The Forum > General Discussion > Sonia Kruger Vilifed by NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Sonia Kruger Vilifed by NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 15 February 2019 3:59:20 PM
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Sam Ekermawi, a practising Muslim filed a complaint
against the Nine network claiming racial vilification in Sonia Kruger's remarks on her TV program and demanding an apology. This happened more than 2 years ago. The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal on Friday found that Sonia Kruger could have given her views in a "more measured manner" to avoid vilifying the group but instead did present a stereotypical attack on all Muslims in Australia. "Sonia Kruger provided her own views and commentary on the issues and these additions were not just opinion, they were vilifying remarks in their own right," the judgement says. The Tribunal concluded that Sonia Kruger and channel 9 acted in good faith and without malice. And, the Tribunal members declined Mr Ekermawi's request for an apology from Kruger and Nine - because he was not personally named or defamed and the event took place more than 2 years ago. Case closed. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 February 2019 1:13:39 PM
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BTW: This incident does not qualify as "Racial
Vilification." Islam is not a race. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 February 2019 1:17:45 PM
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I read the article prior to this one which advised that nothing was found against Kruger because the tribunal correctly 'found' that Islam is not a race. A lot of time and money wasted because the loopy Left urgers don't listen to common sense. The instigator of this hysterical charge should be made to pay all costs. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 16 February 2019 2:23:35 PM
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The sooner we get a Government with enough sense and courage to get rid of these useless AT bodies the better. Overpaid leaches who need to vilify and demonise anyone that disagrees with their sick narrative. And to think they rewarded Triggs for her deceit and misrepresentations!
Posted by runner, Saturday, 16 February 2019 2:30:39 PM
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Seems to me there's a lot of Sharia back-firing in 18C !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 16 February 2019 2:55:15 PM
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The tribunal ruling was right
The woman was wrong,open and shut case Posted by Belly, Saturday, 16 February 2019 3:42:18 PM
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I agree with Kruger, muslim immigration should be halted now. On the grounds of cultural incompatability.
Muslims have consistantly shown they will not integrate nor compromise on social issues. They have been a source of concern and social problems right from the start when Fraser began to import large numbers. There are other groups that need to be halted as well, that hold our laws and social standards in contempt. Groups such as those that carry out FGM and arrange forced child marriages Posted by HenryL, Saturday, 16 February 2019 4:20:43 PM
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There are far too many refugees that are listed for deportation that get the order dropped because of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Only this morning there was reported another in the Tele where it was overturned even though he was convicted on sexual assault charges. Another bloke was allowed to keep his visa after he was convicted on 36 charges over 16 years, including the rape of a 14yo girl. They said he had a traumatic life when young. Another case I know of, some years ago, where a drug dealer got to stay here after serving time for dealing, because he had fathered a child while here. He did not even have to prove the kid was his. Yes it is well past time we put a new broom through the AAT Posted by HenryL, Saturday, 16 February 2019 4:55:53 PM
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Henry L what we need is our current laws enforced for every one
And done so without PC blinkers ,that is softer because of fear of being called racist To presume every Muslim is a bad Muslim is madness This morning ABC news online, tells of Catholic Nuns being sexually abused by Priests here in Australia SMH tells of the Pope [at long last] sacking and defrocking a Cardinal Any one care to make a case for stopping Catholics coming to this country?living here? Posted by Belly, Sunday, 17 February 2019 6:00:30 AM
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You said, "To presume every Muslim is a bad Muslim is madness" But What is a bad muslim? What is a good muslim? You disregard culture! Every practicing muslim has an ideology that is incompatable to western society. Posted by HenryL, Sunday, 17 February 2019 8:22:09 AM
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We really should not blame any religion for the actions of fundamentalists or extremists within that religion. It's not the religion that's at fault but people's interpretations of it. We have many Muslims in this country living peaceful lives and contributing to our communities. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 February 2019 9:13:43 AM
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Dear Foxy,
Hmmm ........ "It's not the religion that's at fault but people's interpretations of it." Sorry, but the problem with that analysis is that the Koran is front and centre for observant Muslims, and it contains many, many rock-solid references to principles that you and I may disagree with - such as the goal of imposing, by peaceful OR less peaceful means, Islam over all people and countries; the tribal notion that women are in need of protection for life (and therefore are entitled to , effectively, fewer rights than men) because they are always at risk and/or inferior to men; the notion that, once any land has come into Muslim hands, it is never to leave them; the notion that one can get into heaven by committing jihad, with all its various meanings. And so on. I'm certainly not suggesting that, on these grounds, Muslim immigration should be limited, let alone banned, but we have to analyse these issues with eyes wide open. Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 17 February 2019 9:29:46 AM
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It was a poor example that Belly gave when citing sexual abuse by christian clergy. They were acting contrary to their church and Christs teachings. The muslim actions are totally in line with their religion. I have yet to read any passage from the Koran that promotes love and kindness to fellow man. It is all killing and hate, totally unacceptable in our society. Of course Islam is to blame. ISIS consider themselves to be 'very good' muslims and is why young muslims were rushing to join them. We had to invoke laws to stop them going to Syria. Posted by HenryL, Sunday, 17 February 2019 9:41:19 AM
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You said, "We have many Muslims in this country living peaceful lives and contributing to our communities". Why do you think it is that ordinary muslims have not publicly condemned ISIS for what has happened in Syria. I suggest it is because they agree with ISIS and/or they are too bloody scared to be critical. Don't forget there were bashings and businesses fire bombed early on. Which ever, they are keeping a low profile now. But these 'peaceful' muslims were willing to riot and advocate beheadings over some silly cartoons. Posted by HenryL, Sunday, 17 February 2019 10:25:33 AM
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The problem IS Islam. Islam IS the problem, not 'radicals' and 'extremists'. Islam itself is radical and extreme. It’s all there in black and white for those who read; but the Marxist Left on OLO don’t read; they stick with their own sick ideology. This is why Foxy et all, useful idiots all, are always apologising and make excuses for Muslims. The Left and Islam are natural partners: they are both totalitarian, controlling, hating, against free speech and Western civilisation. The end game between these two extremes, after they have oppressed the rest of us, will be awful, but nothing that they don’t both deserve.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 17 February 2019 10:42:43 AM
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Hey Foxy,
I don't think its really about an apology for apology sake; - So much as 'admitting and establishing a wrongdoing'; And as a result 'setting it down in stone' that Sonia's criticism / behavior is not acceptable or permitted. - Even though she did nothing wrong - She did apologise initially I think, but I honestly don't she had anything to apologise for. Hey ttbn, "I read the article prior to this one which advised that nothing was found against Kruger because the tribunal correctly 'found' that Islam is not a race." (Foxy also mentioned this) - Yet they're putting her through the wringer and taking strips off her anyway. 2 years she's had this crap over her head, just for voicing what many citizens in this country were rightly feeling. It's like some kind of weird mass censorship I'm not sure how to exactly describe. Belly, Obviously I think Sonia's been vilified for simply speaking her mind. - What Aussies have always done since Aussies were Aussies. - Why do you think she was wrong? Think hard - try to win the argument on merit. Here's my spiel: How can a person be 'wrong' when stating 'how they feel' about a certain topic? It's hard to argue with feelings, providing they have a basis of merit. I'll give you an example: Lets say you were driving, pulled up at the lights and someone run up the back of you. Your car is looking like a write off and you're angry. I walk up; you're going off and I say "Nope you're wrong". 'Wrong' doesn't really come into it, it doesn't fit. I'm 'angry', 'happy' 'anxious' 'fearful' 'upset' 'depressed'. It's hard to argue against feelings when they hold merit. If I say I'm scared aliens will abduct me; Then you don't necessarily argue that I'm not scared, but delusional. - Because the argument likely does not hold merit - Knowing that people 'cannot argue with feelings' is a part of manipulating others. (Playing the 'Guilt' or 'Victim' cards comes to mind) Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 17 February 2019 10:59:54 AM
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Hey Foxy,
"We really should not blame any religion for the actions of fundamentalists or extremists within that religion." Why the hell not? We'll blame the religious person who refuses reasonable medical treatment for their child don't we? We assign blame then, right? With 'Secular Ethics' we can judge the quality of a particular religions merits; With Ethics we could line all religions up and compare them just like you do when you're choosing an internet or phone plan. So why not exactly? And as a further question; What do you think might be the long term result of 'wilful ignorance' or 'not ever assigning any blame' on this particular issue? - Food for Thought - Always gotta look at the Pro's and Con's - Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 17 February 2019 11:07:51 AM
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Yes. I know Kruger has been villified. That's what happens when treacherous politicians poison our society with dangerous immigrants and fail to remove the Kangaroo Court that a majority of Australians want removed. It is too late now for a political solution; the politicians have sold us out, and we now have to ponder what really unpleasant medicine is required to get ourselves back on track. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 17 February 2019 11:22:30 AM
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There are still a lot of stupid people ready to vilify the Sonia Krugers of society.
I think we should send them to experience working with the European Border controls. Posted by individual, Sunday, 17 February 2019 12:57:27 PM
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I'up in India at the moment, an India that is somewhat annoyed at the murder of approx. 40 of its service personnel by a Muslim suicide car bomber in Kashmir.
My great Muslim mate has been reading over my shoulder and he just said again,"Australia is mad to have Muslim migrants". He cannot understand why we are importing a problem. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 17 February 2019 3:32:15 PM
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He cannot understand why we are importing a problem.
is Mise, neither can non-leftist Australians. Posted by individual, Sunday, 17 February 2019 7:25:25 PM
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Runner: The sooner we get a Government with enough sense and courage to get rid of these useless AT bodies the better. Overpaid leaches who need to vilify and demonise anyone that disagrees with their sick narrative.
At the moment the AAT is stacked with Lefty/Greenies Lawyers who are on a great wicket. There-in lies the problem. Belly: Deflection. Not applicable to this conversation. HenryL: Every practicing muslim has an ideology that is incompatible to western society. True. Foxy: Muslims in this country living peaceful lives and contributing to our communities. That is, until the Islamic population reaches about 3.5%, then all hell breaks loose. HenryL: We had to invoke laws to stop them going to Syria. Now that was a really stupid Law. We had a chance to rid Australia of these evil people & failed. Foxy: We really should not blame any religion for the actions of fundamentalists or extremists within that religion. Is that why “All Catholics” get the blame for “all” the paedophile action. I support Sonia. Posted by Jayb, Monday, 18 February 2019 10:39:52 AM
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We've had criminal gangs in this country from its early history - and where did those people come from? Look into our history. Ever watch the "ünder-belly "series on TV? and that's set in relatively recent times. The Williams clan and the Morans - still in business? And that's only Melbourne. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 February 2019 12:04:11 PM
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cont'd ...
Jayb., No, all Catholics do not get the blame for the behaviour of some of their pedophile clergy. Its the failure of the Church to deal with it effectively that has done immeasureable damage to victims. The cover-ups, the protection of abusive clergy and the refusal to admit egregious mistakes that are uunjustifiable. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 February 2019 12:31:44 PM
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Foxy: We've had criminal gangs in this country from its
early history. You don't mind having another one added to the list? Foxy: Its the failure of the Church to deal with it effectively that has done immeasurable damage to victims. No mention of the "Cover-ups" of the myriad of other Groups involved in pedophilia. Why is that? Posted by Jayb, Monday, 18 February 2019 3:38:05 PM
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Merely responding to your raising the issue of Catholicism and pedophilia. You did not mention anything else. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 18 February 2019 3:57:46 PM
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Foxy: Muslims in this country living peaceful lives and contributing to our communities
Jayb, I clearly recall the Foxys' of Europe saying this when I was a apprentice there in the mid 60's. It was that mentality that made me pack up & leave. Those who I'm still in contact with are increasingly furious with those ignoramuses. It's all a numbers game for them till they make THE difference on the census form. You''re pretty close with your 3.5%. Posted by individual, Monday, 18 February 2019 4:32:40 PM
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Foxy: Its the failure of the Church to deal with it effectively that has done immeasurable damage to victims. The cover-ups, the protection of abusive clergy and the refusal to admit egregious mistakes that are
unjustifiable. While I agree that the Church (Usually taken as Catholic) could have done better, there is never any mention of the Cover-ups by the Anglican Church, Protestant Churches, Jewish Temples, Boy/Girl Cub & Scouts, (Personal Knowledge) Gymnastics, (Personal Knowledge) Dance (Personal knowledge), Caddying for Golfers (Personal knowledge) Various Orphanages. Only "The Church" Taken to be The Catholics. No-one vilifies these other Organizations. Why is that? Posted by Jayb, Monday, 18 February 2019 7:40:06 PM
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and where did those people come from?
Foxy, they came as a result of the do-gooder mentality of half-backed pseudo academic "experts" sponsored primarily by Leftist propaganda & indoctrination. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 8:50:38 AM
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Possibly because the abuse was so wide spread and common knowledge among Catholics. The Catholic kids used to socialize and play sport with others after school and weekends and they informed us about it. they openly talked about the brothers, nuns and priests. It has been going on for many generations and what gets me is that the parents knew about it from their own schooling and yet they sent their own kids to the same schools and put them to the same risks. Many kids must have told their parents and yet were not believed or ignored. So the parents have to share some of the blame. Dolly Everett's parents regret not taking her home when they found the school was not doing anything about the bullying. One wonders how many kids died because of the sex abuse at other schools. Posted by HenryL, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 9:05:50 AM
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We've had a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse. We've had an apology from our PM to the victims of child sexual abuse - yet you claim that this problem has not been openly discussed. Perhaps you should get out more often or at the very least stay better informed on the subject before posting. For your information: And - Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:09:25 AM
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cont'd ...
Jayb., Sorry for the typo - here's the link again: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:14:25 AM
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Final attempt: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 10:21:31 AM
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I have found that our media have generalized and not given graphic detail of individual cases. whether this is an attempt to cover up or play down how the perpetrators operated, I do not know. Maybe they think they are protecting us. However some US sites and Irish reporting gives explicit details if you want to know. But it may turn your stomach. I found it difficult to sleep after. One day someone may put the Australian details of individual stories in a book as i think it should be exposed widely. On needs details to appreciate what the victims went through and how the perpetrators operated and got away with it. Today the media will not use the word suicide to describe how someone died, you have to imagine it. Posted by HenryL, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 11:19:08 AM
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Foxy: We've had a Royal Commission into child sexual abuse. We've had an apology from our PM to the victims of child sexual abuse - yet you claim that this problem has not been openly discussed.
Yes, we've had a Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse & I'm grateful for that. It's the Media & talk from the General Public (usually anti-Catholic) that all pedophilia was committed by Catholic Priests. There is very little reporting on Pedophilia committed by the Anglican Church, Protestant Churches, Jewish Temples, Boy/Girl Cub & Scouts, (Personal Knowledge) Gymnastics, (Personal Knowledge) Dance (Personal knowledge), Caddying for Golfers (Personal knowledge) Various Orphanages. (Added; Lawyers, Barristers & Judges.) These other Groups were found to be just as involves in Pedophilia as the Catholics. All except the Law Fraternity were not questioned before the Commission. (I wonder why that was?) None of these other Groups have been vilified to the extent the Catholic were. Do you have an answer for that fact? Does this hark back to the Catholic Verses the C of E/Protestant divide of old? I still support Sonia Kruger. Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 11:27:55 AM
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I grew up in a large country town/city which had quite a few schools and orphanages/homes of different christian denominations. There was never any talk about sex or physical abuse except for the RC ones. The RC one were so big I suppose it was hard to keep it quiet. The Sally orphanage kids used to walk together to and from school and generally stick together in the playground. I was shocked to hear the commission mention our town as a place where the Sally kids were physically abused, we never knew. I suppose there was sex abuse involving other organizations but it seems to be individual so kept quiet. Posted by HenryL, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 1:05:55 PM
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meanwhile sexual abuse is at a much higher level than anywhere among the Indigeneous communities now. Oh well does not fit the sick narrative of regressives.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 1:23:35 PM
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Much has been written on the issues as well as films produced. Do the research. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 2:20:15 PM
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Foxy: Much has been written on the issues as well as films produced.
Mostly only condemning only Catholics. You are avoiding the Question. Why isn't the same Media Attention given to those other Groups? Foxy: Do the research. I have. I have found the Media avoids mentioning the other Groups. Why is that? HenryL: There was never any talk about sex or physical abuse except for the RC ones. I support Sonia. Of course no because as soon as someone of the other Christian Denominations got caught they were immediately disowned by that Church. "Oh, he/she wasn't a real [insert name of Denomination here]" Very convenient, don't you think? I think it's a combination oaf factors. The Catholics were supposed to be, "Holier than Thou" & the hatred towards the Catholics by the other Denominations, an attitude pervades even in this day & age. I get the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door & virtually the first thing they want to talk about is how the Catholics are going to Hell. Same with the Seven Day Adventists & Southern Baptists. I luv 'em, bless their dammed souls. ;-) Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:26:29 PM
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Those who vilify Sonia Kruger are the real racists & traitors.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:33:29 PM
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'I get the Jehovah Witnesses knocking on my door & virtually the first thing they want to talk about is how the Catholics are going to Hell'
that not quite accurate. The JW's don't see hell as a place of eternal torment for humans. They wrongly teach annihilation along with a lot of other unbiblical nonsense. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 4:51:08 PM
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Henry L,
I spent my whole school life in Catholic schools and there was, as I've mentioned previously, only one teacher who fondled little boys, I told my parents and dad contacted other fathers and the result was that the offender was removed and then left the Religious Order of which he was a member. We heard later that he had married, had a family and was a solid citizen. I had no compunction in sending my children to Catholic schools both in Australia and Ireland, and having discussed the matter of sexual abuse with all of them as adults, they never experienced any or heard of any; probably just a matter of luck. My classmates and I saw the actions of the teacher, in our cases, as being wrong and going against all that we had been taught regarding both faith and morals, so, despite the pervading culture of the time of not snitching, we acted appropriately. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 6:29:09 PM
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I am not & I don't think I will ever be religious but, going by what I see happening around me I'd rather have one JW friend than a thousand of any other religion. For a start they don't have hierarchies who live surrounded by unimaginable wealth, all conned out of poorly paid workers. Religions are a bit like unions, promising the world until they got you in their grip & then forget about you until next they need more money ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 6:37:59 PM
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I am not & I don't think I will ever be religious but, going by what I see happening around me I'd rather have one JW friend than a thousand of any other religion. My personal experience is that JW's are generally very nice people. Like most cults they don't treat those leaving very well. They also require members to tithe like many other protestant churches. I personally don't have a problem with this but to make out that the Watchtower organisation is not some rich organisation built on members money is totally misleading. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 7:44:09 PM
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"Religions are a bit like unions, promising the world until they got you in their grip & then forget about you until next they need more money" Well, that lets the Catholic Church out as Catholicism doesn't promise this world, but the next!! Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 7:59:38 PM
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JB: Catholics are going to Hell'
runner: that not quite accurate. The JW's don't see hell as a place of eternal torment for humans. They wrongly teach annihilation along with a lot of other unbiblical nonsense. Oh yes, you are right, But they do go on about Catholics. I hit them with verses from the Bible. You know the ones about eating you children, girls first & if you don't then God won't like you. Then a little further on about having kids who misbehave. You have to take them to the edge of town & stone them to death. Deuteronomy. Then Moses who actually committed the first sins. Anger Broke the Tablets. Murder, told his brother to go & kill all the people that hadn't had the Commandment explained to them, but he knew about it. Then how did he get 80000 people across the Red Sea. At Ten abreast with no supply train. 16 kilometers of people at 2kph with no rest would take a couple of days. Then the Baggage train to cover their march only for a few days would take 800000 Donkeys. Or 400 kilometers of Donkeys or a little more than 8 days of continuous walking, no rest. Ahh... I love them. Nice people though. Old Bill send his new recruits down to see me to get an education. ;-) Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 February 2019 9:23:56 PM
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Here's another attack on nationalism, from USA. This one looks like a false flag. These leftists scream about 'equality' but they're the worst kinds of people. They think its ok to lie and make up stories in order to claim victimhood. Makes me think of a small childchucking a tantrum screaming "I wanna be the victim." - How utterly pathetic - Is it a gay thing or a leftist thing? - Maybe they ran out of Christian bakeries to harass? And yes, our media took the bait and went with the pro-left fake news as well. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 20 February 2019 7:24:21 AM
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I see we have moved of subject of vilification by Sonia to the old hobby horse of - bash the Christians, they do not have blasphemy laws.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 20 February 2019 8:54:29 AM
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that lets the Catholic Church out as Catholicism doesn't promise this world, but the next!!
is Mise, You could have fooled me by looking at the wealth in the Vatican alone ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 20 February 2019 9:01:19 AM
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Sure there is wealth but, like the British Crown Jewels, the wealth can't be sold as it really belongs to the world. The value of the 'Pieta' is incalculable, remember the world wide outcry when it went on tour; not only Catholics were frightened that something might have happened to it. The Papal car collection in the Vatican Museum is worth millions as are the various stands of arms of the Papal military forces over the centuries. One might add Michelangelo's Chapel ceiling art work to the wealth, but how could it be realised? Regardless of the wealth, it does not negate the fact that Catholicism doesn't promise the world as you erroneously said. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 February 2019 3:17:28 PM
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This might explain where some of the money goes, and some of it helps to keep your taxes down. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 20 February 2019 3:37:35 PM
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he wealth can't be sold as it really belongs to the world.
is Mise, It's the creation of that wealth that denies many people the ability to plan & save. If things can't be sold or create an economic benefit then they must surely be worthless ? How much do pointless & incompetent public servants cost Australia every year ? Any figures on that ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 February 2019 7:50:43 AM
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"How much do pointless & incompetent public servants cost Australia every year ? Any figures on that ?"
Catholic or otherwise? Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 21 February 2019 8:50:20 AM
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is Mise,
those on taxpayers money ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 21 February 2019 10:57:52 AM
So just to be sure, I checked an Australian government website to check the facts.
(I can't find the actual laws and that annoyed me, are they trying to hide it?)
"Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for someone to do an act that is reasonably likely to 'offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate' someone because of their race or ethnicity."
"Section 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act contains exemptions which protect freedom of speech. These ensure that artistic works, scientific debate and fair comment on matters of public interest are exempt from section 18C, providing they are said or done reasonably and in good faith."
Lets check the Oxford dictionary to check what 'exempt' means:
Exempt - free from an obligation or liability imposed on others.
If Sonia Kruger is 'free from an obligation or liability' imposed by 18C; providing her statements are an extension of her true beliefs and said reasonably and in good faith then she has not committed ANY CRIME and has NOTHING to answer for, right?
From the article:
QUOTE>>..."Apart from that issue, we would have found that both [Kruger and the Nine Network] engaged in racial vilification of the Australian Muslim community, being Muslims living in Australia," the tribunal said.
It accepted that Kruger and Nine were "acting in good faith without malice and not for an improper purpose" but said it "cannot accept that the remarks of Ms Kruger were 'reasonable'".<<
Here's my questions.
Firstly, do others believe Sonia's opinions were reasonable or should she and Nine be prosecuted for them and if so why?
Secondly, is Sonia Kruger herself being unfairly vilified by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, who don't seem to respect her right to speak freely under section 18D?