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MP’s son pleads guilty to 35 child sex offences,
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Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 9:42:56 PM
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Is Mise, Simply not sufficient info for comments. Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 May 2019 8:52:57 AM
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Here're some reports. Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 23 May 2019 11:13:46 AM
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is mise has it ever crossed your mind that maybe justice is in fact blind deaf and very dumb?
Too that maybe power and privilege gets treated differently As well as all that, years ago, in NSW a judge took very substantial bribes Maybe a lot do A man has appeared in court, far too many do, for a brutal bashing a baby, 18 months old We are told he can not be named, To protect the child? Our justice system is broken, we should demand far better This thing should be in prison Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 May 2019 12:21:22 PM
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From what I can gather this young person has
used the internet inappropriately. He has not physically done any harm to anyone. It appears that the judge has taken all this into consideration, including the young person's physical disabilities before making his judgements. The young man is to receive counseling. Hopefully this will help both him and his family. We can only trust that he will not re-offend. Had he not been the son of a MP - this probably would not have been newsworthy. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 23 May 2019 1:51:31 PM
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From what I can gather he hasn't actually touched anyone, he merely looked at Girly pics on the net. What is the problem ? Is it because he has reasonably high profile father to be exploited ?
Put yourself in the poor feller's shoes. Let him who is free of sin cast the first stone ! There are a lot more pervs in public office than this harmless chap ! Tell him to stop contacting young girls & leave him alone. There are plenty older ones who'd get a kick out of being contacted in that manner & more than likely take him up on it ! Case dismissed ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 May 2019 4:41:35 PM
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Well individual, I'm without sin, and I'm more than happy to stone a pedophile to death, dwarfism or not!
I actually know a family who's son did exactly the same in NSW. he got ten years, and has only just been released. Obviously his toilet needs were of the normal kind. And oh...his parents were not the local member of parliament. That was obviously a factor. Just put this one beside crooked election outcomes, for a Siamese twin of elitist privilege at work! Dan Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 May 2019 7:22:11 PM
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Diver Dan,I tend to side with Foxy and Belly on this one as I can see the judge had a delima, certain by the number of charges he needed a jail term but if he did not actually physically harm anyone and no doubt jail for him would be much harder than for those of normal growth. These factors need to be considered.
I have cases on file here where those charged with rape go unpunished. In Nth Qld 9 males raped an 11 year old girl and none received jail although 3 were adults and she had to leave the community because others blamed her for causing the young blokes to get into trouble. The minors did not have sentence recorded. In another case a bloke spent a year in jail for rape of a 12 year old girl and when released he raped her again and is now serving 4 years, probably 2 with remission. What about the infamous Tennant Creek situation where an 18 mth old baby was raped, causing massive internal injuries. I do not think anyone has yet been charged. Only today a 31 year old man from Mackay was charged with the rape of a 12 mth old baby. Due in court again in June so no details available. There are some horrible people and it is no wonder I and others would like to see capital punishment brought back for heinous crimes. My observations are that aboriginals and refugees get let off or far less penalty than others for sexual assault Posted by HenryL, Thursday, 23 May 2019 8:09:39 PM
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Did he actually assault anyone ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 May 2019 9:46:27 PM
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Henry L.
I don't subscribe to your line of thinking at all. These charges are child sexual offences. IE child! They no doubt would be disgusting videos of children used in the act of sexual abuse; most likely Asian. Most likely also, he entered a web site monitored by the police. A sting. The reason for the police sting being, porno sites such as these, are set up for Australians ( in this case),to pre- browse with the intention of engaging in sex with Asian children when travelling to Asia, for that express purpose. You can bet Henry, this innocent little dwarf was engaging (or intending to engage) sexually with children. Thus the case I mentioned with ten years attached to it, was one such sting, and down he went! The word is out there. Don't be caught browsing these sites, its a crime. It is Australia's honourable attempt, to protect vulnerable Asian children. Don't have sympathy for this character Henry. He got off because he is a politicians son. The cases you mentioned are unbelievably horrific. They are simply unimaginable to normal people. Obviously the perpetrators are not normal. But why is that an excuse for leniency? Dan Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 May 2019 10:02:01 PM
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But why is that an excuse for leniency?
Dan, Only when it comes to higher profile people who happen to fall out of favour with their ilk & lose the protection ! Posted by individual, Friday, 24 May 2019 7:46:07 AM
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We deserve the law system if we do nothing
Ithink the law, quite often is bought and paid for before the case gets to court Too that the costs of putting some in prison, are given far more weight than the victim Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 May 2019 8:03:05 AM
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Online videos of child sexual abuse only exist because there is a market for them. If nobody watched them there would be no point making them and perhaps a few children might escape the horror of being tortured and raped.
The fact that this man got pleasure from watching these videos and contributed to the marketing of them should get him locked up. I don’t care about his toileting needs, public toilets don’t accommodate him either, but he manages. Even hospitals don’t have dwarf toilets, they use as stool to get up there. Posted by Big Nana, Friday, 24 May 2019 9:41:02 AM
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Most of us seem to agree this verdict stinks
Maybe we need the power to do what the USA does, recall[ force] locals officials to be voted on If we had such a power over the givers of justice we may see some in the job for just weeks before being turfed out Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 May 2019 3:32:07 PM
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Diver Dan,
I think this bloke got off, not because he was a politicians son, but because of his physical disabilities. Have you ever heard of 'dwarf tossing'? I can see jail inmates engaging in that activity. I must ask you if you think that aboriginal offenders should have no penalties as per my example and should refugees have sexual offences dismissed on cultural grounds as we have seen in the past. Should aboriginals and refugees face the same penalties as others for the same offences. Should there be consideration of culture in sentencing Posted by HenryL, Friday, 24 May 2019 4:39:44 PM
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you are asking provocative questions that will never be answered. There obviously are different standards in the courts. Much 'cultural' stuff results in blind eyes. Just ask Jacinta Price who cops the usual hateful vitriol from the left when she raises these issues. Posted by runner, Friday, 24 May 2019 4:47:55 PM
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Henry L.
Judges should be questioned on sentencing determinations. The dpp can appeal a sentencing outcome, if it's considered inappropriate. But unfortunately they appear to be a law unto themselves, which they should not be. So if a judge makes a determination based on precedents, which is how the system works, and it is considered inappropriate by the judgment of the dpp on the same basis, then that judgement is the grounds for appeal by the dpp. This is the point of law which needs to change. In order to change the standard of judgment upwards, Governments have stepped in with an innovation called mandatory sentencing. This act of parliament overules a judges discretion. And is actually conflicting, and waters down the independence of the judiciary. It's this independence which is one of the corner stones of democracy. So you will probably never get an answer to your question, and the key reason is "precedents". It's already set. Dan Posted by diver dan, Friday, 24 May 2019 7:50:16 PM
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I read one of Issy's links, the guys a problem. We either lock him up, or let him go off and join the Catholic Church, they are short, excuse the pun, of a bishop or two, and he is fully qualified, wont have to spent time getting trained.
The majority of paedophiles have fathers, whether that father is a garbage collector, a politician, or whatever is irrelevant. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 26 May 2019 5:51:32 AM
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Paul we differ here I have never had any doubt power and influence works
That this man's dad helped him That filth in all sides of politics do get a free run Worse no poedophile ever should walk free after a conviction But in one thing you may be right Let him serve his time in a Catholic monastery Posted by Belly, Sunday, 26 May 2019 6:43:13 AM
Daniel Knuth, son of Queensland MP Shane Knuth, pleaded guilty to 35 child sex offence charges in Townsville District Court last year, including possession of child exploitation material.
A report from the management of the Townsville Correctional Centre expressed concerns around Knuth’s toiletry requirements should he be incarcerated."