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The Individual Cost to Australians of Government Debt
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 30 August 2021 9:57:37 AM
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It has been revealed 20,000 of Morrisons mates and cronies increased their profits last financial year while at the same time bludging 'Jobkeeper' off the taxpayer. Gerry Harvey pocketed $22 million while his junk stores made record profits and paid big bonuses and dividends to the top end of town.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 2 September 2021 1:00:21 PM
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Hey Paul1405,
I'd bet ALL OF THEM, held staff meetings, all doom and gloom, talking about cutbacks, potential lost jobs and wages and how they all had to pull together for the good of the team, and I'd bet at the end of the day, the people at the front line, dealing with potential covid infected customers, got not 1 extra dollar or even any recognition, above the doom and gloom speech. I'd bet when the numbers came in showing massive profits, they they did not offer anything extra to the people who loyally carried them there. Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 September 2021 9:38:23 PM
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Hi AC,
From the ATO, the total cost of overpayment of 'Jobkeeper' was $300 million. According to my Old Man, who had some knowledge of Norman Ross stores back in the day believed Gerry Harvey wouldn't give away the smell of his fart, does that tell you something. For me the "5 year interest free plan" is sucker bait. Sign up the vulnerable to credit deals for all the junk they can't afford or really don't need, at inflated prices. Then when they miss one payment which they invariably do, slug them with massive interest and charges. I don't go into Harvey Norman store, if they were giving away free TV's I wouldn't want one. Years back, I was shopping for a washing machine. Got a no nonsense price from Retravision, $550 cash. Off to Harvey Norman to double check, the wife and I looked like a couple of suckers. There is the exact same machine with massive advertising as an in store super special at $799. The salesmen pounced, then as usual I though I'll play the game. First it was the offer of interest free, but only at the overprice of $799. Then I asked; "What's your best cash price"... a bit humming and haring and he agreed to knock $50 off. I said; "Pal, I just got a cash price $550 from Retravision, here's his card with it on the back" Quick as a flash the sales guy says; "I'll price match that." I said a "kind" goodbye and have never been back since. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 3 September 2021 6:58:05 AM
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Hi Paul1405,
I figured out years back how to play the electrical retailers off at their own game, and get the best price, every time. I'll tell you all how I do it. First you want to have a look around and find exactly what you want. I usually do this online, but some people prefer to go and look at things for themselves. So if you go into the store, know the salespeople are going to pounce on you. Do NOT make a deal at this point. Make the deal over the phone, after you've already decided what you want. Once you know what you want: Look up best prices online. I used to use these people to get a best price, but they're closed now. I used to get a best price from them, and then CALL to my local store and say this "I'm after x item, I got a quote from electrical discounter for x amount, but I really don't want to drive over to Logan, if you can match or beat the price and are just 5 minutes away" Then you say this: (force them into a yes or no answer) "Can you do x item for x amount" (yes or no) - Now you see, I know the salespeople get paid a bonus on the total value of their sales every month. I know that they will likely say yes even if they only make a dollar or two, because they want the sale added to their total. So you force them into that yes or no question. Ok since the electrical discounter closed, I wasn't able to get as good best prices anymore, so this is what I'd do: - Just make up a price and bs them, and still force them into that yes or no position - (btw were talking whitegoods and browngoods worth $500 or more) Don't do a deal in the store, they already know and think they've got you if you're there already. Do the deal on the phone, once you already know what you want. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 September 2021 7:30:38 AM
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These buy now pay later schemes are a trap. I was reading about a schoolgirl who made a dozen 'Afterpay' purchases from her 16th birthday money, the girl didn't even have a job, therefore no ability to repay. Seems Afterpay is not covered by consumer credit laws. Others who spend all their pay on frivolous online fashion shopping. There is another scheme advertised where they will advance you your pay, no doubt with a sizable fee involved. Also those pay day loans with up to 1600% pa. interest. Loan sharking is not dead its mainstream these days.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 3 September 2021 8:02:47 AM
>>Ms Berejiklian said the growing case numbers were “not relevant”.
“The language we have used in dealing with COVID-19 might seem confronting because [NSW] is the first state that has had to make these decisions and learn to live with COVID-19,” she said.
“But this is the way for all of Australia.”
With six deaths on Sunday bringing the outbreak’s toll to 89 and NSW’s coronavirus-related death total to 145 since the pandemic began, Ms Berejiklian told people to have “perspective”.
She pointed to rising deaths overseas and how much worse NSW would have been if vaccines were not available.
University of Melbourne epidemiologist Antony Blakely said there were some positive signs for NSW despite the 1218 new infections.
He said the nine-day rolling average percentage changes for cases was sitting at about 4.4 per cent as of Saturday. This was down from a peak around August 17 of 10.3 per cent.<<
So you've got a premier who deferred to these academic fools,
- Has completely screwed everything up, and wants to decide the path for the rest of the country, she only ever cared about vaccinations, and wasn't ever really committed to suppressing the virus in the beginning.
She's screwed everything up, right from the Ruby Princess.
And she's still deferring to the same academics, that screwed things up totally last month.
What faith do we have in them?
18 months on, no dedicated quarantine facilities, with the temporary ones still right in the centre of our capital cities.
- All the fault of someone who thinks case numbers aren't even relevant.