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Is hunting good for NSW?

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Issy, nothing to say about law abiding gunnies selling firearms to criminals.

"The figures show in the last ten years the number of firearms stolen annually has increased from just over 1,700 a year in 2007-08 to nearly 3,300 in 2016 -17, with the total number stolen over the 10-year period reaching close to 27,000."

Where are all these "stolen" guns going Issy? Enough lethal weapons to equip an army.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 July 2021 10:36:29 PM
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Good lad, you gave a reference but unfortunately it was to that secretive organisation ‘Gun Control Australia’, whose three members won’t tell anyone what their real membership is;unlike the SSAA which has an audited membership of over 200,000.

GCA tends to exaggerate a bit, much more reliable is the Australian Institute of Criminology whose report “Firearms Theft in Australia 2018” , Bracknell, S. is based on factual investigation not wishful thinking and finds that there has been a neglible rise in firearm theft when the population increase is taken into account.
There is absolutely no evidence that firearm owners are selling to criminals and disguising sales as thefts.
Better luck next time.

GCA is so secretive that if one is silly enough to join then it must be done blindly, there is no information given to prospective members; that’s why we think that there are really only three members and a computer and a printer.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 July 2021 10:18:11 AM
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Issy no need to brag about SSAA membership. The SA had more than a million members in Nazi Germany and that was back in the 1930's, how can you match that.

Those figures were obtained by freedom of information from government sources. How about giving numbers on "stolen" guns yourself. You know and I know that legal guns can earn the owner a very nice premium when sold on the black market. Many "stolen" guns are not reported for up to a month after the event, when all evidence of "break in" is well and truly gone. Where do you suppose many of those "stolen" guns end up Issy? In kiddies toy boxes!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 27 July 2021 3:43:03 PM
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Well, how many members does GCA have?
Are there more than the rumoured three?

Every gun theft in NSW is thoroughly investigated by the police; what evidence do you have that gun owners have colluded with criminals?
If you have any then it’s your bounded duty to help the police in their investigations.

8% of stolen guns are air guns, wonder which crims prefer those.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 27 July 2021 6:20:46 PM
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Come, come Issy,

What about the other 92%? Guns supposably are well secured in locked gun safes! That's a joke when thousands are stolen each year. As for dobbing in each others Marijuana crops, that par for the course among gunnies. When you take into account all the dosh given to gunnies by the taxpayer, and all the cost of enforcement and investigation of gun crime, your $1.4 is looking rather thin.

GCA members must keep their identities anonymous, there are people out there with GUNS who would shoot them if the knew who they were..

BTW Happy Armistice Day for yesterday.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 28 July 2021 6:30:44 AM
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Don’t be an ass three known members of GCA have been around for years and no one has even given them the finger let alone anything else.
If you read the Government report it tells how the stolen guns were stored and goes on to complement licenced gun owners on their level of compliance with safe storage.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 28 July 2021 9:24:28 AM
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