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Taxpayers To Foot The Far Right Travel Bill

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They attract fringe members
with neo-Nazi and criminal links.

Blair Cottrell claimed that the rally had massive
support that up to 500 were in attendance - dwarfed
Antifa..." Actually, there were less than 150 and
the anti-racism protesters far outnumbered
them (300).

Cottrell with his megaphone
told people it was time to "Take back the beach."
It was raining in Melbourne - and there was no
one on the beach at the time. He also claimed that
Africans were "raping and pillaging." It sounds
like there's a war going on in his mind.
But there's more of the lies at the following link:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 January 2019 10:06:09 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Thanks for that info on the pair of criminals, it makes some of the "law and order" forum mob who were bleating about Anning's association with Cottrell and Erikson, as nothing more than hanging out with a couple of the good old boys, more or less victims of a system out to get em'. They are painted as doing nothing more than having a little bit of light-hearted fun at the expense of a few minorities in the community, all very harmless.

jayb, I never said I objected to Anning attending Neo-Nazi organised rallies, shameful as they may be. What I object to is having taxpayers footing the travel bill. As a private citizen Anning should be free to attend all the odd ball events he likes. BY billing the taxpayer for "work related expenses" implies it is the legitimate function of an MP to be involved in this sort of crap.
His involvement should be a matter for the voters, not the taxpayers. If Anning wants to load up a mini van full of his extremists mates, Skin Heads and Nazi's etc, and drive to the next far right protest rally a 1,000 clicks away, he should be free to do so, but not have the taxpayer foot the petrol bill etc.

Two bits of proof required; //Greens attending the Antifa side of the Anti-Rally://

//who paid their Travel Expenses?// If the first bit is correct and they were attendees, which we haven't established, only your say so. If a third party, like the taxpayer, footed some travel bill that would be wrong. I don't believe the taxpayer did in fact foot any bill for these people. But if you have evidence, please put it up.

//ANTIFA is dam side worse than any Nazi's & I don't support Nazi's either.// jayb you needed to say that, the bit about you not supporting Nazi's do you believe there is some doubt on that score. BTW what do you use as a "worseness" indicator, your own sympathies and perceptions.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 January 2019 12:59:53 PM
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It's a good thing this medium is one of 'opinions', because so far all the 'opinions' have been just that.
It behoves me to point out that what we are witnessing in an 'opinion' forum is many things, from speculation, to trepidation.
Which one are you?
I find it pointless giving opinions, unless this is a problem solving think tank forum, where we are called upon to find solutions which can benefit mankind and those solutions will be introduced as law, otherwise we are achieving 'nothing'.
I cannot believe there are those who see opinions as fact.
As in this topic, 'all' the material used as the basis of discussion are simply opinions and those of second and third parties at that.
I have not heard ONE submission from anyone who was actually 'there'.
All the words and emotions expressed in these baseless, fact-less 'side-show alley', cum lynch-mob style debates, only adds to an already un-informed, mis-informed image an observer who has been following OLO has slowly garnered over time.
Can anyone think of another forum which promotes facts and truth's and not opinions, I would be greatful for any info.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 12 January 2019 1:35:15 PM
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ALTRAV, just posted his 1386th opinion on the forum.....a slow learner.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 January 2019 2:56:33 PM
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Paul1405, unlike some, mine is relative and surprise, surprise also comes with supporting facts, which under this forums requirements, is a bonus.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 12 January 2019 3:32:12 PM
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ALTRAVE, you had the audacity to refer to me as an "idiot", but in your typical snot nosed style, you put it in the form of a rhetorical question. "Who's the idiot that started this discussion?" Man up boy, if you want to call me an idiot, then do so DIRECTLY! If I wanted to call you an idiot, which I don't, I wouldn't hide behind some puncy rhetorical question I'd throw it straight at you; ALTRAVE you are an idiot. But calling people idiots is a bit hackneyed, like all those other descriptions you like to throw around, maggot etc, not very original, not very imaginative.

As for you posts containing "supporting facts", get a reality check, your post like most here, mine included, are nothing special, they are made up from your biased opinions. You must enjoy this forum otherwise you wouldn't have made 1300 odd posts. Now that's a fact.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 12 January 2019 4:51:26 PM
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