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The Forum > General Discussion > Should the Sydney Opera House be Used as a Billboard

Should the Sydney Opera House be Used as a Billboard

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Let's simply exaggerate this problem further for analysis. What we are involved here-with, the hype about the grossness (sic), of advertising a horse race on the sails of the opera house, is the pointy end of the culture wars. It's one that is driven extensively by the arts.
As if those involved in the arts, own the arts: Well, no they don't. Vis a vis, who controls the ABC? Another subject not far removed from the opera house.

Assuming there is a rule at play here, (and there is a rule at play), who sets the rule.
The rule is, there is one dominating culture in Australia at the moment, and that is equality. Equality is the smoke screen for gay rights. (Homosexuality predominates the arts. Every second jack and his dog are gay).

To test the robust nature of our Democracy, I propose the right wing political factions, be permitted to project the image of a swastika onto the sails, on special occasions.
Could you imagine the howls of protest? Well I'm serious!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 11 October 2018 3:31:27 PM
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Dear diver dan,

My goodness you do seem to be tying yourself into knots over this.

Tim Wilson, who most people would regard pretty far to the right in his politics was one of the strongest proponents of same sex marriage.

The same electorate that voted in Tony Abbott gave this country one of the strongest yes votes.

This was is no way a strictly right/left issue and for you to try and paint it as such is dishonest.

For you to be conflating this with the crass commercialism elbowing its way on to a national icon is idiotic.

Frame your argument properly if you want it openly considered.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 11 October 2018 6:57:06 PM
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I'll start at the bottom, and if you wish to play the role of a quirky fag boy, I'm more than happy to engage you on my post.

*…Frame your argument properly if you want it openly considered…*

I've done that, the argument against radical political groups such as the gay rights movement, usurping the exclusive use of the opera house for the purpose of furthering the questionable agenda of their cause, is well put. I've offered an alternative view of a similar radical political group, right wing extremists the same privileges in furthering their cause, by allowing them the use of the opera house sails on which to project the image of swastikas, symbolic of their movement. You are thick, I'll try to be nice.
My argument is not about commercialism…now pay attention…it is a challenge to its “existing use”… got that?

*…This was is no way a strictly right/left issue and for you to try and paint it as such is dishonest…*

Listen fag boy. The gay rights movement is radically left wing. They plaster their symbolic crap on the opera house! Unchallenged!

*…The same electorate that voted in Tony Abbott gave this country one of the strongest yes votes…*


*…Tim Wilson, who most people would regard pretty far to the right in his politics was one of the strongest proponents of same sex marriage…*

Heard of the word traitor? Another at the moment is Turnbull’s treacherous son, bad mouthing the Liberal Party. There is another “fag boy” at work, doing the worst he can for his friends; obviously it runs in the family!

*…My goodness you do seem to be tying yourself into knots over this…*

You do have difficulty following a straightforward truthful line. Keep practicing by reading my posts, you might learn something!

Till then FO.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 11 October 2018 8:40:37 PM
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Dear diver dan,

Thought so.

Look mate it is pretty evident you are struggling with your sexuality. Time and time again those who are the most rabidly anti-gay are found to be closeted, self-denying and self-hating homosexuals and you fit every single stereotype.

Who can forget Ted Haggard, the bloke Richard Dawkins interviewed during his program.
Former leader of the National Association of Evangelicals representing over 40,000 churches it turns out he was snorting crack of a male prostitute's arse in his spare time.

Or this delightful rabidly anti-gay baptist minister who got caught with a rent boy off Craig's List.

There is less than a condom wrapper separating you from them.

At some stage you are going to have to face your hidden self, not that I think it is likely to happen any time soon because your denial is pretty brittle.

Instead you are likely to ratchet up your homophobic diatribe on forums like this which will only serve to exhibit to the rest of us your obvious deeply conflicted sexuality.

Get some help old chap.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 11 October 2018 9:46:24 PM
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Thanks for your comments Diver Dan.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 11 October 2018 10:32:23 PM
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Yes Steele, Dan/Kim is obviously a person struggling with his sexuality. Most likely an older male, probably married, at the cross roads, fearing the shame and scorn that could be unleashed by family and friends should his true sexuality be revealed.

Dan there is help available out there, and it is confidential, a call to Lifeline 13 11 14 would be a good starting point. they can advise without incrimination.

I'm being serious, don't continue to bury your sexuality problem, even if its been years hidden away, come out, and you might be surprised how supportive those close to you can be.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 October 2018 5:59:53 AM
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