Even denying the very existence of the Wu Flu.

Now that the doses are being distributed the cry is there is not enough, the supply is too slow & it’s the XXX Governments fault. The same cry all over the World.

The Manufacture didn’t start until April/May this year. There are about 9 billion People in the World who all need, at least 2 doses each. That’s 18 billion Doses that need to be Manufactured. I should imagine that they are working as hard & as fast as they can.
Firstly, they have to grow the Vaccine, then Test each Batch. You would want it tested, wouldn’t you?
Secondly, it has to be bottled. Bottles, Machinery & more involved.
Thirdly distributed to Countries.
Fourthly, distributed out to the people.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 11 October 2021 10:25:54 PM
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Then comes the fight over just who is going to give the injection. I imagine the AMA got it’s nose in here & demanded that only qualified Doctors give it out at $80 a visit they stand to make a killing. Well, wasn’t that a farse. Going to the Doctor. One ¼ hour Consultation at $80 each. No wonder the number of people receiving their first dose was slow.

Going overseas in the Army the Medic (Not doctors) gave out 1400+ Soldiers 4 or 5 needles in about 10 hours. Smallpox, Yellow Fever & more. I was one of them. 1967, 700 soldiers, 600 wives & umpteen Kids, all done in one day to go to Malaysia.

Finally, they got some sense & started mass Vaccination Centres & the Doctors are complaining that they are losing money.

So, who is to blame for the slow turn out?

Agitators & Opposition Politicians, that’s who.

Go get yourself Vaccinated & whinge about it later.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 11 October 2021 10:28:53 PM
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Well, that looks like I put an end to that really quickly. Ay
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 12 October 2021 1:38:56 PM
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Jayb said-

"The Scientist around the World were just as perplexed as the rest of us."

Answer- This appears to be correct. Still believe that more could have been done to shut out the new strains by having much stricter controls over people moving across the national borders- but the globalists didn't want to "act" for their own selfish reasons. It's frustrating to see an emerging situation and watching the authorities do the wrong things.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 13 October 2021 5:49:10 AM
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