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The Forum > General Discussion > Sonia Kruger Vilifed by NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Sonia Kruger Vilifed by NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

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I grew up in a large country town/city which had quite a few schools and orphanages/homes of different christian denominations. There was never any talk about sex or physical abuse except for the RC ones. The RC one were so big I suppose it was hard to keep it quiet.

The Sally orphanage kids used to walk together to and from school and generally stick together in the playground. I was shocked to hear the commission mention our town as a place where the Sally kids were physically abused, we never knew.

I suppose there was sex abuse involving other organizations but it seems to be individual so kept quiet.
Posted by HenryL, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 1:05:55 PM
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meanwhile sexual abuse is at a much higher level than anywhere among the Indigeneous communities now. Oh well does not fit the sick narrative of regressives.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 1:23:35 PM
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Much has been written on the issues as well as films produced.
Do the research.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 2:20:15 PM
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Foxy: Much has been written on the issues as well as films produced.

Mostly only condemning only Catholics. You are avoiding the Question. Why isn't the same Media Attention given to those other Groups?

Foxy: Do the research.

I have. I have found the Media avoids mentioning the other Groups. Why is that?

HenryL: There was never any talk about sex or physical abuse except for the RC ones.

I support Sonia.

Of course no because as soon as someone of the other Christian Denominations got caught they were immediately disowned by that Church. "Oh, he/she wasn't a real [insert name of Denomination here]" Very convenient, don't you think? I think it's a combination oaf factors. The Catholics were supposed to be, "Holier than Thou" & the hatred towards the Catholics by the other Denominations, an attitude pervades even in this day & age.

I get the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door & virtually the first thing they want to talk about is how the Catholics are going to Hell. Same with the Seven Day Adventists & Southern Baptists. I luv 'em, bless their dammed souls. ;-)
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:26:29 PM
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Those who vilify Sonia Kruger are the real racists & traitors.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:33:29 PM
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'I get the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door & virtually the first thing they want to talk about is how the Catholics are going to Hell'

that not quite accurate. The JW's don't see hell as a place of eternal torment for humans. They wrongly teach annihilation along with a lot of other unbiblical nonsense.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:51:08 PM
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