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The Forum > General Discussion > If only we'd known

If only we'd known

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It seems that the WHO have back-flipped on lockdowns and are now urging governments against closing their economies to combat the WuFlu....."Dr David Nabarro, the WHO's Special Envoy on Covid-19, tells Andrew Neil: 'We really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method'. "

This is covered in lots of places but probably not those favoured by the 'woke' in this group.

See also The Great Barrington Declaration....

This is all happening a bit late, n'est pas? After all, by now economies have been decimated, lives destroyed, livelihoods erased, world poverty growing and famine again a threat.

If only we'd known earlier...
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 12 October 2020 10:48:41 AM
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We really have 'known' for a long time Mhaze. Premiers smelt power and have been extremely quick to misuse it. As usual, those who spoke out were totally demonised by the abc, regrressive pollies and media organisations. Don't hold your breath for an apology despite many not being able to farewell friends and relatives at funerals or even topping themselves. And lets not forget kids missing months of school although grades might improve on that one. Anyway who cares not one public servant lost a cent while doing even less.
Posted by runner, Monday, 12 October 2020 11:55:18 AM
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Someone else from WHO has come out and said no, Dr. N was "mis-reported". We can't believe any of these 'world' bodies, which, if they were of any use in the past, are now well past their use by date.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 12 October 2020 1:27:35 PM
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ttbn well I saw the interview and that is exactly what was said, so why did you make this nonsense up? Perhaps you can give us some source and if not why say it?
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 12:46:03 PM
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This is interesting...

Posted Oct 11, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

Nabarro of the WHO Breaks Ranks with Tedos the Terrible ...
Dr. David Nabarro, Britain's envoy to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) has contradicted the WHO and his own Boris Johnson. Nabarro has condemned mass coronavirus lockdowns calling them the "ghastly global catastrophe" which has caused the unprecedented crash of the world economy.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 12:53:13 PM
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Donald Trump might be wrong about having caught the virus himself but I think he is correct in saying that WHO is under the control of China.

So when it tells the world to stop with the lockdowns is it acting as a mouthpiece for the Chinese and encouraging them to start acting in ways that will favour the Chinese position at the risk of putting their citizens in harm's way of a virus that doesn't seem to want to go away? (Unless of course you're in China where it no longer exists because they eradicated it before any more of it could spread from America where everyone knows it started.)

Food for thought.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 1:05:55 PM
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'many not being able to farewell friends and relatives at funerals'

- Or you mean congregate and spread the disease more so there's more funerals that people cant attend for you to whinge about?

- Or even topping themselves.

Or mentally challenged people who can't stay home for a bit without killing themselves?
Who's fault is that?
What don't these people have computers or the internet or youtube, or facebook or tv or radio or a telephone or healthcare or centrelink or any other connection to the outside world?

If you are going to kill yourself for that, then you were most likely a mentally challenged ticking time bomb the couldn't cope with the world anyway.
So what you lose all you have, this happens sometimes.

You don't have to kill yourself, but if you choose to don't expect pity.
I'll be proud of you for achieving a short-term goal.

If all those idiots did the right thing then their state would've fared better like the others did.
Victorians are the cause of all our nations problems.

Don't blame the government or border closures or Dan Andrews, No.
Blame Victorians for years of future hardship this nation will now have.

Nobody else.

- Victorians -
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 6:55:02 PM
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Armchair Critic,

Problem solved!

We just bring in millions of cashed up Chinese migrants to pay for the future.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 13 October 2020 7:00:42 PM
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Armchair Critic,
Sounds like Mr Opinion is heavily relying on the Chinese yet he/she/it denounces them at every opportunity !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 7:33:46 AM
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More from the WHO envoy....

David Nabarro said: “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.”

The inevitable consequence of sacrificing the economy to battle the virus is more poverty, lives destroyed, livelihoods shattered, families uprooted and so much more. And all this for nothing.

Anyone even vaguely cognisant with the data knows that the lockdowns haven't saved lives, merely changed the slope of the fatality curve - the same number of lives lost, just spread over a longer time-frame.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 12:29:38 PM
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And it looks like the NSW politicians can get us all the cashed up Chinese migrants we can handle.

What's your commission, 5%?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 12:40:41 PM
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I wonder how many non-politician Australians have knocked back offers from the cashed-up Chinese ?
How many Academic Australians have flocked to the cashed up Chinese & how many blue collar Australians have flocked to China ?
It'd make an interesting comparison to find out how many of the China knockers are hypocritically buying their goods & commodities from China !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 5:42:16 PM
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What makes you think NZ's lockdown hasn't saved lives?
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 6:07:58 PM
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Not me, that's for sure.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 6:19:20 PM
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You people are dumb.
Think problem reaction solution.

If you don't know what that means in a short 2 minute video here:

Question: Why are they saying lockdowns are bad?
Answer: Because they have a different solution, and they want us to accept that 'solution'.

- Which was what it was always about in the first place -

They want a permanent problem, and a permanent solution for that problem.
Total surveillance, and the ability to lock you down, and lock you up if a doctor says so.

Laws outside of laws.

The Rockefeller Foundation wrote the pandemic plan on April 22nd, 2010.

It was released on May, 2010.

It is 54-pages.

The Rockefeller Foundation provides the money to make the plan work.

It was updated April 21st:

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

The Rockefeller Foundation have been working on how to create a global health crisis since 1951.

Nowadays it is called a pandemic.

O'Neill's plan to lockdown the U.S. will be completed with the election of Joe Biden as President.

With Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Sylvia Mathews Burwell to take over the Presidency in the event something happens to Biden.

Rice and Burwell were classmates and played on the same basketball team at Oxford University.

Both worked for President's Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Both work now for American University in Washington, D.C.

Burwell spent ten years as Director of the Gates Foundation.

Rice served in several other positions including Ambassador to the UN.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 14 October 2020 6:49:55 PM
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"O'Neill's plan to lockdown the U.S. will be completed with the election of Joe Biden as President.

With Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Sylvia Mathews Burwell to take over the Presidency in the event something happens to Biden."

And then they reveal themselves as being Lizard People. I, for one, welcome our new lizard overlords.



What makes you think that the NZ lockdown has saved lives? What makes you think that their utter lack of community immunity won't be a problem when they try to rejoin the world community? Why did people believe WHO when they called for lockdowns but now ignore them when they alter their advice?
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 15 October 2020 9:52:11 AM
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Thank Christ someone was preparing, since another virus (like Malaria, Zeka, Calisi, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, etc., etc.) was bound to break out sooner or later. Just as there will be other pandemics in the future.

I was talking to a nursing friend who mentioned that a couple of her doctor acquaintances had been preparing for this for years, and were immediately able to swing into action.

Wow, I never thought I'd be praising the Rockefeller Foundation. Those Methodists get everywhere. Good on them.

Sooner or later, every country is going to have to be put into a strict 3-4-week lockdown, maybe longer if there are idiots who spread the virus willy-nilly. A few weeks of restrictions, then maybe wearing the mask just to be precautious, and social distancing where possible. Is that really too much to ask ? What a bunch of snowflakes.

And does anybody really believe that Trumpf had the virus ? Really ? A couple of days ? Really ? More like a panic attack after his debate with Biden ? But he's okay now, and that's all that matters to him - bugger the 230,000 losers, and those to come. Throwing masks into the crowd - that might come back as emblematic of Trumpf's genuine attitude to his fellow-Americans: FU, I'm OK.

Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 15 October 2020 11:04:35 AM
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The facts are now clear that the lock down has resulted in widespread ruin for the world. Even poor nations will suffer because there is no money from the first world now.
You idiots are still squawking despite there not being any increase in human mortality but a massive drop in our rights. You re so happy about the new policing powers where the wallopers who could not attend a burglary or stop a violent demonstration are now fining people for walking abroad?
Joe you really need to calm down about Trump. If he wins you will be upset if Biden wins you think you will be happy but I am not so sure. Concentrate on Australia and the coming tsunami of financial ruin
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 15 October 2020 11:35:03 AM
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My response (without being abusive)

"And then they reveal themselves as being Lizard People. I, for one, welcome our new lizard overlords."

Nope, cant do it.
Maybe you will come out of the closet and present yourself as Pepe the gay frog mhaze.


Yeah hey.

It appears to me you're all just muppets.
You'd rather eat the narrative news they spoon feed you and jump up and down and make a big fuss over the exact things they have manipulated you into jumping up and down and making a fuss over;
- than have to go out and dig a little more into things for yourselves.
The reason you've got to do this today is because journalists and news organisations aren't ever going to give you the real story on things anyway.

So much data from many sources is to deliberately confuse us, fight with one another and not pay attention to what is really happening.
At least I get it, none of you seem to.

"What makes you think that the NZ lockdown has saved lives? What makes you think that their utter lack of community immunity won't be a problem when they try to rejoin the world community? Why did people believe WHO when they called for lockdowns but now ignore them when they alter their advice?"

Of course it saved lives.
Compare it to Spain, France, Iran... FFS.

'Rejoin the world community'
What is that crap anyway?
95% of a nations citizns are not global citizens.
Half the Aussie population will probably never even go overseas.

Maybe there should be more focus on getting on with things at home
Not on 'interconnected globalism' or economies based on foreign students, backpackers fruitpicking, coffee shops and tourism... FFS

"Why did people believe WHO when they called for lockdowns but now ignore them when they alter their advice?"

The WHO didn't even call it a pandemic until all our nations were rife with it.
Useless in the first place, maybe you forgot that part.
And we won't bother even talk about Tedros and others.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 16 October 2020 1:42:56 PM
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'And does anybody really believe that Trumpf had the virus ? Really ? A couple of days ? Really ? More like a panic attack after his debate with Biden ?'

lovely to see Joe triggered again as lying narrative after narrative that his tds caused him to believe unravels in front of his eyes.
Posted by runner, Friday, 16 October 2020 2:01:07 PM
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Hey loudmouth2

"Thank Christ someone was preparing, since another virus (like Malaria, Zeka, Calisi, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, etc., etc.) was bound to break out sooner or later. Just as there will be other pandemics in the future."

You know something curious, these virus outbreaks often happen in election years.
Not saying it means anything, but it is a trend.

Aegrescit medendo. English equivalent: The remedy is often worse than the disease; Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse. "Action taken to put something right is often more unpleasant or damaging than the original problem."

On face value it's good to be prepared but this ones a double-edged sword.
Unfortunately theres too much potential for mishap or misuse when it comes to weaponising live viruses.

"put into a strict 3-4-week lockdown"
"Is that really too much to ask ? What a bunch of snowflakes."

Well it's complicated, some people just don't care, take a 14yo kid for example.

I don't have an issue with it, I've still got heaps left over in my pandemic pantry.
I support the restictions if that's what it means to rid ourselves of it fast
I don't support the 'sharing is caring, here have some COVID hope your parents aren't dead next month and lets strech this sh*te out as long as possible' attitude.

I'm willing to cop the restictions to end it quickly.
But some things just aren't going to go away, like these new tracking policies if you go into other states.

This is the powers that they want permanently.

My position is I'll cop the restictions, masks, social distancing and I want it over fast so I'm fine with a hard stance to stop the spread and end it.

But once that happens - every single policy that was imposed, be removed completely in every form, no long term impact against the rights of citizens via policy whatsoever.

Tear all of it up.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 16 October 2020 2:03:59 PM
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I don't wanna be screwed over by some foul virus that didn't even originate in my own country;

I'm happy for the government to beat citizens in street with sticks if that's what it takes for citizens to pay attention and for our nation to not be the victims of some others nations mishap.

But I don't wanna get screwed over by my own government thinking it now impose whatever it likes forever, so the second the virus is gone all previous rights are restored.
The government gets no new permanent rights.

So if someone had an agenda by doing this, they get nothing either.

The key to me losing this deal is that by way of viruses, they create a permanent enemy, to manipulate us with.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 16 October 2020 2:14:08 PM
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COVID-19 is indeed one helluva virus, it has totally pushed all the other illnesses aside.
All we can hope for now is that they create COVID-20 which attacks progressive indoctrination syndrome & all will be good !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 October 2020 9:25:52 PM
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