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The Forum > General Discussion > Could you live with the affects of climate change 24/7?

Could you live with the affects of climate change 24/7?

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Recently I got out of bed. The night was very hot. I had to take my pyjamas off as I felt very sticky. I had to plug in a fan to use. I had a headache the next day and I had to drink a lot of water as I felt terrible.

I am not looking forward to hot weather during summer this year.

What if though, this was part of your life every day of the week, as a result of climate change? Every day was hot.... and cold days were limited to non-existent.

Could you live with it?

What do you feel needs to be done to protect people now and into the future from the impacts of climate change?
Posted by NathanJ, Thursday, 10 October 2019 2:13:03 PM
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Hey NathanJ,
Make changes and master your environment
Either learn to adapt, or perish

I know it sounds hard, but it's the truth I'm sorry
Here's examples of people who are doing things to master their own environment.

Part 1. Build the House
Part 2. Build the Pool

If human beings lose the ability to think for themselves, think and plan ahead and actively do things to master their own environment then as a species we deserve to become extinct.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 10 October 2019 4:06:35 PM
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How do you think people living on and near the equator get on? It's hot and sticky there all the time now; always has been.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 10 October 2019 4:10:27 PM
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Nathan like you I am not unsure, that climate change is real
not Too that man plays a roll in it, I remain stunned some think it is not changing
My last summer saw 44 degrees often, true, I even tried sleeping out on the veranda
My age and health may well say this is my last summer
But if I was younger and fit?
Make a retreat for sleeping out side under ground much like a well, no not kidding
Sleep matters
Hope, unlike my one,hope you can get insights in to what people think the change will bring
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 10 October 2019 4:15:11 PM
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I am not unsure, that climate change is real
There's no money in saying that & definitely hampers any career in Academia/Science !

I agree that there is a Climate Change because that's part of nature since Day 1. We can't do anything about because if there was something we could do it'd be done. We need to look at pollution because it is a far more serious threat than CC. AND, there's plenty we can do about it !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 10 October 2019 7:53:29 PM
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'What do you feel needs to be done to protect people now and into the future from the impacts of climate change?'

just toughen up a little.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 10 October 2019 9:43:40 PM
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Actually ttbn it is not as hot close to the equator, as there is more evaporation to keep it cool. Most of Oz is hotter, when the breeze comes out of our central desert. This is why Adelaide has some very high temperatures, & why SE Queensland had a few high 30s recently, with westerlies.

I spent 6 years within 600 miles of the equator, & never saw a temperature above 32. Of course it was very humid, so if working you would sweet a lot. I would go through a number of head bands to keep the sweet out of my eyes. My office was air conditioned, but I rarely saw it.

Nights were the problem, with minimum temperatures of 24 all year, you needed an air flow to sleep. High islands with a spine of ranges above 5000 Ft are great. They generate a land breeze at night, with cool drifting down from the heights & out to sea.

It is the doldrums, so not much breeze otherwise, & a mechanically generated one is required, but it is a great place to live.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 10 October 2019 10:39:13 PM
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IN studies I see relating to climate change, I see repeatedly something about the "island effect" ( hope I'm getting the term right). Basically with all the data for climiteologists change is a factor they are trying to compensate for, which is that in developed areas like cities, and around cities, the tempatures are higher then areas away from cities.

Over and over I hear about needing to adjust the pridictions said of climite change because this factor of higher temperatures near cities harms the reliability of climate change data.

Based on this I think a growing focus to make the tempatures better should be on city development to include more areas in it to be heat sinks for that city. More parks maybe? I don't know what would compensate for large buildings, paved roads, and concrete everywhere; all of which change the local enviornment and cause more heat in the local area. But if anyone is worried about hotter days to come, perhaps city development projects should be part of the issues discussed. CO2 is not the only thing that man does to change the enviornment, but it is the only factor focused on with climate change and global warming. If anyone wants to really make a change then scrap the unreliability of climite change theatrics "the end is near," and instead focus on real enviornmental issues and studies that deal with changing our enviornments, reducing pollution, as well as focusing on solutions for water needs. City development with the focus of reducing the island effect for heat would fit into those issues that are noticed but ignored by climate change scientists.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Friday, 11 October 2019 3:10:31 AM
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A lot of land is drying out because too much rainwater runs off too quickly before there is time for it to be absorbed. We need to store way more water than we do presently. Recharge the aquifers as much as possible & harness built-up area run-off. More dams are a no-brainer !
Get the theorists out of the way & let the pragmatists run the show. Problem solved !
Posted by individual, Friday, 11 October 2019 6:30:54 AM
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By golly, the climate crooks have a lot to answer for with their non-stop scare-mongering and the effect it has had on believe-anything people like Nathan.


I'm not unfamiliar with the topics, and I'll stick with with 32 degree dry heat over the same with high humidity any day. In fact, I will stick with the weeks of 40 plus my part of the world is heading for this summer over the tropics any day. That's if the bumholes don't keep upping the price of power, while lying that the price is coming down!

I received another couple of sheets of totally incomprehensible garbage from AGL the other day trying to convince me just how kind and fair that their and the government's trashing of our electricity market is.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 October 2019 8:37:02 AM
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Here's a list of just some Liberal politicians calling themselves 'moderates' thinking that they are hiding the fact that they are actually Leftists: Tim Wilson, Dave Sharma, Jason Falinski, Kaye Allen, Angie Bell, and Trent Zimmerman.

These Leftists - over whom Morrison clearly has no control - have signed up to a mob calling itself Parliamentary Friends of Climate Action Group. This mob also has the likes of extreme Leftists Ged Kearny, Adam Bandt and Andrew Wilkie in it.

Conservatives beware: if you continue voting Liberal these days, you might as well vote Labor or Greens
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 11 October 2019 9:12:39 AM
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As a kid, I moved from Wagga to Darwin. I didn't miss the sub-zero temperatures riding to school during the winter. And got used to the humidity in Darwin, and eventually loved the place.

You adapt. You get used to it. The half-degree rise in Adelaide's maximum-ever from 1939 to this year is evidence of warming, at least around Adelaide, perhaps from the much larger heat-island effect, perhaps from extra CO2 in the atmosphere, perhaps from natural causes. It would be nice if we could differentiate each of those contributors, and perhaps many others.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 11 October 2019 9:24:33 AM
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Nathan, Where do you live? I live on South East Australian coast and we haven't had a night above 12C or a day above 26 yet. Today it is 15C and cloudy. If the temperature rises on an average of 1.5C above the average it is not going to destroy civilization as some claim.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 11 October 2019 10:34:02 AM
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Hi Joe, we did the opposite, moved from Townsville to Bathurst.

One great thing about the tropics, you don't get chilblains riding to school in winter.

Wow, I've found another thing CO2 can do cure chilblains, what wonderful stuff.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 October 2019 10:38:49 AM
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Hi all...When I served overseas, firstly on the Malay/Thai border (1964/65) and later, in South Vietnam (1968), it wasn't the actual temperature that got you, it was the damn humidity.

Carrying weapons, ammo, and a heavy pack including water, on every contact point on your body, was blackened with sweat Consequently you'd get this horrible rash with it.

Can you acclimatise to hot temperatures? Yes, I can. What about tropical humidity? Even that, but much harder, and took longer for me.
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:10:35 AM
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I have been in Zambia and Malawi where the temperatures in Summer regularly hit 50C and cool off to the high 20s in winter.

People acclimatise.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:37:48 AM
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I live in Gippsland at the foot of Mt Baw Baw but I spend my winter in SE Asia because it is twice as hot as Gippsland.
How do I survive.? I just do!
If princess primrose petal cannot take three degrees extra heat I suggest he toughens up. The nonsense you idiots put up with. What next, fear of dragons attacking us?
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 11 October 2019 11:58:08 AM
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Just read a piece that trades persons can walk off the job at 28C. What snowflakes are we breeding? We did not walk off the job until it reached 40C. Work just had to be done, otherwise there was no income. That is what air-conditioning has done to our children.

Tradies will now be able to walk off the job and stop working when temperatures reach 28C - giving them another TWO WEEKS off each year
reported by Kylie Stevens For Daily Mail Australia
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 11 October 2019 2:20:42 PM
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i recall picking apricots in the SA Riverland when the temperatures daily were 40, 40, 43, 46, 43, 43, and then a cool 40. On the 46-degree day, we all were picking the undersides, leaving the outer and top fruit to boil, which it did from the inside - green on the outside, boiled rotten on the inside. The 40-degree day was a breeze. It's quite surprising what you can get used to.

Maybe every little snowflake prince and princess should do a season of fruit-picking, to get some idea of what work is. I suppose the blockies will have to air-condition each tree first, for the poor little dears. Otherwise they'll all collapse in states of depression and have to go on the NDIS.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 11 October 2019 2:49:04 PM
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If the unlikely prophecy (nearly all others have proven false) happens and temperatures increase then it makes sense we dig up more coal for cheap reliable electricity so we can tune our air conditioners that 2 degrees lower. Easy solution!
Posted by runner, Friday, 11 October 2019 5:45:26 PM
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At age 16 I got my first job, as a nanny, on a cattle station up along the Birdsville track a couple of hundred kms north of Maree. 50 degrees plus during the day and could get down to 15 or less at night. I coped really well because it was a really dry heat.
In 1970 I moved to the Kimberley , got married, raised 4 kids there with no airconditioning. None of us up here did back then apart from a few high level government officials. Even parts of the hospitals weren’t airconditioned. It wasn’t easy but hell, all the kids not only survived but thrived so despite the discomfort that type of weather is not bad for your health. And the birth rate was at least treble that of down south, so fertility not affected either.
Mind you, we all have airconditioning now, my black grandkids couldn’t live without all their modern conveniences
Posted by Big Nana, Friday, 11 October 2019 9:37:20 PM
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my black grandkids couldn’t live without all their modern conveniences
Big nana,
so, what you're saying is that your Grand kids are the same as those CC protesters except they don't protest !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 October 2019 2:56:10 PM
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Individual, my grandkids believe the climate has always been changing and that humans just have to change along with it.
Adapt or die is our motto.
Posted by Big Nana, Saturday, 12 October 2019 6:46:16 PM
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Big Nana,
Good to hear they have some sense. I was referring to the modern conveniences. i.e. the same as the protester kids but without the hypocrisy.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 12 October 2019 7:18:48 PM
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In Perth yesterday a few socialist regressives causing disruption. Not to many school kids as they were on holidays and were not getting a day off school. Why are we surprised?
Posted by runner, Saturday, 12 October 2019 7:24:40 PM
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Hey runner,
Interesting thought...

Teacher to kids: "So now children tomorrow at the protest we want you all to scream loud and clear and make your (our) voices heard"

I can definitely picture that.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 October 2019 9:02:37 PM
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Teacher to kids: "So now children tomorrow at the protest we want you all to scream loud and clear and make your (our) voices heard"
Armchair Critic,
Many years ago just before Goss got elected in Qld, I was standing beside the window of an Island community school & overheard the teacher pressing the kids in these exact words "Children, you have to tell your parents they must vote Labor" !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 13 October 2019 5:45:54 PM
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Ahhh Nathan, there might be some hope coming for you.
The people during the global warming in the time of the Romans survived
quite well as did the Vikings on Greenland 600 years later.
However 300 years after that the Poms were skating on the Thames
river in an Ice Festival every year.
So as we are now in a warming period which is just ending it will
slowly get cooler for the next 300 years.
Your great great great grandkids might be able to go skating on the
Yarra river each winter.
How does that grab you ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 14 October 2019 4:48:40 PM
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a warming period which is just ending it will slowly get cooler for the next 300 years.
I did 4 scuba dives on Endeavour Reef over the weekend & I was really surprised how cold the water is. Just 1m below the surface it's rather cold but at 10-15 m one wouldn't stay too long without a wet suit. When i think back that in the 70"s we used dive with our wetsuit zippers undone just to keep cool at that depth. Not now !
Posted by individual, Monday, 14 October 2019 6:55:11 PM
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<<By golly, the climate crooks have a lot to answer for with their non-stop scare-mongering and the effect it has had on believe-anything people like Nathan.>>

So ttbn, you'll take climate change as false will you? Who scare mongered you into that?

Climate change is very serious. Issues include increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change. Climate change has increased wildfires, has lead to declining water supplies (tell that to Australian farmers), reduced agricultural yields, lead to health impacts in cities due to hot weather and flooding and erosion in coastal areas.

So ttbn are you saying farmers have been scare-mongered as well?

These are the people who are putting food on your table every day of the week. Do you want their farm animals to suffer in hot weather 24/7?
Posted by NathanJ, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 4:54:39 PM
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Climate change is very serious.
All that is Nature is serious. From the very first Climate change some roughly 4 Billion years aga until the present, climate change has formed this Planet. In the past few hundred years humans have managed to throw a spanner into Nature's works. So, now the latest of the descendants are getting jittery but they still won't part with the frivolities that are so many commodities which cause so much pollution.
It's much easier to demonstrate & blame those who cater to their demands.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 5:55:20 PM
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Nathan J, crop yields around the world are at all time highs.
The planet has been greening, these effects are probably due to the
increased co2.
The sea is not rising. Cyclones are not as frequent nor as strong.

I am no expert but when I see a scientific paper that confirms the
historical record I take notice. Maybe the human caused warming is
nonsense and the historical record has something to tell us.
The warmists have simply mistaken the natural warming for human caused.
In a couple of hundred years there will be articles how those early
scientists got into a world wide panic over the warming and blamed themselves.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 17 October 2019 10:14:37 AM
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yep the 'consensus science' accepted the big bang nonsense so its no surprise so many gullible accept the gw religion. Totally irrational, unfactual and fanciful.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 17 October 2019 11:43:39 AM
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Do you assume, in relation to the Big Bang Theory. that all bodies in the universe are stationary, they have just sat where they are for at least six thousand years, or twenty billion years (many times over) ? Well, no, they do move around - a comet has recently been tracked from far beyond our solar system, heading past the sun. All the planets move. The moon moves. Everything moves.

So what's so hard to understand, given Newton's law, the one about the gravitational pull between any two bodies, that there is a sort of universe-centre, towards or away from which all bodies are moving ? Perhaps god is at that centre, or perhaps gravitational pull will drag everything in to it, before exploding again ? And maybe that's been done countless times, every few dozen billion years ?

After all, the universe has been here from everlasting, and will continue to exist to everlasting.

You know it makes sense :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 17 October 2019 12:46:10 PM
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very glad to hear you call the big bang a theory Joe. You obviously are not a fundamentalist atheist.

You ask

'Do you assume, in relation to the Big Bang Theory. that all bodies in the universe are stationary, they have just sat where they are for at least six thousand years, or twenty billion years (many times over) ? Well, no, they do move around - a comet has recently been tracked from far beyond our solar system, heading past the sun. All the planets move. The moon moves. Everything moves.'

I actually assume that something does not come from nothing, that the likelyhood of all the order we observe does not come from chaos. Even the most hopeless punter would not take those odds under the influence of alcholol.

Yes it is by faith I assume God always was and always will be however it is certainly far more rational than the idiotic faith of those who claim the universe self existed. The big bang evolutionist brigade have always used the same dishonest methods that the gw religion use today to demonise, mock and belittle non believers in their fantasy. Surprising however how many honest non believing ( in Christ) scientist proclaim big bang and evolution as c ap. Be sure like dissenters from the gw relgion they will never get the funding. You know how it works.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 17 October 2019 12:56:36 PM
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There is not too much to be concerned about, just adapt to changes. If you move to the equator wear lighter clothes, if you visit Antarctica make sure you are well prepared, otherwise you are a fool. There are changes in the climate.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 17 October 2019 1:04:16 PM
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A lot of communities in Australia, especially in the rural areas of northern NSW, southern Queensland and the wheat belt of WA, are currently in the process of learning how to live with climate change, all to their detriment as we can all see from the telecasts of the severe droughts and floods of recent times.

The ongoing droughts in NSW and Qld are of particular interest to me in that I'm being to think that these are in effect a tipping point in climate change for these regions. For those of you who don't know what that means, I saying that it has passed a point of no return and the climate will not switch back to its norm. So instead of the climate being one of an ongoing series of drought-rain-drought-rain cycle it is now just one of continuous drought. Time will tell, but I'm confident about putting my neck on the line and stating that we have a climate change tipping point.

This is important for those who think that spending billions of dollars on dams in these regions is going to be a magical panacea because failure to recognise the tipping point, if that's what it turns out to be, is basically useless because they will be building dams in places where it will never rain again. I don't think the politicians who are revving up into dam mode have factored the tipping point option into their equations, all to the likely detriment of the rural communities suffering from climate change, which neither the politicians nor the rural communities themselves want to accept as being real. Very sad, very sad indeed.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 18 October 2019 4:39:31 AM
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Mr O,

The fact that no causal relationship between droughts floods and climate change doesn't seem to bother you?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 18 October 2019 6:25:51 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

There is a causal relationship between these.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 18 October 2019 6:36:57 AM
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Joe I don't believe in the big bang theory, it doesn't work without accepting a whole lot of doubtful theories.

How about this. Black holes are not the final destination of all matter, but a conduit to a parallel universe, through which matter from this one is renewed & transferred to the parallel one.

Oh & for Mr O, the rainfall in Oz has been trending up since federation. Pity the stuff put out by arts departments don't have to start with a few facts. But don't you worry, I'm sure a chat with the people at the Bureau would get them to "correct" the old records to comply with your theory, just as they do with temperature.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 18 October 2019 8:53:30 AM
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yep Sarah Hanson Young has only made 58 flights recently. Must of cut back for 'climate emergency'. Really hard to match Greens hypocrisy.
Posted by runner, Friday, 18 October 2019 10:22:07 AM
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good to see the sensible citizens of England doing what the police are paid to do in removing these clowns from trains etc. I think the British policeforce are to busy brainwashing people with the LGBT agenda and looking to arrest people who might call a male Mr or a female Mrs. Their must also be the 'quite poms'.
Posted by runner, Friday, 18 October 2019 5:03:15 PM
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These clowns should be rebelling against their own actions instead of criticising others for what they do themselves !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 20 October 2019 6:19:02 PM
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Got this in an email from a friend this morning.

100 years of Mean Sea Levels at Fort Denison, Sydney:

1914 - 1.11 metres
1924 - 0.98 metres
1934- 0.98 metres
1944 - 0.97 metres
1954 - 1.00 metre
1964- 1.09 metres
1974 - 1.09 metres
1984 1.02 metres
1994 -1.04 metres
2004 -1.08 metres
2014 -1.12 metres
2019 - 1.05 metres
Posted by individual, Monday, 21 October 2019 7:38:41 AM
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Before staging one of their now familiar “Die Ins” at a busy intersection. At their head was rally organiser Kim Stern.
Stern like many Extinction Rebellion protest organisers across Australia is an activist with the Revolutionary Trotskyist group Socialist Alternative. Socialist Alternative want to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state in the image of the early Soviet Union. They are a fanatical, often cult-like group that believe if Trotsky rather than Stalin had won the power struggle after the death of Lenin that Communism would have turned out just fine.
Stern has been a member of this Marxist group since at least 2014. Along with his comrades Nicholas Carlton and Wren Somerville, Stern has been a part of the wider infiltration and subversion of the “Extinction Rebellion” movement in Canberra by Socialist Alternative. Stern along with Grace Hill and Priya De (again of Socialist Alternative) was one of the organisers of the “Uni Students for Climate Justice” Canberra event on the 21st of June where ACT Greens leader Shane Rattenbury spoke in front of a giant Extinction Rebellion flag. Copy paste from "Unshackled"
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 21 October 2019 9:37:52 AM
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Nice Work Josephus...

I'm impressed, I love it when people dig up the finer details to call out other peoples bs.

So what this essentially is:

- Is a 'rebranding' -

I saw a video yesterday that showed others doing this to manipulate public perception and forward an agenda.
It's unrelated, but beneficial to see the way in which others deceive us for their own purposes.

American General Explains Rebranding the YPG Away From the PKK
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 21 October 2019 10:14:30 AM
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Hey individeual,

Those sea level statistics don't really show any particular trend.
It's not enough to factually state that the data shows there's an uptrend.

1914: 1.11
2014: 1.12

I read this article yesterday:

I thought that what Greta was quoted as saying was curious.

"Richer countries such as Canada and Sweden need to get down to zero emissions much faster so people in poorer countries can heighten their standard of living by building the infrastructure we have already built,"

I'm not exactly sure what to make of it.

We have to reduce, so they can build?
Am I misreading this?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 21 October 2019 10:42:33 AM
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Sorry I accidentally messed up your name, individual.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 21 October 2019 10:44:06 AM
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We have to reduce, so they can build?
Armchair Critic,
The Super wealthy & other jet setters have a moral obligation to curb their excesses so as to become role models for the millions of mum'n dad wannabes.
Just look at the emission-spewing frivolities just ordinary people participate in. I'm still waiting for the motorsport industry to divulge figures for their emissions. Frivolous Public Service travel is another massive contributor. War games & War are at the top with the fashion industry.
It's not just the Westerners, everyone with access to excess is part of the problem !
Posted by individual, Monday, 21 October 2019 5:36:10 PM
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I'd just like to add another couple of links to the list above.
I posted 3 previous comments on this thread, the first contained the following link:

October 12th, 2019 Follow Fiona Hill’s Chemonics Payouts To Kolomoisky and Moustafa

I should not have started with this link, but another longer video that came before it on the same day.
It's got a whole lot more important info that will help put things into a better perspective.

For future reference, start with this video before you watch the other videos listed in my previous comments.
October 12th, 2019 Fiona Hill, Crowdstrike, Zelensky, Deripaska, and Chalupa

(I think George briefly mentions Alexander Downer in this video)

After you've watched the others, this is the following video in 'The Webb Report' series:

The Webb Report - Chapter Four - Blackberries Between The Senate And the DNC

All of this information relates to David Singers recent articles on Trump.
Sorry for adding so many links, but you're not going to get the information contained in them anywhere else.
- And if you don't understand all this back-story, you won't be able to grasp the truth of what has really been playing out behind the scenes during Trump's Presidency.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 1:13:17 AM
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- Apologies to NathanJ and the other thread contributors;
I accidentally posted the previous comment on the wrong thread sorry.
(Yes, I'm an idiot I know)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 1:17:24 AM
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Armchair Critic,
this is a Journalist's guesswork, is there anything from an insider ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 4:46:00 PM
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Hey individual,

He's not an insider, but he's not exactly not an insider either;
George's own background knowledge comes from having previously worked with Dimitri Alperovich (Co Founder of Crowdstrike) many years ago.

He seems to have some IT knowledge and I know he said that he once worked for McAfee, and had knowledge that they were writing the viruses for virus protection themselves.

George always advocates for 'metadata'.
That's the trail he follows.

He will collate all the info from the actual insiders, looking at what they themselves say and do.

I've watched his channel on and off for 3 years, watched many videos where you get lost in all the complex details;

He used to openly say that it his channel was 'part working theory';
- But were late in the game now, he (and others who help him on forums such as reddit) have slowly and meticulously picked this thing apart done to the bone, over the last 3 years.

On the things he says are 'working theory' he's been vindicated time and time again, I've witnessed it many times over the course of watching his channel.

He's not a journalist in any normal sense, (which makes him independent resercher) but he is thorough and has done the research better than any other actual journalist.

Every single day of the last 3 years, he simply puts one foot in front of the other to build and refine the previous knowledge.

Take this article for example where they'll say Trumps nutty.

You'll find many parts of the story there, it's just that no-one else has put it all together.
The corporate media are gatekeeprs, not reporters.
The Ukrainian in the story is probably Kolomoisky, 3rd richest man in Ukraine.

Thanks for taking the time to watch.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 5:51:36 PM
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Just to show you, his channel and research never stops.

October 21st, 2019 Trump Takedown Ambassadors A Who's Who Of Libya Weapons Diversion

"Cofer Black is the key architect of turning Osama Bin Laden from being a "freedom fighter" into being a "terrorist". Cofer lived in Kharthoum with OBL and directed the effort. Cofer Black is also the driving force behind Operation Blackjack, the satellite surveillance system developed in Pakistan in conjunction with drone tech to kill Osama Bin Laden. He also is on the Board of Burisma, and he worked very closely with Henry Kissinger for year. The covert weapons for Libya were paid for by USAID and IMF loans to Kolomoisky in Ukraine who is the banker for Ukrainian criminal weapons broker Mogilevitch."

Sorry for going off topic NathanJ.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 22 October 2019 6:00:04 PM
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I suppose we will live with Climate change until we either manage to control it or just perish !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:39:13 AM
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Individual, we all perish in the end. Australia being a hot country we should be building our houses underground, or under hills and mountains.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 24 October 2019 8:02:57 AM
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They're a weird mob & nothing can be done about !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 24 October 2019 7:08:29 PM
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