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The Forum > General Discussion > Q&A watched less than 1% paid for by 100%

Q&A watched less than 1% paid for by 100%

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Less than 1 out of every 100 Australians watch the openly biased rubbish put out by the ABC every week, but everyone pays for it.

The time has come to get the ABC to pay its own way at least partially. Adverts should be allowed to pay for at least 50% of this left whinge vanity project and then the pompous twits in their ivory towers would need to get their hands dirty and produce something that people actually want to see.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 10 April 2021 6:16:01 AM
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Do you even know how much the ABC costs each Australian

We're told that in 1987 the ABC cost 8 cents a day.

Today the ABC costs each Australian half that amount.
Yet its funding has decreased. Their funding is 34%
lower than the average of 18 comparable
public broadcaster.

Over past decades despite a real decline in funding
per person the ABC has been able to enhance its
services. It provides to the Australian public
services like iview, the ABC News Channel, the Comedy
Channel, digital radio services, podcasts, and increased
investment in regional reporting.

All these things have been funded without additional
real funding from government.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 April 2021 11:38:11 AM
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I find it it impossible to tolerate this gay parade !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 April 2021 12:33:35 PM
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I get the impression that you don't watch the ABC
and your criticisms come from what others say.
I'd be interested to hear your own opinion for a change
after you've watched on TV or listened on the radio
ABC programs.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 April 2021 12:37:15 PM
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Dear Foxy,

Yes indeed, if he had taken the time to watch the program he would have seen it is a shadow of its former self, now derided by many progressives as a timid shell of what it once was. This in what having a significant Liberal Party supporter as chair and having the bulk of senior management as supporters of conservative politics.

shadowminister should be rejoicing that it is now a compliant follower of agendas set by conservative politics but he won't rest until it becomes another Sky News platform.

Putting some spine back in the show would undoubtedly restore ratings but that sadly is never going to happen under this government.

So we will have to put up with the constant but thoroughly unjustified whinging of the likes of shadowminister.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 10 April 2021 12:54:27 PM
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Dear Steele,

If he would watch the ABC programs at times,
then I could accept his opinion as being his
own at least.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 April 2021 12:59:20 PM
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Not surprising, and really only worth my in-passing comment in the Holocaust thread. There is a life outside OLO, where people quietly make up their minds about things without feeling the need to nag other people about it. Pro ABCers are always going to disagree with anti ABCers. Get over it.

On Prince Philip, there will be a lot of sanctimonious claptrap from people who liked to rubbish him and his family while he lived. The most insincere and amateurish crap came from the Governor General, whose politically inspired 'white privilege walk' for his staff would have raised a caustic remark from the Duke if he was aware of the idiocy.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 10 April 2021 1:26:54 PM
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The ABC provides some excellent programs and I, for one, would hate to see them disrupted by adverts as on other channels.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 April 2021 2:36:17 PM
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Why on earth are you quoting numbers from 24 years ago? If the viewers paid for the ABC it would be $1bn / 220 000 = $4500 p.a. each.

I've watched Q&A a few times, and most times there are a panel and audience stacked with left whinge nodding heads, intellectually lightweight guests and topics that are primarily left whinge interest, and perhaps one conservative panellist. The main feeling engendered by this tripe is boredom. The sole exception to this was the episode with Jordan Peterson, but even then it was largely a damp squib.

People don't watch the ABC so much because it lacks diversity and keeps regurgitating the same ideological drivel.

The ABC has passed its use-by date and should be dismantled and sold.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 11 April 2021 4:51:42 AM
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shifty&shadyminister loved by less than 1% hated by 100%.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 11 April 2021 5:32:16 AM
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Putting some spine back in the show ....
Slimey worms, a spine ? haha
Posted by individual, Sunday, 11 April 2021 6:58:16 AM
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Your in no position to talk about "use-by-dates!"

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 8:33:32 AM
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Mr uneducated,

I'm not sure of the purpose of your last tweet. However, if the purpose was to show OLO that you are a childish imbecile, then you have succeeded.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 11 April 2021 8:45:03 AM
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Firstly, You're not your. Secondly, that last post was pretty meaningless.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 11 April 2021 8:47:35 AM
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The ABC costs each Australian household $120 a year, when few of them have any use for the sheltered workshop for anti-social, anti-Australian political activists. That money would be better spent on their exorbitant electricity bills - it is much more than the "savings" trumpeted by government and its mythical lowering of electricity charges.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 8:57:38 AM
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Try this for meaningful:

The ABC costs 19.2 cents per person per day (adjusted
for inflation).

And - the decline in real funding combined with population
growth means that the ABC now costs half as much per
person compared to 30 years ago.

Good value all round.

If you begrudge your 19.2 cents per day -
I'll be happy to put it in for you.

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 9:24:04 AM
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"We're told that in 1987 the ABC cost 8 cents a day.Today the ABC costs each Australian half that amount."

Simple maths proves that to be wrong. A billion bucks in funding. 25 million people. 365 days in a year. Whack it in your calculator and the answer comes out as nowhere near half of 8cents.

But even if that piece of propaganda were true, 4 cents a day is still too expensive for the leftist hogwash that emanates from (y)our ABC.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 April 2021 10:29:32 AM
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I'll put in the 19+ cents for you as well.

I assume your money will go towards Sky News
which is so free of any bias
as Andrew Bolt and Peta Credlin will confirm.

Way to go!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 10:38:59 AM
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Foxy uses LEFTIST ABC progaganda to continue her lies about the cost of the ABC. 1 billion dollars a year costs each Australian HOUSEHOLD $120 a year. But, what can you expect from a LEFTIST who pimps for the ABC, and seems totally ignorant of official figures out there to prove the facts. I am beginning to think that she makes these stupid posts just to get attention by irritating people. She is what is described by some as 'needy'.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 10:44:32 AM
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When people such as yourself throw stones at others
it's a reflection of you not them.

Once again - surely you can do better than repeating
the same old, tired, stereotyping and antiquated
mindset of yours. You should get out more.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 11:06:28 AM
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I'll leave you to posters prepared to indulge your needy quest for attention that you might not be getting in other areas of your life.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 12:01:21 PM
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I don't seek attention.

I just get it.

Can you say the same thing?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 1:10:36 PM
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I really try to see the best in people.
But, seriously ... you're making it so
damn hard.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 2:28:44 PM
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"I'll put in the 19+ cents for you as well."

Oh I thought you said it was 4 cents. Still, no need to put it in for me as the government already steals it to give it to the ABC luvvies. And I'd hate to think I was paying twice for something I shouldn't even have to pay for once.

"I assume your money will go towards Sky News..."

Well you'd assume per usual.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 April 2021 2:39:49 PM
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After many years of exclusive ABC watching my TV & radio dial were rusted onto the ABC. When even Catylist became a left political bit of bumph I finally bought a tin of WD40 & rid myself of the rubbish.

Then the ABC made itself totally useless by abandoning all the great documentaries that had previously aired, letting them go to SBS. I guess they needed to save the cost of the documentaries to overpay the dreadful talking heads, or the infantile stuff they serve up as comedy.

I will admit to having sunk back occasionally to try Catalyst, & was a confirmed Red Dwarf fan before the reruns were again axed in favor of more rubbish, so I am again repulsed. I have given up entirely, only a fool bashes their head continually, when there is no hope of recovery.

SBS now air some decent stuff, an obviously successful template for ant worthwhile future for the ABC. You still can't trust their news & current affair offerings not to indulge in propaganda for the left, but it is much subdued with their need for ratings.

I do find it disgusting that so much tax parer money is wasted on the smug self satisfied ignoramus people who are the majority of their talking heads.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 11 April 2021 3:09:25 PM
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Awww, you've brought up assumptions?

Of course they blur our vision from seeing
things. Try questioning your core beliefs,
dogmas, ideals, that's where the
rock-solid assumptions lie hidden.
Especially in your case - concerning the ABC.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 3:16:07 PM
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Have you noticed that generally it is the educated who support the ABC and the ignorant who want it removed?

For example, Arts graduates will watch the ABC but injunears will not watch it. Reason: Arts graduates are educated whereas injunears are just vocationally trained. Ask shifty&shadyminister, who has three vocational degrees but not a single scholarly degree . . . . . . like I said IGNORANT.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 11 April 2021 5:42:23 PM
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"Awww, you've brought up assumptions?"

Well in the interests of helping you keep track of the conversation I should remind you that YOU bought up assumptions. I merely pointed out that, as is usually the case, your assumptions were utterly wrong.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 11 April 2021 6:49:17 PM
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Lose the fear of being wrong.
It's a learning opportunity.
Besides, I prefer being wrong in my own way
to being right in yours.

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 April 2021 7:04:55 PM
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Don't overdo it Foxy. You are not a nice person, and I assure you, you can think what you like about me. Unlike needy you, I'm very much OK with myself, and that's all that matters with me. People who care what others think of them are weak.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 11 April 2021 7:07:28 PM
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The point is that all the other channels do not require any payment at all, in fact, their licence fees reduce the tax burden, and provide as good or better programming.

Perhaps we should charge every Australian another 19c/day to make sky TV freely available to everyone. That might provide some balance.

The ABC seems to spend a lot of time apologising, like recently for its overt racism against Jacinda Price.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 12 April 2021 3:09:02 AM
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scholarly degree . .
Mr Opinion,
Just about all our figures in high office are so-called scholars hence the nation running so smooth & flawlessly !
Posted by individual, Monday, 12 April 2021 7:01:08 AM
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"White ABC host is forced to read grovelling apology after broadcaster repeated claims that Aboriginal leader is RACIST - despite her fights to protect Indigenous women and children from domestic violence"

The actual settlement figure is a secret but I'm guessing quite a few of Foxy's 19cent payments are now in the hands of this supposed racist.

BTW, how is it that a PUBLIC broadcaster living off the PUBLIC teat can refuse to tell the PUBLIC how it spent the PUBLIC's money?
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 12 April 2021 8:02:42 AM
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The following link may help:

92% of ABC funding is spent in areas directly linked to
content creation and delivery.

We're told that:

"No commercial broadcaster would invest in Australian
content to the extent that the ABC and SBS do, simply
because it is too expensive."

" Without these broadcasters, we would be fed a diet
of nothing more than reality TV and second-rate
American sitcoms."

"While the ABC and SBS have their detractors, there
are no other institutions in Australia that uphold
Australian values to the level that these two broadcasters do."

As for Jacinda Price? Ah yes, conservatives love her.
Especially Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones, and of course
Sky News. Now there's nothing wrong with that!
In Australia there's a place for everybody - as we can see
from this forum.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 April 2021 9:02:03 AM
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Oooops. Sorry for the omission.
Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 April 2021 9:37:45 AM
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..... shifty&shadyminister is an ignorant person ....
Mr Opinion,
And, What ? You're not ? Give us a break !
Posted by individual, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:23:23 AM
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"No commercial broadcaster would invest in Australian
content to the extent that the ABC and SBS do, simply
because it is too expensive." Foxy,
They're not doing a very good job for the funding they get ! Give the same amount to any of the others & you'll see a tonne less bias.
Posted by individual, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:25:41 AM
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Dear mhaze,

You really do slop around in the most unsavory sites don't you. The Daily Mirror?

It wasn't a grovelling apology at all, pretty bog standard. And why is the colour of the presenter's skin important enough to headline?

TO be clear the ABC did not accuse her of being racist, they had asked her to comment on a press release from a local aboriginal group well over a year ago. Under legal pressure the group retracted those statements which then left the ABC exposed.

None of it seemed to have been played out in court but the ABC lawyers have chosen not to contest it given the retraction of the original party. Saving us all a buck it seems.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:27:19 AM
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There only tolererable thing on the ABC now is 'Silent Witness'. As for Australian content, well that seems to be all nonsense with a view to jamming as many different races and colours into the room at once. Multicultural muck totally lacking in talent and interest. Even in the lightest ABC "entertainment", we are subjected to Leftist politics and PC rubbish - all the things 80% of Australians loathe, but have to pay $120 per household per year to keep Leftist activists in work, if the garbage job they do could be dignified with the description 'work'.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 April 2021 10:46:02 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,

Have you ever thought your use of the ABC offerings are a reflection of you increasing age and growing curmudgeonly demeanor?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 12 April 2021 11:07:08 AM
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"You really do slop around in the most unsavory sites don't you. The Daily Mirror?"

Well I would have linked to the story on the ABC page but, surprisingly, they didn't cover it....can't imagine why!
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 12 April 2021 1:44:07 PM
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Perhaps this might explain why:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 April 2021 2:14:26 PM
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SR I can't really be bothered trying to figure out whether, I got more time to look at the real world, & saw what a prime bunch of ratbags the ABC had gathered unto it's self, or if the ABC got progressively worse, moving from mild propaganda to brain washing in it's approach, but what ever I escaped before it was too late.

Unlike you & a few others on here who were totally captured so now you will believe anything they push, most Ozzies did escape, & the very much "B" grade operators that now inhabit the ABC will not capture any one else. The ABC fades into a very expensive place for such fools to gather.

You do have my pity, but I know it is wasted on such a misguided rusted on disciple.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 12 April 2021 2:49:22 PM
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Hilarious watching the conditioned paranoia of 'conservatives' doing the bidding of Murdoch, LNP and IPA by obsessing about, denigrating and demonising the ABC and claiming it's 'left' but compared to what? (yes it has been boxed in to pursue many irrelevant social issues for more attacks.... that does not make it left).

Not only does this ignore the ABC's broad remit on range providing services and content for non urban Australians, but it's status as one of the most 'trusted' media outlets has become a target for easily disenchanted and/or unhinged conservatives, doing the bidding of power to make for less informed society and electorates; the dumbing down of Australia to follow the US..... does not say much about Australians' independence of though and loyalties....

Further, we are never offered media benchmarks for comparison with the ABC, as the other commercial channels are so bad and also expect state subsidies or support?

Because Australian commercial media is hollowed out, content is mostly political, sport and/or cheap entertainment, while not pretending to have any balance of views, this results in many baby boomers and younger not relying upon (subsidised or privileged) legacy media anymore, especially commercial.

Then another issue of citizenship arises, surely we want a nation of informed society and voters too for analysing policies and 'leadership' through diverse media?
Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 12:22:19 AM
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A little rich accusing Mhaze of quoting unsavoury sites that are mainstream media when you quote blatantly racist propaganda.


The ABC seems to spend a fair amount of time apologising for defaming conservatives generally after a long legal case against them and the waste of taxpayers' money trying to defend themselves.

The apology to JP only occurred 2 years later when the ABC realised that their position was indefensible and after paying legal fees and a settlement to JP they finally apologised.

That they happily publish defamatory information and refuse to remove it when notified and only after defamation suits are raised against them shows what morons are running the show.

The case brought by Porter is likely to fleece them further.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 2:59:33 AM
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The ABC knockers are at it again. SM regularly promotes the Murdoch gutter press on the forum. He has learnt not to provide links to his laughable paywall site at 'The Daily Telecrap' as he presents the revolting diatribes of 'Beat Up' Bolt and Puse Akerman, nonsense that he believes to be worthwhile news. I cut the Septic Tank's Foxtel outfit off years ago, its Sky News channel was nothing more than a torturous parade of far right Goebbelists. One clown that sticks in my mind that I found particularly revolting was a raving lunatic named Paul Murray. He presented like a cross between an over zealous football commentator after his favourite Boofhead had scored a try, and a late night American TV ad man trying to flog Ginzo Knives in a 30 second grab, is this nutter still around?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 6:10:10 AM
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No thread would be complete without an incoherent rant from our resident far left nutter Pauliar.

It must burn his balls that Bolt and the other Sky commentators in spite of being on a pay-tv channel get more views than the insipid left whinge drivel such as Q&A.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 9:52:31 AM
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The following link although the article was written
some time ago - it appears is still relevant today
as the "conservative" attacks against the ABC are
still ongoing.

It's very entertaining and asks us to
imagine if every singly one of the main ABC current
affairs shows were hosted not by the "Leftists" who
presently host them according to "conservatives"
but if they were hosted by Andrew Bolt and "fellow
conservatives - Janet Albrechtsen, Gerard Henderson,
Tim Blair, Miranda Devine, Piers Akerman, Tom Switzer,
and Rowan Dean."

You're asked to imagine if ABC current affairs programs
including Radio National's "Science Show" were being
hosted not by competent broadcasters but by these
"conservatives." What would you see? Fox News.
What would they be they saying? Anything?

In this imaginary world we're told no one at the ABC
would "crusade on boat people, same-sex marriage,
and global warming." As the present lot do.
It seems possible that their replacements might have
nothing to talk about at all. They of course would
crusade on "free speech, climate scepticism and free

An entertaining article.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 9:54:47 AM
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cont'd ...

Ooops - again a typo. Sorry:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 9:58:33 AM
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We often see this strange but typical form of doublethink from the ABC supporters.

They have two major points to make:

1. The ABC isn't biased to the left. It's all a figment of those idiot conservative's wild imagination. Indeed some will even argue that the ABC is right leaning because of its management.

then in the very next breathe:

2. We need the ABC to be biased to the left to offset all the right bias of the Murdoch media.

So.... the ABC isn't biased to the left and isn't it great that the ABC is biased to the left.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 12:04:20 PM
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Dear Hasbeen and mhaze,

Neither of you get it do you.

The complaint about the ABC from the left is that in order to grovel to their LNP board and LNP upper management they have pulled their own teeth.

Here is Friendly Jordies lamenting the utter inane triviality Triple J has become. I'm on board with his criticism.

We are sick of seeing softball questions to pollies and bureaucrats. We are sick of the tiptoeing around substantial issues that goes on all the time. Where are the Barry Cassidy's and the Tony Jones'? I can't listen to ABC 774 mornings any more. It is just so much trite nonsense which is just how the LNP like it. As FJ says, they will never get rid of the ABC because there is very little on it which directly challenges them. Q&A is not holding those in power to account nor is Insiders. They are shadows of their former selves. You guys have won, at least for the moment. The ABC ratings on shows like Q&A will continue to decline not because they are too left but because they are too insipid to draw respect.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 2:23:39 PM
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I find the ABC pandering excessively to the would be indigenous !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 2:59:19 PM
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Within this group there are:

* Some who think the ABC is biased to one degree or more to the left.
* Some who think the ABC is unbiased
* Some who think the ABC is biased to the left and that's needed because Murdoch and....

* ONE who thinks the ABC is biased to the right.

And that one thinks everyone else doesn't get it.

Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 13 April 2021 6:08:33 PM
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Dear mhaze,

You doing it again, being thick.

You snarl:

"* ONE who thinks the ABC is biased to the right."

Where did I say it was biased to the right you muppet? I didn't. I said the board and the upper management are mostly LNP supporters and this has resulted in a compliant less aggressive ABC and we are all poorer for it.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 12:04:38 AM
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The ABC spends a lot of time being wrong.

It was wrong with the border force burning boat people, with Emma Alberici's article, Pell, Jacinda Price, Chris Kenny and now looks at being very expensively wrong on Porter.

For supposedly the most trusted media site it screws up seriously and frequently, always attacking conservatives.

Any claim that the ABC is not just a left whinge mouthpiece is usually from left whingers trying to protect their left whinge mouthpiece.

The ABC does not represent Australia only a small section of left whinge elites.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 6:54:09 AM
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"Where did I say it was biased to the right you muppet?"

Oh it must've been someone else who said the ABC was a government lapdog.

Or perhaps SR suddenly realises he's been cut from the herd and is hurrying to return to the safety of numbers.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:52:52 AM
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Just to set the record straight for you:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 11:28:12 AM
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cont'd ...

Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 11:43:15 AM
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Dear mhaze,

Just to educate you a lapdog is not a working dog. It might not obey instructions like one and it can get away with being annoying, but it certainly knows who feeds it.

Pretty well fits the bill.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 14 April 2021 3:43:48 PM
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Any survey on reducing spending generally gets a negative response. If you linked it to reduced tax it would give a very different result. The Australia Institute is a left whinge "think tank" and I would take their "surveys" with a pinch of salt.

If the ABC gets hammered by Porter and has to issue a grovelling apology and tons of cash, attitudes will change further.

The vast majority of ABC viewers reside within 5km of the CBDs of the main cities with little to no diversity. The ABC is essentially a vanity project for the greens and Labor that everyone is paying for.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 15 April 2021 7:25:34 AM
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You underestimate the average Australian.

Even many conservatives believe that the ABC's funding
should not be reduced. You are in the minority.

We've seen that Australians support same-sex marriage
( as evidenced by the postal survey), more funding for
the ABC and reform of electoral donations, along with
many other "progressive" issues. The average Australian
is much more progressive than their political

Thanks to compulsory voting, the views of people are
plain to see.

People such as yourself and other minorities are the
"friends of the ABC" greatest recruiters. Every time
you attack the ABC - people ring up and say-
"Where can we send you money?"

Keep up the good work!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 8:02:11 AM
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A bit of some light humour.

No matter how old you get - I bet you still
mentally sing ABC to see which letter comes next!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 1:21:23 PM
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According to you I, as a far right-wing conservative have actively supported same-sex marriage and voted for it. Notably, it was passed into law under a coalition government after Juliar actively opposed it.

Notably, 80% of voters actively supported the pacific solution, and the boats crisis and carbon tax brought down both Krudd and Juliar. And the silent and not so progressive majority abandoned the high taxing and spending Shorten just 2 years ago.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 15 April 2021 2:28:26 PM
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Go back and read what I actually wrote.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 15 April 2021 4:22:40 PM
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You ejaculate: “The vast majority of ABC viewers reside within 5km of the CBDs of the main cities with little to no diversity.”

Rubbish yet agian.

“ABC’s average weekly metropolitan reach in 2018-19 was 5.6 million people or 32.2% of the five-city metropolitan population.”

“ABC’s average weekly regional reach in 2018-19 was 2.6 million people or 35.7% of the regional population.”

Yup that is right, the percentage is higher in the regional areas. You know one day you might just fact check before you inflict your petty little drivel on the rest of us. This really is getting tiring. We are suppose to be in a post Trump era where facts are starting to matter again. You mate are dragging the bloody chain.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 15 April 2021 10:29:10 PM
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Yet another grovelling apology from the ABC for fraudulently misrepresenting a dance group performance.

"An ABC story on Wednesday reported government MPs were shocked that the dance was allowed at a ship commissioning with the Governor-General in attendance, but it has since been revealed the dance was before the official ceremony and General Hurley never witnessed the performance.

The ABC has apologised to General Hurley and Chief of Navy Michael Noonan for editing intersecting images of the dancing with pictures of them both in the audience — making it look like they were watching — but has yet to apologise to the dancers.

101 Doll Squadron leader Maya Sheridan, in a letter to the ABC, said the public broadcaster should acknowledge her troupe’s trauma and accused the public broadcaster of using specifically sexualised images of the troupe, which she said demeaned her colleagues. “We are very upset at the attention you have brought to the 101 Doll Squadron. We’ve been persecuted non-stop and all experiencing anxiety and distress,” Ms Sheridan’s letter states."
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 16 April 2021 12:16:20 AM
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Clear that the ABC is important to those willing dupes and useful idiots claiming to need greater freedom, liberty and free speech, i.e. proponents in LNP govt., IPA, NewsCorp et al. to highlight the issue of the ABC.

Difficult to avoid the dependency of regional farming communities, including many LNP voters, on the ABC and its suite of rural related programs on TV/radio.

The same then have to endure dog whistling from urban conservative libertarians who prefer to support our consolidated legacy urban based media which receives direct and indirect support from the LNP govt., while appropriating Australian bush culture, values, etc.

Just repeat the lie(s) (about the ABC) often enough and people will believe and fall into line; nativist conservatives have a need to observe or worship authority.
Posted by Andras Smith, Friday, 16 April 2021 12:37:17 AM
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Yes, the ABC did apologise. It does that when mistakes
are made. It shows it's credibility instead of denial.
However the Navy has not explained why the dancers
were hired.

And even some conservative politicians have stated that
it was an inappropriate exhibit at a military event.
Being half-clothed outside a warship - appropriate?

Sexualisation of the dancers and dance style appropriate?

We currently have a wider gender inequality debate dominating
Australian politics and as one MP stated - "At a time
when we are promoting the rights of women not to be
objectified, there are other dance moves that would be fun
and equally energetic."

So instead of focusing on the ABC's apology - you should
be focusing on why the Navy hired these dancers in
the first place. At least now with all this publicity
and fuss - we can discuss that question. The dancers vision
has now been set loose online and is generating a
lot of negative responses. So something has been
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 16 April 2021 8:41:45 AM
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Shadow minister,

Well that little missive was obviously from the Murdoch press who are virulently anti the ABC for commercial reasons.

Yes an apology was given but almost everyone from the Defense minister, who was very scathing about the appropriateness of the performance at this event, recognises it as a stuff up.

“The choice of the dancers has been slammed as inappropriate for the occasion, with Defence Minister Peter Dutton confirming he had reprimanded the event organisers.”

And you were defending this and using it to bash the ABC?

“101 Doll Squadron leader Maya Sheridan, in a letter to the ABC, said the public broadcaster should acknowledge her troupe’s trauma and accused the public broadcaster of using specifically sexualised images of the troupe, which she said demeaned her colleagues.”

Twerking in a dance is a highly sexualised act full stop. Any right winger worth his salt would be telling Ms Sheridan to get real. But you lazer focus of hatred for the ABC has you using her quote as justification to pile it on even more.

Be careful because I think your fellow travelers might see you drummed out in quick fashion old boy.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 16 April 2021 9:42:13 AM
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The point is that the ABC deliberately edited the report to make it look not only as salacious as possible but that Governor-General David Hurley, Chief of Navy Michael Noonan and Chief of Defence Angus Campbell, not were there but approved of the dancing.

This was more than just a mistake and any reputable news organisation would fire the responsible reporter and editor.

Note that similar reviews appeared in the SMH and Guardian.


Whether or not the twerking was appropriate or not at such a welcome home event is largely irrelevant. That the ABC went out of their way to shame a community dance group to fraudulently make a political point is disgraceful.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 17 April 2021 11:03:48 AM
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Of interest:

A job ad posted online by the ABC earlier this month read: “This is an exciting opportunity to join the ABC’s highly regarded in-house legal team consisting of 28 talented lawyers based at (Sydney headquarters) Ultimo.”

Despite having more than 2x as many lawyers as any other news organisation and a swag of top-notch external lawyers, this decrepit organisation is anticipating a 7 figure bill for the lawsuit from Christian Porter.

So much for integrity.
Posted by shadowminister, Monday, 19 April 2021 11:07:44 AM
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This is the Channel 7 report. It said that Campbell was in the audience.

This was the Sky News clip which cut away to navy top brass studiously looking at brochures rather than the dancers and it was no less salacious than the ABC coverage.

So why on earth are you singling the ABC out? Of course we all know the answer to that don't we.

As to the ABC using in-house lawyers rather than expensive and unethical outside firms that is something we should be applauding.

This is what happens at other news organisations that you think so highly of.

“A top-tier Australian law firm which represents Channel 7 has denied suggestions a fake ‘GoFundMe’ page it set up under the name of ‘Amber Harrison’ was done to harass the former Seven staffer, who turned to the public for financial help last month after she was sued by the network for revealing details of an affair she had with her boss and Seven CEO, Tim Worner.

The dummy fundraising page was launched last month from the Sydney offices of Addison Lawyers, which represents Seven West Media Group*. Screenshots of the fake page have been obtained by New Matilda.”

You continue to be a shill for the Murdoch press doing the grunt work without recompense. Why do you think that is?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 19 April 2021 11:58:55 AM
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Porter has assembled a star-studded legal team in his
high profile defamation trial which includes Bret
Walker SC - arguably Australia's top barrister who
successfully argued Cardinal Pell's acquittal in the
High Court last year. Joining Walker is top Sydney
defamation silk Sue Chrysanthou SC who represented actor
Geoffrey Rush in his $2.9 million dollar win against The
Daily Telegraphy, and many more.

And Shadowminister is attacking the ABC for its internal
legal team. He needs to stop reading The Australian!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 April 2021 12:09:09 PM
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"Where can we send you money?"
Clearly a case of more money than sense & that they're overpaid !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 7:29:42 AM
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ABC supporters feel just as strongly as you do
about the national broadcaster. And
they're prepared to put their money where their
mouths are in support.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 8:50:28 AM
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Good to hear it. So far they have been putting everyone elses' money where their mouth is.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 9:50:46 AM
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You've forgotten about all the cuts in funding that
have been made to our national broadcaster. So
the supporters have no other choice. But it is
good to hear certainly that you support the influx
of money by the supporters.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 10:21:59 AM
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The 7 and Skynews reports were based on the ABC report.

The ABC has 28 lawyers, is looking for more and still hires outside lawyers that you consider unethical.

Maybe if the ABC put out less fraudulent news it would need so many lawyers.


The ABC will need a lot more supporters to pay for their legal losses.

Porter has hired these lawyers on his own account, probably in the knowledge that the ABC will be eventually paying for them.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 12:10:17 PM
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Unless the ABC shamefully capitulates (like it did in the Chris Kenny case where it's difficult to see how it could possibly have lost with a defence of Vulgar Abuse) then it should win the Porter case easily. It merely reported allegations had been made against a cabinet minister; that's true and newsworthy, and they took care to avoid identifying him.

If the ABC ends up paying for that, there'd be an extremely strong case for changing the law to overturn the precedent!

As for the ship launch, I bet they wish they could turn back time :-)

How much did Sky and Seven pay the ABC to base their reports on its?
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 1:29:43 PM
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I doubt if the ABC will lose the Porter case. Still
I guess we shall have to wait and see.
And I feel confident that our national broadcaster
will be around for quite a long time yet.
As long as Australians continue to support it -
which many currently do as you know.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 1:41:35 PM
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You are clearly in the minority.

If you watch this you will see why the ABC is sh1tting itself.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 1:59:22 PM
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You might want to drop the "s" in https if you want
people to actually read the links you give.

See you on another discussion.

This one's getting to be a bore.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 2:13:23 PM
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Try that.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 2:40:18 PM
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Hey shifty&shadyminister,

Are you plotting to get anybody else suspended from The Forum?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 3:32:16 PM
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Let me get this right. You are have posted a link to an ABC program called Media Watch which quite often, unlike any other news organisation, regularly criticises itself, and you think getting rid of this is a good idea?

Complete and utter Murdoch shill mate.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 3:44:01 PM
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Don't go getting shifty&shady upset or he will get you suspended from the Forum too.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 3:50:22 PM
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Considering that you irrationally froth at the mouth every time I post something from Newscorp so I thought that providing a source that even you could not dispute would prove my point.

That the ABC has dug itself into a deep hole is becoming clearer and clearer. The question is whether it cuts its losses now or a much more expensive later.

Mr uneducated and obscene,

Apparently, you managed to get a record number of reports for your vile abuse. Perhaps you should read the rules:
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 21 April 2021 4:44:59 AM
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The truth always hurts those who do wrong.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 21 April 2021 8:44:25 AM
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You still haven't explained why you think the ABC did anything wrong in reporting what they did. How about you have a crack. You can compare it to the reporting around the allegations concerning Shorten if you like.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 21 April 2021 9:56:15 AM
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I've made myself perfectly clear. The ABC publishing unfounded allegations to deliberately damage Porter's reputation is malicious defamation that the ABC thought it could get away with. The Telegraph repeated the allegations against Geoffrey Rush and ended up with a $10m bill where the plaintiff was alive and lucid.

The ABC has no witnesses and a "victim" that was psychotic to start with. In short, they're toast.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 21 April 2021 11:35:48 AM
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Nick Cater in The Australian reveals that 63% of Australians say that the ABC is biased, with an expected 37% saying it is not.

82% of Australians say YES to the idea of an ABC ombudsman to deal with complaints. And, that 82% includes a majority of Green voters! That shows just how far off the planet the OLO lefties are.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 24 April 2021 9:49:10 AM
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