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The Evolution of World Politics
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Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 10:54:53 AM
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Dear Belly,
Labor did not explain their policies well at the last election. They did not have a good communicator as a leader. And they need someone like Chris Bowen who at least sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Mr Albanese doesn't cut it. With him as leader - Labor will again lose. You can have the best policies, but unless you have someone as leader who can sell them - forget it. Scott Morrison was a better salesman. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 11:03:34 AM
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cont'd ...
I forgot to add - it's just as well that Pauline Hanson is so stupid. If One Nation was to get a more intelligent, dynamic leader - things would really take off. We're lucky she's so completely inept. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 11:05:35 AM
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Hey Belly,
I learned there were mass protests going in about a dozen countries over 2 weeks ago from one of the youtube channels I regularly watch; - Only I didn't know exactly which countries were involved or the order of these events; And I also don't know the current status - whether they're ongoing or resolved or what have you; The only thing I did know is that there was an attempted US backed regime change going on in Iraq. "So the policy's need to change party's need to respect the voters wishes" I think it's about time people addressed the BIG FAT elephant in the room. Look at Labors policies over the last decade or so; It seems as though they never cared about the citizens too much in the first place. I seems to me their platform isn't built on a basis of what the citizens want; But moreover their platform is based on what the UN wants. Look at what Kev's up to for example. Would I be wrong to say most of your parties policies are based on 'imposing UN Sustainable Development Goals' upon national citizens? 'National Democracy V's International Democracy' I've spoken about this before, that I think that in a 2 party system where one party is effectively an immigrant / globalism platform is really not 'national democracy' at all. It's more along the lines of 'International democracy being imposed upon nation states'; Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 11:56:14 AM
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So now for that elephant... Do we really have any say in our future? Do we really have democracy or are we just a vassal state of the UN?; All these goals and international treaties meaning everything's already been decided? How are we supposed to meet all these 'global contracts and obligations' whilst claiming we have democracy and still decide our own future? They're making us sign plans 30 years in advance. Who's deciding our future them or us? "Guardian Australia reported in July that the UN secretary general, António Guterres, as a prelude to the special climate summit on 23 September, had written to all heads of state, including Australia, asking countries to outline plans to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. I do agree with you regards policy. Now more than ever you need to get and get them right. But firstly you have to change the ideology that places the UN ahead of the citizens. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:02:38 PM
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I remain a true Labor foot solider, forever
But any underline any, look at our travels in the past 60 years will prove we moved in to past Liberal grounds Think with me on this, Foxy rightly says scomo sold him self better BUT we did far worse Right now this believer in man made climate change, unshakable in my belief, has some thing to say In NSW right now, new mines have been rejected [changes coming] because of the effects of burning coal, IN THE COUNTRY WE SELL TO We must support new fuels, give grants, but if we do not sell coal some one else will Coal will no longer be used but not by idiotic rules like that Voters want to know who is coming to this country, the do not in numbers big enough to count want endless growth World wide the biggest single driver of right wing politics is refugees/migration Soon if we do not hear voters, we will be isolated by this issue forever be the opposition not the government Voters drive politics Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:24:20 PM
Some policy, we think is great, is rejected by many more than those supporting it
The whole purpose of politics is to TRY to sell your policy's at an election
Labor took good policy, massively more than it should have, to an election it thought it had already won
Labor HEARTLAND saw 20 percent swing against it
Because the electorate in numbers too big to ignore, are not yet ready to give up coal
Europe, soon, very soon, will react to refugees migrants, and elect even more right wing governments
We who fear that, must understand we have failed in trying to lead the voters
So let us try following them, take the center left vacant by the right
Only from within government can we introduce fairness
Sitting out side smirking because we have the best policy's constantly rejected by voters is mad