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Taxpayers To Foot The Far Right Travel Bill

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I honestly don't think anyone can claim far-right on these people.
For me, the proof of such a claim needs to be evidenced by violence and public damage of property, which to my knowledge did not occur.

You'll certainly see this behavior in the left however; 'Antifa', and their willingness for public destruction.
These are people who either work at universities or attend them, and who live off the taxpayers dollar.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 9:34:44 AM
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Lying through your teeth again I see. Firstly I have never claimed to be a supporter of Bernardi or Hanson etc, only Abbott who is far more centrist than any of the far left whinge gangrene party.

I bet that you were on the other side waving the hammer and sickle and supporting the rights of the African gangs to rape and pillage whiteys, and the rights of the greens to molest women and children.

I don't support extremists of either ilk such as one nation or the greens.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:10:56 AM
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I can't understand how anyone can champion a
Far Right Rally where the supporters stand
under an Australian flag doing Nazi salutes.
And having a Member of Parliament from another
state flying in for the rally is really

As for the claim that there was no violence?
According to The Guardian Australia -
a man in a ute equipped with speakers and a
megaphone drove down the Esplanade in St Kilda
chanting "Sudanese are welcome, racists are not."
Right Wing protesters surrounded his vehicle,
broke the speakers and ran off with the generator.

In another heated confrontation - Right Wing
protesters broke through police lines and tried
grabbing banners from anti-racism campaigners.
Police sprayed capsicum spray and used rubber
pellets before arresting the Right Wing
protesters. The Guardian Australia saw people
being led away by police.

This is the latest headline grabbing protest
in a series of demonstrations by Far Right Groups
in the state. From Federation Square in 2015,
to protests against the building of Bendigo's
mosque - where they made a video in which they
beheaded a dummy with a toy sword and for which
they got convicted and fined. In early 2016
they changed their main message and began
targeting African crime with gangs as their
main focus. And so it goes. Undoubtedly -
more to come. Senator Fraser obviously needs
the publicity. He needs more than the few votes
he got in the past to be re-elected. He's
probably hoping that these extreme tactics will
give him the air-time he needs.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:22:09 AM
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A reply to Foxy's Post.

The extremist organisers of the St Kilda “anti-racist” rally (and why you haven’t heard about them).

Groups represented:
FSP. Freedom Socialist Party.
CARF, Campaign against Fascism Group.
SAlt. Socialist Alternative Group.
ANCA. Anarchist Collective Action Group.
M&AASA. Marxist & Socialist Alternative Action Group.
& a few other minor Groups.

All funded by Marxist, Communists, & Labor.

Sue Munro. Well known Marxist. Famous Quote, " Cuba isn't Communist enough." Hmmm...
Stephan Jolly. Well known Marxist.
Anthony Main. FSP
Debbie Brennan. FSP.
Anthony Kelly. Melbourne Anarchists.
David Hollis. Convicted murderer.
Kieran Bennett. Marxist Organizer.
Vasyli Kenway. Marxist Organizer.
Tess Demos. M&SA.
Stefan Molyneux. Marxist Organizer.
Lauren Southern. Marxist Organizer.

Now isn't that a fine bunch of Marxist/Communists/Socialist Traitors to Australia's Freedom. These people, who have killed hundreds of millions of people throughout the World, have the hide to demonstrate against people demonstrating against Criminal Gangs being allowed to roam the streets with impunity.

Let's make it clear I don't support Nazi's or Anti Jewish Groups either. I consider these people to be on a par with the Marxist Groups, etc. I do support the removal of anyone who is a danger to Australia's Free Society.

These are the people you support Foxy? Hmmm...
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:26:30 AM
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Foxy we can only take some relief from a very simple truth
Most here in no way are representative of mainstream Australia
Worthwhile media is full of contempt for the idiots from the far right
We must be content with understanding minority views seen here are forever just that, minority opinion
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:27:17 AM
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The usual Far Left posters, Paul 1405 and Foxy carry on as though their Marxist Storm Troops weren't even at the rally. As has been said many times, the Far Left is interested only in painting as evil anyone not like them. Any post by one of the few conservatives on OLO triggers the blinding red haze, and the ranting kicks in. There is no point in arguing with them, or giving them the time of day.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 8 January 2019 10:55:42 AM
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