The Forum > General Discussion > Could you live with the affects of climate change 24/7?
Could you live with the affects of climate change 24/7?
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Nathan, Where do you live? I live on South East Australian coast and we haven't had a night above 12C or a day above 26 yet. Today it is 15C and cloudy. If the temperature rises on an average of 1.5C above the average it is not going to destroy civilization as some claim.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 11 October 2019 10:34:02 AM
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Hi Joe, we did the opposite, moved from Townsville to Bathurst.
One great thing about the tropics, you don't get chilblains riding to school in winter. Wow, I've found another thing CO2 can do cure chilblains, what wonderful stuff. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 October 2019 10:38:49 AM
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Hi all...When I served overseas, firstly on the Malay/Thai border (1964/65) and later, in South Vietnam (1968), it wasn't the actual temperature that got you, it was the damn humidity.
Carrying weapons, ammo, and a heavy pack including water, on every contact point on your body, was blackened with sweat Consequently you'd get this horrible rash with it. Can you acclimatise to hot temperatures? Yes, I can. What about tropical humidity? Even that, but much harder, and took longer for me. Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:10:35 AM
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I have been in Zambia and Malawi where the temperatures in Summer regularly hit 50C and cool off to the high 20s in winter.
People acclimatise. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:37:48 AM
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I live in Gippsland at the foot of Mt Baw Baw but I spend my winter in SE Asia because it is twice as hot as Gippsland.
How do I survive.? I just do! If princess primrose petal cannot take three degrees extra heat I suggest he toughens up. The nonsense you idiots put up with. What next, fear of dragons attacking us? Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:58:08 AM
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Just read a piece that trades persons can walk off the job at 28C. What snowflakes are we breeding? We did not walk off the job until it reached 40C. Work just had to be done, otherwise there was no income. That is what air-conditioning has done to our children.
Tradies will now be able to walk off the job and stop working when temperatures reach 28C - giving them another TWO WEEKS off each year reported by Kylie Stevens For Daily Mail Australia Posted by Josephus, Friday, 11 October 2019 2:20:42 PM