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The Forum > General Discussion > The Real STOLEN GENERATION.... and its white.

The Real STOLEN GENERATION.... and its white.

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I've been thinking about the implications of unknown donor vs near relative as the parent of your child.

First I'll assume that modern technology is used to implant the sperm rather than the traditional method, if not that raises a whole bunch of other issues which could make an interesting discussion.

The dynamics of someone with regular contact with the child who knows that they are the biological father of the child would seem to open up a whole rats nest of potential issues for parents and the child. There seems to be a large number of ways that scenario could massively complicate the parenting of a child or intefere with the development of the child.

In regard to the child never knowing that dad is not the biological father, every time I go for a medical check up part of the quiz is about family history for certain conditions. Assuming that you were either high or low risk because the health of the person you think of as dad could be dangerous.

I do agree with Boazy's stated position about using the forum to explore idea's and develop our own thinking on issues. That's not the impression I have of what he was doing here nor does it seem to fit particulary well with Boazy's ongoing attacks on "make it up as you go" but I can live with that.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 9 August 2007 2:05:36 PM
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David you said "stolen Generation" , who has stolen the generation?
Posted by Angela84, Friday, 10 August 2007 2:20:35 AM
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BD old mate is it relevant? in some country towns the definition of confusion has reference to fathers day.
Few would know who dad is in any case.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 10 August 2007 6:32:33 AM
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BELLY :) I smiled when I read that..... I recall being in a native village in Sabah one time, and as part of the 'visiting team' and being 'The Missionary' I was confronted with some situations which would make Jerry Springer look tame. aarggh...

ROBERT.. I congratulate your thoughtful contribution.... well done!

Your point about the dynamics of a child who knows that a near relative is his biological father.... yes..exactly. What about 'Inheritance' ? dodgy or vexacious claims ? "I'm HIS son, (and 'he' happens to be rich) so I want a share of 'his' stuff.

But while there is always a negative potential in any situation, that being one, I feel it places the onus on us to re-create a stronger concept and practice of extended family solidarity. Most people will comply with cultural expectations unless they want to be totally ostracized, so such claims would be unnacceptable. I think on balance, its still better for a child to know his biological father, than not.
If parents 'keep it from him' and he finds out when he is 45..... I think the shock might be quite severe and the reaction might be "WHY THE HELLLLL DID YOU KEEEEEP THIS FROM ME ALL THIS TIME"...

GINX just limit your discussion to the POINT and all will be well.
ps... r u being 'intolerant' of my view ? :)

FOREST.."fascinating".. I'd love to spend a few hours exploring those things, more appropriate for a Bible study evening mate :) Too much to taken in and process here this morning. But by all means follow though with anything you see as relevant.

ANGELA.. will puh-leasseee stop hogging the threads with your HUGE postings :) use of the word 'stolen' was really a discussion starter, not a firm expression of viewpoint.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 10 August 2007 9:00:11 AM
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"GINX just limit your discussion to the POINT and all will be well.
ps... r u being 'intolerant' of my view ?" (Quote:BOAZ)

PS? Without question I AM intolerant of your point of view. I am devoid of tolerance of the intolerant; particularly when they espouse their pernicious views from a holier-than-thou aspect. Look at your last post preacher; you list each name and pass judgment. As I've previously said, you elevate yourself. Why?

I HAVE encountered this type of religious hypocrisy online before; it's a large cyber world! BUT;-I have NEVER encountered on this level. NEVER.

The irony preacher, is that you are a striking example of EVERY possible negative example of religion. Intolerant/patronizing/bullying. You set the very worst example whilst trying to persuade those who dare to disagree with you that yours is the one true path.

YOU talk to ME missionary; and I will respond to you.EACH AND EVERY TIME. Your 'marking' of my posts and those of others is of little relevance, specifically because of the staggering double standard and hypocrisy you demonstrate.

When it comes to sticking to the point, you are breaking new ground in separating each poster out for your judgment, rather than 'sticking to the point'.

I have done the same to you.
Posted by Ginx, Friday, 10 August 2007 11:41:01 AM
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Hi there Ginx.... you said:

"a holier-than-thou aspect. Look at your last post preacher; you list each name and pass judgment. As I've previously said, you elevate yourself. Why?"

"Holier" ? where do you get that idea? on what grounds ? I've often said.. I'm a filthy sinner.. saved by Grace.. thats 'it'.

Realizing my own lack of worth, and sinfulness, does not disqualify me from pointing poeple to Gods grace and the Messiah Christ Jesus.
If it did, you would never have heard of Christ...ever.

Why do you confuse 'responding to contributions' as 'patronizing' ?
I began the thread..and people respond.. so sorry if I express satisfaction with the response.. if this is 'patronizing' then guilty as charged.

I took the trouble to mention each name so people realize I'm responding to them.... "Pass judgement" ? my goodness you certainly have a colorful imagination, thats about as far as I can go in describing 'you', as opposed to 'irritating twat'.. which is direct personal abuse. just add to that little outburst with

-Ur Holier than thou
-You 'Judge' people
-You Patronize people.

But you finish it off with 'Ive NEVER seen it this bad' kind of thing.
Honestly, I think we are seeing more an expression of your own issues, because most others are able to interact quite amicably.

Pity you can't tolerate my intolerance.. which sounds pretty intolerant to me :) See... the whole 'tolerance' thing is only 'allowed' when those on one side of the issue use it as a weapon against those who disagree with them. Well..newsflash, this is a democracy, and I can disagree and assert, and interact..and calling me an irritating patronizing intolerant twat only stiffens my already rock solid resolve.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 10 August 2007 2:12:37 PM
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