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Trump Trumps Obama
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Trump has been named America's most admired man, bumping off Obama who held the the title for 12 years. Obama remains in second place, with Biden in third place.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 31 December 2020 9:57:46 AM
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Must have been an American survey. Adolf Hitler was Time Mag man of the year in 1938, you will be pleased ttbn.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 31 December 2020 12:26:00 PM
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Ttbn- That has made my day. I guess Paul1405 is just a hater- we are all accused of this from time to time. Cheers to Trump.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 31 December 2020 1:08:37 PM
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CM like ttbn you make no secret of your extremist views on the Forum, so Trump would naturally appeal to both of you. Fortunate in 3 weeks time the reprobate will be out on his arse, and hopefully others in America will come to their senses and marginalise the fool and his redneck toxic politics.
BTW; Don't you agree Kamala Harris will make a great President when she gets the chance in 2024. Hopefully Biden can repair the Trump damage in 4 years, which is extensive, and then given the opportunity Kamala can build a better America over the following 8 years. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 31 December 2020 2:23:18 PM
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Some people will make all sorts of stupid comments, including invoking Hitler, when things are not quite the way they think they are. One of the sillier of these people is Number 1405, who is constantly struggling to keep his head above water and be relevant. He makes it easy for us because there is no response to be made to the vacuous crap that he probably thinks is a really smart put down. He is one of a few posters we don't have to waste time reading - it's the same old same old. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 31 December 2020 2:40:05 PM
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Dear Canem Malum,
Exactly what has made your day? From the Gallup site: “The incumbent president is usually top of mind when Gallup asks Americans to name, without prompting, which man living anywhere in the world they admire most. In the 74 times Gallup has asked the open-ended most admired man question since 1946, the incumbent president has topped the list 60 times. Harry Truman (1946-1947 and 1950-1952), Lyndon Johnson (1967-1968), Richard Nixon (1973), Gerald Ford (1974-1975), Jimmy Carter (1980), George W. Bush (2008) and Trump (2017-2018) are the incumbent presidents who did not finish first in past years. When the sitting president is not the top choice, it is usually because he is unpopular politically. That was the case in 2017 and 2018 when Trump had 36% and 40% approval ratings, respectively, and finished second to Obama as most admired man. Even though Trump is similarly unpopular now -- 39% approve of his performance -- his dominant performance among Republicans, contrasted with Democrats splitting their choices among multiple public figures, pushes him to the top of the 2020 most admired man list.” So Obama was named most admired in all of the 8 years he was in office plus an extra three afterward but Trump could only manage it solely in one single time in all of his four years. Mate you are easily impressed. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 31 December 2020 2:59:38 PM
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To SteeleRedux- Mate that was a relatively coherent post. Usually I don't read them- but that was worth it. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 31 December 2020 3:50:19 PM
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ttbn- Not sure about Paul1405 but I think you are relevant- it would be easy for me to say " 'I'm not the extremist- you're the extremist'- but that would be childish- hopefully those that I want to read my views are more sophisticated than that". Some have said 'there are the good- the bad- and the scenery'.
Baltasar Gracian however has a number of great quotes- "Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone." "Knowledge without courage is sterile." “Never exaggerate. It is a matter of great importance to forego superlatives, in part to avoid offending the truth, and in part to avoid cheapening your judgment. Exaggeration wastes distinction and testifies to the paucity of your understanding and taste. Praise excites anticipation and stimulates desire. Afterwards when value does not measure up to price, disappointment turns against the fraud and takes revenge by cheapening both the appraised and the appraise. For this reason let the prudent go slowly, and err in understatement rather than overstatement. The extraordinary of every kind is always rare, wherefore temper your estimate.” Paul1405 in his exaggerated reaction perhaps makes the mistake that Gracian outlines- but it does seem to typify the culture of the socialist diaspora Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 1 January 2021 11:11:58 AM
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Just a bit of extra information from NPR:
"President Trump and former first lady Michelle Obama were named the most admired man and woman in 2020, according to an annual survey by Gallup". "The analytics and advisory company conducted telephone interviews with a random sampile of 1,018 adults across the country in the first weeks of December". "Last year (2019) Trump tied with former President Barack Obama, who was named most admired the past 12 consecutive years. But the president managed to pull away this year (2020) with 18% . 3% ahead of his predecessor". "Michelle Obama was ranked as the most admired woman in America for the third year in a row. The runner-up was Vice-President elect Kamala Harris, followed by first lady Melania Trump, according to Gallup". "The poll has taken place every year since 1946, White House occupants - past, present and future presidents and first ladies are almost always contenders, Gallup said. As most admired man, 48% of Republicans chose Trump, with no other public figure receiving more that 2%". "Democrats split their votes between Barack Obama, 31%, and President-elect Joe Biden, 13%". "Oprah Winfrey placed fourth, while Queen Elizabeth II tied with Angela Merkel. Hillary Clinton and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in fifth place, each receiving 2%. Elizabeth has placed in the top 10 to a total of 52 times. The only person who has had more top 10 finishes was the late evangelist Rev. Billy Graham, who made the list 64 times". Not sure how accurate surveys really are. I guess it is possible to survey an entire population, but time and expense make this procedure impractical unless the population is a small one. Gallup has chosen a sample of the population that they feel accurately represents the population in question. We can only trust that this is accurate - if it's not that the conclusions drawn from the survey are only valid for the respondents - the actual subjects of the survey and can't be applied to the entire population from which the sample was drawn. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 January 2021 12:01:41 PM
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CM, I thought you had placed me in the extremist category when you referred to me without evidence that I was a Communist, or has that slipped your mind. A lot of your racial views would be seen as extreme in the Australian context. Is your support for Trump based on his affinity with far right groups such as the Proud Boys. ttbn admitted he took up with a hard right political party which could muster only half a per cent support at a general election, now that's extreme. Do you crave a more moderate opinion of yourself from others? So my reference to you fellas as being extreme seem reasonable.
Nothing like a pretend intellectual white supremacies who quotes this one and that, busy on the Google search engine I presume. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 2 January 2021 6:36:36 PM
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I usually do provide evidence to my claims- though I'm sure as everyone to be neglectful on occasion. Thanks for you feedback Paul1405.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 3 January 2021 9:45:02 AM
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Okay, it's established that Biden got millions of votes more than Trumpf did, but they both got dirty big lots of votes. More than earlier candidates. And Biden got millions more than Trumnpf did. End of.
So now Trumpf wants all of his underlings and 2024-hopefuls to do something, anything, to fraudulently turn the vote around, to fraudulently annul the election, to fraudulently force a re-count, to examine every dick-brained assertion of fraud, etc. And to use the military to overturn the democratic vote. He urges the Georgia governor and/or A-G to fraudulently cook up thousands of votes and swing his share over the line. Whether that's treason may be decided after Biden's inauguration. This time next year, Trumpf may well be in jail. Lucky he's not in Arizona or one of those western hick states, where you get shot for treason. Our ABC has a fair summary: Only 16-17 days until it's all over, and smooth sailing, folks :) And Kamala as acting president in a year or two :). Wouldn't be dead for quids ! Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Monday, 4 January 2021 6:03:25 PM
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Check this out. Georgia voting analyzed. Posted by Josephus, Monday, 4 January 2021 8:27:38 PM
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Dear Josephus,
Mate, I know you are grieving but your bloke lost. The officials, under the watch of a Republican Governor mind you, have conducted 3 recounts of the physical ballots and determined there was no fraud. They then quite rightly certified the vote. Get over it. Posted by SteeleRedux, Monday, 4 January 2021 10:12:18 PM
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Proud Boy Jose'
The Epoch Times has been shown to be an unreliable pro Trump bit if trash, which continually makes things up! As Steele said, GET OVER IT. The important thing now is for as many Republicans as possible to distance themselves from the TOXIC TRUMP, over the next 4 years. Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 5:26:50 AM
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Paul that is the presentation to the Senate of fraud.
Trump votes in Georgia 2016; There is unexplained % differences in 2020 from % in 2016 even though Trump increased his vote in Georgia from 2,089,104, to 2,461,854 in 2020. Turnout: 55.7% 2.4 pp COUNTY CLINTON% TRUMP% Appling 20.47% 78.43% Atkinson 26.70% 71.95% Bacon 15.13% 83.70% Baker 45.14% 53.82% all 160 rows on Just look at the counties in Georgia won by Trump 2020 with turnout of 67/7% Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 8:05:02 AM
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Just to get back to reality, here is an account of Trumpf's futile attempts to subvert the electoral process in Georgia: But there are Republicans who observe the law. Perhaps they do it for their own political ends, perhaps because it's the right thing to do; people like McConnell, Ryan. They and Trumpf don't belong in the same party together. What a stinking pile of dog turds Trumpf is. A liar, a criminal, an incompetent, and a bully, from birth. The big question is: after he becomes a citizen again, like you and me, can he be charged with trying to pervert justice in - at least - Georgia ? i.e. for breaking State laws ? If not in terms of federal law ? Can he be jailed, or worse ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 5 January 2021 3:15:22 PM
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Voting has closed in Georgia, so now the votes can all be counted.
So far, the candidates in each Senate race are more or less neck-and-neck, 5-6 % margins in the Democrats' favour, but really too close to call just yet. But this site is providing an up-to-the-minute commentary: I suspect that the Republicans might both win seats. God knows what that might mean for Trumpf's ego, and his 2024 run. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 6 January 2021 10:46:24 AM
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Dear Josephus,
You do realise that if a candidate increases the number of votes they receive but their opponent receives more votes than them due to increased turnout then their percentage will go backwards? You might need to explain what you are trying to say here because it is a little beyond me. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 6 January 2021 11:26:11 AM
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Good one :) Pretty obviously (perhaps it's a mistake that Maths teachers warn of in about Year Nine), one can't compare raw numbers in one period with percentages in another period. But it seems, on such a piddly basis, great conspiracies can be fashioned. So what is Trumpf's next Cunning Plan ? Pence won't subvert the law for him. The Republican A-G and Governor of Georgia won't either. Probably McConnell and Ryan and others won't try that on when it comes to the final Electoral College decision. Gosh, where are your Russian friends when you need them ? Yes, he will call out his Little Boys and Half-Wit Women for Trumpf on Thursday, our time. He could try to incite some of the armed forces to rise up, perhaps a kamikaze pilot or two to bomb the Houses of Congress. Hanrahan and Canem Malum (and maybe Runner) might rush out of their caves, crying "You're all doomed ", then rush back in again, to count and re-count their toilet paper stocks. But I think that Biden will have huge problems trying to drain the fetic Trumpf Swampf, at the same time as controlling the Trumpf virus. The vaccines won't be widespread across the US for months yet, and around 80-100,000 people will be dying each month until a large percentage of the population has been inoculated. Perhaps the Trumpf-virus deaths will eventually total a million or more. :( i.e. Trumpf's Legacy. Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 6 January 2021 12:07:29 PM
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Trump has called the dogs out. Several thousand Trumpsters, including Trumps personal SS, the Proud Boys, have rioted in Washington as the Congress debates Joe Biden's legitimate win in the election. In clashes with police several violent far right extremists have been arrested, guns have been seized. Suspicious packages have been found placed near public buildings around the city, requiring the 'Bomb Squad' to be called out. Trump has made a "public address" from I believe, within the White House, extoling the mob to action, whilst calling for VP Pence to throw the Biden win out. Like Hitler in his last days in the bucker, this American Fuhrer is not going peacefully.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 7 January 2021 6:51:56 AM
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Paul you are listening and reading too much left wing American Extremist media.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 7 January 2021 7:18:37 AM
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I just saw Biden on TV appealing to Trump to call off the dogs. Trump is now caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. It he doesn't do it he will be accused of backing the riots and if he does do it he will be seen as leading the riots. And I think Trump could be arrested on either count. A case for Biden playing the political card for the good of the American nation. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 7 January 2021 7:22:13 AM
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No, Proud Boy Jose' I'm watching live coverage from Washington DC on the ABC. Prod Boy you have got yourself into a position with your head up your arse, and now you're trying to pull it out. Like several others on the Forum the Trump turd is well and truly stuck to you bunch of Richard Craniums.
It seems the Democrats have won the two Senate seats in Georgia. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 7 January 2021 8:49:01 AM
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I think this is the end of Trump. I assume the FBI, CIA, Justice Dept, etc., etc. will all be called in to conduct investigations into crimes against the State. Everyone tainted by Trump's megalomania will now be up for investigation on what they know about today's insurrection. I can see even Baron Trump being put under the light: "Where were you on the night of January 6?" Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:16:30 AM
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Dear Josephus,
Given what is happening at Capitol Hill at the moment do you feel in any way culpable as part of the malcontents propagating unsubstantiated tripe from groups like the Epoch Times? As this former KGB operative put it ideological subversion/active measures have been deployed against America: “to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country” Of course there has been deep interference by Russia enabled by Trump in the elections, but Trump himself deploys a number of similar techniques albeit less refined. His admiration of Putin has yielded to him a skill set which he has used to turn his standard bluff and bluster into a tool to twist public perception in order to deflect, inflame and incite. His use of useful idiots in this endeavour has been quite something to see. His ability to take bog standard people and turn them into front line apologists and propagandists is remarkable. America will need to do far more to secure itself and its institutions against another Trump and entities like the Russians. Meanwhile I hope you give yourself a chance to reflect on your role in this. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:46:36 AM
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Wait until the Feds come knocking at your door asking questions like "Where were you on the night of January 6?" I reckon you're a goner. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 7 January 2021 10:27:26 AM