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In August 2019, blogger Daryl McCann wrote an article titled 'Aussiexit', a take off of Brexit, which was when ordinary people in the UK "put political principle before economic advantage", and voted to take their country back. McCann felt that China posed the same problem for Australia as the EU had for Britain.

Communist China expects Australia to "bend the knee"; it is not a free enterprise country, and it is now more totalitarian than it has ever been. Nobody is safe from Chinese Communist Party brutality, a "homicidal regime", that aspires to silence any voice raised against it. The CCP bluffed our national carrier, Qantas into refraining from calling Taiwan the Republic of China (which Taiwan is called by the Taiwanese). Australian university staff have been asked (by China) to provide their passport details before teaching Chinese students. China 'demands' that critics of the PRC like Liberal politician, Andrew Hastie be silenced. Catholic Australians should know that China forced the Pope to agree with Communist officials choosing bishops in China. In the Pope's defence, he probably feared what could happen to Chinese Catholics if he did not acquiesce.

Now we have the addition of the Chinese plague.

While there would be economic repercussions from distancing ourselves from Communist China, McCann (and a growing number of commentators) think that it is time to "contemplate our own version of Brexit".
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 March 2020 2:11:33 PM
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Now there's a challenge to mentality !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 8:39:59 AM
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This covid-19 virus has taken Australia to the point of bankruptcy. There is very clear evidence that this virus originated in China, so this makes China responsible for the economic losses Australia faces. As well as the social inconvenience and lives lost as a result of this pandemic. Australia should confiscate all Property in Australia held by members of the Communist regime, to recover losses.

We should rebuild production lost to China, and boycott product produced by China, and stop all export of product and raw materials to China. They are a ruthless and power hungry despot.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 8:45:55 AM
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Australian medical supplies and food is being privately shipped to China depleting stocks required here. Medical Staff are purchasing painting masks and plastic suits from Hardware stores made in China instead of the certified medical equipment which is unavailable.

China's agenda is to make us totally dependent on them as Big Brother.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 9:00:41 AM
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China's agenda is to make us totally dependent on them as Big Brother.
Yes and, with the help of wages demands by our unions they succeed !
Anyhow, this is just blame rhetoric which really doesn't get us out of the situation because no matter how much we mention it, people will go for the lower price from overseas rather than support local industry which btw, needs to curb its greed !
Let's start with reduction of immorally high Public Service salaries until a flow-on becomes affordable towards a lower, more competitive salary/wage structure.
Now is a perfect time to start, courtesy of COVID-19 !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 10:41:11 AM
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Dear Josephus,

Strewth mate you just don't give up do you.

Yes China imported a whole heap of masks from countries like Australia to help through their outbreak now they are shipping out to countries like the US and Australia.

“WASHINGTON — A commercial aircraft carrying 80 tons of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai touched down in New York on Sunday, the first of 22 scheduled flights that White House officials say will funnel much-needed goods to the United States by early April as it battles the world’s largest coronavirus outbreak.
The plane delivered 130,000 N95 masks, 1.8 million face masks and gowns, 10 million gloves and thousands of thermometers for distribution to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, said Lizzie Litzow, a spokeswoman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Ms. Litzow said that flights would be arriving in Chicago on Monday and in Ohio on Tuesday, and that supplies would be sent from there to other states using private-sector distribution networks.”
NYT March 29

What of it?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:01:35 AM
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I think that “point of bankruptcy” might be an exaggeration - at the moment - but Australia will not be in good economic shape after the China virus is beaten. And, who will get the blame? Scott Morrison, not China.

This is why Morrison should act decisively against China. He won’t, of course, not just because like all Australian politicians he is frightened of China, but because he is unlikely to have read much philosophy.

Hayek wrote: “The one thing a modern democracy will not bear without cracking is the necessity of a substantial lowering of the standards of living in peacetime or even ‘stationariness’ of its economic conditions”.

So, a good chance that one of the outcomes of the China virus will be Socialist government lead by the clownish Anthony Albanese, who could really bankrupt the country.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:20:18 AM
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" Australia should confiscate all Property in Australia held by members of the Communist regime, to recover losses."

Personally I'd settle for Australia just waking up to ourselves and realising what an error our leaders from the 80s and 90s made when they decided to tie our future to the Chinese economy. And then doing something about it. Pivot to Taiwan, Vietnam, India with alacrity.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:25:13 AM
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Australians are not keen on stupid rules, either, the latest one being NSW deciding to fine anyone out and about without a "good" reason $11,000. They don't like hypocrisy either, revealed in a tweet from by James Morrow:

"171 coronavirus cases across Australia now linked to Ruby Princess. Keep that in mind when the NSW Premier hectors you about not doing the right thing".
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:27:00 AM
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" A commercial aircraft carrying 80 tons of gloves, masks, gowns and other medical supplies from Shanghai touched down in New York on Sunday,..."

Well let's hope they are better than the stuff they sold to Europe.

Still, even a communist can't screw up making gloves. Can they?
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:50:53 AM
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"Communist China expects Australia to 'bend the knee';"

We can say whatever we want in our country.
We're not an extension of their country, we're not their province.

"Nobody is safe from Chinese Communist Party brutality, a 'homicidal regime', that aspires to silence any voice raised against it. The CCP bluffed our national carrier, Qantas into refraining from calling Taiwan the Republic of China (which Taiwan is called by the Taiwanese)."

Don't really care, that's between China and Taiwan.
It's not an issue occurring in Australia, nor directly affects Australians.

"Australian university staff have been asked (by China) to provide their passport details before teaching Chinese students. China 'demands' that critics of the PRC like Liberal politician, Andrew Hastie be silenced."

University staff shouldn't be required to provide passport details to any foreign government, and China shouldn't get any special treatment;
- But university Staff who teach international students should be listed in a accessible directory that shows their position, qualifications and contact details (email) at the institution.

China has no authority to dictate what our elected leaders can and can't say, likewise we have no authority to dictate what their leaders can or can't say.
If our elected leaders choose to 'criticise' China, or any other nation, then that's an issue for our nation, it's elected leaders and it's citizens.
If the people do not agree with what an elected leader says they'll remove him as is their democratic right.
China should remember that we're a democracy, and our nations citizens have a duty to criticise their government.
We're free to criticise anything we want but we don't have the right to tell them what to do;
They too can criticise anything they want, but they don't have the right to tell us what to do.

"Catholic Australians should know that China forced the Pope to agree with Communist officials choosing bishops in China. In the Pope's defense, he probably feared what could happen to Chinese Catholics if he did not acquiesce."

That's a issue for China and it's citizens, foreigners shouldn't get involved in other nations domestic affairs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 12:05:19 PM
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Some seem to forget that the reason we are so close to China is that they were the ones who wanted to buy our coal & iron ore in the quantities we needed to sell to keep our economy afloat. That it is barely afloat even with these exports proves how critical the China exports are to our economy.

I wonder how many realise that any reduction in the purchase of these by China will make recovery from the current spendathon on fighting the virus so much harder, if not impossible to achieve.

Indian increases in coal requirements may help, & we should remember just how hard the Greens fought to try to stop Indian involvement in our coal mining industry.

In the short term we have only Asia as a market for the only products we can produce competitively, coal, iron ore & some farm produce, & the Greens are fighting tooth & nail to make farming fail by wasting much water in greenie wet dreams.

A labor government, or any increase in green influence could easily cause total failure in a recovery here, leaving us the poor white trash of the South Pacific.

Don't get any idea I have much faith in the present lot, but Labor are such a captive of the ratbag greens, that there is no chance of them taking suitable action.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 12:41:22 PM
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'Some seem to forget that the reason we are so close to China is that they were the ones who wanted to buy our coal & iron ore in the quantities we needed to sell to keep our economy afloat. That it is barely afloat even with these exports proves how critical the China exports are to our economy.'

true Hasbeen but largely because idiotic green ideology has made electricity prices outrageous, numerous rent seekers receiving billions to produce hopeless unreliable energy, many useless public sector jobs draining the economy and gutless conservative Governments not making a stand against this rot. When they cut abc budget in half and rid it of Marxist I think we can say we have turned the corner. Doubt whether it will be in my lifetime. My grandkids are going to be paying for this mad socialist experiment that has destroyed every country that tried it.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 1:54:47 PM
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"Don't really care, that's between China and Taiwan".

The fact that an Australian company was dictated to as to what it called the ROC is not between China and Taiwan; it's between China and Australia.

"China has no authority to dictate what our elected leaders can and can't say …".

Well, yes they have, because our weak politicians have allowed them that authority.

"That's a issue for China and its citizens, foreigners shouldn't get involved in other nations domestic affairs."

Nobody is saying that foreigners should get involved. It is just another case of the Chinese Communist Party interfering with a Church and its persecution of Christianity generally. It should be enough for Catholic countries to avoid China.

As for it being a matter for citizens, 6.5%, or 90,000,000 of Chinese citizens (Communist Party members) decide everything for 1.4 billion Chinese citizens who get no say in anything.

China is a Communist dictatorship. No voting. No freedom of speech. Disappearances. Executions: China executes more people than the rest of the world combined
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 2:32:45 PM
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Dear runner,

You write; "but largely because idiotic green ideology has made electricity prices outrageous, numerous rent seekers receiving billions to produce hopeless unreliable energy"

So the greens are the reason Sydney businesses ended up paying twice as much for our gas as businesses in Japan? Absolute rubbish.

You are so bloody full of it mate. It is your lot who have sold this country off.

The Yanks were at least smart enough to hold on to their energy resources.

Rudd and Gillard tried to claw some of that back yet guys like you squealed like stuck pigs. You have let billionaires get away with stripping the wealth of this country, resource which would have had our manufacturing able to compete on a world stage, yet muppets like you let them get away with it.

Pretty treasonous in the end.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 2:59:06 PM
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Two thirds, the majority, of our exports go to countries OTHER THAN China. China often puts an embargo on imports of our coal ( I believe that there is one currently in force) when they take offence at something; when we don't "bend the knee". It could be said that coal is our big weakness with regard to China; that we should man up, take a short term economic cut, and look elsewhere. But, China's economy is utterly dependent on coal, and it can't produce enough of its own. And they need the superior quality of our black coal. China is a spoilt child whose hissy fits should be faced down. The only hope for the West to deal with this awful country and communist party lies with a Trump America, if the half-wits in that country and the rest of the West will allow it.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 3:25:38 PM
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'The Yanks were at least smart enough to hold on to their energy resources.'

yeah Steelie by giving Paris the finger. You really do rewrite history although with absolute no moral base truth never mattered to you.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 4:09:03 PM
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China in one shipment has exported 82 tones of medical equipment from Australia and supply inferior product to other countries. They have depleted our reserves of medical supplies. They are not the benevolent big brother as some imagine, they just want to appear that way. In their mind they control Australia's economics. Which currently they do, and all politicians since Keating and Rudd have supported this. One example is our universities only survive on Chinese students. Our Government survives on exports to China.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 4:18:58 PM
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The UK government has said that there will be reckoning for Communist China over its virus, it lying and cheating. Will we hear a similar comment from our government?
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 4:56:47 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Mate you are an utter dingbat.

You wrote;“China in one shipment has exported 82 tones of medical equipment from Australia and supply inferior product to other countries.”

Just look at how you are phrasing it, try this instead. Health official in China IMPORTED tonnes of medical equipment from Australian companies during the worst of the pandemic there, as you would expect them to. It wasn't from Australian government stockpiles was it.

Other countries health officials have also scoured the world for supplies and purchased supplies from many companies including some from China.

As in Australia the government can step in and halt the shipments if they can be shown to not be in the national interest.

Some of the products being sourced from South Korean companies are superior to the Chinese but are more expensive. Unfortunately some cash strapped hospitals and health systems are opting for the cheaper products. The test kits out of China are less than $5 per pop and are a test for antibodies not the virus directly so are mainly effective well into the infection. That is not how they are always being used.

Look I think China has a toxic brand of authoritarian capitalism that I detest but if you are going to criticise it please attempt to do so consistently.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 4:59:08 PM
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China has state-directed capitalism, not a free market, democratic system like the West. It is directed by Communists: a bit like a rat with a gold tooth. The Chinese Communist Party works on the 17th and 18th theory of maximising trade surplus, part of which requires establishing colonies; hence the CCP's desire to dominate the South China sea their 'belt and road plans’, and their push into Pacific countries, offering aid and loans, which, not repaid, gives the Communists the opportunity to take over land and facilities.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 7:05:19 PM
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There is a real problem with Chinese in Australian politics.
A factor that we must take into account is the history of China’s relationships
with other countries. For a thousand years or so China dominated the
world as known to the Chinese. All historical states such as
Korea, Vietnam, Tibet etc were indeed subject to the suzerainary of China.
Japan appears to be the only state that was able to resist the
Chinese colonisation of Asia.
Communication speed would have been what saved countries further
away such as Central Asia and the Middle East from becoming client states
of the Central Kingdom.

Nevertheless it has become builtin to China’s approach to other
countries that other countries are vassell states to the
Central Kingdom states that all of Ancestral Chinese descent owe
allegiance to China.
The basis for this belief is that only China is a sovereign country.
All other countries are vassals of the Central Kingdom.
This has recently been reaffirmed by Pres Xi Jingping.
China was not a signatory to the Treaty of Westphalia in 1698.
That treaty defines what is a sovereign country and how its borders are defined.

This is the reasoning behind the seizure of the Sth China Sea islands and reefs.
It explains how they can just bring a drilling rig into Vietnamese
waters without even telling the Vietnamese government.
It explains how they can contact relatives in China and threaten them.
It explains how they can order other countries ships & planes out of
the Sth China Sea. They are ignored so far.

All Chinese everywhere are expected to accept any "requests."
Therefore can any Chinese be members of parliament ?
Can they ever not be dual citizens ?

The major exporting milk company in Tasmania has had its product banned in China.
There was at the time a Chinese bid to take over the company.
Strange that ? Guess who bought the company on the cheap !
So why were people surprised at the news that Chinese owned property
developers were buying up all available medical supplies in Australia ?
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 7:33:39 PM
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Following Chinese companies in Australia buying up medical supplies to send to China, and a letter from Pauline Hanson to the PM, the Treasurer has announced that ALL foreign 'investments' will be vetted by him, irrespective of value. not by some pissy board with a permanent staff of one.

The change is obviously aimed at China, but it will affect all foreign companies. It's a start. Obviously it will have to be sewn up so that Australia is protected from some less-than-loyal, pro-China Treasurer in the future.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 7:56:49 AM
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The SMH reported on a Chinese military man with links to criminal gangs was responsible for exporting medical supplies to China.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 8:25:51 AM
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While some impractical people are calling for China to be billed for what they and their virus have cost us, what could work is resuming all the land and industries China has in Australia, without compensation. Nationalise them.

It looks like our eventual debt from the China virus will be higher than post WW2. And some of us know what things were like then.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 8:27:29 AM
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China has reminded Australia who pays the bills!
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 8:53:00 AM
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Perhaps China should contemplate what price for lower quality coal they
would be paying if Australian coal was not available.
The ERoEI of their own mines is close to end of economic life.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 9:12:47 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"The fact that an Australian company was dictated to as to what it called the ROC is not between China and Taiwan; it's between China and Australia."

Well, so what if they were dictated to?
What's it got to do with us whatever some foreigner wants to call the place?
Rename it 'Little Timbuktu' for all I care.
Qantas is a company, an entity not an individual.
It can either service flights to and from Taiwan, or not service flights to and from Taiwan.

What benefit does the average Australian get from Qantas flying to and from Taiwan?
In the interests of trade and tourism it's good we have an Australian carrier, but it matters not to the average Australian.
Trade is valuable though.

Do you think we should get involved in the political issues between Taiwan and China?
I don't, I think we should just mind our own business there.

"Well, yes they have, because our weak politicians have allowed them that authority."
They probably have their own politicians now.
They could probably take over Tasmania if they all just up and moved there.
Claim independence under UN right to self determination and align with the Chinese Communist Party.

"Nobody is saying that foreigners should get involved. It is just another case of the Chinese Communist Party interfering with a Church and its persecution of Christianity generally. It should be enough for Catholic countries to avoid China."

Fair enough, but if anyone wants to 'do something' about the situation with Catholics in China, then I believe it's the Vatican's job to do so.

"As for it being a matter for citizens, 6.5%, or 90,000,000 of Chinese citizens (Communist Party members) decide everything for 1.4 billion Chinese citizens who get no say in anything.

China is a Communist dictatorship. No voting. No freedom of speech. Disappearances. Executions: China executes more people than the rest of the world combined"

- And made all the more powerful by the West who exported their jobs and manufacturing there.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 9:37:16 AM
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Ambassador Cheng is reminding us how the CCP bullies and blackmails. We would survive without China, and we need to start practising.

A Labor member of the NSW Upper House, Shaoquett Moselmane, has been accused by also-Labor, Stephen Conroy (who is much more sensible since his retirement) of "pathetically putting out Chinese propaganda". Moselmane described the Chinese Communist Party's response to its own virus and lack of concern for the rest of the world as "decisive" and "emphatic".

Not only is that enemy propaganda: it's a bare-faced lie.

The CCP definitely has a Fifth Column in Australia: some of it in our governments, no less.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 12:11:31 PM
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Lefty Trump-hater, James Brown, (SMH) felt the need to slag off of the US President yesterday, but he did say that Trump was right to "keep awareness of the origins of the pandemic alive". Brown even described a "cannonade of Chinese Communist Party … propaganda that democratic countries should stand up against". We need to sustain awareness of how China's "authoritarian system" let the pandemic out. It was China's authoritarianism that stymied initial global efforts to contain the threat. Had China acted three weeks sooner, "global pandemic cases could have been reduced by 95%". Statistics from Wu Han are still being manipulated for political purposes. "The dictatorial regime (is) furiously rewriting recent history".

Blaming China for what China did is not a 'white, male, right wing, racist' thing after all
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 1:33:09 PM
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notice NSW Labour mp praising China's effort in their handling of Coronavirus. Reminds me of the deviants who voted to kill unborn babies up to birth in Liberal and Greens. What a sick mob.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 2:15:39 PM
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82 tones of medical equipment from Australia
Does that mean Australia's ability to produce such equipment is in good enough shape to sustain or perhaps even improve productivity ? If so, are efforts being made right now ?
If not, why not ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 1 April 2020 7:03:07 PM
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Chinese imperialist mercantilism brings with it the danger of conflict with other major powers.

China protects its industry from foreign competition, subsidises exports and manipulates its currency. 'Dumping’ or selling at below cost is also practised to push competitors, including, Australian producers out of business in their own country. China steals commercial and industrial intelligence.

'Private’ business is controlled by the Chinese Communist party. To say that China is becoming a capitalist country is laughable. The CCP, is the same as it always was: totalitarian and dangerous to its own people and the rest of the world.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 April 2020 9:19:54 AM
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This was written by economist Peter Smith a long time before the China virus:

"Trade deals should not be struck solely on narrow economic grounds. Industrial diversity is important for a nation’s cultural life and can be vital for national security. Specialisation can leave you vulnerable when trade is interrupted. Think of war. Trade can be disruptive and put
people on the scrap heap. The human cost of displacing people from their jobs should not be summarily dismissed as a cost of doing international business. It must be taken into account".

Think of war? Think of pandemics.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 April 2020 9:33:06 AM
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For those people rooted to the idea that we must sell coal (which looks like being on the way out anyway), and those who obsess over the minority of our exports, here's something from a bloke who knew a thing or two about life, Benjamin Franklin:

"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both".
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 April 2020 9:50:29 AM
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Dear individual,

Here you go mate.

"TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan and Australia have reached an agreement in which the two countries will exchange raw materials desperately needed to battle the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), announced the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) on Monday (March 30).

On its Facebook page on Monday, the MOEA announced that Taiwan and Australia have agreed to cooperate on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia has pledged to provide Taiwan with 1 million liters of alcohol which can be used to produce 4.2 million 300 milliliter bottles containing 75 percent alcohol to be used as a disinfectant.

In exchange, Taiwan will offer Australia 3 metric tons of non-woven fabric to produce surgical masks once Taiwan has reached sufficient domestic production capacity. That same day, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokeswoman Joanne Ou (歐江安) said that Australia has been purchasing the raw materials to make masks for many years, while about 90 percent of Taiwan's alcohol supply comes from Australia, reported Liberty Times."
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 2 April 2020 10:35:48 AM
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Good news, now let's hope unions & pseudo Academics don't throw a spanner in the works !
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 April 2020 6:50:10 AM
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The Morrison government (which seems to mean just Morrison theses days - who needs a republic) has pledged to spend four times what Labor spent on the GFC (The Age). The $200 billion spent so far is more than the defence, education and health budgets combined.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 April 2020 8:04:36 AM
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Can anyone see a plot here caused by Communist China by the release of Covit-19, so that unwittingly we become totally dependent on Government for income, governed by movement and association control laws. That way to introduce Marxist Communist principles.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 3 April 2020 8:18:59 AM
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I watched a Left wing nutter on Sky News telling us "we are all socialists now", referring to the Morrison big spend. Is be right? Could be. After all, should it not be the first thing to make sure that there is no panic buying, so that that everyone has the essentials?

Morrison couldn't care less if you've got nothing to wipe your bum on. No, he rushes in and flings someone else's money around when there is no financial crises; it's a health crisis.

Sure, the poor buggers who have lost their jobs need money. But that should be it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 April 2020 9:13:11 AM
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Peter Jennings (Australian Strategic Policy Institute) says that there is no doubt that China has a biological weapons program.

While the China virus has killed relatively few people, the economic impact on the West will be massive; and China looks like coming out of the crisis ahead of the West.

China is now offering to help developing countries to gain strategic advantages for the future- as they always do when they provide ‘aid’, which can be regained by taking over territory when the receivers of aid default.

Jennings stresses the need for Australia to stop being “so naive” about China. China is looking to have an advantage over us. There is no thought of a ‘partnership’ of the sort we have with most of our trading partners. The Chinese Communist Party has blatantly directed Chinese in Australia to by up supplies in Australia and ship them back home.

As far as strategy goes, the elites in the Pacific Islands are happy to have ‘help’ from the Chinese, with the money going into the pockets of that elite, whether their people benefit or not.

This is bad news for Australia, which needs to look after the region better, and stop wasting our money on the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean (thanks to Julie Bishop) - areas remote from us, and of no value to us.

Only Boris Johnson and Donald Trump have had the guts to condemn China.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 April 2020 11:44:23 AM
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Hey ttbn,
"China is now offering to help developing countries to gain strategic advantages for the future- as they always do when they provide ‘aid’, which can be regained by taking over territory when the receivers of aid default."

Well that's not so bad, arguably better than how the US acts.
America survives directly off of the lifeblood of other nations.
Look at the recent announcement regarding drug cartels in Mexico.
It's not about drugs, it's about the recently discovered lithium deposit.

As for COVID-19 and claims regarding China's culpability, please watch this, and find out the other sides of the story.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 April 2020 1:19:56 PM
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Hey yourself, AC,

Think whatever you like mate. I'm saying what I think, you do the same.

I'm a bit worried about your being an apologist for China though. What's next; a move to China, and a stall in the Wu Han wet market:)
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 April 2020 3:08:04 PM
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the economic impact on the West will be massive;
The social impact could totally derail us once the real hardships rear their heads ! It'll make the toilet roll situation look like a boring & harmless game ! Those over-mortgaged will be the first to get a dose of it. Those in frivolous industries will be a close second if people do not toe the line. Just because some disagree with the guidelines which have to change almost daily due to unforeseen circumstances, it should not let us trail off the recommended track.
I'm hoping that the real scientists will find vaccines for what our out-of-control lifestyles throw at us & at the same time make people who presently fail to see, see !
The time is upon us now to change our ways of indiscriminate travel & breeding ! The time to think has well & truly arrived !
I wonder how Europeans feel about "open" borders now ?
Posted by individual, Saturday, 4 April 2020 7:29:23 AM
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Rough guide:- the China virus is expected to leave us 0.5 trillion dollars in debt. Our our total economy is around 1.3 trillion dollars.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 April 2020 8:37:23 AM
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Those people concerned about the possibility of losing our exports of coal to China might be interested to know that China imports only 4.2% of the coal it uses: mainly from Indonesia (steam coal) and Australia (coking coal).

China has its own coal resources, employing 4 million miners. It also exports coal; it became a net importer only in 2009, and the reasons for this are not domestic shortage (
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 April 2020 9:32:41 AM
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According to a study published by The Conversation, Australia's income from China for coal in 2018 is only 1% of what the nation spends on private and public consumption in a year.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 4 April 2020 3:35:34 PM
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